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1、2023/11/12,1,Unit Eight Shipment,2023/11/12,2,Shipping Details Confirmation讨论装运细节,在生产的同时,往往需要和客户确认具体的出运方式。虽然报价的时候也许协商过一些条款,比如装运港,海运还是空运,整柜还是散货等。但在实际操作中,也许还会有一些困难或误差。所以在出货前,必须跟客户详细谈论出运的细节。,2023/11/12,3,Subject:Shipping details for#W-YK153,Dear Clair,The goods were completely passed the re-inspection

2、by SGS.I have contacted with forwarder,and was advised the cargo cut-off date 12/27.But the CBM is just 19.2,and couldnt fill in a full 20GP.Would you like to ship them by LCL or FCL?B.R.,Practical Expressions,请告诉我截关日期。Please advise the cargo cut-off date.麻烦你要求货代安排另一班快船。Kindly ask forwarder to arran

3、ge another quick vessel.我们会订一个40尺整柜,剩下的部分走散货。We could book 1*40GP,and the other goods will be shipped by LCL.,2023/11/12,4,Useful Tips,GP-General Purpose Container普柜HQ/HC-High Cube Container高柜RF-Reefer Container冷柜RH-Reefer high cube Container冷高柜,2023/11/12,5,2023/11/12,6,Keep Customer Informed the S

4、hip Date&ETA告知客人装运和预计到港时间,货物出运后,必须再次告知客户具体的航次以及预计的到港时间,好让客户了解具体情况,以使其联系目的港的货代,安排货物在当地的清关、运输及其他进口手续等。,2023/11/12,7,Subject:ETD&ETA for#W-YK153,Dear Clair,The goods were shipped by Hyundai vessel*.Please find the loading supervision photos in attachment,with container No.*for your reference.The ship d

5、ate was 12/27 and ETA would be 1/13.B.R.,2023/11/12,8,Useful Tips,关于装运的时间点顺序:ETD:Estimated Time of Delivery(预计出运时间)Cargo Cut-off Date:截关日Ship Date:开船日ETA:Estimated Time of Arrival(预计到港时间),Practical Expressions,货昨天已经出运,预计到港日是1月25日The goods were shipped yesterday and the ETA would be 25 Jan.从上海港到长滩港,海

6、运大概需要14天。It will take roughly 14 days,from Shanghai port to Long Beach.货物会在法兰克福机场中转,然后再发往(挪威)奥斯陆。The goods will be transited in Frankfurt airport and then delivered to Oslo.,2023/11/12,9,2023/11/12,10,Invitation Letter邀请函,办理邀请外商来华签证申报所需材料:1、邀请外国人来华签证申报表2、被邀请的每人的护照复印件3、双方购销合同4、对方公司营业执照,2023/11/12,11,

7、Invitation Letter,To whom it may concern:We would like to inform you that _ is our important customer in USA and it is necessary to have business dealings&meetingstogether on various marketing&sales matters,herein we invite the following person to come to China:Full Name:Nationality:Passport No:,202

8、3/11/12,12,The visit time is from _ to _ in China.We would appreciate if the necessary visa would be granted and thank you in advance for your kind assistant.Best regardsNamePositionCompany:Signature,2023/11/12,13,Auto-reply for Leave 不在办公室的自动回复,出差、病假或休假期间,往往不能在第一时间处理邮件。为了避免客户久等,或者错过某些重要事项,需要在邮箱里设置好

9、自动回复。让客人知道,有紧急的事情,如何联系到你,或者应该联系谁。,2023/11/12,14,Subject:Cindys absent from Jul.14th to Aug.1st,Dear Clair,Im not in the office from Jul.14th to Aug.1st,and have limited time to check and reply e-mails in that period.For any urgent issues,please contact my colleague Ms.Jenny Chow at+852-*-*,and jenny

10、chow*.Sorry for the inconvenience!Best Rgds,Cindy,2023/11/12,15,Subject:Dans Sick Leave,Dear Clair,Im on sick leave from 3rd to 5th,and will be back to office on 7thPlease contact with my colleague Ms.Jenny Chow at+852-*-*for urgent issues.And you could also call my cell phone in this period.Sorry f

11、or the inconvenience!Best Rgds,Dan,2023/11/12,16,Subject:Millies annual leave,Dear Clair,I will be on Annual Leave from 25th July and 4th August,and will not e-mail in this period.My assistant Johnny will help me to reply emails then.Please contact him directly for any issues.If very important or ur

12、gently problem,please do not hesitate to call my mobiles.Best Rgds,Millie,2023/11/12,17,Fair Arrangement Inform通知客户展会安排,一旦决定参加某个展会,应该在第一时间通知现有和潜在的所有客户,争取见面的机会。尤其是一些大的综合性展会和国内外的行业展,都有可能与现有客户或潜在客户见面,寻找新的合作机会。一般情况下,需要在半个月前就提前通知,然后三天前再提醒一次,以免客户遗忘。,2023/11/12,18,Subject:Canton fair booth No.*,Dear Clair,Glad to inform you that we will attend the Canton Fair Phase II&Phase III this autumn.Please find our booth number:Phase II:11.1 A16-17Phase III:10.3 A11Please visit our booth for reviewing our new seasonal products for 2013.Hope to meet you and AlexBest Rgds,


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