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1、Lecture 10 Contract,Objectives:After this section you will:be able to translate and make a Sales Confirmation.be able to translate and make a Sales Contract.,Key Words&Expressions,duplicatecounter-signin due course,Language Points,Enclosed please find the duplicate with our countersignature.,随函附上我方会

2、签的合同。,We have some stock left,and shall be able to meet your requirements if you wish to duplicate your last order.,我们尚有一些库存,你方若愿意重复上次订单我们能满足你方的要求。,1.duplicate v.n.重复;使再发生exactly the same as something,or made as an exact copy of something:,Language Points,这是我方第007号销售合同,如你方认为合同内容无误,请会签并退回一份供我方归档。,2.c

3、ounter-signature n.会签 Countersign:v.to sign a paper that has already been signed by someone else:The note must be countersigned by a doctor.,我们及时会签了合同,现在寄回一份供你方存档。,We have duly counter-signed the contract and are returning one copy for your file.,This is our S/C No.007.If you find the contents there

4、in agreeable,please counter-sign and return one copy for our records.,3.in due course ph.适时;及时;如期地,卖方及时收到了有关的信用证。,The seller has received the relative L/C in due course.,Language Points,我们相信货物将如期抵达你处。,We trust the shipment will reach you in due course.,wherebyundermentionedat sellers optionin rushin

5、g,Words&Expressions in the S/C,draftclaimbe filedbe liable fornotifyfurnishregisteredattesting,Attachment 1 Sales Confirmation,销售确认书 编号:168 参见:订单编号卖方:BCD有限公司买方:ABC有限公司兹经买卖双方同意由卖方出售给买方下列货物,并按如下条款签订本合同:品名:海尔空调规格:HRAP 35 GW数量:2,000台单价:每台US$300 CIF大阪,日本总额:US$600,000支付:凭不可撤销的、保兑的信用证装运:收到相关信用证后15天内安排装运唛头:

6、由卖方决定装运港:中国港口目的港:大阪,日本保险:由卖方办理签约于地点 时间,Attachment 2 Sales Contract,Contents of a Sales Contract,1.Title=合同名称及其编号。2.Preamble序文:包括签约日期、地点、当事人名称、地址及其法律地位。3.Name of Commodity商品名称。4.Quality Clause 品质条款:包括约定品质的决定方式及其时间和地点。5.Quantity Clause数量条款:包括约定数量单位、交付数量的决定时间和地点,以及溢短装数量的解决办法等。,Contents of a Sales Contr

7、act,6.Price Clause 价格条款:包括价格种类、结构、使用货币计算单位以及币值或价格变动风险的归宿等。7.Packing Clause 包装条款“包括包装的方式、方法、包装的材料以及唛头等。8.Delivery Clause 交货期:包括交货时间、地点、交货方式、交货通知等。9.Payment Clause支付条款:包括支付方式、支付工具以及支付时间等。,Contents of a Sales Contract,7.Insurance Clause保险条款:包括由何方保险、投保险别、金额与货币约定保险人等。8.Inspection Clause 检验条款:包括项目、检验时间与地点

8、、检验机构、检验方法,检验效力及其费用的负担等。9.Claim Clause索赔条款:包括索赔的期限及其通知方法,应提出的证明文件,索赔货物和付款的关系,以及解决索赔的基本原则。10.Arbitration Clause 仲裁条款:包括范围、地点、仲裁机构及其费用的负担等。,Contents of a Sales Contract,11.Force Majeure Clause 不可抗力条款:包括不可抗力事故的原因、通知时间和方法、应提出的文件,以及免责事项等。12.Breach and Cancellation of Contract Clause 违约及解除契约权条款:包括违约的处理方法,

9、解约事由和解约后的赔偿等。13.Miscellaneous Clause 其他条款:依据契约的性质和具体情况,可以包括进出口许可证条款、税捐条款、通知条款、唯一合同条款,以及合同能否转让及其条件等条款。,(Chinese version)销售合同 合同编号:999 签约日期:签约地:卖方:BCD有限公司 买方:ABC有限公司地址:NOVEMRE,21012 地址:NO.58 ROAD SHIXIANG CASSANO ITALY HANGZHOU,ZHEJIANG,CHINA电话:+91-02-6699585 电话:+86-571-28877556传真:+91-02-6699585 传真:+8

10、6-571-28877556兹经买卖双方同意由卖方出售给买方下列货物,并按如下条款签订本合同:品名:水泵规格:HRA 263数量:20 台单价:每台US$780 CIF 上海,中国总额:US$15,600,000支付:凭不可撤销的、保兑的、30天期远期信用证支付,装运:2008年1/2月唛头:由卖方决定装运港:意大利米兰港目的港:中国上海港转运及分批装运:均允许保险:由卖方办理商品检验:买卖双方同意以装运港的公共检验机构出具的品质和重量检验证书作为交货的依据。异议与索赔:买方对于装运货物的任何索赔,必须于货物到港后30天内提出,并须提供由卖方同意的公正机构出具的检验报告,属于保险公司或船公司责

11、任范围的索赔,卖方不予受理。不可抗力:如由于不可抗力的原因导致卖方不能全部或部分装运或延迟装运合同项下的货物,卖方对此不承担责任。但卖方必须用传真或航空挂号信于15天内向买方提交由当地商会出具的此类事故证明书。卖方(签章):买方(签章):,填制合同练习:,卖方:北京轻工业进出口公司,买方:纽约贸易公司,商品名称:永久牌自行车,规格:MB28 型,单价:CIF纽约每辆70美元,数量:1000辆,总值:70 000 美元,包装:木箱装,装运期:2005年12月31日前自中国港口至纽约,允许分批装运和装船,付款条件:凭不可撤销即期信用证付款,于装运期前一个月开到卖方,并与上述装运期后15天内在中国议

12、付有效,保险:由卖方根据中国人民保险公司1981年1月1日中国保险条款按发票金额的110%投保一切险和战争险,合同号码:AC 4789,填制合同练习:,Fill in a Contract in English,SALES CONTRACT,Contract No.,Sellers:,Buyers:,This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers,whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the undermentioned comm

13、odity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:,Commodity:,Specifications:,Quantity:,AC4789,Beijing Light Industrial Imp.&Exp.Corporation,General Trading Company,New York,“Forever”Brand Bicycles,Model MB28,1 000 Bicycles,Unit Price:,Total Value:,Packing:,Insurance:,Time of Shipment:,Po

14、rt of Shipment:,Port of Destination:,At US$70 each CIF New York,US$70 000(Say US Dollars Seventy Thousand Only),In wooden cases,To be covered by the sellers for 110%of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk as per PICC dated 1st January,1981.,To be effected not later than 31st December,all

15、owing partial shipments and transshipment.,China Port,New York,Terms of Payment:,Shipping Marks:,At Sellers Option,By irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the Sellers a month prior to the time of shipment and remain valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day after the final date of shipment.,Bei

16、jing,11th,Done and signed in on this day of,2005.,Discussion(Ex.V in Unit 7),Ex IVSales ConfirmationSellers:China National Native Produce&Animal By-Products Import&Export Corporation,Jiangsu Branch.Buyers:Black Co.Ltd.The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transaction

17、according to the terms and conditions stipulated below:,Name of Commodity:Chinese Sweet Potato SlicesSpecifications:FAQ,with moisture 10%maxQuantity:10 000 metric tons with 5%more or less both in amount and quantity allowed at the Sellers optionUnit Price:US$180/MT CIF New YorkTotal Value:US$1 800 0

18、00.00(SAY US DOLLARS ONE MILLION EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND ONLY),Packing:All in bulkTime of Shipment:During December,2007and January,2008Port of Shipment&Destination:From China ports to New York,transshipment&partial shipments allowedInsurance:To be covered by the Sellers for 110%of the invoice value a

19、gainst ALL RISKS and WAR RISKTerms of Payment:By Confirmed,Irrevocable,Letter of credit to be available by sight draft,Shipping Mark:At the Sellers optionInspection:Quality,quantity and weight Certificates issued by Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine of Peoples Republic of China are to be taken as final.Other terms:Seller:Buyer:(signature)(signature),HOMEWORK,Read Page 86-87 of Unit 9,Thank you!,


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