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1、Unit 5 Overcoming Obstacles,Text A True Height,Directions:Find the word from Column A that matches the definition in Column B,Column A Column B1.grace A.strong feeling or enthusiasm,esp.of love,hate or anger2.mere B.make or become less tense,worried or nervous3.numerous C.worry or nervousness4.passi

2、on D.nothing morn than5.detail E.too pleased with ones own abilities or looks6.relax F.happen at the same time7.vain G.quality of being smooth and elegant,esp.in movement or structure8.startle H.feeling worried or nervous;making people worried or nervous9.anxiety I.small,particular fact or item10.te

3、nse J.every other or second K.very many L.a feeling of worry or fear M.give a sudden shock or surprise to N.an intense hatred,Proverbs,Where theres a will,theres a way.有志者事竟成Rome wasnt built in a day.伟业非一日之功罗马非一日建成God helps those who help themselves.皇天不负有心人You shall reap what you sow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆Consta

4、nt dripping wears away the stone.弃而不舍,金石可镂,Olympics,The most important international sports event in the world.Held every four years.The ancient Olympic Games were held in Olympia every four years from 776 392 A.D.The modern Games were first held in 1896 in Greece。In 2008 Beijing hosted the 29th Oly

5、mpic Games.The Olympic symbolfive interlocking red,blue,yellow,black,and green circles on a white field.The Olympic motto is Citius-Altius-Fortius.These words mean“Swifter,Higher,Stronger”.,1.sweat:drops of a liquid similar to water that come through the skin when one is hot,ill,afraid,etc.After the

6、 1000-meter race sweat was running off the athletes.汗从他的额头上滴落(drip)下来。Sweat was dripping from his forehead.v.produce sweatThe long climb made us sweat.Already they were sweating as the sun beat down upon them.当他跑步归来,他大汗淋漓。He was sweating heavily when he returned from his run.Cf.:sweet adj.甜的,甜蜜的,2.m

7、ere:nothing more thanHow can you expect her to work out such a complicated math problem?She is a mere child.从我家到学校只有200米。Its a mere 200 meters from my house to the college.deriv.merely ad.3.Numerous a.very manyDespite numerous attempts to diet,her weight soared.syn.many,a good/great many,plenty of,c

8、ountless,considerableant.few,skinny,4.passion:strong feeling or enthusiasm,esp.of love,hate or anger deriv.passional adj.热情的 passionate adj.易动情的;易怒的;热情的;多情的 passionless adj.无情的 passionately adv.充满热情地;热烈地collocation have a passion for对.有强烈爱好have a passion to do sth.强烈希望做某事She had never before loved a

9、nyone with such passion.她之前从来没有这么有激情地爱过一个人。Cant we talk about this with a little less passion?我们可不可以少带一点愤怒来谈这件事呢?他从来都是充满激情地讲话。He always speaks with great passion.,c,feeling,affection,emotion,sentiment,sensationpassion,这几个词都可指人的感觉或者感受feeling为最常用的词,它既可以指人的任何感情,也可以指生理上愉快或痛苦的感觉。I have no feeling in my i

10、njured finger.我受伤的指头没有任何感觉affection指长辈对小辈,父母对于女等所怀有的那种持久的温馨、慈爱之情。Every mother has affection towards her child.每个母亲都爱自己的孩子。emotion意义最为广泛,意为“感情;情绪”,指人的喜、怒、哀、乐、激动等情感,一般不带任何感情色彩。Love,hatred and grief are all emotions.爱、恨、悲痛都是人的情感。sentiment一般表示一种温柔、细腻的或多愁善感的情感,如怜悯、忧伤以及对过去岁月的缅怀等。,There is no sentiment in

11、business affairs.生意场上没有怜悯之情。sensation指任何感觉器官接受的感觉、印象,也可指对来自体内或体外刺激的任何反应;作为不可数名词讲时,有“感觉力”的意思。She thoroughly gave herself up to the enjoyment of the sensations.她完全融入到愉快的感觉中去了。passion表示强烈的、深沉的而且是无法控制的感情,有时也表示仇恨、气愤等。,5.detail:1)small,particular fact or itemNo details of the negotiation between the two c

12、ountries have been revealed.我仍然能记起我毕业那天(Graduation Day)的每一个细节。I can still recall every detail of my Graduation Day.2)sth.which is unimportant and doesnt affect the main issueShe does not enjoy the details of housekeeping.工资是小事,主要是要找工作。The salary is a detail;the main thing is to find a job.Collocatio

13、n:go into detail(s):explain sth.thoroughlyCan you give me a rough idea of what happened,without going into detail?in detail:fully or thoroughlyAs for the pay increase,we havent yet had a chance to discuss it in detail.她详细地告诉他们会上他们要说什么。She told them in detail what they were going to say at the meetin

14、g.,6.coincide:1)happen at the same time(followed by with)His arrival in Tokyo coincided with the beginning of the war.这次艺术展适逢他逝世50周年。The art exhibition coincides with the 50th anniversary of his death.2)be in agreement(with)He gave great encouragement to his students,especially if their passions hap

15、pen to coincide with his own.100 degrees centigrade coincides with 212 degrees Fahrenheit.我们的兴趣一致。Our interests coincide.,7.alternate:every other or second;happening by turnsTom and Harry do the work on alternate days.汤姆和哈里隔日轮流做这项工作。这是一个晴雨交替的星期。It is a week of alternate rain and sunshine.The little

16、baby often experienced alternate laughter and tears within one day这个婴儿在同一天里经常时笑时哭。deriv.alternately ad.,8.dedicate vt.(to)give up,devote(ones time,energy,etc.to a noble cause or purpose)deriv.dedication n.奉献;贡献 dedicated adj.专注的;献身的The teacher has dedicated all his energy to his students.老师把所有的精力都奉献

17、给了学生。他把第一本书献给他母亲。He dedicated his first book to his mother.devote&dedicatedevote指专心从事某一事业,往往出自热情、理想或个人的兴趣而为某目标、事业等作出贡献。I dont think we should devote any more time to this question.我想我们不应该再花时间谈论这个问题了。The scientist devoted himself to the cure of cancer.那位科学家致力于癌症的治疗研究。dedicate是正式用语,表示为某一崇高的目标或事业献身,强调决

18、心和信心:She dedicated her life to caring for others.她献身于照顾他人。He dedicated his life to service of his country.他终生报效祖国。,9.on one/two/several occasion(s):once/twice/several times in the pastOn several occasions,I attempted to talk with my parents about my taking a part-time job,but my mother instantly int

19、errupted me by asking me questions about my studies.他喝得太多了,有时我看到他喝下一整瓶伏特加酒。He drinks far too much.On occasion I saw him drink a whole bottle of vodka.,10.vain:(1)too pleased with ones own abilities or looksI think he is shallow,vain and untrustworthy.我认为他是个肤浅、虚荣而又不值得信赖的人。她对于自己的外貌很自负。She is vain ofab

20、out her appearance.deriv.vainly adj.自负地;爱虚荣地(2)without use,meaning,value of resultIt was a vain effort.这种努力是徒劳无益的。It is vain to resist.抵抗是没用的。in vain 徒劳;枉然;白费力It became obvious that all their complaints were in vain.很显然他们的抱怨全都是徒劳的。,c,vain,empty,hollow,bare adj.“空的”,“空着的”,vain:意为“空洞的”。empty:主要表示某空间没有

21、人或物,无任何内容。hollow:表示物体内部是空的,如树、气球等。bare:主要指某物表面上是空的、无装饰的。1)The cinema was half _.2)Weve made a _ attempt to make him change his mind.3)Dont sleep on _ boards.4)The poor girl went on for another ten miles on an _ stomach.5)The walls look solid,but in fact theyre _.,empty,vain,bare,empty,hollow,11.star

22、tle:give a sudden shock or surprise toGoodness,how you startled me appearing out of nowhere like that!你吓着我了,我都没听见你进来。You startled me-I didnt hear you come in.deriv.startled a.震惊的startling a.令人吃惊的,惊人的,令人吃惊的 startler n.令人惊骇的人或事件Collocation:startled out of ones wits 惊呆了startled out of ones sleep 从睡梦中惊起

23、,c,startle,frighten,terrify:v.“恐吓”,startle:指短时间内叫人震惊的恐惧,可能造成突然的不由自己的身体不能动弹。I was startled at the news of his death.frighten:是最普通的词,仅表示“吓唬”或“使害怕”。Not wanting to frighten the poor man,Mrs.Richards quickly hid in the small store-room under the stairs.terrify:含义是“使恐惧”,这种恐惧是无法抵抗的,令人瘫痪的。Bruce drove at a terrify speed.,12.breeze n.a soft,gentle wind轻风;微风 deriv.breezy adj.有微风的;通风好的风:wind 泛指风;breeze微风;gale 大风;whirlwind龙卷风storm暴风雨;hurricane飓风;typhoon台风;tornado 飓风,龙卷风轻风拂面。The breeze kisses our faces.They were absorbed in the spring breezes.他们陶醉在春风中。,tornado,


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