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1、Psychological Health,Unit 6,Have you experienced the following situations?,Stress,Stress/Pressure,Nervousness,Lovesick,How do you deal with these psychological(心理的)problems?,Do you?,Do you?,Do you?,Do you?,Do you?,Do you?,THERAPY,Insomnia(sleep disorder)Hydrophobia(fear of water)Lack of confidence m

2、aking speechesXenophobia(fear of foreigners)Anorexia(eating disorder)AlcoholismDislike of studying English,Can you give some advice to each problem?,seriousinvolvesseveralchangesfamiliesmeanspainful,8.Get a medical checkup to rule out any other illnesses that might be causing signs of depression9.Go

3、 to the government service pages and look for“health clinics”or“community health center”,10.There are two common types of treatment for depression:“medicine and“talk”therapy.,Mental Health Scenario,Each group will have one mental health scenario.Identify the mental disorder in each scenario.Finish t

4、he Decision Making Pyramid.,Decision Making Pyramid,What happened?,3-4 optional advice,Consequence of each advice?,BEST advice,Mental Disorders,DepressionSchizophreniaHypochondriaSeasonal Affective DisorderObsessive-Compulsive Disorder,抑郁症,精神分裂症,疑病症;臆想病,季节性情感障碍,强迫症,Is It Healthy to Be a Football Sup

5、porter?,What do you think of football funs?,Are you a big fan of somebody or some team?If so,why are you drawn to him/her/them?,Text Analysis,Para 1-2 Raise the question:Is it healthy to be a football supporter?,Para 3-10 Answer the question:The reason why the die-hard funs have such intense emotion

6、 and its influence to their health.,Para 11 Conclusion:A deep attachment to a team is healthy in most cases.,Key Words(Para 1-2),Despair 失望Clash 碰撞,冲突Gladiatorial 斗剑者的,角斗的Fervent 热情的Hormonal 荷尔蒙的Surge 激增Self-esteem 自尊Avidly 热情地,Language Points,Intense(adj.)extreme in degree 强烈的,紧张的Feeling were soint

7、ensethat they fought a duel.双方情绪异常激烈,以至进行了一场决斗The fast-food business is intensely competitive.快餐业竞争非常激烈,Language Points,Draw(V.)The course draws students from all over the country.这课程吸引着来自全国各地的学生。I tried to draw him aside.我设法把他拉到一边。,We can draw a conclusion that我们可以得出结论,Key Words(Para 3-4),Depressio

8、n 沮丧Alienation 疏远Demonstrate 证明,展示Fierce 猛烈的,狂热的Representative 代表Gladiator 角斗士Prowess 英勇Warfare 战事,Psychologists often describe die-hard fans as _.To the die-hard fans,a football match is _.,Misfits(Those who are considered to be disturbingly different from others),a fight to protect their city or c

9、ountry,Language Points,Portray(v.)depict or describe in wordsDickens portrays his characters in a very realistic way.Harry Potter portrays life in magic school.,Ex.8-1 她将她的少年时代描绘成一个幻想和发现的时期。(portray as),Language Points,wonder and discovery,She portrayed her childhood as a time of wonder and discover

10、y.,Language Points,Identify(v.)Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you?你能够认出那个抢你东西的人吗?,Identification(N.)身份证明,鉴定,认同,Language Points,Identify(v.)I identified with the main role in the play.我与该剧的主角有着相同的感受。She hates playing the sweet,passive women that audiencesidentifyher with.她讨厌扮演那些漂亮可爱

11、、消极被动的女人,观众们已把她定型为这类角色。,认同,体会,理解,把(与密)切联系;认为(与)有关联,Language Points,Trace(V.)have origins;be traceableThe custom traces to the time of the Warring States.这个风俗可以追溯到战国时期。警方正试图找出(追踪)那两个罪犯。Police are trying totracethe two criminals.,Language Points,Primitive(adj.)原始的,早期的原始人用尖石块和动物的骨骼制造工具。Primitive man ma

12、de tools from sharp stones and animal bones.,Language Points,Confrontation(N.)a situation in which there is a lot of angry disagreement between two people or groups with very different opinionsThe commission(委员会)is trying to avoid confrontation with the government.委员会正试图避免与政府的对抗。,Language Points,Con

13、front(V.)遭遇,正视Im confronted with many difficulties.我现在面临很多困难。我们常常需要勇敢的面对激烈的竞争。We often have to confront fierce competition.,Language Points,Arouse(V.)引起,激发,唤起 The music aroused an intense feeling of homesickness in him.(被)唤醒(awaken)The child was aroused from his nap.,stir up,awakened,Key Words(Para

14、5-7),Albeit 尽管Vicariously 代理地,间接地Fickle 变换的Brag 吹嘘;自夸Credit 赞扬Defeat 失败Ardent 热情的Avid 热情的Merchandise商品,Are these statements True or False?They tend to blame their teams failures on a biased referee.They get more psychologically aroused at games.They are likely to abandon a team when its doing badly.

15、They spend more money on tickets and merchandise.,Midfielder 中场球员,Winger边锋,Striker前锋,Language Points,Credit(n.)praise or approval because you are responsible for sth good that has happened 赞扬;称赞;认可We did all the work and she gets all the credit!工作都是我们干的,而功劳却都归了她!At least give him credit for trying至少

16、该表扬他尝试过,Language Points,Abandon(v.)withdraw ones support or help from;desert He claimed his parents hadabandoned him.他声称父母遗弃了他。He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money.,Language Points,Bias(n.)偏见,偏心The newspaper was free from political bias.这家报纸没有政治偏见。Many parents are biased against

17、popular music.很多父母对流行音乐有偏见。,Key Words(Para 8-9),Testosterone 男性荷尔蒙Markedly 显著地Sharply 锋利地,突然地Hooliganism 流氓行为Fatal 致命的Penalty 处罚Trigger 引发,触发Stroke 中风Spectator 观众,Hooliganism,Hooliganism,Hooliganism,Review,Identify识别,认出Identify with与紧密联系,Review,Arouse激起,唤起,Review,Abandon放弃,抛弃,Review,Confrontation对抗,

18、Review,Primitive原始的,早期的,Review,Self-esteem自尊,自豪,Review,Root for 支持,Review,Line 1-2:Die-hard football fans hit the height when their team wins and reach the depths of despair when they lose.,当球队大获全胜时,铁杆球迷会兴奋到极点;但是当球队一败涂地时,他们又会极度低迷。,Review,Line 10-11:It reveals that football funs suffer fewer bouts of

19、 depression and alienation than people who never watch Match Of The Day.,该研究显示,比起那些从来不收看当天比赛的人,球迷们遭受较少的沮丧和疏离感。,Review,Line 22-23:This means you can be highly regarded not for your own achievement,but through your connection to a team that wins.,也就是说,你可能十分受尊重,不是因为你自己取得的成就,而是因为你与获胜的球队有关联。,Review,Line

20、35-36:They tend to blame their teams failures on a biased referee or on bad luck,rather than on Arsenals mistakes or the other teams skills.,他们还把球队的失利归咎于裁判不公或运气不佳,而不去追究阿森纳球队的食物或比赛对手的水平问题。,Language Points,back up-support,help,aid The new evidence backed up my argument.Will you back me up against the

21、others?,Root for 支持,Key Words(Para 10-11),Loyal 忠诚的Despite 尽管Espouse 拥护Enthusiasm热情,热忱Stave off 挡开,推迟(不愉快的事情)Apply to 适用于Void 空虚,Why do some fans remain loyal through thick and thin despite the repeated failure of their team?The author thinks that all human beings _.,A desire to belong to a group or

22、 a society.,Share the basic psychological need to belong,Language Points,Despite(prep.):in spite of 尽管Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖。,Language Points,Ex.8-4 尽管演员的演技高超,这部长达3个小时的电影还是未能吸引住我们的注意力。(despite)Despite the actors wonderful acting,the three-hour

23、 movie could not(failed to)hold our attention.,wonderful acting,hold our attention,Language Points,Ex.8-5王教授是我惟一指望能救我儿子的大夫.(rely on)Professor Wang is the doctor+I can rely on+to save my son.,Language Points,Ex.8-2 试验表明,不抽烟的人比抽烟的人在工作中犯的错误要少。(fewer than)Experiments showed that non-smokers made fewer m

24、istakes in work than smokers.,experiments show,Language Points,Ex.8-3 球迷经常受到人们的重视,不是因为他们自身的成功,而是因为他们支持的球队获得胜利。(not but)Football fans are often highly regarded not for their own achievement,but through their connection to a team that wins.,Be highly regarded,Useful Phrases,Back up 支持,证实(某种说法)Belong to属于Root for支持,为鼓劲Stave off避开(某事);延缓Through thick and thin同甘共苦,


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