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1、大学英语(B)考试辅导之,Use of English,1.Greetings,A:Hello,Mary.Howre you?B:Fine,thanks.Howre you?A:Good morning,Anna.B:Oh,good morning,Mr.Smith.How are you?A:Not so well.I think Im catching the flu.B:Oh,Im so sorry.I hope youll feel better soon.A:Thank you.A:How do you do?B:How do you do?,2.Introductions,A:Go

2、od morning,Michael.How are you this morning?B:Im very well,thanks,Mr.King.A:Good,good.This Michael Jones,Mr.Brown.B:How do you do,sir?C:Hello.A:Mr.Brown is our new Managing Director,Michael.C:How long have you been working here,Mr.Jones?B:Nearly two years,sir,but not all the time in the book departm

3、ent.I was in the record department for ten months.C:Do you like it here?B:Yes,very much.C:Good,well,Im glad to have met you,Mr.Jones.B:Thank you,sir.,3.Partings,A:Goodbye,Dr.Green.B:Goodbye,Susan.A:Have a nice weekend.B:Thank you,the same to you.A:Really nice to know you all.Im going to miss you.B:D

4、ont forget to drop me a line,will you?A:Oh,I wont forget at all.B:right.A:See you,then.B:O.K.Good luck!A:Goodbye!All the best!,4.Opening and closing a conversation,A:Excuse me,may I sit here?B:Yes of course,Ill just move my coat.A:Thanks.Lovely day,isnt it?B:Mm,it certainly is.A:Im afraid Ive got to

5、 go.I have to work tomorrow.B:Sorry you have to leave,but thank you for coming.I hope you enjoyed the evening.A:The party was wonderful.I enjoyed every minute of it.B:Im glad you liked it.A:Goodbye!B:Goodbye!,5.Gratitude and thanks,A:Thank you very much.B:Thats all right/O.K.(Not at all./Dont mentio

6、n it./It is a pleasure./You are welcome.)A:John,how would you like to see a football game tonight?Ive got an extra ticket.B:Id very much like to,but I have an engagement at seven thirty.Thanks just the same.,6.Invitations,A:I would like to invite you to a reception at my house at 8:30 Friday evening

7、.Can you come?B:Ill be glad to come,but I might be a little late.A:Please dont worry.Just come when you can.B:Thank you.Its very nice of you to invite me.,7.Offering help,A:Is there anything I can do to help you?B:Oh no,were all right.Thank you very much.A:Are you quite sure?B:Well,this car refuses

8、to go.A:Shall I see if I can find out what the matter is?B:Oh,we wouldnt like to put you to any trouble.A:No trouble at all.,8.Advice and suggestions,A:Lets drop in here for a cup of coffee or something.B:Well,Id love to,but as a matter of fact Ive got to make rather an early start tomorrow.A:Oh,I s

9、ee.Well.In that case,lets take a taxi straight back to your place.B:Thanks.That would be very nice of you.,9.Apologies and excuses,A:Im afraid Ive spilt coffee all over the rug.B:Oh,dont worry about it./Thats all right./It doesnt matter.C:Im ever so sorry about your rug,but I couldnt help it.D:Oh,do

10、nt give it another thought.Im sure it wasnt your fault.,10.Seeking and giving information,A:Excuse me,is Mr.Johnson in?B:Hes not in,Im afraid.A:Could you tell me when hell be expected?B:Im sorry,I dont know.A:Well,do you think I could leave a message for him?B:If you like.,11.Permission,A:May I come

11、 in,Mr.Brookes?B:Id rather you didnt,Miss Green.Im very busy just now.A:Can I try later,then?B:Yes,of course.(An hour later)A:Is it all right for me to come in now,Mr.Brookes?B:Well Mmm Im still pretty busy,but all right,come in.What can I do for you?A:Dyou mind if I sit down?B:Not at all.Take a sea

12、t.Now what can I do for you?A:I want to leave the department.D you think I could put in for a transfer?B:Yes,but why should you want to do that?A:Dyou mind if I speak frankly?B:Not at all.Go ahead.A:Well,you see,I dont like the office,I dont like the staff,and Im afraid you and I dont get on.So,may

13、I put in for a transfer?B:Yes,Id be delighted if you did.,12.Agreement and disagreement,A:It says here that learning English is pointless!B:Im not sure I quite agree;Id say it was very worthwhile.A:Why do you think that?B:Well,because English is a world language.A:Thats just what I was thinking.,13.

14、Compliments and congratulations,A:The dinner was delicious.B:Thank you.Im glad you like it.A:Im afraid Ive had too much.Everything is so good.B:Im flattered.,14.Complaints and criticism,A:Morning,John!You are late again!B:Oh,Jane,Im most awfully sorry.A:So,whats the excuse this time?B:Well you see,I

15、 forgot to set the alarm clock last night and IA:Yeah,and last week it was broken.B:Yes,I knowA:Mmm!I hope you wont find something wrong again next time.B:I I promise you it wont6 happen again.A:What about the tickets for the concert tonight?B:Oh,Im terribly sorry.I did the booking too late,and all

16、the tickets had been sold out.A:You should have booked earlier!B:Im so sorry.Ill try to get the tickets next time,I promise.,15.Sympathy and consolation,A:Have you heard about Charlie,Jack?B:No.Whats that?A:They gave him the sack.B:Oh no!Thats terrible.A:And they didnt tell him,just sent him a note.

17、B:After fourteen years!A:To be exact,fifteen in Mayif he stayed on.B:I just cant understand it.Why was that,do you know?A:Well,they didnt give a real reason,something like“economy cuts”,and of course at his age its not easy to get another job.B:Poor Charlie!,16.Hopes and wishes,A:I wonder if it would be possible to visit the Summer Palace during our stay in Beijing.B:Im not quite sure.A:Its one of the places Ive always wanted to visit.B:Ill try to make arrangements for that.A:I hope we can go there this time.A:I wish it would clear up soon.B:Yes,its been raining for so lone,hasnt it?,


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