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1、Lesson One,新闻听力特点与方法:一、特点:1.语速快2.内容陌生,单词生僻3.录音效果不清晰二、方法:1.多阅读中文报纸或新闻,了解时事。2.多读英文报纸和杂志。3.多听,进行长期训练,适应语速和语音面貌。“冰冻三尺非一日之寒”,贵在坚持不懈。,Section One,Vocabulary:1.hostage:someone who is kept as a prisoner by an enemy so that the other side will do what the enemy demands 人质2.envoy:someone who is sent to anothe

2、r country as an official representative 外交使者3.initial:happening at the beginning 最初的4.stress:continuous feelings of worry about your work or personal life,that prevent you from relaxing 压力5.administration:the government of a country at a particular time 政府,6.transitional:relating to a period during

3、which something is changing from one state or form into another 7.precede:1 to happen or exist before something or someone,or to come before something else in a series 处于之前,优于8.transfer:to move from one place,school,job etc to another,or to make someone do this,especially within 调动,转换,Other words:,W

4、iesbaden威斯巴登市Mozambique 莫桑比克appeal 呼吁captive 俘虏,囚徒Anglican Church 英国国会教堂,圣公会教 堂colonel 陆军上校darn 咒骂campaign 竞选运动,战役,Anglican Church,Key to exercises:,News Item 1:A)b c d B)c d b aNews Item 2:A)b B)running behind,News Item 3:A)D B)1.president,had died 2.ruling,130 3.Foreign Minister,47 4.Portugal,1975

5、 5.Prime Minister,nine,transitional,Section Two,Vocabulary:1.recuperate:to get better again after an illness or injury 恢复,挽回2.facility:rooms,equipment,or services that are provided for a particular purpose 工具,能力,便利3.preliminary:happening before something that is more important,often in order to prep

6、are for it 预备的,初步的4.briefing:information or instructions that you get before you have to do something 简报,情况简介,5.evaluation:a judgment about how good,useful,or successful something is 评价6.abuse:to treat someone in a cruel and violent way 滥用,粗鲁对待某人7.diminish:to become or make something become smaller

7、or less 减小,削弱的权势8.debrief:to ask someone questions about a job they have just done or an experience they have just had,in order to gather information 听取的报告,指令保密,Other words:,Jihad 圣战Beirut 贝鲁特(黎巴嫩首都)Archbishop of Canterbury 大主教(基督教),Key to exercises:,A)F T F F F B)C C B A D B C BC)55,hospital direct

8、or,married,good,US Air Force Hospital,Wiesbaden,W.Germany,this morning,undetermined,USA D)1.precisely,freedom 2.take up,reporters,six-mile jog 3.evaluation,had coped extremely well 4.evidence,tortured,physically abused,Section Three,Vocabulary:,1.cult:an extreme religious group that is not part of a

9、n established religion 迷信,崇拜2.embalmed:to treat a dead body with chemicals,oils etc to prevent it from decaying 使防腐朽的3.aloft:high up in the air 在空中,在高处4.engrave:to be impossible to forget 铭记,雕刻5.revisionist:ideas which are changing away from the main beliefs of a political system,especially a Marxis

10、t system 修正主义者,6.repressive:a repressive government or law controls people in a cruel and severe way 压抑的,镇压的,残酷的7.abysmal:very bad or of bad quality 完全的,极端的,无底的8.rhyme:a short poem or song,especially for children,using words that rhyme押韵9.accomplished:an accomplished writer,painter,singer etc is ver

11、y skilful 有成就的10.bureaucratic:involving a lot of complicated official rules and processes 官僚主义的,11.parasitic:living in or on another plant or animal and getting food from them 寄生的12.plague:a disease that causes death and spreads quickly to a large number of people 瘟疫,灾害13.annotation:short notes to a

12、 book or piece of writing to explain parts of it 注解,注释14.mauve:a pale purple color 淡紫色,紫红,Key to exercises:,A)1.Most Chinese thought Mao Tsetong as a very good poet,according to the speaker.2.Poetry was considered abysmal because of the restriction of publication during the ten years of the Cultural

13、 Revolution.3.Leaders in China,as well as in the East,are expected to be accomplished poets.,4.It is about getting rid of a disease that was a plague in China.5.Saying Goodbye to the God of Disease6.Maos poetry was interesting because he was a revolutionary and his personal poetry was the history of China.F T,C)1.an original master,most important poets 2.the revolution,the Red Army,nature 3.dismiss his poetry as simply the work of a man who achieved fame elsewhere,Goodbye,


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