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1、Unit 2 Growing up,-Text A A Doctors Son,Before reading,Warming-up,Do you know the famous fathers and sons in the field of entertainment?Who are they?What are their relationships?,Jacky ChanJaycee Chan,Zhang GuoliZhang Mo,Acutely aware that they depend on their fathers help,name and money to achieve

2、little in their career.,Background A series of books,a collection of 101 short,inspirational stories of energy,endurance,and endorphins(止痛).The first book of the series compiled by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.http:/=possible_books,Comments from publishers,“Its like homemade chicken soup tha

3、t warms the chill and heals the ill.This collection of 101 stories is based on the belief that true testimonies of goodness and loving transformations can nourish us to the bone and heal the cynicism in our hearts.Indeed,most every story seeps in deeply.Its hard not to shed a tear of gratitude,feeli

4、ng thrilled to have been touched and soothed so easily.”“Canfield and Hansen bring you wit and wisdom,hope and empowerment to buoy you through lifes dark moments.”,Global reading-structure,A teenager,The car accident,Respected&proud,Defiant,rebellious,&independent,A child,Grateful&respected,Writer,A

5、ttitudes to father,Q&A,Paragraph 1-21.Why did the writer say he would always be known as“Doctor Eppleys son”as long as he stayed in Enosberg?2.What did the first-grade teacher say to the writer and what did she mean by that?3.Based on these two paragraphs,what do you think the people in Enosburg are

6、 like?,His father was so well-know in the town that whenever the local people referred to the writer,they would call him that name.In other words,the writer did not seem to have an independent identify.,It was a compliment from the teacher.The teacher encouraged him to be a good boy and do not disgr

7、ace his father.,Simple,kind-hearted,grateful,friendly,share a lot among themselves.,settle in/into sth.:,How long does it take you to settle into life at college?,我们上个月才报到注册,还没有适应这里的环境。,NB:settle(sb.)in/into sth.在这个短语中,动词settle后也可以加宾语;介词into和in可以互换,例如:,We settled the children in/into new schools whe

8、n we moved to London.,get used to(new surroundings,etc.),If youre anything like your father,youll be a smart boy.,1.What is the meaning of the sentence?,The teacher believes that the boy can become a very clever student if he can learn something from his father.,beam,He beamed his approval of the ne

9、w idea.,1.v.,2.n.,1)smile brightly and happily,2)emit or transmit,这条新闻由卫星向全世界传送。,The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellites.,The old lady opened the door with a beam.,The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky over the airport.,1)a bright and happy look or smile,2)a ray or shaft of lig

10、ht,Collocation:,beam with satisfaction 满意地微笑beam with joy 眉飞色舞,笑逐颜开a beam of light 一束光线a beam of delight 笑逐颜开,Q&A,Paragraphs 3-81.Why do you think the writer reacted differently towards others compliments when he became a teenager?2.What was the writers response when strangers asked him if he was Dr

11、 Eppleys son?3.What do you think of the conflict between the father and the son?,To be more independent,and disliked being associated with his fathers good name.He wanted to judged on his own merit.,He announced his name and declared that he could manage very well on his own.,Reflects the natural pr

12、ocess of becoming a teenager.Teenagers:grow apart from their parents and wish to be independent.Parents:still regard them as kids and try by every possible means to shelter them.However,they may regret what they have done when they become mature adults.,I groaned whenever I heard their compliments.,

13、What does the sentence imply?,The boy did not agree with the neighbors opinions.As a teenager,he wanted to be independent and wanted his own identity.,I wondered how I would ever fit in with my teenage friends.,Why was it difficult for him?,Because he had a father with such a good reputation and who

14、 was so unusual and outstanding,the boy seemed different to his friends.,fit in with:,He doesnt fit in with these people.,His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.,Pattern:,fit in(with)适合;适应;符合;协调fit into 适应;协调fit on 装上;把置于原处;试穿fit oneself for 作好的准备,(cause to)match or agree,stubborn:adj.,She wo

15、nt do what I ask shes very stubborn.,Collocation:,as stubborn as a mule像骡子一样顽固a stubborn resistance顽强的抵抗a stubborn illness 顽疾a stubborn problem 棘手的问题,NB:名词形式为stubbornness。,determined,esp.to an unreasonable degree;with a strong will,Q&A,Paragraph 9-131.Why did he choose to attend a college far away f

16、rom his home?2.What happened to this girl?What may be said about the girls father?,Because he wanted to be independent and gain popularity in his own right.He did not want to stay in a place where he was followed by his fathers good name and never seemed to have his own identity.,Her father left the

17、m when she was only four and she did not know where he was.An irresponsible man.,I survived my last years of high school until finally I turned eighteen.,What can you infer from the sentence?,The boy had difficulty living in the shade of his father,but he managed to go through those last few years i

18、n his high school.,survive:v.,The house survived the storm.,1.vt.continue to live or exist after,2.vi.to remain alive or in existence,洪水过后,生还者极少。,Few survived after the flood.,NB:名词形式为survival。survivor,还生者,enroll:v.,(as,in)make(oneself or another person)officially a member of a group,We enrolled in

19、the evening class.,我们吸收他为会员。,We enrolled him as a member of the society.,NB:enroll为American English拼法,在British English中,该词拼写为enrol,二者对应的名词形式分别为enrollment和enrolment。,compare with:,examine or judge(one thing)in relation to another thing in order to show the points of similarity or difference,Living in

20、 a town cant compare with living in the country.,Collocation:,compare one thing with another 将一物与另一物比较compare favorably with 优于;不亚于not to be compared with 相差极远,远不如,侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。指两物有类似或相似之处,从而“把(一物)比作(另一物)”。指“把用作比较”以便找出差异或好坏。指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。,The poet _ his lover _ a rose in his po

21、ems.2.Her actions _ sharply _ her promises.If you _ her work _ his,youll find hers is much better.Scientists sometimes _ the human brain _ a computer.,Compares toContrastedwithCompare withCompareto,frown:vi.bring the eyebrows together in anger or effort,causing lines to appear on the forehead,He fro

22、wned as he tried to work out the sum.,他不同意食物里放这么多盐。,Pattern:frown at(on,upon)不赞成,不以为然,He frowned on the use of so much salt in the food.,Id give anything to be called my fathers child.,What is the meaning of the pattern“would give a lot/anything/the world to do sth.”?,It is an idiomatic expression w

23、hich means the speaker is very eager to do something or have something.,would give anything/a lot/the world(to do sth.):,He would give the world to make her happy.,NB:一个类似的短语是 would give the world to know sth.为了知道某事愿付出一切代价,would very much like(to do or have something),awkward:adj.,1.causing difficul

24、ty or uncomfortable feelings;inconvenient or embarrassing,2.not smooth or grateful;ungainly,Aunt Lena came to visit us at an awkward time.,The child is still awkward with his chopsticks.,Collocation:,an awkward remark令人窘迫的评论an awkward silence令人尴尬的沉默an awkward time 不方便的时间an awkward question 棘手问题an aw

25、kward situation 困难处境,Q&A,Paragraph 14-19How did the writer respond to his father after the warning?And how did his father feel about that?,He addressed his father by his first name again and claimed that he was no longer a child and knew how to drive.His father looked hurt but gave him permission wi

26、th no more warnings.,My father agreed,but not without his usual warning.,What is the function of“not without”in this sentence?,It is double negation.It is for emphasis.,glare:v.,这位老先生只是站在那里对那个扒手怒目而视,一句话也没有说。,The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word.,指用愤恨、凶狠

27、或含敌意的眼光死死看着某人。侧重因惊奇、好奇、粗鲁无礼等而睁大眼睛看。指出于羡慕、感兴趣、关心或惊异而长时间目不转睛地看。指眯着眼睛仔细地或略为吃力地看。,(at,on,upon)look in an angry way,glare,gaze,stare,peer,The old lady _ through her spectacles at the contract.He didnt shout or swear,but just _ silently at me.The child _at the toys in the shop window.He _ at the word tryi

28、ng to remember what it meant.He _ furiously at me when I contradicted him.,1.Peered 2.glared 3.gazed 4.stared 5.glared,be sick of:feel annoyance,dislike,and impatience from too much of something,出去,我一见到你就厌恶。,Get out!I am sick of the sight of you.,Collocation:,sick of waiting 等得不耐烦sick of it all 完全厌倦

29、了这一切sick and tired 筋疲力尽的be sick and tired(of)十分厌倦be sick of doing nothing 闲得发腻,Q&A,Paragraph 20-261.What did the writer say when the lady asked him who he was?How did he feel as soon as he said that?2.What was the change in the attitude of the lady after she learned who the writer was?Why do you thi

30、nk she changed her attitude so abruptly?,He couldnt believe he was addressing himself the way he used to hate so much.,Dramatic:screaming and complaining.Apologetic and nice.Dr Eppley was so well-known and respected that she felt bad about scolding his son.,I hit the car right in front of mine befor

31、e I knew it.,What is the meaning of the sentence?,He was absent-minded when he was driving.He did not notice the other car until he crashed into it.,sustain:v.,1.suffer(harm or loss),2.keep(sb.or sth.)alive or in existence,You should eat good sustaining food,i.e.food that gives strength.,sustain a f

32、atal injury,sustain losses,遭受致命的伤害,蒙受损失,Sustain:连续不断地支持 名词sustenance表示“营养、食物”。,complain:v.,Pattern:complain about/of,They complained about the food.,Jean is always complaining about something.,NB:complain常与that从句连用。,他们抱怨说书的价格提高了。,They complained that the price of books had increased.,express feeling

33、s of annoyance,dissatisfaction,unhappiness,etc.;say in an annoyed,unhappy,dissatisfied way,choke back:,He tried to choke back his tears.,It is very difficult to choke back her anger.,choke down用力咽下;强抑制住,按捺住choke in激动得说不出话来,紧张得发呆,Collocation:,control(esp.violent or very sad feelings)as if by holding

34、them in the throat,Q&A,Paragraph 27-311.Why do you think the writer“trudged”into the house?2.What do you think the relationship between the father and the son will be like in the future?,Because his heart was heavy and he still hadnt got over the accident,so his steps were heavy too.Probably he had

35、remembered what he had said to his father.,Most likely,the writer would maintain his respectful attitude toward father and he would be proud to have his name connected to his fathers Definitely,he would not hurt his father any more by calling him by his first name.,My father and I rarely hug.But rec

36、alling the days events,I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.,1.Why did the boy hug his father on the New Years Eve?,He realized the importance of the union between him and his father.He regretted for being so ignorant before.,2.What is a fathers real name?,A child should call his or her father“Dad

37、”instead of his first name.,rarely:adv.,强调不经常,多指频率。指接近最低限度,差不多没有多余,强调困难和程度。指不太充分,不太够,不足,不能令人满意,强调数量。指仅仅够,一点不多,强调没有多余。,He rarely comes here anymore.,not at all often,大本钟很少出差错。,Big Ben has rarely gone wrong.,There is _ enough food.I _eat in restaurants.They had _ time to catch the plane.I could _ hear

38、 the speaker.,1.Scarcely 2.rarely 3.barely 4.hardly,1.开业行医,settle into ones medical practice,2.把他当成了自己人,accept him as one of their own,3.消息传播得很快,word passes quickly,4.簇拥,crowd around,5.忍不住眉开眼笑,cant stop beaming,6.融入我那些少年朋友的圈子,fit in with my teenage friends,7.能管好自己的事,manage quite well on ones own,8.出

39、于反叛,as an act of rebellion,9.满了十八岁,turn eighteen,10.上了大学,enroll in college,13.尴尬的沉默,an awkward silence,14.靠自己的本事,in ones own right,15.你开车难道不看路吗?,Why didnt you look where you were going?,16.被撞瘪了,sustain serious dents,17.眼泪在眼眶里转,choke back ones tears,18.似曾相识的笑容,a smile of recognition,19.想起了白天的事,recall

40、 the days events,20.用双臂搂着他的肩膀,wrap ones arms around his shoulders,11.把我比作我父亲,compare me with my father,12.我会不惜一切地,Id give anything to,Directions:Work in groups of three or four and discuss whether you find the types of teenager behavior listed below acceptable or not.Give your reasons.,Classroom Act

41、ivities,1.Best to bend while its a twig.,育人当在幼小时。,2.Like father,like son.,有其父必有其子。,3.Wit once bought is worth twice taught.,一次亲身的经验,抵得上两次老师的教导。,4.Happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection,and obedience of the children the submission to love.Francis Bacon,Britis

42、h philosopher,幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。英国哲学家 F.培根,Proverbs and quotations,5.Every person has two educations,one which he receives from others,and one,more important,which he gives himself.Edward Gibbon,British historian,每个人都受到两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的来自自己。英国历史学家 E.吉朋,6.Example is always more efficacious than precept.Samuel Johnson,British writer and critic,身教胜于言教。英国作家、批评家 S.约翰逊,


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