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1、Return to Menu,Unit 8,Passage AThink About ItRead About ItTalk About ItWrite About It,1.What are the usual causes of conflicts in the world?,Conflicts in the world are often caused by disputes over religion,territory,arms control,trade,terrorism,etc.,Reference:,2.Who suffer from the wars and conflic

2、ts?And how?,The people of the countries involved.They lose their lives,homes and properties.,Reference:,3.What do you think may be the solution to the Palestine-Israel conflict?,Open.,Reference:,Read About ItLanguage PointsContent AwarenessLanguage Focus,Return from the CageIt was the open space in

3、Austin that initially overwhelmed me.I couldnt adjust to it.The ease with which I could get in a car and drive to any place left me bewildered and confused.Where were the military checkpoints?Where were the armed soldiers asking for my identification papers?Where were the barricades that would force

4、 me to turn back?I had just returned to the United States after an absence of 11 years,during which I lived in a refugee camp in Bethlehem,the town where Christ,was born.I was not used to freedom of movement,nor to going more than a few miles without encountering military checkpoints.,I looked aroun

5、d me,and I wondered if anyone realized,or even knew,that the Apache helicopters being used by the Israeli military to shell innocent Palestinian civilians are actually made in this country!As a writer in Palestine,I had regularly visited bombed-out houses in search of stories.The home of a young nur

6、se sticks out in my mind.A few miles away from the stable in Bethlehem where Christ is said to have been born,her house came under attack by Israeli tanks and was completely burned.I held the remains of some of the tank shells in my two bare hands and read the inscription:“Made in Mesa,Arizona.”I wa

7、nted to stand on a chair and scream this information to everyone walking through the mall.The tear gas civilians inhale in the Palestinian Territories is made in Pennsylvania,and the helicopters and the F-16 fighter planes are also made in the USA.Yet here in this society,no one appears to care that

8、 their tax money funds armies that bring death and destruction to civilians,civilians who are no different from civilians in this country.,overwhelm v.to make powerless by using force,or to cause to feel sudden strong emotion,ExamplesThe terrorists were overwhelmed by the police squad and soon surre

9、ndered.The whole nation was overwhelmed by grief when the space shuttle exploded.,ExampleShe felt an overwhelming urge to tell someone about what had happened.,overwhelming adj.1)difficult to fight against,ExampleAn overwhelming majority has voted in favor of the proposal.,2)very great or very large

10、,adjust toto change slightly,esp.in order to make suitable for a particular job or new conditions,ExamplesHer eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness inside the church.A good teacher knows how to adjust his or her methods to suit the needs of the students.,bewilder v.to confuse,esp.by the presence of m

11、any different things at the same time,ExamplesA new environment in the kindergarten would bewilder many children attending it for the first time.Arriving in a strange city at night,I felt alone and bewildered.,identification n.sth(such as an official paper)that is proof or a sign of identity,Example

12、sThe reporters were asked to show some identification before the security guards let them in.Insert your card and put in your Personal Identification Number(PIN).,daze v.to make confused or unable to think clearly,ExamplesThe explosion dazed me for quite a while before I recovered.Everyone was dazed

13、 by the news of the sudden death of the president.,confine v.to keep within some limits,ExamplesHe is confined to the house by illness.Could you confine yourself to the subject,please?,come byto obtain,to get,ExamplesA ticket to the basketball game is not so easy to come by.How did you come by this

14、black coat?,in comparison to/withexamining or judging against another in order to show the points of likeness or difference,ExamplesIn comparison with/to the French,the British eat far less fish.He is a good writer,but he pales in comparison with/to Hemingway.,overcome v.to fight successfully(agains

15、t);to defeat,ExamplesEventually I managed to overcome my fear of public speaking.She had to overcome strong resistance from/within her political party.,under wayin motion or operation,ExamplesEconomic recovery is already under way.The film festival gets under way on 11th July.,linger v.to take a lon

16、g time to leave or disappear,ExamplesIts impossible to forget such horrific events they linger in the memory forever.After the play finished,we lingered for a while hoping to catch sight of the actors.,spill v.to(cause to)flow,move,or spread over the edge of a container,ExamplesIm terribly sorry tha

17、t Ive spilt coffee on your carpet.Its no use crying over spilt milk.,terrify v.to fill with terror or fear,ExamplesYou know heights terrify him,and thats why he always avoids them.Jeff is terrified of losing his job.,bare adj.without any clothes or not covered by anything,ExamplesDont walk around ou

18、tside in your bare feet.The lawyer convinced the jury with the bare truth of the event.,indifference n.the quality,state,or fact of being not interested in or noticing,ExamplesThe indifference to the homeless may result in serious social problems.I can bear love or hate,but not indifference.,Getting

19、 comfortable with my sudden freedom in Austin was going to take time.,Paraphrase,ParaphraseIt would take me some time to adjust to my sudden freedom in Austin.,But adjusting to my sudden freedom paled in comparison to overcoming my fears and my nightmares.,Paraphrase,ParaphraseBut becoming accustome

20、d to greater freedom all at once seemed not as difficult as overcoming my fears and my nightmares.,And we will have a repetition of history:.,Paraphrase,ParaphraseAnd such a tragedy may fall upon us again.,Read and think Exercise 2Exercise 3Exercise 4,Ex.2Work in pairs to do a psychological counseli

21、ng.Student A plays the role of a psychological counselor,and Student B plays the role of a patient.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing the table below.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing the table below.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completin

22、g the table below.,Refugee camp in Bethlehem.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing the table below.,Refugee camp in Bethlehem.,Being confined to Bethlehem,and forced to remain a prisoner;Never been to Jerusalem,the Holy City.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing

23、 the table below.,Refugee camp in Bethlehem.,Being confined to Bethlehem,and forced to remain a prisoner;Never been to Jerusalem,the Holy City.,Severe entry control by Israel.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing the table below.,Refugee camp in Bethlehem.,Being confined to Bethle

24、hem,and forced to remain a prisoner;Never been to Jerusalem,the Holy City.,Severe entry control by Israel.,Rigid rules prevent Palestinian people from moving at will.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing the table below.,Refugee camp in Bethlehem.,Being confined to Bethlehem,and f

25、orced to remain a prisoner;Never been to Jerusalem,the Holy City.,Severe entry control by Israel.,Rigid rules prevent Palestinian people from moving at will.,A young nurse.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing the table below.,Refugee camp in Bethlehem.,Being confined to Bethlehem

26、,and forced to remain a prisoner;Never been to Jerusalem,the Holy City.,Severe entry control by Israel.,Rigid rules prevent Palestinian people from moving at will.,A young nurse.,Her house came under attack by Israeli tanks and was completely burned;The tank shells used in the attack were“Made in Me

27、sa,Arizona”.,Ex.3Retell the two stories in the passage by completing the table below.,Refugee camp in Bethlehem.,Being confined to Bethlehem,and forced to remain a prisoner;Never been to Jerusalem,the Holy City.,Severe entry control by Israel.,Rigid rules prevent Palestinian people from moving at wi

28、ll.,A young nurse.,Her house came under attack by Israeli tanks and was completely burned;The tank shells used in the attack were“Made in Mesa,Arizona”.,Indiscriminate attack against Palestinian civilians by Israeli troops.,Check up,Read and complete:Exercise 5 Exercise 6 Exercise 7Read and translat

29、e:Exercise 8Read and simulate:Exercise 9,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,1It was the open space in Austin that initially overwhelmed me.A)completely B)originally C)temporarily D)permanently,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best kee

30、ps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,1It was the open space in Austin that initially overwhelmed me.A)completely B)originally C)temporarily D)permanently,2She lives confined to Bethlehem for 11 years.A)contented B)designated C)embraced D)restricted,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase th

31、at best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,2She lives confined to Bethlehem for 11 years.A)contented B)designated C)embraced D)restricted,3The second Palestinian uprising agains

32、t Israels military occupation was already two months under way.A)invasion B)profession C)vacation D)career,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sente

33、nce.,3The second Palestinian uprising against Israels military occupation was already two months under way.A)invasion B)profession C)vacation D)career,4I had to constantly remind myself that these were most often civilian and not military helicopters.A)faithfully B)forcefully C)continuously D)conseq

34、uently,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,4I had to constantly remind myself that these were most often civilian and not military helicop

35、ters.A)faithfully B)forcefully C)continuously D)consequently,5I worry about the indifference in this country.A)unconcern B)diversity C)simplicity D)similarity,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best keeps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,Ex.5Choose the word or phrase that best ke

36、eps the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.,5I worry about the indifference in this country.A)unconcern B)diversity C)simplicity D)similarity,1.On arriving at the scenic spot,the tourists were warned not to _ on the river in the small boat.,venture,bewildercomfortableconfinedazedriftinn

37、ocentlingeroverwhelmterrifyventure,2.Lets go and sit in the middle of the theater so that we can see the screen at a _ angle.,comfortable,Ex.6Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.,3.The judges must _ their attention to the facts only,and leave out anything th

38、at could be described as hearsay.,confine,4.Roy complained to the doctor that he had been in a _ condition recently.,dazed,bewildercomfortableconfinedazedriftinnocentlingeroverwhelmterrifyventure,Ex.6Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.,5.Owen and Nancy had

39、been happily married for 2 years before they gradually _ apart until they separated.,drifted,6.Mikes eyes _ on the digital camera,a new model with all sorts of frills.,lingered,bewildercomfortableconfinedazedriftinnocentlingeroverwhelmterrifyventure,Ex.6Fill in the blanks with the words given below.

40、Change the form where necessary.,7.When Bonny stepped into his house and saw it was in a mess,a _ expression appeared on his face.,bewildered,8.Pompeii was _ by dust and ashes from the volcano eruption.,overwhelmed,bewildercomfortableconfinedazedriftinnocentlingeroverwhelmterrifyventure,Ex.6Fill in

41、the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.,9.A lot of _ people lost their lives during the border conflict.,innocent,10.The thought of flying _ her so much that she decided to give up the trip to Europe.,terrified,bewildercomfortableconfinedazedriftinnocentlingeroverwhelm

42、terrifyventure,Ex.6Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.,Ex.7Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.Change the form where necessary.,1.As my house is the only one by the road built with red bricks,it _ and you cant miss

43、it.,sticks out,Ex.7Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.Change the form where necessary.,2.In those days even bicycles were very dear and hard to _,and coupons were issued for them.,come by,Ex.7Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from

44、 the passage.Change the form where necessary.,3.The yearly campaign to raise funds for the Red Cross is _.,under way,Ex.7Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.Change the form where necessary.,4.The soldiers were going from one ruined house to another _ survivo

45、rs of the earthquake.,in search of,Ex.7Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage.Change the form where necessary.,5.Many international students suffer from“culture shock”after they arrive in a foreign country;it usually takes them about three months to _ the new l

46、ife.,adjust to,1.同这个案件相比,最近几个月的盗窃事件不值一提。(pale;in comparison),in comparison with this case,The thefts in recent months paled in comparison with this case.,Ex.8Translate the following sentences into English.,sth pales,2.那次交通事故虽然已经过去了好几年,但他还是摆脱不了负罪感。(shake away with),cant shake away,Several years have

47、passed since the traffic accident,and he still cant shake away the guilty feeling.,Ex.8Translate the following sentences into English.,the guilty feeling,3.尽管我们提出了降低成本的建议,董事会的成员们似乎没有认真考虑。(appear;take.seriously),a proposal to reduce cost,Though we had put forward a proposal to reduce cost,the board m

48、embers didnt appear to take it seriously.,Ex.8Translate the following sentences into English.,didnt take it seriously,4.周围的山坡已经变得光秃秃的,但这并没有使村民们想起保护环境的重要性。(bare;remind),the hills around,The bare hills around havent reminded the villagers of the importance of protecting the environment.,Ex.8Translate

49、the following sentences into English.,the importance of protecting the environment,5.办公室里可能再不会响起他那爽朗的笑声了。(unlikely;ring),It is unlikely,It is unlikely for his hearty laughter to ring in our office again.,Ex.8Translate the following sentences into English.,hearty laughter,Ex.9Read and compare the Eng

50、lish sentences,paying attention to the italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.,1.I had just returned to the United States after an absence of 11 years,during which I lived in a refugee camp in Bethlehem.,The Smiths had just returned


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