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1、Lets go veggie!,Human Nutrition:,Human beings require food to grow,reproduce,and maintain good health.Without food,our bodies could not stay warm,build or repair tissue,or maintain a heartbeat.Eating the right foods can help us avoid certain diseases or recover faster when illness occurs.These and o

2、ther important functions are fueled by chemical substances in our food called nutrients.Nutrients are classified as carbohydrates,proteins,fats,vitamins,minerals,and water.When we eat a meal,nutrients are released from food through digestion.Digestion begins in the mouth by the action of chewing and

3、 the chemical activity of saliva,a watery fluid that contains enzymes,certain proteins that help break down food.Further digestion occurs as food travels through the stomach and the small intestine,where digestive enzymes and acids liquefy food and muscle contractions push it along the digestive tra

4、ct.Nutrients are absorbed from the inside of the small intestine into the bloodstream and carried to the sites in the body where they are needed.At these sites,several chemical reactions occur that ensure the growth and function of body tissues.The parts of foods that are not absorbed continue to mo

5、ve down the intestinal tract and are eliminated from the body as feces.,人类需要的食物,生长,繁殖,保持身体健康。没有食物,我们的身体无法保暖,建设或修复组织,或维持心跳。吃正确的食物可以帮助我们避免某些疾病或疾病发生时,恢复更快。这些和其他重要的功能是加剧了在我们的食物称为营养素的化学物质。养分被列为碳水化合物,蛋白质,脂肪,维生素,矿物质和水。当我们吃个饭,营养物质被释放出来,通过消化食物。开始由消化咀嚼行动和唾液,水样液体,含有酵素,可帮助分解食物中的某些蛋白质的化学活性的嘴。进一步消化食物时,通过胃和小肠,消化酶和

6、氨基酸的食物和肌肉收缩液化推动它沿着消化道传播。养分的吸收从小肠进入血液,并进行内部在需要它们的地方机构的网站。在这些网站,一些化学反应发生,确保增长和身体组织的功能。那未被吸收继续向下移动肠道,并从粪便排出体外,作为食品的部分。,Vegetarianism and health:,People have adopted vegetarian diets based on scientific studies showing that diets high in fatty animal foods may contribute to the early development of dise

7、ase,including obesity,coronary artery disease,high blood pressure,diabetes mellitus,and colorectal cancer.The United States Surgeon Generals 1988 report on nutrition and health urged Americans to reduce their intakes of animal fats,such as those found in meat and dairy products,and to increase consu

8、mption of fruits,vegetables,and whole grains.The vegetarian plant-based diet typically has the advantage of being low in saturated fat,cholesterol,and salt,but it can be lacking in other ways.Vegetarians need to plan their diets with special care in order to obtain the essential nutrients received f

9、rom diets that include meat,fish,and poultry.Following the Pyramid Food Guide published by the Department of Agriculture can help vegetarians meet all their nutritional requirements.At the bottom of the pyramid are the grains,vegetables,and fruits that are recommended to form the foundation of a hea

10、lthful diet.In the middle of the pyramid are foods from the milk group and the meat and beans group,which are prescribed in moderate amounts.At the top of the pyramid are high-fat and sugary foods,indicating that they should be eaten in small amounts or avoided altogether.,人们接受素食主要是根据科学研究中显示的,饮食中动物性


12、量的规定。在金字塔的顶端是高脂肪和含糖的食物,这表明他们应该吃少量或完全避免,In adapting the pyramid,food guide,vegetarians need to eat other foods,such as fortified grains and cereals,that provide necessary nutrients like iron,zinc,vitamin D,and some B vitamins like B12 and B6.Vegetarians who avoid milk products must find alternatives

13、that are high in calcium and vitamin D,such as fortified soy milk.Lacto-ovo-vegetarians(饮食包括乳制品和蛋类的素食者)can use eggs,nuts,peanut butter,dry beans,peas,and lentils in place of choices from the meat group.With carefully planned diets and a wide variety of foods,it is possible for some lacto-ovo-vegetar

14、ian adults to get all essential nutrients without supplements,but the food pyramid is more difficult to adapt for those on vegan(纯素食的)diets.The American Dietetic Association(ADA)recommends that vegans,as well as vegetarians with especially high nutrient needs such as athletes or pregnant women,consi

15、der vitamin and mineral supplements.In particular,vegans need a source of vitamin B f2 in the form of a supplement,since animal products are the only food sources of this vitamin.They must also be sure to get enough of vitamins B2 and B6,and D,as well as adequate intakes of calcium,iron,zinc,seleniu

16、m,and other minerals that most Americans obtain from animal foods.The ADA also recommends that infants and children on a vegetarian diet take vitamin supplements for iron,calcium,vitamins B12 and D,and other nutrients to nurture healthy growth.,在适应金字塔,食品指南,素食者需要吃其他食物,如强化谷物和谷物,提供必要的营养物质如铁,锌,维生素D,维生素B

17、12和B6,像一些B族维生素。素食者谁避免牛奶产品必须找到强化豆浆等替代品是钙和维生素D高。奶蛋素食者(饮食包括乳制品和蛋类的素食者)可以使用在从地方的肉组选择鸡蛋,坚果,花生酱,干豆类,豌豆和小扁豆。精心策划的饮食和各种各样的食物,它有可能为一些奶蛋素食的成年人没有得到所有必要的营养补充品,但食物金字塔是较难适应对素食(纯素食的)饮食的。美国饮食协会(ADA)的建议,素食主义者,以及具有高营养,尤其是素食主义者的需要,如运动员或怀孕的妇女,考虑维生素和矿物质补充剂。特别是素食主义者需要的维生素来源的一种补充形式B F2键,动物产品,是因为这种维生素的唯一的食物来源。他们还必须确保获得的维生素

18、B2和B6,和D不够,以及适当的摄取钙,铁,锌,硒等矿物质,大多数美国人来自动物性食物获得。美国牙医协会还建议,在婴儿和儿童采取素食铁,钙,维生素D维生素B12和补充,以培育和其他营养成分的健康成长。,varieties of vegetarianism,The vegan diet is a form of vegetarianism which excludes all animal products from the diet,such as meat,poultry,fish,dairy products,eggs,and honey.lacto-vegetarianism(乳制品素食

19、主义者)includes dairy products but excludes eggs,ovo-vegetarianism(蛋类素食主义者)includes eggs but not dairy,and lacto-ovo vegetarianism includes both eggs and dairy products。,Why vegetarian?,Improve your healthhelp protect the environment Preserve the welfare of millions of animals,Part 1-4More and more peo

20、ple have adopted vegetarian dietsPart 5-12 Vegetarian diets can bring people health and food safety while animal foods increase the risk of diseasesPart 13-20Raising animals for food wastes many resources and damages the environment Part 21-29Boom to mans food animals rights have been greatly violat

21、edParts 30-32Adopting a vegetarian living style can benefit not only yourself but also the rest of the living world,Main idea,Words and expressions,refer to mention or speak of(sb./sth.)提到,说到 例句 Dont refer to this matter again,please.unparalleled a.so great,etc.that it has no equal 无比的,空前的 同义词:alone

22、 unique unequalled,paragraph5:,Fuelling the shift toward vegetarianism have been the health recommendations of medical research.Study after study has uncovered the same basic truth:Plant foods lower your risk of chronic disease;animal foods increase it.推动人们转向素食的是医学研究提出的关于如何增进健康的建议。一项又一项的研究都揭示了同样的基本事

23、实:果蔬降低患慢性病的危险;肉类食品则增加这种危险。Fueling the shift toward vegetarianism:Encouraging people to change their diet into vegetarian diet,Words and expressions,recommendation n.action of recommending;advice 推荐 建议 形容词:recommendatory 例句 I bought this magazine on the recommendation of a friend.,Words and expressio


25、对重大的或引起公众关注的问题所持的看法和态度。,Words and expressions,uncover 揭露,使被知道【词义辨析】disclose,expose,uncover,reveal 这些动词都表示“揭露、暴露”之意。disclose:侧重指揭露或泄露鲜为人知或保密的事。expose:多指揭露丑闻、坏人坏事或各种阴谋。也可指某物暴露在外。uncover:主要指移去遮盖物,让东西显露出来。也可指揭露阴谋、秘密等。reveal:多指揭露一直隐藏或隐秘的东西,或揭示超乎常人理解能力的真理。,Words and expressions,Study and study一再的研究,反复地研究例

26、:As for economics,study after study rates nuclear fission is one of the cheapest ways to make power.就经济学方面来说,一再的研究认为核裂变是获取核电的最便宜方式之一,Words and expressions,drawback n.disadvantage or problem 不利条件,欠缺,障碍eg.One of the drawback of living with someone is having to share a bathroom.devoid a.empty(of);lacki

27、ng(in)空的;缺少的 devoid of without(sth.);completely lacking in(sth.)没有;毫无 eg.He seems to be devoid of any compassion whatsoever.,Words and expressions,According to介词 prep.1.(表示依据)根据,按照 Youve been in prison three times according to our records.根据我们的记录,你曾入狱三次。2.据(所说);按(所报道)3.依照,按照 用法:1、发表自己的意见时不用according

28、 to,而要用 in my opinion 等。2、according to 不和opinion或view搭配。,Words and expressions,as breeding grounds for 作为.的滋生地As adv,prep 1.同样地;像.一样 eg.Hes not as old as me.2.作为;如同 eg.He was trying to make his living as a painter.,as conj.,1.像.一样 eg.Hes not quite as brilliant as his brother is.用法:在做否定比较时,我们可以用not a

29、s 或 not so:hes not as old/not so old as you.2.当.的时候 eg.He called to me as I worked past.3.因为;由于 eg.As it was now November,it was getting quite cold.4.虽然;尽管 eg.Tired as I was,I was determined to get the job finished.5.as it is 事实上;实际上 eg.I hoped things might get better,but as it is they seem to be ge

30、tting worse!6.as it were 可以说是;是乎就是 eg.He is my best friend,my brother,as it were.7.as well 也 eg.Dick came up to London with us,Judy came as well.,Words and expressions,lay/bring/press charges against:accuse(sb.)formally of a crime控告 Examples:The police brought a charge of theft against him.They have

31、nt laid charges against her because they couldnt find enough evidence.,Words and expressions,come second to:be less important than不如什么重要 Examples:The interests of individuals come second to those of a country.The manager said that making profits came second to the employees health.,Words and express

32、ions,bow vi.bend the head or body as a sign of respect 俯(首)或欠(身)致敬bow to/submit to accept or obey(sth.)屈服,服从 Eventually the government was forced to bow to public pressure and reform the tax.,Weve running the human biological engine on the wrong fuel:Here the author makes use of metaphors.“Human bio

33、logical engine”refers to the human body,“fuel”to food.Its like playing Russian roulette with your health:You risk your health to eat animal foods.,the mean of the sentences,the mean of the sentences,This should come as no surprise:Its not surprising that governments have bowed to pressure from power

34、ful lobby groups.to fuel the demand for land:to increase the demand for land,the mean of the sentences,Fueling the shift toward vegetarianism:Encouraging people to change their diet into vegetarian diet,sentences analysis,It makes little difference whether you eat beef,pork,chicken or fish.it 是形式主语

35、指代whether you eat beef,pork,chicken or fishmake difference 有差别make no difference,not make any difference 没有作用或影响make all the difference 非常重要;作用很大have your difference 意见略有分歧,sentences analysis,It has become an accepted fact that(todays factory-farmed animals live short,miserable,unnatural lives).当今工厂

36、化农场的牲畜寿命极短,过着悲惨的、不正常的生活,这已是公认的事实。析:此句为同位语从句。It has become an fact that,sentences analysis,Noticing my shock,the foreman remarked析:noticing my shock 做伴随状语,修饰the foreman,表示 the foreman 当时的一种状态,sentences analysis,Gone are the days when piglets snorted and roosters strutted their way about the barnyard猪

37、崽喷着鼻息、公鸡在粮仓的空场上昂首行走的日子已经一去不复返。析:Gone are the days指the days are gone,即此为主谓倒装句,,sentences analysis,In the 1992 Ontario Groundwater Survey,43 per cent of tested wells were contaminated with agriculture run-off containing fecal coliform bacteria and nitrates.3%的被测试水井都受到含有粪便大肠杆菌和硝酸盐等农业生产排出的废物的污染。本句中“cont

38、aining fecal coliform bacteria and nitrates修饰“run-off”作其伴随状语从句2.And then there is methane,a primary contributing gas in global warming and ozone layer depletion.此外还有沼气,那是促使全球气候变暖和臭氧层减少的主要气体。a primary contributing gas in global warming and ozone layer depletion.作伴随状语从句修饰methane,sentences analysis,Eat

39、ing lower on the food chain is perhaps the most potent single act we can take to halt the destruction of our environment and preserve our natural resources.食用食物链较低部分的食物或许是我们可用以阻止环境破坏、保护自然资源的最最有效的行动。“We can take”是定语从句修饰act perhaps the most potent single act we can take to halt the destruction of our

40、environment and preserve our natural resources为整个为宾语,Grammar 同源宾语,It has become an accepted fact that todays factory-farmed animals live short,miserable,unnatural lives.当今工厂化农场的牲畜寿命极短,过着悲惨的、不正常的生活,这已是公认的事实。Live lives 过生活(不及物动词+同源宾语)不及物动词不能直接加宾语,但有些不及物动词可加同源宾语(即以与动词同词根的名词作宾语)同源宾语 概念:少数不及物动词后面能跟一个特定的名

41、词作宾语,这个名词和前面的动词在词根上是相同的或者在意义上是相近的,这样的宾语就叫做同源宾语(Cognate Object)。,同源宾语 用法,1.常见的能带同源宾语的动词有:lead,live,die,sleep,dream,breathe,smile,laugh,fight,run,sing等。a.Under the leadership of the Party,the peasants are living a happy life.在党的领导下,现在农民们过着幸福的生活。b.I dreamed a terrible dream last night.昨晚,我做了一个恶梦。c.Our

42、soldiers fought a wonderful fight against the floods last August.去年八月份,我们的战士与洪水作斗争,打了一个漂亮仗。2.同源宾语前面可带形容词作定语。这时,“动词+定语+同源宾语”的结构在意义上相当于“动词+与定语意义相同的状语”。二者相比,前者语气更强一 We slept a comfortable sleep last night.(=We slept comfortably last night.)我们昨晚睡得很舒服。Professor Smith died a sudden death last Wednesday.(=

43、Professor Smith died suddenly last Wednesday.)史密斯教授上星期三突然去世了 注意:同源宾语前面通常带有定语。fight a good fight breathe a deep breath laugh a foolish laugh smile a forced smile 3.同源宾语的修饰语是形容词最高级或含有最高级意义时,该同源宾语常可以省去。e.g.:You should run your fastest(race).你应该尽快地跑。The old man breathed his last(breath)this morning.那位老人今天早晨停止呼吸,撒手西去了。,Thank you!,


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