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1、对高三高效教学的思考绍兴市教育教学研究院 戴军熔,思考一:理念决定行为思考二:意识决定效率,一、理念决定行为,少点教师的控制,多点学生的空间少点精力于语法,多点时间于读写少点平均的施力,多点重点的突破少点形式的单调,多点形式的丰富少点盲目的行动,多点计划的安排,反思:高三的课堂中仍在发生着什么?作为高三教师的我仍在做些什么?这样的做法之下我带给了学生怎样的收获?启发?,现象:阅读分析:报答案教师找出问题相关细节信息,将译文告知学生(学生是听者)语言分析:指出语言点直接呈现相关例句(学生是看客)写作分析:教师分析写作要点和框架逐句将正确表达告知学生(学生是速记员),讲得多并不等于学得多,会得多,





6、?高思维含量,体现一定的深度和信息的综合性,而不仅仅只停留在对细节的直接寻读)任务的能力要求(高考究竟要考什么?一般会怎么考?是否考纲词汇?)例句例题的选择(是否足以体现了例句例题的经典型、综合性和丰富性?体现了足够的语境?体现了一定的阅读量?)eg.He seized her by the arm.I think what he said is true.They set about working at about 8 oclock.,高三教学的意识:,浙江省高考英语试卷阅读理解分析,42.In his mothers eyes,the writer_.(人物评价)43.The under

7、lined word“rainbow”in the last paragraph refers to _.(词义猜测)44.It can be learned from the passage that parents should _.(推理判断)47.The information passed on by word of mouth is important because_.(原因)49.Why are some mental aerobic exercises designed to engage people in multitasking?(原因分析)52.What is the

8、 main idea of the passage?(主旨大意)53.How did the writer feel when he saw the fence and bulldozers?(情感分析)54.Why was the writer told not to go to the park by his mother?(原因分析)55.According to the writer,what eventually brought about the disappearance of the park?(结果分析)(句意分析)56.The last sentence of the pa

9、ssage implies that if another drought came,_.58.What does the writer mean by“it would be worth half what I paid for it”(paragraph 2)(句意理解)59.The writer decided to try the model he had chosen because he_.(原因分析)60.I t can be inferred from the passage that in the writers opinion,.(观点推理),高考词汇要求:词汇量增加:20

10、09年:2387词2010年:2476 词组未标:关注词汇一词多义、特殊意义及边缘用法;新增的绝大部分为高级词汇:accent/accurate/accuse/accustomed/acquire/admission/assess/attractive/brochure/comparison/concentrate/contrast/illegal/phenomenon/potential/respond/ridiculous/sensitive/submit/sympathetic,2010年高考对词汇的考查:体现近两年新增词汇的考查:confirm(4)/submit(4)/accurat

11、e(6)/ridiculous(6)/urgent(6)/convinced(6)/solution(16)/occasionally(完形)/guaranteed(完形)etc./potential renters(B)体现对合成、转换、派生等常用构词法的要求:Eg.Weaken(1)/brighten(A)体现不同词性的考查:(A)I ran downstairs,and spotted a red steel can.(A)I can find my rainbow and never have to brush it away.阅读中3%左右的生词猜测,语言积累的意识:,了解词表,随时

12、渗透于教学(要求词汇、词性、用法、要求意义;熟词生义、特殊语义)随时联系,形成相关语义场(前后教材出现过何些用法?基于文本主题可形成怎样的语义场、词汇联结网络?基于构词法可进行怎样的联系?基于结构可进行哪些联系?)随时关注,提供表达的示范(随时关注文本阅读中的语言表达,引起学生对词汇句式的关注),熟词生义:book/company/charge/lecture/develop/present/sweet,etc.2009年高考阅读:C篇:To test the nose,the team presented it with healthy leaves from cucumber E篇:But

13、 Wilkins and Franklins was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of Watson and crick.F篇:youll become more successful if you are able to channel your efforts to areas that you do best2010年高考阅读:B篇:Looking back,I think what sentenced the park to oblivion was the drought we had about four years ago

14、.F篇:Most streets are free of vehicles,and there are generous green and good public-transport links,描写情感的形容词:,concern/confuse/amaze/embarrass/disturb/inspire/alarm/upset/bore/surprise/astonish/satisfy/frighten/delight/worry/puzzle/interest/please/encourage/convince/scare/amuse/annoy/entertain/excite/

15、anxious/disappoint/addicted,描写人物的形容词:,active/aggressive/careful/careless/cautious/clever/considerate/cruel/devoted/enthusiastic/famous/friendly/generous/gifted/greedy/handsome/hardworking/helpful/intelligent/optimistic/patient/reliable/strong/stubborn/stupid,Module 5 Unit 2 Sightseeing in London,Arc

16、hitecturetower/royal palace/queens house/statue/cemetery/museum/castle/abbey/pots/objectsII.Ones arrangement or plan for a visitworried about the time available,make a list of the sitesOur first delight was going toThere followedThe third day we visitedThe last day was leaving for,III.History&cultur

17、e of a scenic spotIt was built long ago/had remained standing forremained part of/looked splendid when first builtIt is andividing/It seemed strange thatdisplay wonderful treasures from different cultureson show,in memory ofIV.Impression&comments on a placedelighting/interesting/splendid/famous/be t

18、hrilled byfeel proud of/What interested most was,Module 5 Unit 2 Sightseeing in London,Reading comprehension:A biography of Isaac Newton,be born the same year diedbe among the most important scientists who ever livedbe educated at,wheremoved to,where he lived until his deathOnes contributions in set

19、 up the base forOne of his most important contributions wasproduced ones work onwork out the principle formake exact foretelling,receive the honorbe buried in,have a strong love of the natural worldMy enthusiasm led me into varied investigations.I had no ear for music and language.I do have a clear

20、memory ofLooking back on,I get to believe thatmake a scientistA scientist requires not only self-discipline but hard-training and determination.,Reading comprehension:A description of ones childhood,2010年高考完形:I will never forget the year when I was aboutyears old.Just when I started to,I felt such a

21、 sense of relief that I would no longer have toYears later,when I,thinking how,I instantly rememberedI decided that I wanted to create that same feeling of I came up with a plan andI reminded sb.thatFinally the moment had been waiting for came asAs,their faces beamed and their bright smiles lit up t

22、he room.It was a feeling the feeling,2010浙江完形:,贫穷孩子因圣诞礼物而引发的特殊情感体验,从而关注弱势群体,歌颂互相关爱的人性之美。,Task 2:Writing:Have you had or heard of any similar experience?Try to write an unforgettable experience that you once experienced or heard of with the title“wasnt forgotten”.What did you see or hear of/What did

23、you do?/What was your feeling?/What did you realize or learn from the experience/the story?,I will never forget the year when I was aboutyears old.Just when I started to,I felt such a sense of relief that I would no longer have toYears later,when I,thinking how,I instantly rememberedI decided that I

24、 wanted to create that same feeling of I came up with a plan andI reminded sb.thatFinally the moment had been waiting for came asAs,their faces beamed and their bright smiles lit up the room.It was a feeling the feeling,2010年浙江高考任务型阅读:,61.Peter:Reducing plastic and other wastes through DIY.62.Helen:

25、Making use of the heavy traffic to produce electricity.63.Catherine:Building a community without private cars64.Elizabeth:Building houses with recycled materials and energy-efficiency systems65.Levin:Developing a new type of urban car which burns less gas,第二节:Peter,Helen,Catherine,Elizabeth和Levin 想根

26、据各自在环保方面的兴趣(61-65)进行案例研究。阅读下面某杂志的专题报道摘要(A、B、C、D、E和F),选出适合他们研究的最佳案例,并在答题纸上相应选项的标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。,最近你们班就当前的“环保”问题进行了一场讨论,以下是讨论结果。请根据讨论情况及自己的观点,写一篇作文,120词左右。,2010年浙江高考任务型阅读:,Revision of Module 5 Unit 1:Great scientists,Revision of words eg.推断、推论 conclude(v.)conclusion(n.)2.Revision of phrases&expressio

27、ns sentence translation,blank-filling,multiple choice,etc.3.Revision of sentence structures sentence translation,blank-filling,multiple choice,etc,John Snow Defeats“King Cholera”,问题:单纯关注语言知识,缺乏对话题内容、文体知识的复习,“见树不见林”,无益于类似话题、类似文体的写作,科学家应具有哪些品质、人格特征?如何介绍一个伟人?从哪些方面来介绍一个科学家?如何进行科学研究,进行科学研究一般步骤是什么?如何描述一项科

28、学研究成果?如何运用单元中的核心词汇和句式来进行上述三方面的写作?,策略:文本内容与文本语言两条线串联交织,1.问题串联,在回顾文本内容中引出关键性词汇和表达,the challenge:face the challenge,be exposed to cholera,the severe situation:find a cure to defeat,his attitude toward the two theories:suspect that,begin his enquiry about,his whole research process:,did not foresee,make

29、 further investigation,analyze the results and draw the conclusion:,find supporting evidence that,be to blame,be linked to,put forward a theory and announce that,gather information to find a valuable clue about the cause of,his suggestion:Companies were instructed not to,2.借用以上图表复述文本内容,形成对如何进行科学研究的整

30、体认知;3.运用高考自选06题形式,完成文本的summary;4.在分析summary的过程中链接相关重点语言考点,通过高考考题链接、语句填空等形式进行复习与梳理;5.翻译五个句子,复习和运用文本中出现的重点句式;6.拓展写作:提供类似情境,介绍一个科学研究成果的诞生过程。,教师自身语言的规范性:所给信息的正确性自身语言的正确性提供完整的语块学生答题表达的规范性:表达清楚、连贯、有效书写整洁卷面清楚,规范的意识:,避免教学的误导,Big Ben,famous&loud?,Westminster Abbey,full of statues of poets&writers,Day 3,Day 2,Greenwich,famous&interesting,Karl Marxs statue,strange that?,British Museum,thrilled?,与老师们共勉:少一点盲目,多一点筹划!少一点蛮干,多一点巧干!少一点低效,多一点高效!,愿高三的课堂因我们的努力而更高效!愿高三学子因我们的付出而收获更多!,


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