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1、OXFORD ENGISH,牛津英语,四年级第一学期 4A,(Module1 Module2),教学评价,评价:(evaluation),系统地收集信息,根据教学目标对教学活动所引起的学生的变化进行价值判断,为教育决策提供依据的过程.,通常我们通过具体做题目(考试)等方式,来确定学生的语言水平,这样一个过程就是评价.,考试:(test),由一定数量的题目组成,用于测定人的某一心理品质,或学习掌握程度的工具.,我们常用听力考试,口试来测定学生的听能和口语能力,用阅读理解题测试学生的阅读能力等.我们根据教学目标,确定考试内容.,Language learning objective:,1.Func

2、tions,2.Language/Vocabulary,3.Formulaic,4.skills,Module1 Unit1 Hello again,Founctions:,1.Greeting people and responding to greetings,2.Introducing someone to someone else,3.Talking about/asking about ability,4.Saying the sound“ch”,Language/Vocabulary,1.Possessive adjectives:my,his,her,our,2.Demonstr

3、ative:this,3.Nouns:sister,brother,friend,classmate,4.Verb:modal“can”+write/swim/jump/cook/sing/dive/paint/run,5.Inverted order for questions:can you?Yes,I can./No,I cant.,Formulaic expressions,Hello/Hi/Good morning,How are you?,Im fine,thanks.,Skills:,ListeningSpeaking Reading Writing,英语周周练,一.选择填空:(

4、)1.Can you read a story?Yes,I _.A.can B.cant C.do()2.This is my new friend,Wendy.Wendy has got a brother._ brothers name is Ben.A.His B.My C.Her()3._ can you do?I can read.A.Who B.How C.What()4.Good afternoon,Jane.Its nice to see you._ A.Im fine,thank you.B.Its nice to see you,too.C.Im Mary.Its nice

5、 to see you.()5.My fathers mother is my _ A.grandfather B.grandmother C.aunt()6._ are your classmates?Fine.A.How B.What C.Who,二.阅读短文,完成练习,Jim and Tim are good friends.They are eleven years old.Jim is tall and strong.Tim is short and fat.Jim is good at sports.And Tim is good at school subjects.They a

6、re playing on the road.Jim:Look!I can ride a bicycle.Jim:Look!I can ride a bicycle and eat an ice-cream!Jim:Look!I can ride a bicycle,eat an ice-cream and read a book.I am supper.I am a Superboy!(Oh,My ice-cream!My leg!)Tim:No,you cant.True or False:1.Jim is short and fat.()2.Jim and Tim are classma

7、tes.()3.They are not playing in the school.()4.Jim can ride a bicycle.(),Answer questions:,How old are Jim and Tim?Are Jim and Tim good friends?What is Jim good at?Can Jim ride a bicycle?Is Jim a Superboy?,三.完成下列短文:,Me My name is _.I am _.I can_.I _.,Unit 2 Happy birthday,Functions:Asking and giving

8、 ones own ageResponding to simple instructionsTalking about birthdays Using birthday card formulaAsking about and identifying possessions Saying the sound“sh”,Language/Vocabulary,Numbers:1-11Noun:birthdayImperatives:Fold/Blow/RideInverted order for question:Is this your?Yes,it is./No,it isnt.Possess

9、ive adjectives:my yourWh question:Whats your name?How question:How old are you?Im/Shes/Hes,看问句,找出它们的好朋友,()1.Is this your bag?A.Tom()2.whats your name?B.Nine()3.How old are you?C.No,I cant.()4.Can you fly in the sky?D.Its a kite.()5.How are you?E.Very well,thank you.()6.Whats this?F.Yes,its my bag.,U

10、nit3 What are you,Functions:Asking and talking about professionsIdentifying people in terms of their professionSaying the sounds“ph”and“wh”,Language/Vocabulary,Nouns(professions):fireman,policeman,ambulance man,doctor,dentist,shop assistant,waiter,waitress,bus-driver,nurse,cook,postman,Wh questions:

11、What am I?Whats she/he?Shes/Hes What does your father/mother do?Imperatives:PutTake LookInverted order for question:Are you a?Yes,Im/No,Im not,一.将下列字母组成单词:,1.jmpu_ 2.nmeifra_ 3.uenrs_ 4.rweait_ 5.dnttsei_ 6.kcoo_ 7.drvrie_ 8.plcmnoiea_ 9.rcotod_,二.填入所缺单词,完成句子:,1.A _ teaches in a school.2.A _works at

12、 a hospital.3.A _ helps people.4.A_works in a shop.5.A _drives a bus.6.A _woks in a post office.,三.用英语介绍你的父亲或母亲:,My mother This is my mother.She is _.She is _.She can _.She likes _.,一.圈出划线部分发音不同的单词,1.chair teacher school 2.she swim short3.who what whale 4.head read bread5.cut jump super 6.name mate

13、have,二.按要求写单词:,1.写同类词:swim:_ _ _ I _ _ _his:_ _ _ Rose_ _ _,三.根据短文意思,用适当的词填空:,Sam is a super dog.He is very _ and strong.He _big eyes,long ears and a long tail.Look at his four short _.They are so strong.He can use them to swim.Sam _ swimming._ friend is Tim.Tim is a cute boy.,Module 2 Unit1 A new c

14、lassmate,Functions:Introducing oneselfIdentifying parts of the bodyDescribing ones appearanceIdentifying people and things,Language/Vocabulary,Nouns(parts of the body):head,ear,Imperatives:Draw/Cut/StickPossessive adjectives:myDemonstrative:thatPossessive:sWh question:Whose is that?Connectives:and,U

15、nit 2 How do you feel?,Functions:Describing how one feelsTalking about likes and dislikesSaying the sounds”pi-”gl-and cl,Language/vocabulary,Predicative adjectives of feeling:full,tired,afraid,angryVerb”to be”Verb“to like”Inverted order for question:Are you?Countable nouns:bed,toilet,写出下列单词的反义词:,sad

16、 _ 2.hungry_big _ 4.tall _yes _ 6.afraid_,Unit3 Friends,Functions:Describing people and things Identifying people from their description Talking about possessions Describing how one feels Saying the sound fl sl and bl,Language/vocabulary,Predictive adjectives of feeling Attributive adjectives of col

17、our and size Possessive:sVerb“to have”I/We/They have She/He/It hasCountable nouns:bell,skateboardVerb“to like”Wh-question:Who is he/she?Predicative adjectives:strong,sharp,brave,按要求改变句型:,1.That is my bicycle.(一般疑问句)2.We like red balloons.(一般疑问句)3.He goes to school every day.(一般疑问句)4.It is her ball.(

18、否定句)5.Danny can ride a horse.(否定句)6.Dont ride your bicycle in the playground.(肯定句)7.Kitty is eight.(对划线部分提问)8.The rabbits are white.(对划线部分提问)9.They can dive.(对划线部分提问)10.This is my sister.(对划线部分提问),看图完成句子:,1.Who is this boy?2.How old is he?3.What has he got?4.Has he long hair or short hair?5.Is he happy?6.Have you got a ball?,更多资源,高二语文 高二英语 高二数学 高二物理 高二化学 高二政治 高二历史 高二地理 高二生物,根据实际情况,回答下列问题,1.Whats your friends name?2.How old is your friend?3.Is your friend tall or short?4.What colour is your friends hair?5.What does your friend do?6.What can your friend do?,Thanks for listening!,


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