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1、形容词和副词专练,形容词和副词,复习目标,一 常见的形容词 1.long,short,tall 2.new,old,beautiful 3.happy,angry 4.relaxed,tired 5.relaxing,tiring二 基本用法 1.做表语 位于be动词,系动词之后。The boy is too young.Lucy looks happy.2.做定语 位于名词之前,不定代词之后。Tom is a kind-hearted boy.I have something important to tell you.,考 点一 形容词,三 形容词的级别:原级,比较级,最高级(1)规则变化

2、(-er,-est;more/most+多音节形容词)(2)不规则变化,better,many/much,worst,least,worse,四 形容词比较等级的基本用法 1.同级比较 1)A.+as+adj.原级+as+B English is as important as Chinese.2)A.+not+as/so+adj.原级+as+B This book isnt so new as that one.,3)修饰形容词原级的词有:,very,too,so,enough,quite,pretty,really 等,Jack is not as as his sister.A.more

3、 clever B.cleverer C.clever,C,2.比较级的基本用法 1)A.+adj.比较级+than+B Lilys room is bigger than mine.The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Haikou in winter.Lucy is more outgoing than her sister.2)Who/Which is+adj.比较级,A or B?Who is taller,Liming or Wang Tao?Which picture is better,Jims or Bobs?,3)修饰形容

4、词比较级的词有:,even,much,far,still,rather,a little/lot/bit 等,In our city its _ in July,but it is even _ in August.A.hotter hottest B.hot hot C.hotter hot D.hot hotter,D,3.最高级 1)三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。Shanghai is the biggest city in China.Liu Xiang is the most famous running star in China.2)表示在三者或三者以上的人或物

5、中进行选择时,用 Who/Which is the+adj.最高级,A,B,C?Which city is the most beautiful,Beijing,Shanghai or Fuzhou?,Which is _ season in Beijing?A.good B.better C.best D.the best,D,五.易混知识清单,ing形容词与ed形容词 exciting excited tiring tired 1.你能试着总结出更多的这一类词语吗?(合作交流),2.你知道它们的用法吗?,考点训练(见学案)1.What do you think of the dress?W

6、onderful.I dont think I can find a one.(2011)A.good B.better C.bad D.worst 2.Excuse me,sir.The shoes are a bit small for you.Dont worry.Ill change them for a size.(2010)A.smaller B.smallest C.larger D.largest3.Helen,can I wear jeans and T-shirt to the evening party?OK.But a dress might be.(2009)A.go

7、od B.better C.bad D.worse4.How far is it to the airport?20 kilometers?No,its.About 30 kilometers.(2008)A.far B.farther C.the farther D.the farthest,B,C,B,B,考 点二 副词,一副词的分类副词一般分为以下几类:(1)时间副词。如:now,often,usually,always,early,then,soon,before,ago等。(2)地点副词。如:here,there,out,above,below,outside,up,down,dow

8、nstairs 等。(3)方式副词。如:hard,well,badly,fast,slowly,quietly等。(4)程度副词。如:very,still,almost,quite,so,too等。(5)疑问副词。如:how,when,why,where等(用于特殊疑问句句首)。(6)关系副词。如:when,where,why(用来引导从句)。(7)连接副词。如:how,where,why,whether 等(放在名词性从句句首,主要是宾语从句)。,二 副词的级别:原级,比较级,最高级(1)规则变化(-er,-est;more/most+多音节形容词)(2)不规则变化,worse,worst,

9、less,least,further,furthest,副词比较级、最高级的用法与形容词比较等级的用法 基本相同,但副词最高级前的定冠词the可以省略。Lin Tao did best in English of all.Who write the most carefully in your class?,三副词比较等级用法,四 形容词、副词比较等级的特殊用法,1)表示“两者之间比较.的一个(of the two)”时,,2)表示“越来越.”时,,Mary is the taller of the twins.,Its getting warmer and warmer in spring.

10、,The more,the better.,3)表示“越.就越.”时,,Jay chou is one of the most popular singers.,4)表示“最.的.之一”时,,The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,5)adj.最高级之前有序数词,表示 第几最.,用“the+比较级”结构,用“比较级+and+比较级”;,或“more and more+adj.原级”,用 the+比较级,the+比较级,用 one of+the+adj.最高级,Our hometown is more and more bea

11、utiful.,6)adj.比较级结构表示最高级含义,Li Lei is the tallest student in his class.Li Lei is taller than any other student in his class.Li Lei is taller than the other students in his class.,This book is not so interesting as that one.Bill didnt do his homework as carefully as Jim.,That book is less interesting

12、than this one.Bill did his homework less carefully than Jim.,7)两者比较,若表示“A不如B”时,,A)not as/so as,B)less+adj./adv.+than,take away put away send away move awaytake down write down put down cut down look up put up ring up give upfind out wear out sell out take out put on try on turn on pass onturn off ta

13、ke off give back get back,五.常用的动副短语,Eg.The light is on.Please remember to turn it off when you leave.,以上这些动词短语可以带宾语,当宾语为代词时,常放在中间。,六.部分特殊形容词、副词的用法,1)enough的用法,a)adj.enough time/water/peopleb)adv.old/fast enough,2)enough/too/so 之间的转换,Im tired go on the work.The girl is old to go to school.The lake is

14、 deep that nobody dare to swim in it.,3)else与 other 的区别,what/who/somebody elseother things/students/boys,考点训练,1.I often laugh when I see my grandma learning pop songs.But she says,“One is never old to learn.”(2010)A.too B.so C.very D.quiet 2.-Mrs Lin is very popular among the students.-Yes.Her class

15、es are lively and interesting.(2008)A.always B.sometimes C.hardly D.never 3.When they met in the hotel.They talked and laughed _.A.happily B.happy C.happier D.happiest,A,A,A,中考对形容词和副词的考查热点一般集中在对它们的原级、比较级和最高级的变化及用法上。命题形式往往是在一句话中空出形容词或副词,让考生根据句子的意义和结构确定空白处应用形容词还是副词,或者应用原级、比较级还是最高级。具体内容如下:1形容词、副词的各种用法。

16、2形容词、副词的比较等级。3各种表示比较的句型。4形容词、副词构成的一些重要短语及句型,动词与 副词搭配构成的短语。,例1(2010)It seems that Alice never wants to do anything except drawing pictures.Right.Thats what she likes to do _.Amore Bless Cmost Dleast,Peter looks sporty.Yes.He is the _ runner in my class.Aslower Bslowest Cfaster Dfastest,解析:上句“爱丽丝好像是除了

17、画画什么也不想做”,下句重申“的确,那是她最喜欢做的。”用most最高级来修饰动词,故选C。,D,例2.(2010)Dear students,please read every sentence carefully._ you are,_ mistakes youll make.AThe more carefully;the fewer BThe more careful;the less CThe more carefully;the less DThe more careful;the fewer,解析:本题考查形容词比较级的用法。“the比较级the比较级”的用法,表示“越越”。“你越

18、细心”这个句子是系表结构,故用形容词careful。fewer是few 的比较级,修饰可数名词,故选D。,Remember:_ you stand,_ you will see.AThe higher;the farther BHigher;farther CThe highest;the farthest DHigh;far,A,例3(2010)She is very good at painting.She can paint _ her teacher.Aas better as Bas well as Cas good as Dso well as,解析:as.as 中间用形容词,副词

19、原级,答案A可以排除;再则副词修饰动词,故答案选B。,Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.Aas cold as Bmuch colder than Cnot so cold as Dnot colder than,B,例4(2010)Can I help you?Well,Im afraid the box is _ heavy for you,but thank you all the same.A.so B.much C.very D.too,解析:这里副词修饰形容词,so,ver

20、y不符合题意,much 修饰形容词比较级。故答案选D。,This problem is _ difficultthat few students can work it out.Aso Bso a Csuch Dsuch a,A,自悟自得,课堂达标测试,单项选择,1.She is good at the piano.And she can sing very _.A.good B.well C.better D.worse2.Liu Xiang is one of _ players in the world.A.most popular B.more popular C.the most p

21、opular D.the popularest3.I hope our life will be _ in the future.A.better and better B.good and good C.good and better4.The busier he is,the _ he feels.A.happily B.happy C.happier D.more happy5.-Now the air in our hometown is even_than it was before.-So we must do something to stop it.A.dirty B.bett

22、er C.worse D.more better,B C A C C,6.It rained _yesterday.People could _ go out.A.hardly;hardly B.hard;hard C.hard;hardly D.hardly;hard7.-Have you decided which youd like to buy,the black shirt or the yellow one?-The black one.Because it is _ of the two.A.the nicer B.the nicest C.nicer8.Of all the ball games,I like baseball _.A.well B.good C.better D.best9.-Is your toothache getting better?-No,its _.A.bad B.serous C.worse D.the worst10.-What delicious cakes!-They would taste _ with butter.A.good B.better C.bad D.worse,C A D C B,


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