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1、,形容词与副词的比较等级,1.如何区分形容词(的)和副词(地-ly),happy-happily real-really bad-badly loud-loudlylucky-luckily quick-quicklyslow-slowly easy-easilycareful-carefullyheavy-heavily,特殊的有5个:1,friendly(朋友+ly)=友好的(形容词)2,hard困难的(形容词);努力地,风猛烈地(副词)hardly几乎不3,good好的(形容词);well好地(副词)4,early早的,早地(形容词和副词)5,fast快的,快地(形容词和副词);没有fa

2、stly,The cow is bigger than the sheep.,The elephant is the biggest of all.,big,bigger,biggest,The sheep is big.,The small dog runs fast.,The horse runs faster than the small dog.,fast,faster,fastest,The leopard runs the fastest.,How do you like these Christmas trees?,1 2 3,The first Christmas tree i

3、s beautiful.,The second one is more beautiful than the first one.,The third one is the most beautiful of the three.,Jim,Li Lei,Tom,Li Lei is taller than Tom.,Jim is the tallest of all.,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(The Comparative and Superlative degrees of Adjectives and Adverbs)英语中有时需要对两者进行比较,这时就需用形容词或者副词的比较等级。比

4、较等级分为:原级 old late 比较级 older later 最高级 oldest latest,形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,happier,happiest,more easily,most easily,harder,hardest,larger,largest,thinner,thinnest,less,least,more,most,worse,worst,Comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives:,little _ _ far _ _ old _ _ early _ _ interestin

5、g_ _ excited _ _,less least,farther farthest,older oldest,earlier earliest,more interesting,more excited,the most excited,the most interesting,以上是一个课件,形容词/副词,比较等级的基本句型,拓展:形容词比较级的基本句型,1.AB或AB(比)A+谓语+adj./adv.的比较级than BTom比他的哥哥要认真得多。Tom is his elder brother.2.A B C或A B C(最)A+谓语+the+形容词/副词最高级+of/in的介词短

6、语Mary是她班最高的。Mary is in her class.,much more careful than,the tallest girl,形容词、副词的最高级,A+the+adj.最高级 in(范围)of(同类),A+adv.最高级 in(范围)of(同类),Mary is the tallest girl _ her class/_ the three.Bill reads most clearly _ all the students.,in,of,of,1.原级比较:A=B(和一样),as+adj./adv.原级as 和一样,2.否定:AB(不如)not so/as+adj./

7、adv.原级as 不及,我和你一样大。I am _ you.他跑得不及我快。He _ run _ I.,as old as,doesnt,as/so fast as,拓展:形容词比较级的特殊句型,as+adj.+a/an+可数名词单数+asas much+不可数名词+as,as many+可数名词复数as 和一样多的某物,He is as good an example as his brother.Bob read as _ books as Mary.There is as _ water in this bottle as in that bottle.,many,much,当as as

8、中间有名词时,采用以下格式,3.the+比较级+of the two 两者中较的一个,He is _(old)of the two boys.And she is _(tall)of the three.,the older,the tallest,4.less+(多音节词)原级+than=not as/so+原级as 不及,Jim doesnt do it as carefully as Mary.Jim does _ than Mary.Mary does _ than Jim.,less carefully,more carefully,5.the+比较级,the比较级 越就越,你越粗心

9、,犯的错误就越多。,The _ you are,the _ mistakes you will make.,more careless,more,6.比较级+and+比较级 越来越当形容词或副词为多音节时,必须用more and more+原级,The population is growing _.越来越快,faster and faster,The city has become(越来越漂亮)_.,more and more beautiful,7.表示“大3岁”,“长2米”时,要用数量词+比较级,He is _ than I.他比我大三岁。,three years older,The b

10、ridge is _ than that one.这条桥比那条长两米。,two meters longer,8.表示最的之一主语+be+one of the+最高级+复数名词,The Yellow River is in China.黄河是中国最长的河流之一。9.表示是.的第几主语+be+the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+范围,She is in our class.她是我们班第二高的学生。,one of the longest rivers,the second tallest student,Attention!,形容词和副词的比较级的变化不能混淆!1.以-er结尾和特殊变化的形容词副词比

11、较级前面不能加more2.as as 之间必须用形容词和副词原级,He is more taller than I.(T or F),I can write more better than he.(T or F),I runs as faster as she.(T or F),fast,用括号内形容词和副词的适当形式填空1.Jack isnt so _(clever)as John.2.Tom works as _(hard)as Mary.3.China is _(large)country in Asia.4.Its _(hot)today than yesterday.5.This park looks much _(good)than that one.,clever,hard,the largest,hotter,better,Exercises,翻译练习,她越长,越漂亮.你越仔细,出错越少.你越锻炼,就越健康.,The elder she is,the more beautiful she grows.,The more careful you are,the less mistakes you will make.,The more exercise you do,the healthier you will become.,


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