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1、形容词比较级面面观,单音节和少数多音节的形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成分规则和不规则。变化如下:,不规则变化,要多加注意哦!,good bad many little,well badly much far,better,best,worse,worst,more,most,less,least,better,best,farther,farthest,worse,worst,more,most,比较级的用法一,A is adj.+er than B 注意:比较对象只有两个,而且对象统一,比如同为人或物如,Her hat is larger than me.(F错)Her hat is l

2、arger than my hat(T 对)或者,Her hat is larger than mine.than 在句子中做介词,“比”。后跟名词作宾语。如上述例子中的 me;my hat;minemine是名词性物主代词,在句子中作主语、宾语以及表语,等于my+名词。而my 是形容词性物主代词还可以用one,ones来代替名词如,This bag is more beautiful than that bag.(T)也可以说 This bag is more beautiful than that one.(T)These shoese are more comfortable than

3、those ones.(T),比较级用法一的拓展,A is adj.+er than B is.than 在这里是连词,所谓连词就是在一个句子里连接两个简单句的一个媒介。其实对这句话完整的理解应该是A is adj.+er than B is adj.e.g.You are better than I am good.但是,我们说的时候不带最后一个简单句中的adj原形,我们只带主语+谓语或助动词He runs faster than she does.注意这里的动词用的不是runs而是助动词does。,比较级前的程度修饰词,我们可以在比较级前加上a little,a bit,a little

4、bit,much,far,a lot,a great deal(。得多),still(还要。)even(甚至。用来加强语气)e.g.Your English is a little/a lot/even/still better than mine.除了翻译上不同外,still有些特殊的地方,就是唯有它修饰比较级的时候位置很自由,可以前也可以后。The students English are better still than their teachers.学生的英语比老师的英语还要好。前面还可以加具体地数字,He is 2 inches taller than me.他比我高两英寸。还可以

5、加倍数,A watermelon is two times bigger than a peach.,表示两者之间的选择,可使用“Which is+比较级,or?”,表示不及另一方时,使用“less+原级+than”,Which is longer,this one or that?,This park is less beautiful than that one.,比较级句式二,Which+谓语+adj.er,A or B?(A和B比哪个更。?)Which is bigger,the sun or the moon?注意,该句型同样只适用于两者之间的比较(F)Who is prettier

6、,Lily,Kate,or Helen?试翻译,语文英语哪个难?Which is more difficult,Chinese or English?,比较级and比较级,我们用adj.er and adj.er 的结构来表示某人或事物本身程度的变化。Simon gets/becomes handsomer and handsomer.试翻译:我们的英语会越来越好!,比较的对象也可以是不同时期或地点的自己,I am taller than before.I am taller than I was(before).我比以前高。The flower in the evening is prett

7、ier than that in the day.,比较级小用处,1,用在名词前做定语my sister 我的姐姐或者妹妹(我的姊妹)my elder/older sister 我的姐姐my younger sister 我的妹妹2,用在数字前表示“又几个。,再几个。Give me one more apple,please.请在给我一个苹果吧。,注意!注意!特别注意!,He is not handsomer than me.这是一个正常的否定句,译为,他并不比我帅。He is no handsomer than me.no在这里是对两个比较对象的全部否定,意思为,“我不帅,他也不帅”翻译为,

8、我们俩都不帅。,易混题,She is the prettier of the two.两个人中她更漂亮的那一个。,比较级表示倍数,His house is three times larger than mine.他的房子比我的大三倍。,越.越.,多多益善 The more,the better.(越多越好)The higer the tree(is),the stronger the wind(is).s树大招风The harder you work,the more progress you will get.你越努力,进步越大。The earlier you start,the soon

9、er youll be back.出发得越早,回来得就越早。The more I read the book,the more I like it.书我越看越喜欢,比较级表示“最的概念,他是我们班最高的学生。1 He is the tallest in our class.He is taller than anyone in our class(F)这句话是错误的,因为自己不能被包括进去。2 He is taller than any other student in our class.3 He is taller than the other students in our class.,


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