1、1,Intercultural Communication,Culture Defined,Presentation 3,Culture is a Bridge.,2,CONTENTS,1.The Culture Defined 2.The Cultural Characteristics 3.The Cultural Differences,3,1.CulturesDefined,4,Warm-up Question:,Give your own definition of culture,and write it down.,5,Define cultures yourself,Today
2、,culture is a word that we often hear,read and even talk of,such as Chinese culture,English culture,Tea culture,Campus culture,and so on.But when it comes to the meaning of culture,it may not be easy to give it a satisfactory definition.Please write down whatever comes to your mind when you hear or
3、think of culture.Next,try to figure out how they are related to culture.,6,文化的定义,现代汉语词典对于“文化”,是这样解释的:(1)人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质和精神财富的总和特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学等。(2)考古学用语,指同一个历史时期的不依分布地点为转移的遗迹、遗物的综合体。同样的工具、用具,同样的制造技术等,是同一种文化的特征,如仰韶文化、龙山文化。(3)指运用文字的能力及一般知识 定义1包括两个方面的内容一方面泛指人类物质和精神财富的总和,另一方面又特指文学、艺术、科学等,7,Edward
4、 T.Hall,Culture is the total accumulation of beliefs,customs,values,behaviors,institutions and communication patterns that are shared,learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.,8,Geert Hofstede,The collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the me
5、mbers of one category of people from another.Culture is“software of the mind”.,9,2.Characteristics of Culture,10,Characteristics of Culture,Characteristics,Shared,Transmitted from generation to generation,Learned,integrated,Ethnocentric,Dynamic,Subject to change,Symbolic,11,1)Culture is shared,The m
6、embers of a culture share a set of ideals,values,and standards of behaviors,and this set of ideals is what gives meaning to their lives,and what bond them together as a culture.,12,Actually,culture is not innate sensibility,but a learned characteristic.Children begin learning about their own culture
7、 at home with their immediate family and how they interact each other,how they dress,and the rituals they perform.When the children are growing in the community,their cultural education is advanced by watching social interactions,taking part in cultural activities and rituals in the community,formin
8、g their own relationships and taking their place in the culture.,2)Culture is learned,13,Kluckhohn曾经举过一个在中国长大的美国人的例子。有一个在中国家庭养育成人的美国人初次回美国记者们注意到除了他的蓝眼睛和黄头发证实他是美国白人以外,他的一举一动,走路的样子以及脸上的表情全都是典型的中国人的样子。“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”,“跟着好人学好人,跟着巫婆学跳神”,,14,人的饮食习惯和口味也是后天获得的一个民族所厌恶的食物可能是另一个民族的佳肴。中国人一般都不喜欢吃奶酪,而奶酪却是欧洲人的日常食品,有些奶
9、酪还带有一种发臭的气味,中国人吃不下去,而欧洲人却视为珍品。有些部族不吃鸡蛋和鸡;另一些部族不仅吃鸡蛋,而且喜欢吃臭蛋。大部分人对于把昆虫当饭吃感到恶心,但澳大利亚土著人把树里的一种毛虫当作美味。,15,In order for the culture to be transmitted from one person to the next,and from one generation to the next,a system of symbols needs to be created that translates the ideals of the culture to its me
10、mbers.This is accomplished through language,art,religion and money.,3)Culture is based on symbols.,16,For the sake of keeping the culture,functioning all aspects of the culture must be integrated.For example,the language must be able to describe all the functions within the culture in order for idea
11、s and ideals to be transmitted from one person to another.Without the integration of language into the fabric of the culture,confusion and dysfunction would reign and the culture would fail.,4)Culture is integrated,17,例如,一条由美国产的名牌金项链就体现了物质产品、社会组织、认知体系、规范体系和语言文字五个因素的统一:它是通过人类劳动制造出来的产品,是一种物质文化;它是由美国某工
12、厂生产的,是社会组织的产品;它戴在脖子上,体现了人们对美的精神追求,是一种认知文化;是男性还是女性戴,什么年龄戴,在一定的民族中有不同的风俗习惯,它代表了规范文化;在它上面印有“MADE IN USA”,这是语言文化的体现。,18,It is necessary to recognize that cultures are dynamic rather than static.They are constantly changing and evolving under the impact of events and through contact with other cultures.C
13、ultures change through three most common mechanisms:innovation,diffusion and acculturation,5)Culture is subjective to change,19,在五四运动前后,在人民共和国成立前后我国的文化都经历了翻天覆地的变化。无论人们的服饰、生活方式、语言、风俗习惯或是思想观念都发生了深刻的变动。旧时我国有破头、作揖的礼仪,以后又有句鞠躬礼,一直延续到现在。握手是比较新的方式,在边远偏僻的农村,不少年纪大的农民直到现在还不习惯握手的礼俗。,20,人们一般认为英国是十分注重礼仪的国家。男士很讲绅士
14、派头。实际上,在历史上也有过并不文明的习俗。在18世纪人们在咖啡馆喝咖啡时,常常高谈阔论,情绪激动,不少人在争论时有抓住对方上衣扣子的习惯,以至于常常把扣子抓掉,因此,有人在做衣服时事先请裁缝准备很多富余扣子。情况如此严重,以至于有人专门在卫报上著文批评这种现象,21,Ethnocentrism is the belief that your own cultural background,including ways of analyzing problems,values,beliefs,language,and verbal and nonverbal communication,is
15、correct.Ethnocentrists believe their culture is the central culture and other cultures are incorrect,ineffective,or quaint/odd.,6)Culture is ethnocentric,22,对各个民族来讲,常有把自己文化置于被尊重程度的中心地位。换句话说,民族文化优越感成为一种感知上的曲光镜(或有色眼镜),各个文化是通过这种曲光镜来解释和判断其他文化的。这种民族文化中心主义常常是无意识的。因为,在人们社会化的过程中,即从生下来之后,被长辈们以本民族文化的尺度去衡量其种种行
16、为,认为符合自己文化标准的是正确的,不符合的就是错误的。在长大之后,他们又以本民族的文化尺度去衡量他人。这就潜移默化地形成了以自己文化标准去衡量一切的思维偏向。这种民族文化优越感常常会阻碍跨文化交流的顺利进行。,23,3.The Difference between Chinese and Western Cultures,24,The way of life,Individual vs Group,25,The way of making comments,Direct vs Indirect,26,Punctuality,On time vs Late,27,Personal Relati
17、onship,Simple vs Complex,28,Standing in a queue,Line vs Fan,29,Walking in a street on weekends,A few vs a crowd,30,Time for a shower,In the morning vs in the evening,31,Daily life of old people,With a dog vs with a child,32,Voice of talking in public,Low vs high,33,Idea of oneself,Individual-centere
18、d vs group-centered,34,Leadership,Equal vs power,35,Western:small,intimate family,retirement home,the old are separated,children leave early;being independent and look after themselves.Parents never interfere with their children affairs when they are old enough.,Family,36,Old separated,Young indepen
19、dent,37,Eastern:extended(relatives included),aged stay with family,the old are respected,children stay until married;children can never be completely independent and are children with their parents around.,38,A photo of a farm family,A photo of Ba Jins Family,39,western:performance oriented,little r
20、ote memory,ability to solve problems;practical competence of running a business is more important.,Education,40,Eastern:experience oriented,much memorization,the more experienced you are,the more popular you will be;you will be regarded well-educated if you can recite some ancient poems.,41,In 1979,
21、one Chinese educational delegation went to the United States and one US educational delegation came to China and both of them made a report after their visits.,Two Educational Reports,42,The Chinese report said The American students were much self-confident and independent.Their teachers encouraged
22、them to do so instead of correcting them.The pupils knew limited vocabulary and solved mathematics problems with their fingers,but they all had a strong desire for great inventions.In class,students were free to walk from seat to seat,talking without being controlled.,43,The US students in class,44,
23、The American report saidThe students sat on seats with their hands on the back.The teachers just talked and talked for several periods having no time for water.The students had much assignment called homework.Those who had the highest score would be prized as“Three Good Students”with certificates.,4
24、5,The Chinese students in class,46,Western:,time oriented relationships(work,free time),make an appointment before you go to see anyone,no appointment,no business.Law superior to friendship and kinsfolk.,Attitudes and Ideas,Eastern:person oriented relationships(hospitality),friendship is everything,
25、superior to law,47,Case StudyWho is to blame,Father or Daughter?,48,A Chinese old man at the age of 60 went to Canada to see his daughter who stayed in the country for about eight years.Just for a kind of love to her father,the daughter asked her father to come and stayed with her family a few days.
26、The father arrived happily,but left much earlier than expected so angrily.,49,1.You took the wrong chopsticks.,4.I should pay the ticket myself,2.Its none of your business,3.Why are so late?,50,The father was angry.He didnt understand why his daughter was so hard that she did not have any human touc
27、h or not show any filial obedience for her father.She was successful in Canada.She had her own company.She had a good place of her own.Everything was perfect.To the father,his daughter seemed to forget about the close relation within the family.He said angrily:She is no longer my daughter.But who is to blame,Father or Daughter?,51,Thank You!,