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1、Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?,Section B(2a-2b),学习目标,1、学习并能正确使用以下词汇和表达:enjoyable activity n.decide v.try v.&n.paragliding n.feel like bird n.bicycle n.building n.trader n.wonder v.difference n.top n.wait v.&n.umbrella n.wet adj.because of below prep.&adv.enough adj.hungry adj.2、阅读两篇旅游日记,能通过词义的

2、积极性或消极性判断、理解文章中人物的感受。3、能利用话题思维导图对词语归类整理,提高词语实际效率。4、了解国外著名游览胜地,如:西班牙槟城山、海墘街等。,New words and phrases,enjoyableactivity n.decide v.try v.&n.paragliding n.feel likebird n.bicycle n.,有乐趣的;令人愉快的活动决定;选定尝试;设法;努力滑翔伞运动给的感觉;感受到鸟自行车;脚踏车,building n.trader n.wonder v.difference n.top n.wait v.&n.umbrella n.,建筑物;房

3、子商人想知道;琢磨差别;差异顶部;表面等待;等候伞;雨伞,wet adj.because ofbelow prep.&adv.enough adj.hungry adj.,湿的;潮湿的;下雨的因为在下面;到下面足够的;充足的;充分的饥饿的,2a,Discuss the questions with your partner.,What do people usually do on vacation?,2a,Discuss the questions with your partner.,2.What activities do you find enjoyable?,adj.快乐的;有乐趣的

4、,Write down your answers.,2a,What do people usually do on vacation?They usually _,2.What activities do you find enjoyable?_,go to the beach.,Going to summer camp.,paragliding,bicycle,building,trader,umbrella,What are they in English?,West(peninsular)Malaysia shares a border with Thailand.,East Malay

5、sia(Borneo)shares borders with Brunei and Indonesia.,Do you know any places in Malaysia?,Malaysia n.马来西亚 Malaysian adj.马来西亚的 n.马来西亚人,George Town 乔治市,Weld Quay 海墘街(滨城),Penang Hill 槟城山,2b,Read Janes diary and answer the questions.,Did Jane have a good time on Monday?What about on Tuesday?,Yes,she did.

6、,She didnt have a good time on Tuesday.,Mark T(True)or F(False).,1.I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my friends.2.The yellow noodles were delicious!3.In the afternoon,we drove a car to Georgetown.4.My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.5.The weather was fine.,F,T,F,T,F,M

7、onday,July 15 th I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family.It was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel.My sister and I tried paragliding.I felt like I was a bird.It was so exciting!For lunch,we had something very special Malaysian yellow noodles.They were d

8、elicious!In the afternoon,we rode bicycles to Georgetown.There are a lot of buildings now,but many of the old buildings are still there.In Weld Quay,a really old place in Georgetown,we saw the houses of the Chinese traders from 100 years ago.I wonder what life was like here in the past.I really enjo

9、yed walking around the town.,1.arrive in+国家/城市 arrive at+小地点 2.decide to do sth3.try to do sth.try doing sth.4.feel like+名词 feel like doing sth.=want to do sth.5.ride bicycles to+地点名词 ride bicycles here/there/home,Useful expressions,=get to,尽力做某事,尝试做某事,决定做某事,感受到;觉得好像,想要做某事,骑自行车去某地,到达,6.a lot of=lots

10、 of a lot of/lots of books=many books a lot of/lots of rice=much rice7.I wonder what life was like here in the past.wonder=want to know 8.enjoy doing sth.,许多;大量;很多,我想知道这儿过去的生活是什么样子。,喜欢做某事,Tuesday,July 16th,What a difference a day makes!My father and I decided to go to Penang Hill today.We wanted to

11、walk up to the top,but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people.When we got to the top,it was raining really hard.We didnt have an umbrella so we were wet and cold.It was terrible!And because of the bad w

12、eather,we couldnt see anything below.My father didnt bring enough money,so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.The food tasted great because I was so hungry!,What a difference a day makes!一天发生了多么大的变化呀!2.over an hour 一个多小时3.wait for 等待/后 4.because+句子 because of+短语5.enough money good enough,Use

13、ful expressions,感叹句,What a difference a day makes!What a cute girl she is!What an interesting book!What bad weather it was yesterday!What cheap shoes they are!How tall the man is!How hard she studies!,Practice:Complete the sentences.,1.They _(决定去野营)2.He usually _(乘火车上班).3.People _(喜欢骑自行车)in the past

14、.4.Look,your mother _(在等 你)over there.5.We _(没带足够的 食物)for the picnic.,decided to go camping,takes a train to work,enjoyed riding bicycles,is waiting for you,didnt bring enough food,检测:翻译词组1.到达 2.决定做3.去海滩4.试着做5.尽力做 6.好像/觉得 7.骑自行车去8.大量的/许多的9.100年前 10.喜欢做某事11.走上12.等待 13.因为,arrive in/at=get todecide to

15、do sth.go to the beachtry doing sth.try to do sth.feel likeride a bicycle/bicycles toa lot of=lots ofa/one hundred years agoenjoy doing sth.walk up to wait for because of,2c,Read Janes diary entries again.Fill in the chart.,Yes,It was exciting.,ate Malaysian yellow noodles,She liked the old building

16、s there and wondered what life was like in the past.,They were delicious.,Yes,Yes,No,There were many people and they waited over an hour for the train.It was raining and they didnt have an umbrella.So they got wet and cold.They couldnt see anything because of the bad weather.They didnt have enough m

17、oney for food.,shared/had one bowl of rice and some fish,Yes,2d,Complete the conversation about Janes trip to Penang using the information in the diary entries.,Anna:Hi,Jane.Where did you go on vacation last week?Jane:I _ to Penang in _.Anna:Who _ you go with?Jane:I went with my _.Anna:What did you

18、do?,Malaysia,went,did,family,Jane:The weather was hot and _ on Monday,so we went _ on the beach.Then in the afternoon,we _ bicycles to Georgetown.Anna:Sounds great!Jane:Well,but the next day was not as good.My _ and I to Penang Hill,but the weather _ really bad and rainy.We _ a long time for the tra

19、in,father,was,waited,sunny,paragliding,rode,and we were _ and cold because we forgot to bring an _.Anna:Oh,no!Jane:And thats not all!We also didnt bring _ money,so we only had one bowl of rice and some fish.,wet,umbrella,enough,2e,Imagine Jane went to Penang Hill again and had a great day.Fill in th

20、e blanks in her diary entry with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.,阅读指导1.读短文可知,本文是一篇日记。记述了七月十八 日他们一次旅游的经过。因此,本文在时态上一 般过去时态。2.应注意括号中动词过去式的形式,是规则变化还 是不规则变化的。然后做写出正确的形式。,Thursday,July 18th Today _(be)a beautiful day.My father and I _(go)to Penang Hill again,but this time we _(walk)to the top.

21、We _(start)our walk at 9:30 a.m.and _(see)lots of special Malaysian flowers along the way.About one hour later,we _(stop)and _(drink)some tea.Then we _(walk)for another two hours before we _(get)to the top.I _(be)quite tired,but the city _(look)wonderful from the top of the hill!,went,was,walked,sta

22、rted,saw,stopped,drank,walked,got,was,looked,Talk about your favorite day.,What is your favorite day?My favorite day is Where did you go that day?I went to the summer camp/I went to the USA.What did you do?I visited saw bought took drinkHow was it?It was great/fantastic/interesting/,Write about your

23、 favorite day.,当堂检测,一、选词填空。1.I feel like _(going/go)to Hong Kong for vacation next summer vacation.2.Hes not going to buy that car _(because/because of)its too expensive.3.The train was late _(because/because of)the heavy frog(雾).,4.Her coat reaches _(below/under)her knee.5.The boy is _(enough old/o

24、ld enough)to get dressed himself.,(15分),二、选择填空()1.How _you _your summer vacation?I visited Xian.A.do,spend B.did,spend C.did,spent()2._did you go on vacation?A.Where B.What C.Who()3.There _a small boy _in the comer,and I helped him find his mother.A.was,crying B.is,cry C.was,cries()4.Can you help me

25、 _a taxi?A.look B.give C.find()5.Do you want _the music club?A.join B.joining C.to join,()6.I found a little cat _with a ball in the garden.A.plays B.played C.playing()7.What did they decide _then?A.do B.to do C.doing()8.We had great fun _in the water.A.play B.played C.playing()9.That computer was t

26、oo expensive,_I decided not to buy.A.because B.so C.if()10.I didnt have _money for a taxi,_I have to walk home.A.many,because B.any,so C.some,so,Keys:一、1、going 2、because 3、because of 4、below 5、old enough二、1-5 BAACC 6-10 CBCBB,Homework,(一)写出下列动词的过去式1.stay_2.study_ 3.stop_ 4.decide_5.write_ 6.feel_ 7.has_ 8.find_ e_ 10.are_(二)写出下列动词的原形1.went_2.spent_3.played_ 4.called_ 5.wore_ 6.bought_ 7.sold_8.enjoyed_9.got_ 10.ran_,


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