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1、1,Friendship,Unit 1,2,Good friend,honest,humorous,friendly,helpful,easy-going,careful,brave,patient,The qualities of a good friend,considerate,understanding,kindhearted,unselfish,responsible,Brainstorm,3,1.add:add sth.up/add up sth.加起来 addto 把加到 add up to 总共,总计 add to 增加,增添,eg.Add your scores up and

2、 well see who won.Many words have been added to the dictionary The bad weather added to our difficulties.,1)Add some milk and sugar to coffee before drinking it.,2)When we added up all the costs,we realized we had spent too much.3)His whole school education added up to no more than ten years.,4,2.up

3、set adj.upset=unhappy;feeling uncomfortable。作补语,补充形容主语的心情。作表语,表明主语的心情。vt.upset=make sb.Unhappy,(使)烦恼(upset upset upsetting)Your friend comes to school very upset.James was upset because he had lost his ticket.,5,You have to go now.You have got to go now.,1.你得走了。,结论:肯定句中二者意思和用法完全相同。都含有“Its a duty to

4、do something.”的意思。,(warming up)3.have got to=have to 不得不 否定式:havent got to(do)dont have to(do)must“必须”,否定式:neednt,6,3.你得走了吗?,2.你不必走。,You dont have to go now.You havent got to go now.,Do you have to go now?Have you got to go now?,结论:在否定句和疑问句中,have to 需要加上助动词来构成;而have got to 则直接在have后加not或把have提前来构成。,

5、Its raining so I have got to go home.I have some homework to do so I must stop playing football.,7,We _ her safety.,are concerned about/for,4.concern:concern sth./sb.与有关系 be concerned about/for sb./sth.使担忧;使烦恼=be worried about sb./sth.be concerned with与有关,These problems concern all.The experts are c

6、oncerned about the growth in theworlds population.100 people are concerned with the problem.,8,5.go through 经历,遭受(hardships,difficulties)When he was a child,he went through too many hardships.仔细检查 IwentthroughmyhomeworktomakesureI didnt make any mistakes.被通过 The new law did not go through.新法案未能通过.,T

7、he police went through the pockets of the suspected thief.He went through a hard time while his wife was sick.,9,He worked hard in order/so as to pass the maths exam.We left early in order to/so as to catch the first bus.=We left early in order that/so that we could catch the first bus.,6.in order t

8、o do=so as to do 但so as to不能放在句首 in order that=so that,In order to pass the exam,he worked hard.,Lisa and her parents went to the park in order to have a picnic.,10,7.face to face 面对面地(在句中作状语)face-to-face a.面对面的(作定语),类似的还有heart to heart 坦诚地 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地 back to back 背对背地,3)She stood fac

9、e to face(面对面地)with him.,4)That night they talked heart to heart(坦诚地)with each other.,1)His boss is talking to him face to face.2)His boss is having a face-to-face talk with him.,11,8.get on/along(well/nicely/badly/)with sth.进展 get on/along(well/nicely/badly)with sb.与某人相处,1)He asked me how I was get

10、ting along/on with my English(我的英语进展如何).,2)He could not get along with anybody.3)She is getting along with her studies better this term.,4)John is getting along well with his colleagues.,9.fall in love(with sb.)“爱上某人”,表动作 be in love(with sb.)“与某人相爱”,表状态 1)Marry has been in love with Bill for three y

11、ears.,12,be good to sb.对好 be kind/polite/friendly/rude/cruel to sb.do good to sb./do sb.good 对sb.好 be good for sth.Taking exercise is good for your health.,happen to do sth.碰巧做某事,Karl happened to notice her while she was struggling in the water.,=It happened that Karl noticed her while she was strug

12、gling in the water.,He happened to be sleeping when I came in.,I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.,13,cheat v.欺骗;骗取;作弊 cheat sb.(out)of sth.骗取某人的某物 cheat sb.into doing 骗某人做 cheat at/in 作弊;作假,It was foolish of him to be cheated of his money.(被骗了钱)He was cheated into smoking.(吸

13、烟)It is wrong to cheat at/in an examination.(考试作弊),14,do with 1)与.有关 He job is to do with computers.2)处理,对付 The man is difficult to do with/deal with.,Have something to do with sth./sb.Have nothing to do with sth./sb.Have a lot to do with sth./sb.,与有些关系 与没有关系与.有很大关系,I dont know how they deal with th

14、e problem.=I dont know what they do with the problem.,do with 常与连接代词 what 连用,而 deal with 常与连接副词 how 连用,15,made her diary her best friend make+宾语+宾补 We made him monitor of our class.The recovery of Liu Xiang made his fans happy.,make an effort/every effort/efforts to do sth.=try to do sth.努力,尽力Please

15、 make an effort to come early(早到).I will make every effort(尽力)to help you.,16,keep sb./sth.+a./ad./doing/done 使保持某种状态 Im sorry to have kept you waiting(wait)for so long.We will keep you informed(inform).stay、keep系动词,意为“保持”,表示状态,后多跟形容词或名词,不用于被动语态和进行时。,stay awake on purpose(para.2,L1)stay 可以作系动词来用,相当于

16、be,后接形容词或名词 The weather stayed hot all week.They stayed friends for years.The shop stays open(一直营业)twenty four hours a day.on purpose 有意地,故意地 She broke the cup on purpose.,17,advice n.劝告,忠告;give/offer sb.some advice(on)(就)给某人提建议 follow/take ones advice 接受某人的建议 ask sb.for advice(=ask advice of sb.),a

17、dvise v.建议,劝告 advise sb.to do sth.advise doing sth.advise that sb.(should)do sth.advise sb.of sth.把某事报告通知某人.advise with sb.on/about sth.同某人商量某事,就某事请教某人.,1.Father went to his doctor for _ about his heart trouble.A.an advice B.advice C.advices D.the advices C,18,far 常与too或形容词连用,意思是”相当地,得多”This questio

18、n is far more difficult than I thought.too much+不可数名词 太多的 much too+形容词/副词 实在太 He has too much money.The question is much too easy.The moon gave far too much light,too many+可数名词复数 太多的,grow/be crazy about sth.对sth.狂热,爱好sth.hold sb entirely in ones power 控制住/摆布某人make a list of reasons 列出理由,1.The dark,r

19、ainy evening,the wind,the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.,19,before 才 1)I had waited for him for two hours before he came.,It will be+时间段+before 得过多久才,It will not be+时间段+before 用不了多久就 It was+时间段+before 过了多久之后才 It wasnt long before 没过多久就 1)It will be three years before we meet agai

20、n.(才见面)2)It was not long(没过多久)before we got together.,2)She and her family hid away for nearly twenty-five months before they were discovered.,3)I didnt go downstairs until the window had to be shut.,20,内心的情感和想法 deepest feelings and thoughts 经历了很多的苦难/困难 go through many hardships/difficulties被抓 be ca

21、ught by躲藏,隐藏 hide away 记流水帐 set down a series of facts藏身之处 the hiding place 改时间,改天 another time遭受,患病 suffer from 恢复,康复 recover from对厌倦 get/be tired of将打包 pack sth.up,21,1.Hurry up,you have wasted_(太多)time.2.You _(不必)come to his office.Our boss wont be back until next week.,3.I had to call a taxi bec

22、ause the box was _ to carry all the way home.A.much too heavy B.too much heavy C.heavy too much D.too heavy much too much havent got to A,参加,加入 join in 和交换 swap sth.with sb.做某事有困难 have trouble/difficulty in doing,22,I SB Exercises,1)_2)_3)_4)_5)_,not inside a buildingfeeling disturbedto be worried a

23、boutfree,not tied upto experience something,outdoors,upset,be concerned about,loose,go through,6)_7)_8)_9)_10)_,to take no notice ofstaying close to and looking at somebodyto become quiet after nervous activitypiece of material hung to cover a windownumber of things that happen one after another,ign

24、ore,face to face,calm down,curtain,series,23,1.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoorsfor so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to dowith nature.,.句型,I wonder if 我想知道是否,强调句型:It is/was+强调部分+that/who+原句中的其它部分,everything/something/anything/nothing to do with 与有(无)关的事物 1)His

25、 job is something to do with painting.2)What you are doing is nothing to do with study.,24,2.It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.这是我一年半以来第一次目睹夜晚。,1)It is that Liu Xiang has won the gold medal in the Olympic Games.=Liu Xiang has won the gold medal in the Oly

26、mpic Games for the first time.,It is the first time/secondtime that+主语+have/has done It was the first time/secondtime that+主语+had done 某人第几次做某事.这也是强调句型。,25,3.I can well remember that there was a time when a deepblue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.

27、(Para.1,L3)There was a time when定语从句“有一段时间”,2)There was a time when they had to hide away or they would be caught by the Nazis.,1)There was a time when Anne didnt dare(to)look at nature face to face.,26,It 是形式主语,4.It is no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that re

28、ally must be experienced.,1)It is no use talking with him.,2)It is no good complaining about everything.,It is no use/good+doing sth.做无用/没好处look through 仔细查看,温习 look at 朝看,观看这些已经不再是乐趣,因为大自然是你必须亲身体验的。,真正主语,27,hanging 主动表示被动,5.I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty windows.=which are hanging=which hang,1)A picture hangs/is hanging on the wall.On the wall hangs/is hanging a picture.The picture was hung by Tom.,before=in front of 在前面,


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