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1、,Unit 7 learning about learning strategies,L8.derive diraiv1.reason by deduction;establish by deduction。引(申)出,推论出,推断,推知,推究(from):to derive the meaning from the context1.,2.,develop or evolve from a latent(潜在的)or potential state(词汇)源出于,由而来,从派生出来;出自;追溯(或说明)的来由(或起源)(from):Many English words are derived

2、 from Latin and Greek words.to derive a word from a Latin root3.Obtain 得到,取得,获得;导出;形成(from):He derives great satisfaction from his stamp collection.to derive pleasure from music,GO ON!,L15master m:st,mstv.1.be or become completely proficient or skilled inShe mastered Japanese in less than two yearst

3、he same meaning:get the hang of2.get on top of;deal with successfullythe same meaning:overcome/get3.have dominance or the power to defeat overHer pain completely mastered her The methods can master the problemsthe same meaning:dominate4.have a firm understanding or knowledge of;be on top ofthe same

4、meaning:control,For more,n.1.an artist of consummate(perfect)skilla master of the violin;one of the old mastersthe same meaning:maestro2.a person who has general authority over othersthe same meaning:overlord/lord3.a combatant who is able to defeat rivalsthe same meaning:victor/superior4.directs the

5、 work of other5.presiding officer of a schoolthe same meaning:headmaster/schoolmaster,(早期的绘画大师或其作品),6.an original creation from which copies can be madethe same meaning:master copy/original7.an officer who is licensed to command a merchant(business man)shipthe same meaning:captain/sea captain/skippe

6、r8.someone who holds a masters degree from academic institution9.an authority qualified to teach apprentices(student)the same meaning:professional10.key that secures entrance everywherethe same meaning:passkey/passe-partout/master key 万能钥匙,L18facilitate fsiliteitv.1.make easieryou could facilitate t

7、he process by sharing your knowledge.the same meaning:ease/alleviate li:vieit,2.be of usethe same meaning:help(to develop)3.The other way is that like,theyfacilitateus in having like little meetings with professors and that kind of things.3.increase the likelihood(可能性)The stimulus(刺激)facilitates a d

8、elayed impulse(延迟的冲动),L18integration,intireinn.1.the act of combining into an integral wholethe same meaning:consolidation,2.the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a communitythe same meaning:integrating/desegregation3.an operation used in the calculus whereby the integral of a

9、 function is determined,For more,VERB FORM:Integratev.1.make into a whole or make part of a wholethe same meaning:incorporate2.open(a place)to members of all races and ethnic(enik racial)groupsthe same meaning:mix3.become one;become integratedThe students at this school integrate immediately,despite

10、 their different backgrounds4.calculate the integral of;calculate by integration,L20.Metacognitive kgn()nThe awareness of ones own process of cognitionkgn()n and self-adjustment,元认知,就是对认知的认知,具体地说,是关于个人自己认知过程的认识和调节这些过程的能力:对思维和学习活动的认识和控制。元认知包括元认知知识和元认知控制。例如在教学心理学中常提到“学习如何学习”,指的就是这种次认知。元认知的实质是对认知活动的自我意

11、识和自我调节。,L39 resource ris:s,-z:s,ri:s-,ri:z-n.1.available source of wealth;a new or reserve supply that can be drawn upon when needed2.a source of aid or support that may be drawn upon when neededthe local library is a valuable resource.3.the ability to deal resourcefully(机智的)with unusual problemsa m

12、an of resourcethe same meaning:resourcefulness/imagination,Which meaning is suitable for the word in L39?,L48.make inference making a judgmentSome people make the immediate inference about what kind of person Julie is based on this behaviorMake a reference from 从作出判断,Review,L49.Substituten.1.a perso

13、n or thing that takes or can take the place of anotherthe same meaning:replacement,2.an athlete who plays only when a starter on the team is replacedthe same meaning:reserve3.someone who takes the place of another(as when things get dangerous or difficult)the same meaning:stand-in/relief/reliever/ba

14、ckup/backup man/fill-in,(something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose),v.1.put in the place of another;switch seemingly equivalent itemssubstitute regular milk with fat-free milkthe same meaning:replace2.be a substituteThe young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague;Th

15、e skim milk substitutes for cream-we are on a strict dietthe same meaning:sub/stand in/fill in,L71.delimite v.to fix or say exactly what the limits of something are 界定,确定界限 Thatsummer,planeacrossthesea,delimitnextsmilecurve.,Who are willing to translate the sentence above?,L74.in sequence依次;按顺序;逐一;按

16、先后次序If you have multiple electrons we can lose them in sequence.We call these first,second,third ionization energies(电离能)in sequence.This is the first ionization energy.,reflectv.1.manifest mnifest(表明)This action reflects his true beliefs2.to throw or reflect(from a surface)A mirror in the sun can r

17、eflect light into a persons eyes;Sound is reflected well in this auditoriumthe same meaning:reverberate3.reflect deeply on a subjectthe same meaning:chew over/think over/contemplate/muse mjuz/mull ml/mull over/ruminate rumnet/speculate(有推测之意),4.be bright by reflecting or casting light.Drive carefully-the wet road reflects.the same meaning:shine5.give evidence of a certain behaviorHis lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him6.give evidence of the quality ofThe mess in his dorm room reflects on the student,Thanks!,


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