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1、Directions:In this exercise,there are five sentences.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.The highest _ of governments has been given to the problem of heavy traffic.A.support B.priority C.material D.involvement 2)We can _ with pe

2、ople in most parts of the world by telephone.A.involve B.stay C.communicate D.demand,B,C,Unit 1 Vocabulary,3)He was ill for six weeks and _ with his schoolwork.A.dropped out B.cut off C.made progress D.fell behind4)A _ center is a place or building where people meet for adult education classes and i

3、nformal social interactions etc.A.leisure B.sports C.health D.community 5)The eyes need several minutes to _ the darkness.A.turn to B.adjust to C.drop out D.base on,B,D,D,Vocabulary,Directions:In this exercise,there are ten sentences.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose

4、the one that best completes the sentence.1)Which of these two dresses do you_,the red one or the blue one?A.think B.prefer C.affect D.agree 2)The film _ him of what he had seen in China.A.made B.excited C.considered D.reminded,B,D,Unit 2 Vocabulary,3)Students often have _ dealing with realities.A.tr

5、ouble B.object C.business D.puzzle 4)We usually _ China with the Great Wall.A.appear B.appreciate C.associate D.assist 5)It was a(n)_ hunt,but finally the fox escaped.A.exciting B.excited C.lonely D.feminine,A,A,C,Vocabulary,6)The _ by the road said“No Parking”.A.remark B.size C.sign D.sigh 7)Everyb

6、ody knows that he is a(n)_ member of the clubhe takes part in almost every activity.A.large B.active C.general D.cool 8)The slight change of weather can _ her delicate(脆弱的)health A.affect B.effect C.afresh D.include,B,A,C,Vocabulary,9)The price is too high;_,the house isnt in a suitable position.A.e

7、xcept B.generally C.as a result D.moreover 10)Baked apples are my _ dish.A.favorite B.like C.likely D.lovely,D,A,Vocabulary,Unit 4 Vocabulary,Directions:In this exercise,there are ten sentences.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence

8、.1)Running your own business usually _ working long hours.A.joins B.communicates C.involves D.connects2)This is the most important _ of the film.A.group B.element C.one D.stage,3)Great Britain _ three parts:England,Scotland and Wales.A.owns B.consists C.comprises D.represents4)Its not a problem;it j

9、ust _ we cant use this information.A.influences B.makes C.means D.points 5)Most experts can _ an expensive diamond from a cheap one.A.say B.tell C.understand D.convey,Vocabulary,6)I am _ at the moment for I cant find the lost dog.A.nervous B.angry C.happy D.confident7)Can you spare a few _ to answer

10、 some questions?A.periods B.moments C.weeks D.decades8)It is necessary for merchants to _ news from all sources.A.represent B.pick up C.turn into D.make sense,9)Reports from hospitals_ that over 30 people died in the earthquake.A.set B.settle down C.position D.indicate10)On Sunday,members of the Lab

11、or Union held a meeting for the _ of information.A.game B.competition C.sense D.interchange,Vocabulary,1.Directions:Choose the one answer that best completes each sentence from the four choices given below.1)Gauguin(高庚)selected painting as a when he was in his thirties.A.job B.work C.profession D.ca

12、reer 2)Theres a _ of girls waiting for you outside.A.pair B.double C.couple D.few 3)We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her _ clothes.A.common B.ordinary C.normal D.average 4)The workers _ for a higher pay were refused by the employers.A.demands B.inquiry C.desire D.needs 5)Father

13、_ on me the value of hard work.A.told B.affected C.impressed D.focused,Vocabulary,D,C,B,A,C,Unit 6 Directions:In this exercise,there are eight sentences.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1)Mail is_ to our office twice a day.A.d

14、elivered B.transmitted C.given D.passed2)A balanced _ is a financial plan in which expenses are no greater than income.A.calculation B.income C.budget D.schedule,Vocabulary,A,C,3)We have to _ the job applications into groups based on their qualifications.A.send B.change C.check D.sort4)She was _ dow

15、n with two heavy pieces of luggage(行李)and was trying to look after three children.A.pressured B.loaded C.put D.bent5)She went to the post office to mail a _.A.package B.message C.content D.delivery,B,A,D,Vocabulary,6)In Florida,senior citizens _ more than 25 percent of the population.A.trade for B.a

16、ccount for C.check out D.pay for7)I think Id like to stay at home this evening _ go out.A.more than B.better than C.rather than D.less than8)The main difficulty with teaching is the large _ of work.A.number B.content C.part D.volume,C,D,B,Vocabulary,Unit 7 Directions:In this exercise,there are ten s

17、entences.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1)This novel is my _.A.likeness B.favorite C.fun D.hobby 2)A team of advertisers(广告商)is hard at work trying to _ a slogan(口号)for the product.A.come up with B.come on C.come up to D.com

18、e across with 3)The concert was quite a _ in Chicago.A.blow B.strike C.hit D.lot,B,A,C,Vocabulary,4)She told us about his brother,Apollo,_ the U.S.astronauts mission to the moon.A.called B.known as C.known for D.named after5)Completing his degree at night was a long _.A.time B.stage C.process D.peri

19、od6)The capital has been _ by the rebel army(叛军).A.occupied B.held C.taken D.played7)Our newspaper aims to _ the opinions of ordinary people.A.search B.mirror C.interest D.occupy,D,C,A,B,Vocabulary,8)He helped to _ jazz(爵士乐)in the mid-1950s.A.enjoy B.listen to C.popularize D.widen9)Ive lost a file _

20、 a lot of important documents.A.possessing B.having C.owning D.containing10)Her unhappy childhood was the _ of her problems later in life.A.start B.reason C.origin D.solution,C,D,C,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Unit 8Directions:In this exercise,there are ten sentences.For each of them there are four choices

21、 marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.,1)It _ me of the village where we spent our holidays last summer.A.remembers B.remindsC.recalls D.relieves2)_ supplying news from all over the world,newspapers give us a lot of other useful information.A.ExceptB.Except forC.In addi

22、tionD.Apart from,Vocabulary,3)After she finished her conversation,she hung _.A.on B.upC.out D.over4)The people at the party were worried about Janet because no one was _ where she had gone.A.beware B.aware ofC.ware D.beware of5)We have a family _ every Thanksgiving Day.A.meeting B.collectingC.reunio

23、n D.union,Vocabulary,6)_ great efforts,we failed to carry our plans through.A.As a result of B.Apart from C.Owing to D.In spite of7)He said that I had stolen his bicycle,but I _ it.A.refusedB.rejectedC.deniedD.declined8)May Day will soon come _.A.byB.roundC.alongD.across,Vocabulary,9)The crowd _ int

24、o the stadium.A.flockedB.mountedC.stormedD.flowed10)For reasons he could not explain he was made to feel different,_ apart,from the other boys.A.fallenB.tookC.putD.set,Unit 9 Vocabulary,1.Directions:In this exercise,there are six sentences.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.C

25、hoose the one that best completes the sentence.1)He _ his prospects by carelessness.A.damaged B.upset C.ruined D.harmed 2)Workers in other industries should be _ into action.A.advised B.urged C.forced D.driven,C,B,Vocabulary,3)Some gas is _ from the pipe.A.escaping B.running C.vanishing D.flowing 4)

26、You should only use this door in a(n)_.A.crisis B.hurry C.pressure D.emergency 5)His walk _ me of the way his father used to walk.A.suggests B.hints C.reminds D.tells 6)She _ shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.A.glanced B.noticed C.watched D.stared,A,D,C,A,Unit 10 Directions:In this exercise,the

27、re are eight sentences.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1)The _ city for the 2008 Olympic Games is Beijing.A.master B.only C.host D.main2)The stores have to _ for customers in the Christmas season.A.compete B.work C.argue D.ac

28、t3)The English football team were world _ in 1966.A.kings B.first C.players D.champions4)High jump and long jump are field _.A.events B.races C.activities D.competitions,Vocabulary,C,A,D,A,5)They are studying the history of _ Rome.A.old B.ancient C.past D.existed6)She is looking for a job,but hasnt

29、found her _ yet.A.ideal B.satisfaction C.standard D.wish7)The price _ postage charges.A.has B.includes C.keeps D.adds8)After three years in prison he was again _ with his wife and family.A.brought B.seen C.connected D.united,Vocabulary,B,A,B,D,Directions:Complete the sentences by putting the Chinese

30、 given in the brackets into English.1)Three of the runners_(弃权).2)The counselor put forward some suggestions on how to _(最充分地利用)college education.,have dropped out,get the most out of,Unit 1 Vocabulary,3)Many foreign friends _(参加了节日活动).4)He _(很快适应了).the heat of the country.5)The teenagers in Hong Ko

31、ng rarely _(向父母或老师征询意见).,participated in the festival activities,adjusted himself very quickly to,turn to their parents or teachers for advice,Vocabulary,6)It can enable a scientist to _(始终跟上他所在领域的最新发展).7)The policeman _(匆匆地记下).my address.8)What you say _(毫无意义).,keep current in his field,jotted down

32、,doesnt make any sense,Vocabulary,Directions:Complete the sentences by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.1)_(总之),Id like to thank you for all youve done for me.2)The composition is quite good _(除了以外)the spelling.,In conclusion,except for,Unit 2 Vocabulary,3)_(总的来说),I prefer the

33、red one.4)Bicycling is good exercise;_(而且),it doesnt pollute the environment.5)_(结果),the unemployment rate in the city began to fall.6)The story _(使我想起一次经历)I once had.,On the whole,moreover,reminds me of an experience,Vocabulary,As a result,Unit 3 Vocabulary,Directions:Complete the following sentenc

34、es by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.,Its impossible to carry on a conversation _(周围这么大的噪音).Ever since then I have been longing to _(能与他会面).,meet him face to face,with all this noise in the background,Vocabulary,I cant _(打开电脑中的文件)any longer just because of the virus.We read _

35、(主要是为了获取知识),not for pleasure.This is the best hotel in our city.The food is very good,and _(服务质量也不错).,the same is true of the service,mainly for information,access my files on the computer,Directions:Complete the following sentences by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.,Unit 4 V

36、ocabulary,He _(偷偷地看了女孩几眼).2)It _(是明智的)to keep healthy.,stole glances at the girl,makes sense,3)_(与植物不同),animals can move freely.4)_(俗话说得好),you are never too old to learn.5)This experiment _(证明)that milk _(起重要作用)in childrens growth.,Vocabulary,In contrast to plants,As the saying goes,indicates/indica

37、ted,plays/played an important role,Unit 5 Vocabulary,4.Directions:Complete the sentences by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.1)Can you tell me _(提前告诉我)if youre coming?2)She _(建议我们写)that into the contract.3)She usually _(顺路把孩子们送到学校)on her way to work.,ahead of time,suggested tha

38、t we write,drops the kids off at school,Vocabulary,4)Economic growth has _.(速度减慢了)5)She often _(发牢骚)not feeling appreciated at work.6)Plants _(容易枯死)in hot weather if you dont water them.7)Could you _(帮我个忙)and turn off that light?8)The policeman _(用信号指挥)the traffic to move forward.,slowed down,compla

39、ins about,tend to die,do me a favor,signaled,4.Unit 6 Directions:Complete the sentences by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.He would like to go to work on foot _(也不愿)by bus.2)He _ his guitar _(用换)a leather jacket.3)When you _(登录)to a computer system by giving a password,you can

40、 start to use it.4)They _ members _(了解情况)before letting them join.5)Girl students _(占)about 50%of our class.6)He has not _(去)a cinema for years.,Vocabulary,rather than,traded,for,log in/on,check,out,account for,set foot in,4.Unit 7 Directions:Complete the sentences by putting the Chinese given in th

41、e brackets into English.Experts have failed to _(就发生的原因做出解释)of why the explosion happened.2)The pool was _.(呈心形)3)She lost her job when the factory closed,_.(和其他数百人一样),come up with an explanation,in the shape of a heart,along with hundreds of others,Vocabulary,4)David was _.(以其祖父的名字来取名)5)The buildin

42、g _.(呈打开的书本状),named after his grandfather,takes the shape of an open book,Vocabulary,Directions:Complete the following sentences by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.,Unit 8 Vocabulary,Im trying to think who _(他使我想起了谁).2)It is time we _(挂起圣诞装饰品)in the house.,put up Christmas dec

43、orations,he reminds me of,Vocabulary,Time _(从你身边悄悄溜走)when you are having fun.They _(发觉)a peculiar smell in the room.We had a pleasant time,_ _(可就是天气不太好).,the weather,steals away from you,become/became aware of,apart from,5.Directions:Complete the following sentences by putting the Chinese given in t

44、he brackets into English.,Unit 9 Vocabulary,I _(提醒他)his promise.2)I _(极力劝说她)reconsider her decision.3)The storm _(毁坏了庄稼).,reminded him of,urged her to,ruined the crops,Vocabulary,4)Different people _(对 词语有各自的解释).5)We are _(调查)the reasons for the fire in your house.6)He _(紧张地看了一下)his watch.7)We all _

45、(自愿地)paint the house.,attach different meanings to words,looking into,glanced nervously at,volunteered to,4.Unit 10 Directions:Complete the following sentences by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.1)We cant solve this problem(没有别人的帮助).2)The tour(包括)a visit to the Science Museum.3)He(被禁止离开)the house,as a punishment.4)The wedding took place(按惯常仪式).5)The lighting of the Olympic torch(象征)peace and friendship among the nations of the world.,Vocabulary,all on our own,included,was forbidden to leave/was forbidden from leaving,with the usual ceremony,symbolizes,


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