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1、Language in Use,1 Rewrite the sentences using Be it/they,2 Rewrite the sentences using fronting,3 Rewrite the sentences using as,4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the collocation box,5 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese,6 Translate the paragraphs into Eng

2、lish,1 Look at the sentence.Whether its on the mainland or in the highly developed West,a festival carries the same meaning.You can rewrite it like this:Be it on the mainland or in the highly developed West,a festival carries the same meaning.Now rewrite the sentences using Be it/they 1 Whether its

3、Christmas or any other occasion,people like to spend some quality time with their families.Be it at Christmas or on any other occasion,people like to spend some quality time with their families.,Language in Use,2 Whether its in good ways or bad,the world has changed in recent years.Be it in good way

4、s or bad,the world has changed in recent years.3 Whether its with a feast or a humble meal,people celebrate festivals in the same way around the world.Be it with a feast or a humble meal,people celebrate festivals in the same way around the world.,Language in Use,4 Whether children are good or naugh

5、ty,they are blessings.Be they good or naughty,children are blessings.5 Whether they are scholars or ordinary people,they cannot stop the world from getting smaller.Be they scholars or ordinary people,they cannot stop the world from getting smaller.,Language in Use,2 Look at the sentence.It is a diff

6、erent matter altogether that we follow the lunar calendar for our festivals.You can rewrite it like this:That we follow the lunar calendar for our festivals is a different matter altogether.Now rewrite the sentences using fronting.1 It is not surprising that Christmas has become a global festival.Th

7、at Christmas has become a global festival is not surprising.,Language in Use,2 It may be justified that scholars have expressed concern about the influence of Christmas.That scholars have expressed concern about the influence of Christmas may be justified.3 Its no different from our ancestors enjoyi

8、ng breaks that we enjoy an occasion to relax today.That we enjoy an occasion to relax today is no different from our ancestors enjoying breaks.,Language in Use,4 It is the reason we celebrate Christmas that most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar.That most of the world follows the Gregorian

9、 calendar is the reason we celebrate Christmas.5 It is something we need to remember that decadence is not the sole preserve of the West.That decadence is not the sole preserve of the West is something we need to remember.,Language in Use,6 It is something we should not forget that Jesus was born in

10、 the East.That Jesus was born in the East is something we should not forget.,Language in Use,3 Look at the sentences.In the morning,because it is a holiday,they lounge in bed.We drank champagne in the same way as families did all over Voronezh.You can rewrite them like this:In the morning,as it is a

11、 holiday,they lounge in bed.We drank champagne,as families did all over Voronezh.Now rewrite the sentences using as.,Language in Use,1 The men,because they want to please their wives,leave them to sleep and go out to meet friends.The men,as they want to please their wives,leave them to sleep and go

12、out to meet friends.2 In the same way as people did all over Russia,they enjoyed blinis and champagne.They enjoyed blinis and champagne as people did all over Russia.,Language in Use,3 On International Womens Day,because its important to buy flowers for the women in your life,the flower sellers were

13、 doing a busy trade.On International Womens Day,as its important to buy flowers for the women in your life,the flower sellers were doing a busy trade.4 In the same way as women do all over the world,a Soviet woman starts her day by getting the children ready for school.A Soviet woman starts her day

14、by getting the children ready for school as women do all over the world.,Language in Use,Language in Use,Nouns which often go after:dump your boyfriend/girlfriend garbage wastehumble background beginnings meal personsneak a look a previewVerbs which often go before:charm to have to losePrepositions

15、which often go after:sneak away in up up on(someone)(someone/something)into(something)Expressions with:charm to work like a charmdump to be/feel down in the dumps,4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the collocation box.Sometimes more than one collocation is po

16、ssible.1 You shouldnt _ _ _ people like that.You scared me!2 A festival can be a really difficult time if you are feeling _ _ _ _ because everyone else seems to be enjoying themselves when youre not.,Language in Use,sneak,on,up,down,in,dumps,the,3 Notting Hill Carnival had very _ _ but it is now one

17、 of Britains biggest festivals.4 You can _ _ _ of his new movie on the Internet.5 It was really mean of him to _ his _ in a Christmas card.6 Festivals _ their _,even if you are not religious.,Language in Use,humble,beginnings,sneak,a,preview,girlfriend,dump,have,charm,7 The party was a bit boring so

18、 we _ _ when no one was looking.8 After a while living in a big city began to _ its _.9 We ate a very _ _ of bread and cheese sitting in the park and watching the May Day parade.10 I wish you could _ me _ your suitcase so that I could come with you!,Language in Use,into,sneak,meal,humble,charm,lose,

19、away,sneaked,5 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1 On International Womens Day,Soviet women bask in their menfolks love and gratitude.In the morning,as it is a holiday,they lounge in bed instead of going out to work.Their husbands,with much cursing and clattering of pans,cook breakfast for the f

20、amily;by ten oclock they proudly serve their wives a charred and shrivelled egg.Beside the womans plate will be a bunch of fl owers and a little gift,a bottle of scent perhaps,or a pair of tights,which she will exclaim over until the children,scarlet with fury,insist that their mother makes them the

21、ir proper breakfast.,Language in Use,在国际妇女节那一天,苏联的妇女们沐浴在男性所给予的爱意和感激之中。因为这一天是假日,早上她们不用去上班,可以懒洋洋地躺在床上。而她们的丈夫们则要为全家人做早饭,虽然嘴里骂骂咧咧的,还弄得锅碗瓢盆叮当乱响;到了十点,丈夫颇为自豪地把煎得焦糊糊、皱巴巴的鸡蛋端到妻子跟前。盘子边上还放着一束鲜花,一份小礼物,可能是一瓶香水或者一双裤袜,妻子会高兴得大叫起来,激动好一会儿,直到孩子们怒气冲冲地跑过来,小脸涨得通红,闹着要妈妈给他们做一顿像样的早餐。,Language in Use,pans在原文中其实泛指厨房里的物件,译成汉语时

22、应为“锅碗瓢盆”。,2 For good or bad,the world has possibly undergone more changes in the past two decades than it did in the past two centuries.We have used more resources,burnt more fuel,caused more pollution and killed off more animals and plants as we have come closer to each other to form a truly global

23、 village.Television,we thought,was the last uniting factor till we got a feel for the Internet.,Language in Use,不管是好是坏,世界在过去二十多年间所经历的变化可能比过去两百年间所经历的还要多。为了让彼此间联系得更紧密,营造出一个真正的地球村,我们消耗了更多的资源,烧掉了更多的能源,造成了更多的污染,灭杀了更多的动植物。过去,我们一直把电视看作是连接全世界的终极手段,直到我们了解了互联网,才发现事实并非如此。,Language in Use,All these changes have

24、 made us take a different look at the world beyond and our home within.Nothing comes without a rider in this global market.If we want to be part of the dazzle and comfort that the West is known for,we had better accept some of its anomalies,too.This is not to say that festivals mean something else t

25、o the West.所有这些变化都让我们用另外一种眼光来看待外面的世界以及我们自己的家园。在这个全球市场中,得到任何东西都是要付出代价的。如果我们想拥有西方世界那著名的眩目而舒适的生活,我们也必须接受西方文化中的一些异常事物。当然,这并不是说节日对于西方人来说有着不同的意义。,Language in Use,6 Translate the paragraphs into English.1 和妻子离婚之后,他知道自己将受到朋友们无穷无尽的指责,因为他们都听信流言,认为他为了一个更年轻的女人而抛弃了妻子。每次在街上碰到朋友,他们都会严厉地责备他不该背叛自己的妻子。他终于明白,如果谣言一直不散的

26、话,人们会逐渐地信以为真。(never hear the end of it;dump;bump into;stick around),Language in Use,When he divorced his wife,he knew that he would never hear the end of it from his friends,because they all believed the rumour that he had dumped her for a younger woman.Whenever he bumped into a friend in the street

27、,they would reprimand him severely for betraying his wife.He realized with his own experience that if a rumour stuck around long enough,people would gradually take it as true.,Language in Use,2 在经历了这么多磨难后,他把所有的愤怒、不满和绝望都发泄在周围人身上了,不管他们是家人还是同事。对于他这些反常的行为我们不能视而不见,而要多给他一些关心和爱。我们相信,他一定会重拾信心,挺过这段艰难时期。(unde

28、rgo;vent;be they;shut ones eyes and ears to;be bound to)After undergoing so many misfortunes,he vents all his anger,discontent and despair on people around him,be they families or colleagues.Instead of shutting our eyes and ears to his anomalies,we should offer him more cares and love.We believe he is bound to recollect himself and go through the tough time.,Language in Use,


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