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1、小学英语新标准一年级起第七册Module 5 Unit 1We went to the Great Wall,白春燕,说课流程,http:/免费提供,设计理念 教材分析 学情分析 教法分析 学法分析 教学流程,一、设计理念,1.新课标要求:英语课程要面向全体学生,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心;培养学生综合运用语言能力(四年级的学生要求达到听、说、读、写一级水平)2.我的课堂设计理念:以学生发展为本,开展多样的课堂活动,创设丰富的英语情境调动学生的积极性,提高学习的效率。,1.教材特点适应21世纪对英语人才培养的需要,具有前瞻性。为学习者努力营造语境,精心设计内容,学

2、练结合,符合语言教学规律,具有良好的可操作性。遵 循语言教学的理论,具有科学性。2.本单元内容在全书中的地位,以及和前后单元的知识联系,二、教材分析,知识目标:1.单词:went,climbed,saw,ate,had,bought,the Great Wall,mountain.2.语法:掌握动词过去式:went,climbed,saw,ate,had,bought的使用,并能熟练运用新知识进行交流。,教学目标,能力目标:1.学生能利用所学知识解决实际问题、探究新知识。2.学生在交流中能正确使用过去式。,情感目标:,通过教学活动培养学生对祖国大好河山产生热爱之情及跨文化意识。,教学重点:让学

3、生在交际活动中能运用重点句型:we went towe saw we ate we bought we had进行交流。掌握基础单词went,climbed,saw,ate,had,bought,the Great Wall,mountain.教学难点:动词go,climb,see,eat,have,buy过去时的正确使用。,三.学情分析,1.学生具备了一定的英语基础。2.对本节课知识已经有了初步掌握3.在交际方面还存在不足。,1.全身发应法2.游戏教学法3.情景教学法4.合作学习法 5.任务型教学法,四.教法分析,五.学法分析,新课程标准指出:英语教学的目的不仅仅是单纯的知识积累,而是如何有

4、效地发展学生的英语思维和语用能力。,学习方法:讨论交流,互助合作。,六.教学流程,Step 1.Warming Up 环节一:热身Activity:sing a song,If youre happy,and you know it,Clap your hands.(Clap!Clap!)If youre happy,and you know it,Then,your face will surely show it.If youre happy,and you know it,Clap your hands.(Clap!Clap!)If youre happy,and you know it

5、,Stomp your feet.(Stomp!Stomp!)If youre happy,and you know it,Then,your face will surely show it.If youre happy,and you know it,Stomp your feet.(Stomp!Stomp!)If youre happy,and you know it,Shout Hurray!(Hurray!)If youre happy,and you know it,Then,your face will surely show it.If youre happy,and you

6、know it,Shout Hurray!“(Hurray!)If youre happy,and you know it,Do all three.(Clap!Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hurray!)If youre happy,and you know it,Then,your face will surely show it.If youre happy,and you know it,Do all three.(Clap!Clap!Stomp!Stomp!Hurray!),Step 2:lead in 环节二:导入Story:Yesterday,I went to the p

7、ark.,Yesterday,I went to the park.I saw lots of mountains in the park.Then I climbed to the top.I felt hungry so I ate biscuits and apples.Finally,I bought a toy for my sister.I had a good time.,引出新单词:went,climbed,saw,ate,had,bought,mountain.Activity:Whats the word?(T say the word without voice,Ss g

8、uess the word.),go,climb,see,buy,have,Step 3 Presentation 环节三:呈现 Daming and Sam had a school trip yesterday.Activity:look at the pictures tell the phrases.,They went to the Great Wall.What did they see?What did they do?What did they eat?What did they buy?,Task:,listen and say,They saw lots of mounta

9、ins.They climbed to the top.,They ate apples and biscuits,They bought a present.They had a good time.,Game,掷骰子,Step 4:Practice and Consolidation 环节四:巩固练习(小组讨论),Lets try,Yesterday,Daming and Samto the Great Wall.They lots of mountains.They to the top.They biscuits and apples.They a present.They a good time.,(小组竞赛的形式),Pairswork,Tell each other D a Mings school trip.You can begin like this“Yesterday,we/they”,Group workyour trip:Last Sunday,I went to the I sawI climbedI ateI boughtI had,report,Homework,1.Make a report about your trip.2.Practice the phrases in your daily life.,Step 5:,Thank you,


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