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1、新标准英语七年级下册,MODULE 1 Lost and found Unit1 Whose bag is this,Word of this unit,本单元的单词,crayon 蜡笔 eraser 橡皮檫 glove手套 wallet 钱包 watch 表 whose谁的 first of all首先 lose丢失 find 发现,找到lost and found box 失物招领处mine 我的 Yours你的 tape 磁带 purple 紫色的;紫色 hers她的 careful 小心的 be careful with小心(对待)on 从某刻起 from now on 从现在开始 h

2、ere is/are 在这儿,crayon,eraser,glove,wallet,watch,lost and found box,tape,purple,1.Match the words from the box with pictures,bag()crayon()eraser()football()glove()wallet()watch(),1 4 5 3 2 7 6,2.Listen and answer the questions.,(1)Is the football Tonys?(2)Are the crayons Bettys?(3)Whose

3、 gloves are these?,Yes,it is,No,they aret,They are Bettys.,3.Listen and read.,3.Listen and read.,Ms Li:Welcome back to school,everyone!First of all,come and look in the lost and found box!There are a lot of things in it.Whose bag is this?Lingling:Oh sorry!Its mine.Are my crayons there too?Ms Li:Are

4、these crayons yours?Lingling:Yes,they are and this eraser too.Thank you.Ms Li:Whose tapes are these?Daming:Theyre mine.Ms Li:Heres a purple wallet!,Everyday EnglishWelcome back!Please be careful withfrom now on,Now match the people with thier tings,Tony:Its mine.Look!Heres my name“Tony”!Thank you.Ms

5、 Li:Youre welcome!Look at this nice watch.Is it yours too,Daming?Daming:No,it isnt.I think its Bettys.Lingling:Yes,its hers.Ms Li:Everyone,please be careful with your things from now on.Daming:Here are some nice gloves.Whose gloves are they?Ms Li:Let me see Oh,theyre mine!Thank you!,Lingling-caryons

6、 Daming-tapes Tony-wallet Betty-watch Ms Li-gloves,5.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box,careful hers mine purple tape yours,Ms Li:Linglings bag is in the lost and found box.The caryons are(1)_ too.Damings(2)_and Tonys(3)_wallet are here.Is the watch(4)_,Daming?Pleas

7、e be(5)_ with your things!And whose gloves are these?Oh,sorry.Theyre(6)_,hers,tapes,purple,yours,careful,mine,Pronunciation and speaking6.Listen and repeat,/back bag thank/e/eraser name/wallet watch,单词讲解,1.watch 表;(通常指)手表例句:I have a nice watch.我有一块很漂亮的手表。拓展:watch还可以作动词,意为观看,常与TV,match等搭配 We are watc

8、hing TV.我们在看电视。2.lose丢失例句:I lose my bag.我的包丢了。拓展:lost and found 失物招领 lost and found box 失物招领箱 lost and found office 失物招领处 lost and found website 失物招领网站,注意:lose的过去式是lost,属于不规则变化,3.find发现;找到例句:I cant find ny watch.我找不到我的手表了。辨析:look for与find,4.purple紫色例句:I have got a purple dress.我有一件紫色我的裙子。拓展:red红色 wh

9、ite白色 black黑色 pink粉红色 gray灰色 orange橙色,5.careful小心的;仔细的;认真的例句:Be careful with the knife.It may cut yourself.小心那把刀。它可能会割伤你图解:,care的派生词,careful小心的,careless 粗心的,carefully小心地,反义词,反义词,carelessly粗心地,短语讲解,1.first of all首先点拨:first of all用于描述次序或顺序,常位于首位。例句:First of all,Id like to introduce myselt.首先,我想做一个自我介绍

10、。拓展:at first 最初;一开始 first name 名字 for the first time 第一次,2.be careful with 小心(对待),例句:Be careful with these glasses.小心这些玻璃杯。图解,3.from now on 从现在开始,例句:Please do your homework carefully.从现在开始,请认真做你的家庭作业,拓展:from then on 从那时起,1.Whoes bag is this?这是谁的包?,点拨:本句是whose引导的特殊疑问句。“whose+物品+is this?”用于询问“这是谁的物品”。

11、回答时可以使用名词性物主代词或名词所有格。例句:Whose earser is this?这是谁的橡皮?Whose 物品 is this,句型解读,2.Heres a purple wallet!这里有一个紫色的钱包点拨:本句属于“here is/are结构的倒装句,be动词之后的内容是句子的主语。例句:Here is my family photo.这是我的全家福照片。,拓展:在here,there引导的倒装句中,主语可以是名词,,也可以是代词,但其结构有所不同,见下图,3.I think its Bettys 我想它是贝蒂的。,点拨:本句是含宾语从句的复合句,主语是“I think”,从句

12、是“its Bettys”。宾语从句前省略了引导词that。例句:I think life of pi is good movie.我觉得少年派的奇幻漂流是一部好电影。,拓展:当主句是“I/We think/believe”时,从句如果时候定意义,则要否定主句,而不是从句,这就是“否定前移”。,I dont think it is good for us.我觉得这对我们不好,语法讲解,my mine 我的 your yours 你的,你们的 his his 他的 her hers 她的 our ours 我们的 their theirs 他们的,名词性物主代词,形容词行物主代词,形容词行物主代

13、词,+名词,名词性物主代词,(不跟名词),practise 练习,1.my sister_ her cat yesterday,but she didnt_ it.A.found;look for B.looker;found C.looked for;find2.Work _ and you will do it very well.A.careful B.careless C.carefully D.carelessly3.Please be careful with your personal things.(改为同义句)_,Please look out for your personal things,4.改错:-Where is the panda?A B C-There is it D()_,5.We think Tom is good at paninting.(改为否定句)6.我觉得这是一个好主意。(翻译)_,D,it is,We think it Tom is good at paiting.,I think this is a good idea.,


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