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1、Unit 1 Try not to translate every word.,Module 1 How to learn English,English around us,What are they doing?,English is very important and useful.,1.Do you like English?,2.How do you learn English?,3.Do you think its difficult to learn English?Why?,4.Whats the most difficult thing in learning Englis

2、h?,English,s_ing,l_ing,r_ing,w_ ing,isten,ead,peak,rit,How do people usually learn English?,letter,English,s_ing,l_ing,r_ing,w_ing,isten,ead,peak,rit,To study English,what will they learn at first?,sentence,vocabulary,pronunciation,grammar,punctuation,letter,English,s_ing,l_ing,r_ing,w_ing,isten,ead

3、,peak,rit,What else do they need to learn?,sentence,vocabulary,pronunciation,grammar,punctuation,letter,English,s_ing,l_ing,r_ing,w_ing,isten,ead,peak,rit,How do they usually learn them?,orchestra,notebook,radio,New words,newspaper,write down,message,number,listenmatchnumber,lookreadcheckmatchanswer

4、,answerasksayrepeat,checkcorrectwrite,Match the words with the headings.,answer ask check correct listen look match number read repeat say translate write,checkcorrect,listenrepeatsay,readmatchtranslate,answer ask check correct listen look match number read repeat say translate write,Listen and matc

5、h these words with the conversation.,GrammarMeaningPunctuationSpellingTranslation,Conversation 1Conversation 2Conversation 3Conversation 4Conversation 5,Do you know these words?Guess!,advice correct mistake newspaper notebook pen friend,1.What do you think is the best advice for learning English?2.I

6、s a correct word right or wrong?,建议,正确的,3.What mistakes do you often make?4.Do you read a newspaper in English?5.Do you have a vocabulary notebook?6.Do you have a pen friend?Does he or she often send you email messages?,错误,报纸,笔记本,笔友,1.How do we help them to improve their English?,2.What advice do yo

7、u want to give them?,Discussion,Listen and choose.,1.Why is Ms James going to give her students some advice?_ A.Because she is a good teacher.B.Because she likes to give others advice.C.Because it is a new term.2.They are talking about_ A.what they will do in the English class.B.how to speak English

8、.C.how to learn English.,C,C,Read and check.,1.Speak Chinese in class.2.Write the mistakes in the notebooks.3.Write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes.4.Check your vocabulary notebook every day.5.Listen to English radio programme.6.Read English newspaper.7.Try to translate ev

9、ery word.,F,F,T,T,T,T,T,check your vocabulary notebook every day,write email message to your pen friend,write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes,read a newspaper in English,try not translate every word,listen to the radio,Listen and check your answers.,Write notes about:,Fill

10、 in the blanks according to the dialog.,James:You _ always speak English in class.And you _ write down your mistakes in your notebooks.And _ you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?What else?Lingling:Its _ to check your vocabulary notebook every day.,should,should,why do

11、nt,a good idea,James:Thats a good idea.Thanks a lot,Lingling._ listening to the radio or reading a newspaper in English?But _ to translate every word.Lingling:I think everyone _ have a pen friend and write email messages to each other.Im going to meet my pen friend in Beijing this term.,How about,tr

12、y not,should,Language points,1.Now,because its a new term,Im going to give you some advice.,advice 不可数名词,意为“劝告,忠告”。一条建议:a piece of advice。常用短语:(1)take ones advice 听/采纳某人的建议(2)give sb.advice on.在方面给某人建议,My English teacher gave me some advice on English.我的英语老师曾在英语方面给我提过一些建议。If you take my advice,you c

13、an pass the test.如果你听我的建议,你会通过这次考试的。,注意 advise是动词,常用结构为:advise sb.to do sth.。如:We advised them to start early.我们建议他们及早开始。,2.Why dont you write down the correct words?=Why not write down the correct words?,Why dont you do?用来表示提出某种建议,而不是询问为什么不做某事的原因。如:Why dont you/Why not read a newspaper in English?你

14、为什么不读英文版的报纸呢?,You should(do).,Why dont you(do).?,How about(doing)?,Try to(do).,Try not to(do).,What about(doing)?,你应该,干嘛不?,怎么样?,努力(做).,努力不(做),提建议的表达方法:,3.Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook.,Its a good idea to do sth.意思是“做是个好主意”。如:Its a good idea to write down the teachers notes.记下老师的笔

15、记是一个好想法。,Its a good idea for sb.to do sth.意思是“对 来说是个好主意”。如:Its a good idea for us to travel to the south.去南方旅行对我们来说是个好主意。,4.How about listening to the radio in English?,=What about listening to radio in English?,What about/How about doing sth?表示“做某事怎么样?”其用法有:(1)用来询问情况或打听消息等,意为“怎么样?/如何?”。如:Im ready.W

16、hat about you?我准备好了,你呢?How about Mother?Is she all right?妈妈怎么样?她好吗?How about your English exam yesterday?昨天的英语考得怎么样?,(2)用来提出请求,建议或征求对方意见,意为“(你认为)怎么样?/如何?”。如:How about having a rest?休息一会儿怎么样?What about a cup of tea?喝杯茶怎么样?Of course Ill come.What about Friday?我当然要来,星期五来如何?What about Father?We cant jus

17、t leave him here.父亲怎么办?我们不能把他丢在这。,5.But try not to translate every word.,try to do sth.表示“努力做某事”。如:We should try hard to help the poor people.我们应该努力去帮助穷人。,注意 try not to do sth.表示“努力/尽量不做某事”。如:We should try not to make any mistakes.我们应该尽量不犯错误。,辨析try to do sth.和 try doing sth.的用法,trytodosth.表示“努力做某事;试


19、going B.tryingtogo C.totryandgo D.trygoing,D,Practice,Choose the best answer.,6.I think everyone should have a pen friend and write email messages to each other.,each other意为“互相”,通常放在动词或介词的后面作宾语,也可用其所有格形式来修饰名词。如:We often helped each other last year.去年我们经常互相帮助。The girls wore each others skirts.女孩们互穿对

20、方的裙子。We know each others habits very well.我们非常了解彼此的习惯。,Pair work What should you do to improve your English?,Do more grammar exercises.,Listen to English programmes,Remember the meanings of each word and read English materials,Write diary every day,Read English materials and dothe comprehensive ques

21、tions,Speak English with your Englishteacher,classmates or foreigners,What should they do to improve:1.their grammar 2.their listening3.their vocabulary 4.their writing5.their reading 6.their speaking,Please give some advice.,Make a dialog in pairs.,A-an old peopleB-Student 1 C-Student 2A:Excuse me?

22、Can?B&C:Of course!A:What should I do to improve my grammar?B:Well,you should.C:Its a good idea to,Make the sentences.,1.watch,film,to,try,English(.)2.to,try translate,word,not every(.)3.you,why the radio,listen to,dont(?),Try to watch English film.,Try not to translate every word.,Why dont you listen to the radio?,4.every day,how about,ten words,learning(?)5.dont,to,forget,an English paper,read(.),How about learning ten words every day?,Dont forget to read an English paper.,


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