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1、Unit 9 When was he born?,Period 1,Section A 1aGrammar Focus,Months of the yearJanuary February MarchApril May June July August SeptemberOctober November December,Review,When is New Years Day(元旦)?Its January 1st.When is Womens Day(妇女节)?It is March 8th.When is April Fools Day(愚人节)?Its April 1st.When i

2、s Working Peoples Day(劳动节)?Its May 1st.When is National Day(国庆节)?Its October 1st.When is Christmas Day(圣诞节)?Its December 25th.,What is the date(日期)?,It is,Oct.23rd,July 31st,Mar.19th,Pairwork,When were you born?When was your mother born?When was your father born?When were your classmates born?,I was

3、 born,She was born,He was born,They were born,乔丹简介:在多数的人眼中,Michael Jordan 是有史以来最伟大的篮球运动员,他的波澜壮阔的篮球生涯和他对于这项运动的巨大影响力不可避免的让人们把他推上了神坛.,莫扎特(德语:Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,沃尔夫冈阿马德乌斯莫扎特,1756年1月27日-1791年12月5日),出生于神圣罗马帝国时期的萨尔兹堡(当今的奥地利,萨尔兹堡 Salzburg.),是欧洲最伟大的古典主义音乐作曲家之一。35岁便英年早逝的莫扎特,留下的重要作品总括当时所有的音乐类型。莫扎特不仅是古典音乐的

4、杰出大师,更是人类历史上极为罕见的音乐天才,有“音乐神童”的美誉。,泰格伍兹(Tiger Woods,1975年12月30日),美国高尔夫球手,多次世界排名首位,并被公认为史上最成功的高尔夫球手之一。因为在英文中他的绰号“Tiger”的意思是“虎”,所以在中文中经常被称为老虎。伍兹是加利福尼亚人,从小在洛杉矶地区长大。伍兹和艾琳诺德格林于2004年10月5日在加勒比海岛国巴巴多斯一家豪华的沙巷五星级俱乐部结婚。2009年11月28日伍兹的一次车祸,在短短的几周内,引出了多达十几位的情妇队伍,舆论哗然。,罗纳尔多,全称罗纳尔多路易斯那扎里奥德利马,出生于巴西里约热内卢,巴西著名足球运动员,司职前

5、锋。,David Beckham,Do you know him?What is his name?And what does he do?,He is Ronaldo.He is a famous football player.,大卫贝克汉姆(David Beckham,1975年5月2日),生于英国伦敦,是一名著名的英国足球运动员,曾任英格兰代表队队长。贝克汉姆在球场上司职右前卫或中前卫,最著名的是他右脚精准的长传、传中和极其出色的定位球。,Do you know what his name is?What does he do?,He is Jordan.He is a famous

6、basketball player.,Do you know what her name is?What does she do?,She is Deng Yaping.She is a ping-pong player.,Do you know what his name is?What does he do?,He is David Beckham.He is a great football player.,Do you know other international sports stars?,Shaquille ONeal,a basketball player,Li Naa te

7、nnis player,Yang Yanga skater 滑冰运动员,Who is that?What does he do?When was he born?,Thats Wang Hao.,He is a ping-pong player.,He was born in 1983.,Who is that?What does he do?When was he born?,Thats Yao Ming.,He is a basketball player.,He was born in 1980.,GuoJingjinga diver Born:1981,Cheng Fei a gymn

8、astBorn:1988,1b Listening,Listen and write the year the sports star was born under each photo.,Deng Yapingping-pong playerBorn:,1973,Michael Jordanbasketball playerBorn:,1963,Martina Hingistennis playerBorn:,David Beckhamfootball playerBorn:,1980,1975,Whos that?Thats Deng Yaping.She is a great Chine

9、se ping-pong player.When was she born?She was born in 1973.,1c Pairwork,When was he/she born?,He/She was born in on,Apr.7th,1974,Apr.7th,1954,Jan.18th,1979,Mar.10th,1984,Mar.12th,1976,Whos that?,Thats,Apr.28th,1974,1922,1990,978 days,1981,1,13,1983,9,16,Listening,A:How long did Charles Smith hiccup?

10、Boy:He hiccupped for_ years and _ months.A:When did he start hiccupping?Boy:He started in_.A:When did he stop hiccupping?Boy:He stopped in _.,2c Pairwork,69,5,1922,1990,Homework,Please choose one of them as your homework.Practice the target language“When was he/she born?He/She was born in.”Try to collect more information about famous people.,


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