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1、Unit 9 When was he born?,1.When was he born?(他什么时候出生的?)He was born in 1895.(他出生于1895年)I was born on February 18th1982(我于1982年2月18日出生。)Where were you born?(你出生在什么地方?)I was born in Suzhou(我出生在苏州。),2.How long did Charles Smith hiccup?(查尔斯史密斯打嗝打了多长时间?)He hiccupped for 69 years and 5 months.(他打了69年零5个月.)

2、“How long”是就一段时间进行提问,因此回答时用for后面加一段持续的时间。,3.You are never too young to start doing things.(你永远不会小到不能做事情的地步。)“too+形容词或副词原级+to do”,译为“太而不能The water is too hot for your little sister to drink.(水太烫,你的妹妹不能喝。),We started doing our homework at 7 oclock last night.(我们昨晚7点开始写作业。),too+adj.to do sth=so+adj.+th

3、at(从句)=not+adj.enough to do sth Tom is too young to go to school.=Tom is so young that he cant go to school.=Tom is not old enough to go to school.(Tom 年龄太小而不能上学。),4.Tiger Woods started golfing when he was only ten months old.(泰戈伍德在只有10个月大的时候开始玩高尔夫球。)when是时间状语从句的引导词,意为“当的时候”。Mozart started writing m

4、usic when he was four years old.(莫扎特在四岁的时候,开始写音乐。)write music 谱写曲子,5.And Ronaldo,the great Brazilian soccer player,played for his national team when he was seventeen(而杰出的巴西足球运动员罗纳尔多,17岁时就为国家队效力了。)play for 为效力 national team 国家队,6.When did she become a movie star?(她何时成为电影明星的?)She became a movie star w

5、hen she was three years old.(她3岁的时候成为电影明星的)become系动词,后接名词、形容词,意为“变成,成为”,过去式:becameWhen did your aunt become famous?(你的阿姨什么时候出名的?),7.Arthur is a loving grandfather.He spends all his free time with his grandchildren.(亚瑟是一位慈爱的祖父。他与他的孙子、孙女一起度过了他所有的业余时间。)loving是形容词,表示“慈爱的”lovely形容词,可爱的spend 时间/金钱on sth.=

6、spend时间/金钱(in)doing sth.spend time with sb.与某人一起度过时光,8.I saw her play when I was eight.(我8岁时看过她的表演。)see sbdo sth看见某人做某事的全过程 see sbdoing sth看见某人正在做某事。I saw Jim go out(我看见吉姆出去了。)He saw a small boy crying in the corner.(他看见一个小男孩正在角落里哭),9.Li Yundi,the well-known Chinese pianist,always loved music.(中国著名钢

7、琴家李云迪总是喜爱音乐。)well-known是复合形容词,表示“出名的,众所周知的”,放在名词前面。划线部分是“Li Yundi”的同位语。,10.When he was a small boy,he could hum songs and difficult pieces of music.(当他是个小男孩时,他就能够哼唱歌曲和一些较难的音乐篇章。)hum songs 哼歌,过去式:hummed pieces of music 音乐篇章,11.He began to learn the accordion at the age of four.(他四岁时就开始学习手风琴。)年龄表达方法:(

8、1)用基数词表达年龄,可以加上“years old”三岁:three years old.(2)用 when 引导的从句,当我三岁时:when I was three(years old)(3)at the age of+基数词,at the age of three(4)基数词+-year-old,这种表达常作定语,一个三岁的男孩:a three-year-old boy.,12.Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Polan.(李云迪在波兰参加了第14届肖邦国际钢琴比赛。)take

9、 part in 表示参加某项活动 join 指“参加”某种组织 What club do you want to join?(你想参加什么俱乐部?)I took part in the game.(我参加了这场比赛。),13.He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.(在大赛70年的历史中,他也是第一个获得这项奖的中国钢琴家。)7o-year是复合形容词,7o年的,在句中作定语,两词之间要加连字符,且名词用单数。,14.Is he aliv

10、e?(他还活着吗?)形容词alive,活着的,在世的,作定语放在名词后面。He is the greatest writer alive in China.(他是中国最伟大的在世的作家。),15.He stopped playing football because of his sore back.(他因为后背疼而停止了踢足球。)stop doing sth.停止正在做的事 stop to do sth.停下来去做某事because of+名词、代词;because+句子,两个都表原因。,词组:international sports stars 国际运动明星 the world record 世界记录 for example 例如 learn to ride a bicycle学习骑自行车 first have a party 第一次举行聚会,perform Beijing Opera 表演京剧 win a gold medal 赢得一块金牌the World Championships 世界锦标赛major in 主修,专修,


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