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1、,Starring introduction 主演介绍,Full name:Isabella.Marie.Swan Name after getting married:Isabella Marie Cullen 伊莎贝拉玛丽斯旺(Isabella Marie Swan)没有嫁给爱德华之前的名字、贝拉卡伦(Bella Cullen)嫁给爱德华之后的名字Nickname:Bella,Bells,Vampire girl Type:Before she gave birth to Renesmee,she was a human,after then,she became a vampire 没有

2、生下蕾妮斯梅之前。是人类(暮色到月食),生下蕾妮斯梅之后奄奄一息时被注射了爱德华的毒液后成为了吸血鬼破晓)Birthday:September 13,1987Deathday(a vampire day):September 10,2006(stay 18 years old forever)忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):2006年9月10日(保持永远18岁)Ability:defense 能力:盾牌术(盾牌,抵御一切来自于心理的超能力,还是人类时已经能抵御,变成吸血鬼后可以保护别人,对蕾妮斯梅无效)Spouse(配偶):Edward Cullen,Bella,the heroine of the

3、 film.,ACTOR(扮演者)Kristen Stewart Kristen Stewart,an American actor,is by virtue of the Twilight。The first movie she stared was Catch That Kid,and was appreciated by people for her performance.Twilight made her become really famous and help her win the Best Female Lead Award.。But Stuarts elegant and

4、charming temperament has not changed,she is still the favorite of the lovers of art films.克里斯汀斯图尔特,美国演员,凭借暮色走红。她的第一部电影是小鬼神偷,她的演技受到了观众赞赏,暮光之城让她真正成名,并帮助她赢得了最佳女主角奖。但斯图尔特清丽迷人的气质没有改变,她依然是文艺片爱好者的最爱。,Full name本名(变成吸血鬼前的名字):Edward Cullen Former name全名:(before he changed to the vampire 变成吸血鬼后的名字):Edward Anth

5、ony Mason Type:vampire 种类:吸血鬼The reason of change:he had died from the Spanish flu since 1918,but rescued by Carlisle.改变原因:因为1918年得了西班牙流感而死,被卡莱尔救下。Birthday:June 30,1901 Deathday(become a vampire):1918(stay 17 years old forever)忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):1918年(拥有永远17岁的外表)Ability:mind readers(except for Bella s tho

6、ught)能力:读心术(对贝拉无效)Spouse(配偶):Bella Swan,Edward Cullen,the hero of the film.,ACTOR扮演者Robert Thoms Pattinson Robert,he was born in London in 1986.His mother worked for a modeling agency,and his father is engaged in the business of used car imports of U.S.After stared in the movie Twilight in 2008,he b

7、ecame more famous.He has palyed many roles and if have watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,you must remember him as Cedric Diggory.,1986年出生于英国伦敦的Robert,母亲任职于模特经纪公司,父亲则从事进口美国二手车的生意。Robert曾扮演哈利波特中赫奇帕奇的优等生塞德里克迪戈里;2008年Robert凭借演出暮色中的吸血鬼男孩爱德华库伦一炮而红,成为耀眼的明日之星。,Full name:Jacob Black 雅各布布莱克Nick name

8、:Jake,Mutt,Dog,Mongrel,Pup Age:15(Twilight),16(in New Moon,Eclipse,and Breaking Dawn)Type:human(in Twilight);human+werewolf(in New Moon,Eclipse,and Breaking Dawn)Characteristics of wolves:tall,strong,Jacob,he is a werewolf,he is also in love with Bella.,ACTOR:Taylor Lautner泰勒洛特纳Taylor Lautner who pl

9、ays werewolf Jacob Black in the Twilight series of films,was born in 1992,.With impressive figure,hearty smile,deep and clear eyes,somewhat childish cute face and warm sunny temperament,he has won a large number of fanss favorite,and successfully becomes one of the most dazzling new generation of Ho

10、llywood actor.,泰勒洛特纳,暮光之城系列电影中狼人Jacob Black的扮演者,1992年出生,以傲人的身材、爽朗的笑容、深邃而清澈的眼神、略带稚气的可爱脸庞和温暖阳光的气质,赢得了大量粉丝的喜爱,成功跃身好莱坞最耀眼的新生代男星行列。,Renesmee Carlie Cullen(蕾妮斯梅卡理卡伦)Type:Both vampire and human种类:一半人类一半吸血鬼Birthday:September 10,2006生日:2006年9月10日Ability:let others see what her own thinking(opposite with Edwa

11、rds ability),as well as anti-defense(anyone can not refuse her,contrary to the ability of the mother Bella)能力:让别人看到自己在想什么(与父亲爱德华的能力相反),还有反防御(任何人都无法拒绝她,与母亲贝拉的能力相反)Father:Edward Cullen父亲:爱德华卡伦Mother:Bella Cullen母亲:贝拉卡伦,It is inferred that in her 7-year-old she grows into a adult,and she always have th

12、e appearance of youthful beauty.She has the hard skin of vampire,humans heartbeat and the werewolfs temperature.She can suck the blood,can also eat human food.据推断,她在7岁左右成长为成人,永远拥有青春美丽的外表,拥有吸血鬼的坚硬皮肤、人类的心跳、狼人的体温,可以吸食血液,也可以吃人类的食物。,ACTOR:Mackenzie Foy麦肯基弗依Mackenzie Foy is an American child actor,actress

13、,model.Now she is 12 years old.She began to be a print ad model in 2004.Mackenzie has appeared in many advertisements and recently finished filming two movies.The director,Debra Zane,praised that she is a very talented young actress.麦肯基弗依,美国童星,演员、模特.她开始当平面广告模特是在2004年.Mackenzie已经出现在许多广告,最近刚拍完2部电影.暮光之城的选角导演黛布拉赞恩称赞她是一个非常有才华的年轻女演员,


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