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1、M2 U4 notes,1.aware a.有意的 unaware a.无意的,不知不觉的 e.g.be aware of=know about 知道,意识到*反义:be unaware ofe.g.I am unaware of the danger.,2.depend v.依靠,依赖 dependent a.依靠的,依赖的(反义:independent 独立的)dependence n.依赖,信赖*depend on=rely on 依靠,依赖 e.g.Do not depend on your parents all the time.,*3.help v.帮助 n.帮助 e.g.You

2、r advice is a great help.helper n.=assistant 助手 e.g.They are our good helpers.helpful adj.有益的,有帮助的 e.g.Computers are helpful to human beings.helpless adj.无益的,无帮助的需掌握的词组:help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 help sb.with sth.在某方面帮助某人 cant help doing sth.情不自禁做某事 help yourself/yourselves to sth.自取/随便吃 with/withou

3、t the help of sb 在/不在某人的帮助下,4.important a.重要的 importantly ad.重要地 importance n.重要性 unimportant a.不重要的 e.g.He is a man of great importance.Money is unimportant for him because he owns too much money.More importantly,we can use computers to serve people.,5.operate v.操作;运转;动手术 e.g.operate railways=contr

4、ol railways*operate on sb.给某人做手术 operation n.,6.speak v.讲话 speaker n.说话者;发言者;扬声器 speech n.演讲*e.g.give a speech 做演讲,7.hide v.(hide-hid-hidden)隐藏 hidden a.隐藏的 e.g.hidden helpers a hidden danger 隐患 a hidden meaning 言外之意,8.calculate v.计算 calculator n.计算器 calculation n.计算,推算e.g.They calculate fast and ma

5、ke few mistakes.Computers are super calculators.,9.electricity n.电 electrical a.与电有关的e.g.electrical appliances electric a.发电的,用电的e.g.electric kettles/fans electrician n.电工,10.electron n.电子 electronic a.电子的 e.g.electronic calculators/brains/mails electronics n.电子学,电子设备 puters electronics 电脑元件,11.driv

6、e v.驾驶(drive drove-driven)n.驱动器,动力 driver n.司机,mon a.平常的,普通的 n.平民,普通,公地*mon knowledge commonly ad.普通地,13.hard a.硬的;困难的 e.g.a hard stone It is hard for me to keep calm.ad.努力地,猛烈地 e.g.word/study hard*hardly ad.几乎不 hardly ever=almost never 几乎从不(指时间)hardly any=almost none 几乎没有(指数量)e.g.1).He hardly ever

7、has time to go for a trip.2).People destroy a lot of trees but plant hardly any of them.,*not,no(nothing,nobody,none),never,little,few,hardly,seldom,rarely 这些词是否定词,在反意疑问句中遵循“前否后肯”的原则.e.g.They rarely practise playing tennis,do they?He ate little food,did he?但:fail,dislike,disagree,impossible,unimport

8、ant,unlike,unhappy,useless,hopeless等这类词只是具有否定的意义,不构成否定句,在反意疑问句中还得遵循“前肯后否”的原则。e.g.She was unhappy all day,wasnt she?It is useless to argue with them,isnt it?,14.问题的答案 the answer to the question 通往剧院的入口 the entrance to the theatre 门钥匙 the key to the door 去他家的路 the way to his home 解决问题的办法 the solution

9、to the problem,15.listen to sb.doing sth.听某人做某事 look at sb.doing sth.看某人做某事*(see,watch,hear,notice sb doing/do),16.1).raise vt.提高;筹集;养育;升起 e.g.raise ones head/voice/flag 抬起头/提高声音/升国旗 raise money 集资;筹款 raise some questions 提出问题 raise the pets 养宠物 2).rise vi.升起,起身,上升,上涨(*vi.后面不跟名词。如接,需加介词才可以)e.g.rise

10、to 3 meters 升到三米 rise by 3 meters 升了三米 The sun rises in the east.The river rose two feet because of the rain.,17.be good/poor at 擅长/不擅长做某事*be better than at doing sth.=be better at doing sth.than 比更擅长做某事 e.g.I am better than Ben at playing football.,18.in history 历史上 e.g.in human history 人类历史上 in re

11、cent history 近代史上 historical a.(有关)历史的 e.g.the historical background 历史背景,19.there may be 也许有 there must be 肯定有 there cant be 不可能有 e.g.1).There may be four new films on show this month.2).There must be someone else in the library.The light is on.3).There cant be so many people in the hall.Its not bi

12、g enough.,20.it作为形式主语的几个用法:1).It is+n.that-cl that从句是真正的主语 e.g.It is common knowledge that computers are super calculators.2).It is+a.that-cl e.g.It is possible that we finish the work in three days.3).It is+a.(for sb.)to do sth.to do sth.是真正的主语 e.g.It is important for us to study hard.,1.know v.知道,

13、了解 e.g.As we all know,众所周知,knowledge n.知识 mon knowledge known a.已知的,有名的 e.g.be known as unknown a.未知的,不详的e.g.She is angry for some unknown reasons.,2.calculator n.计算器 visitor,actor,inventor,sailor,editor,operator(操作员),bus conductor(售票员)collector(收藏家),3.mean v.意思是e.g.What do you mean?meaning n.意思e.g.

14、Do you know the meaning of this word?meaningful a.意味深长的e.g.He gave me a meaningful look.meaningless a.毫无意义的4.in+年 e.g.in 2010 in the+年代 e.g.in the 2010s5.obey the commands=obey the orders,the end,Comparison of adj./adv 形容词和副词的比较1.比较级(两者相比)Peter can jump higher than Ben.Who jumps higher,Peter or Ben?

15、*往往有些表示程度的词修饰比较级,如much,far,even,still,a little,a bit e.g.Peters computer is far more expensive than mine.2.最高级(三者或以上相比)Ben is the cleverest boy in his class.Ben is the cleverest boy of/among all the students.Ben is the cleverest boy I have ever seen/heard.,3.怎样+er 1).一般单音节直接加er e.g.smaller,higher 以不

16、发音的e结尾的单音节直接+r e.g.nicer,fiercer 一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节,双写+er e.g.bigger,thinner 2).多音节单词在原级前加 more e.g.more beautiful/popular 3).双音节词:a).以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i,+er e.g.heavier,healthier,lazier,easier,busier,b).以ly结尾的,前面加more e.g.more slowly/friendly*earlier4)不规则的,4.注意:1).不能重复 Peter is much more heavier than Be

17、n.(误)Peter is much heavier than Ben.(正)2).不能把被比较的对象含在比较的对象中。Peter is much heavier than any boy in his class.(误)Peter is much heavier than any other boy in his class.(正)5.好词、好句积累 1).越 越 bigger and bigger more and more beautiful 2).The weather in Shanghai is better than that in Beijing.The more you learn,the better you will understand.,6.其他比较级形式:1).as+a./ad.(原级)+as Peter is as clever as Ben.2).not as/so as 不如 Peter is not so clever as Ben.7.其它最高级的句式:Ben is one of the cleverest boys in his class.Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,


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