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1、Unit 1Advertising,单元总结,知识清单,1 n(个体或群体的)幸福、安全和健康;福利2 vi.&vt.欺骗;作弊 n.骗子;欺诈行为3 adj.清白的,无罪的;无恶意 的;纯真的4 n.气息;呼吸5 n.&vi.评论,评价,welfare,cheat,innocent,breath,comment,单词,(一)基本单词,6 adj.心理的;思想的,精神 的;智力的7 n.骗局;把戏;玩笑;诀窍 vt.欺骗,欺诈,mental,trick,8 vt.&vi.以为目标;瞄准 n.目的,目标9 n.&v.设计;图案,花样10 n.便宜货;协议 vi.讨价还价11 n.意外收获;奖金,

2、额外津贴,bargain,bonus,aim,design,12 adj.精致的;绚丽的;奢华的 n.空想,幻想;爱好,迷恋 vt.想象;猜想13 vt.咨询;请教14 vi.有吸引力;呼吁,恳请 n.吸引力;呼吁,恳求15 vt.敦促,力劝;竭力主张 n.强烈的欲望,冲动,fancy,consult,appeal,urge,16 vt.&vi.做广告,宣传 n做广告;广告活动;广 告业 n广告;广告宣传 n广告商17 vt.说服,劝说;使信服 adj.说服力的;劝导性的 n说服;劝服,persuade,persuasive,persuasion,advertise,advertising,a

3、dvertisement,advertiser,(二)派生单词,18 vt.推广,宣传;促销;促 进,推动 n宣传;促进19 vt.&vi.使受益;得益于 n益处;救济金;奖金 adj.有益处的,有帮助的,promote,promotion,benefit,beneficial,benefit,20 vt.设计 n.设计 n.设计者,设计师,design,design,designer,21 vt.确定,查明;决定;裁决 n确定;决定 adj.有决心的22 n分析,分析结果 vt.分析 adj.分析的23 vi.做出反应,回应 n反应,回应,determine,determination,de

4、termined,analysis,analytic,react,analyse,reaction,1 旨在,目的是2 上当,受的骗3 欺骗;捉弄4.使公众受益 5 涉及,关于;处理,应付6 以结束7(数量、程度等)达到,be meant tofall forplay tricks on benefit the publicdeal withend withup to,短语,8 弄清楚,弄懂;计算出9 吸引,引起兴趣;呼吁10 对关心11 把表达清楚12 组织,汇集;组装13 死于14 虽然,即使,figure outappeal tobe concerned withget sth.acro

5、ssput sth.togetherdie fromeven if/though,1.Yesterday I came across an interesting new book,which I would like to recommend here.,【句析】此句是一个_句。,复合,句式,2.It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.,【句析】此句是一个_句。,复合,核心要点,1.persuade vt

6、._,【归纳】persuade sb.to do sth./into doing sth.说服某人做某事 persuade sb.not to do sth./out of doing sth.说服某人不要做某事 persuade sb.of sth./persuade sb.that.使某人确信,说服,劝说;使信服,单词,Can you _ his foolish plans?你能说服他放弃他那愚蠢的计划吗?He was not _ the truth of the statement.他不相信那种说法是真的。He couldnt _ his terms.他没能说服我接受他的条件。,pers

7、uade him out of/to give up,persuaded of,persuade me to accept/into accepting,【运用】,persuade sb.to do sth.表示“说服某人做某事”;若表示“试图说服某人做某事而未涉及结果”,则用try to persuade sb.to do sth.或 advise sb.to do sth.如:No matter how hard we tried to persuade him,he wouldnt listen.任我们怎样劝说,他也不听。,2.cure n._ v._,治愈,痊愈;药物,疗法;对策,治愈

8、,治疗;解决,【归纳】cure sb.of 疾病名称 治愈某人的疾病 cure sb.of 不良行为 矫正某人的不良行为 a cure for sth.治疗的方法,Many people believe that prison isnt _ crime.许多人认为监禁并不是治愈犯罪的良方。Penicillin _ his pneumonia.青霉素治好了他的肺炎。Staying in the army will _ his laziness!在军队里呆一段时间会治好他的懒病的。,a cure for,cure him of,cured him of,【运用】,cure,treat,e.g.Th

9、e doctor her for her headache with an expensive medicine,but did not her of the disease.,treated,cure,与cure sb.of sth.结构类似的短语:remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事suspect sb.of sth.怀疑某人(做)某事rob sb.of sth.抢了某人某物inform sb.of sth.通知某人某事warn sb.of sth.警告某人某事accuse sb.of sth.控告某人某事,【总结】,ment n.&v._,评论,评价,议论,【归纳】make

10、a comment/comments on/about sth.对作出评论 no comment 无可奉告 comment on/upon 评论,注释 comment that.评论,The Palace last night refused to _ the reports.昨晚王室拒绝对报道作出评论。Joan _ that it was a better play than usual,and I agreed.琼评论说这场比赛比以往打得好,我表示赞 同。What do you think of the matter?_.无可奉告。,comment on,commented,No comm

11、ent,【运用】,4.aim n._ v._,目标,目的;瞄准,以为目标;瞄准,对准;旨在,【归纳】aim at/for sth.力求达到 aim(sth.)at.(把)瞄准 aim to do sth./at doing sth.力争做到 be aimed at.目的是,旨在 without aim 漫无目的地 with the aim of.以期,意在 achieve ones aim 达到目的,This antismoking campaign is mainly _ young teenagers.这场反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的。He _ the last bus so that h

12、e could get home in time for supper.他想赶最后一班公共汽车,好及时赶回家吃 午饭。The project was set up,_ helping young unemployed people.建立这项计划的目的是给失业青年提供帮助。,aimed at,aimed to catch,with the aim of,【运用】,5.recommend v._,推荐;建议,劝告;介绍,【归纳】recommend sth.for 推荐某物作某种用途 recommend sb.as.推荐某人作为 recommend sth.to sb.recommend sb.st

13、h.向某人推荐某物 recommend doing sth.建议做某事 recommend sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 recommend that sb.(should)do sth.建议某人做某事,I can _ all lovers of good theatre.我把这个剧推荐给所有爱好优秀戏剧的人。Can you _?你能给我介绍一本好书 吗?We strongly _ the incident to the police.我们强烈建议报警。,recommend this play to,recommend me a good book/recommend a good

14、 book to me,recommend reporting,【运用】,We recommend that you _ travel insurance on all holidays.我们建议您为所有假期都购买旅行保险。It is often recommended that one _ to reduce cancer risk.有人经常建议人们减肥来减小患癌症的风 险。,(should)buy,(should)lose weight,6.bargain vi._ n._,讨价还价;讲条件,便宜货,议价;协议,【归纳】(1)bargain with sb.about/over/for s

15、th.(和某人就某事)讨价还价(2)make a bargain with sb.和某人达成协议(3)a good/bad bargain 买得(不)合算,He _ for an hour before he bought a rug.他与那商人讨价还价了一个小时才买下一 块地毯。He made _ them.他和他们做了一笔满意的交易。This shirt was _ only 15 in a sale.这件衬衫是便宜货,大减价时只卖十五英 镑。,bargained with the merchant,a satisfactory bargain with,a real bargain,【运

16、用】,7.determine v._,确定,查明;决定;裁决,【归纳】(1)determine to do sth.决定做某事(瞬间动词,表动作)(2)determine sb.to do sth.使某人下决心做某事【拓展】determined adj.有决心的,决意的;坚定的be determined to do sth.决心做某事(系表结 构,表状态)determination n.决心;果断;坚定,They _ resist pressure to change the law.他们决心顶住要求改革法律的压力。_ visit the science museum,she set off

17、at once.决心参观科学博物馆,她立刻出发了。He showed great courage and _.他表现得十分勇敢和果断。,Determined to,are determined to,determination,【运用】,8.appeal n._ v._,吸引力;呼吁,恳求,有吸引力;呼吁,恳请,【归纳】(sth.)appeal to sb.(某物)引起某人的兴 趣;吸引某人,迎合某人 appeal to sb.for sth.为某事向某人呼吁 appeal to sb.to do sth.呼吁某人去做某事 make an appeal to sb.for sth.呼吁某人做

18、某事,Smoking and drinking _.烟、酒与我无缘。They _ help the distressed children.他们呼吁公众帮助那些受难的儿童。We made _ the villagers for money to build the bridge.为建造这座桥,我们呼吁村民捐款。,dont appeal to me,appealed to the public to,an appeal to,【运用】,9.urge n._ v._,强烈的欲望,冲动,敦促,力劝;竭力主张;驱策,【归纳】urge sb.to do sth.敦促/力劝某人做某事 urge sth.o

19、n/upon sb./urge on sb.sth.向某人大力推荐某物;竭力主张 urge that.(should)动词原形 主张 have an urge to do sth.渴望做某事,She repeatedly _ anyone about it.她一再叮咛儿子不要和任何人讲这事。He _ the importance of hard work.他向学生们强调勤奋工作的重要性。I felt _ my studies in Europe.我有一种去欧洲深造的冲动。,urged her son not to tell,urged on/upon his students,an urge

20、to further,【运用】,1.figure out _,领会,理解,弄清楚,弄懂,弄明白;计算出(数量或成本),【归纳】figure in 把算进去/考虑在内 figure on 指望,期待;打算,短语,This was something we had not _ at all.这是我们完全没有预料到的事。I cant _ why he quit his job.我无法理解他为什么要辞掉工作。We _ the travel expenses but forgot the cost of meals.我们把旅费算了进去,但忘了算伙食费。,figured on,figure out,fig

21、ured in,【运用】,2.get sth.across(to sb.)_,将(想法、信息等)传达(给某人);使理解;把表达,清楚,【归纳】get through 拨通;通过;度过;到达 get away with 侥幸成功;侥幸逃脱 get along 进展;相处 get down to 开始认真做某事 get rid of 摆脱;除去,Mr.Murphy is so good a teacher that he can _ us.墨菲先生是位好老师,他能把这些问题给我们讲清楚。As long as you try,any difficulty _ successfully.只要你努力,任

22、何困难都可以胜利解决。,get across these problems to,can be got rid of,【运用】,Im going to _ English this term.这学期我要认真学英语了。I tried _ the complaints department.我试图打通投诉部的电话。,get down to studying,to get through to,1.Yesterday I came across an interesting new book,which I would like to recommend here.,【句析】此句是一个_句。whic

23、h指代_,引导一个_从句,在从句中作recommended的_语。,复合,定语,book,宾,句式,2.It is important to figure out exactly what you want to tell the audience and what you are trying to get them to do.,【句析】此句是一个_句。主语为_,it作_;两个what引导的从句作figure out的_语。,复合,不定式短语to figure,形式主语,并列宾,语法,直接引语和间接引语 直接引述别人的话叫直接引语,直接引语前后要加引号以示引用。如:a.Jack said

24、to me,“Ill clean the classroom today.”b.“Were having a party tonight,”said the children.引导引语的动词称为引用动词。用自己的话转述别人的话,称为间接引语,被转述的话不放在引号内。,直接引语变为间接引语时,原来的句式、人称、时态等都要作相应的变化。如:a.Lucy said she would call you back later.b.Mr.Green asked me where I had been during the summer vacation.c.Linda told me that she

25、wanted to see the movie with us.直接引语变为间接引语时会发生如下变化:,1.句型结构的变化(1)直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,通常把直接引语变为由that引导的宾语从句,that可以省略。如:Bill said,“Ive finished my homework.”Bill said(that)he had finished his homework.(2)直接引语如果是一般疑问句、选择疑问句或反意疑问句,变为间接引语时,把直接引语变为由whether 或 if引导的名词性从句。如:,He asked me,“Do you like pop music?

26、”He asked me whether/if I liked pop music.Adam asked me,“Are you going to visit your grandpa tomorrow?”Adam asked me whether/if I was going to visit my grandpa the following day.“You like this novel,dont you?”I asked Rebecca.I asked Rebecca whether/if she liked that novel.,(3)直接引语如果是特殊疑问句,变为间接引语时,把直

27、接引语变为由原来相应的疑问词引导的名词性从句,同时注意要将原来的疑问句语序变为陈述句语序。如:Alice asked me,“How do you know the test result?”Alice asked me how I knew the test result.,(4)直接引语如果是祈使句,变为间接引语时,把动词原形变为带to的不定式,前面的引用动词根据句子的意思、语气等决定。基本句型为:引用动词+宾语+(not)to do.。如:“Please show me your passport,”the officer said to Doris.The officer asked

28、Doris to show him her passport.,2.人称代词的变化直接引语变为间接引语时,人称的变化规律可归纳为“一主二宾三不变”。即:(1)“一主”指如果直接引语中的主语是第一人称,变为间接引语时,从句的人称要与主句的主语人称保持一致,包括物主代词也一样。如:Betty said,“Ill buy this coat for my brother.”Betty said she would buy that coat for her brother.,(2)“二宾”指如果直接引语中的主语是第二人称,变为间接引语时,从句的人称要与主句中的宾语人称保持一致。如:My teache

29、r said to me,“You did an excellent work!”My teacher told me that I had done an excellent work.(3)“三不变”指如果直接引语中的主语是第三人称,变为间接引语时人称不作变化。如:Ms.Gao said,“Lin is a good student.”Ms.Gao said Lin was a good student.,3.时态的变化直接引语变为间接引语时,其谓语动词在时态方面要作相应的变化。具体如下表所示:,4.其他变化指示代词:this that;these those地点副词:here there

30、动词:come go;bring take时间状语:now then;today that day;yesterday the day before;this week(month,etc.)that week(month,etc.);tomorrow the next/following day;last week(month,etc.)the week(month,etc.)before;next week(month,etc.)the next/following week(month,etc.);three days ago three days before,【注意】1.直接引语在变

31、为间接引语时,在下列情况下时态不变:(1)直接引语是客观事实、普遍真理。如:My father told me,“The moon is much smaller than the earth.”My father told me(that)the moon is much smaller than the earth.,(2)直接引语中有表示具体时间的状语,如过去某年某月某日。如:Amy said,“I was born on December 20,1999.”Amy said she was born on December 20,1999.(3)直接引语是过去完成时。如:Tom ask

32、ed,“Had you turned off the lights when you left the classroom?”Tom asked me whether/if I had turned off the lights when I left the classroom.,(4)当地转述,当天转述。如:Jay said,“Ill come here this evening.”Jay said he will come here this evening.2.在使用间接引语时,引用动词不只是局限于say,tell,ask 这几个词,根据句意或语气的不同,我们可以灵活运用其他动词。如:

33、warn,order,invite,advise,suggest,recommend,wonder,remind,explain,complain,feel等。,【即学即用】单项填空。1.Could you tell me _ this time last night?A.whom was he waiting for B.whom he had waited forC.whom he was waiting for D.whom he waited for 2.Mrs.Guo told me _.A.not to leave the door open B.not leave the doo

34、r open C.not to leave the door opened D.to not leave the door open,C,A,3.Stephen asked me _ for my new bike.A.how much did I pay B.how much I paid C.did I pay how much D.I paid how much 4.Ted said that he _ half of the book that day,during which he didnt eat anything.A.finished reading B.had finishe

35、d reading C.has finished reading D.would have finished reading,B,B,作文,Write an advertisement【情景呈现】你想在网上以900元出售一辆二手自行车。请用英语写一则小广告。写作要点:1.骑自行车的益处;2.车况介绍(特点、性能和产地等);3.联系方式(QQ:1234567888)。注意:1.词数:150左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,【写作分析】广告是一种具有独特语言魅力的文体形式。了解广告英语可以帮助我们熟悉英语国家的文化、价值观念,还有利于提高我们的英语水平。英语广告写作可概括为一个KISS原则

36、:即“Keep it short and sweet”。为了缩小与读者的距离,可以使用疑问句和祈使句等句式来创造与读者的亲密感。,该试题属于半开放类英语广告写作。根据题目要求文章可分为三个部分:骑车益处,为推荐自己的自行车奠定基础;车况介绍,此部分为重点,多用主动语态和现在时,给人一种直接感,并暗示商品的持久和永恒特性;联系方式。当然不要忘了给出一个醒目的题目。,【参考范文】A second-hand bike:900 RMB only Nowadays,nobody could fail to notice the fact of traffic jams.Riding bicycles i

37、s one of the most efficient ways we can take to avoid that.When you ride bicycles,you can not only enjoy the citys beautiful scenery but do some exercise.The bike was given to me by my uncle as a birthday present last year.,As I have another one and I seldom ride it,it is in good condition.Besides,i

38、t is a new kind of bike made in Shanghai with top and new technology,which is famous for its high quality.Whats more,it is convenient to carry,for it is small and light.Once you have it,youll enjoy it very much.The bike sells well in shops,whose original price is 2,000 RMB.The offer I give is reason

39、able.Those who want to buy it are supposed to contact me by my QQ:1234567888.,巩固练习,1.My father was stubborn and he took a lot of p_ to come out of retirement.2.It s_ me to think how close we had come to being killed yesterday.3.He strongly r_ that local governments start buying undeveloped land for

40、affordable housing.,I.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。,persuading,shocked,recommends,4.At first I thought someone was coming towards me,but it was just a t_ of the light.5.The keynote speech Collins gave received much c_ in the press.6.Despite my reservations about some a_ of the book,I do

41、 believe that it is well worth reading.7.My father promised to take me to the match with the added b_ of an afternoon off school.,trick,comment,aspects,bonus,8.One of its principal a_ is to make sure that those with disabilities can lead lives that are as normal as possible.9.They lie and they c_,ma

42、king it impossible for us to serve them well.10.These products are aggressively _(促销)and marketed.So I think they will have a bright future.11.The new sports center will bring lasting _(益处)to the community.,aims,cheat,promoted,benefit(s),12.Emergency alert _(软件)works on the concept of rapidly provid

43、ing notifications for users in case of emergencies.13.Suddenly the mother had a strong _(强烈的欲望)to be with her son living in Shanghai.14.The company hoping to expand its operations abroad employs 20,000 people _(在全国).,software,urge,nationwide,15.It is just over 100 years since the Canadian inventor J

44、oseph Coyle perfected his _(设计)to prevent eggs breaking on their way to the market.,design,II.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。,be meant to,even though,die from,fall for,deal with,figure out,appeal to,play tricks on,for free,protect.from,end with,of all ages,get.across,attract ones attention,discourage.fro

45、m,1.According to the plan,the festival will _ an impressive laser show.2.I have no idea why my father,who is a lawyer,_ me _ entering the field.3.The diagram our teacher shows us _ show the different stages of the process of mental changes.4.New evidence confirmed that the man _ a natural cause,not

46、an accident.,end with,discourages from,is meant to,died from,5.All of them were richly dressed,but it was their hair that _ Rostovs _ at once.6.How will you _ these old clothes?Im going to send them to the flood victims.7._ I prefer the original arrangements for the party,change happens.8.The salesm

47、an said the freezer was in good condition,and I was foolish enough to _ it.,attracted attention,deal with,Even though,fall for,9.Dont worry.Goods will be sent within 24 hours of receiving your order _.10.The books written by Doctor Seuss are loved by people _,which combine humorous words,funny pictu

48、res and social opinion.11.Surprisingly,it took them about two hours to _ how to start the new equipment.,for free,of all ages,figure out,12.In my opinion,it is the shows direct approach that _ children.13.We must _ the simple fact that poor posture can lead to muscular problems.14.My little sister _

49、 me she put sticky sweet liquids in my shampoo bottle.15.You should wear sunglasses to _ your eyes _ the burning sun.,appeals to,get across,played tricks on,protect,from,1.谈到我姐姐,我认为她在兼顾工作和家长之职这方面做得很好。(When it comes to.)_ _2.正如你所知道的那样,我连一点与该工作相关的经验都没有。(As you know,.)_ _,III.根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。,When

50、 it comes to my sister,I think she combines parenthood with work very well.,As you know,I have no experience that is relevant to this job.,3.妈妈经常劝我只要可能就尽量多读书,只有这样才能充实自己的生活。(.whenever possible)_ _ _4.凯文被公司辞退了,我受这个家伙支配的日子一去不复返了。(表语置于句首引起的倒装)_ _,My mother often advises me to read more books whenever po


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