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1、牛津高中英语,(模块一 高一上学期),Advance with English,Reading IIHome Alone,作者:熊光宇,Unit,2,作者:熊光宇,Unit 2,课件描述:,本节课通过对课文中的重点和难点的解释和举例来让学生掌握,然后又配以一些简单训练使学生学会应用这些知识,最后再用精心编制的与高考相关的题目一方面让学生了解高考的考查难度,另一方面也提高学生对所学要点的应用,改善解题技巧。题目的难度体现出由潜入深,由难到易的层次性,符合学生认知规律。,Translate the meaning of underlined words:1.The curtains are so

2、beautiful that they are like a real view.2.Frightened by the loud noise,the woman rushed out of her house,thinking it was an earthquake3.When I went into the room,I found the dinning table was full of delicious food and I was starving at once.,Word study,4.A teacher is supposed to trust his students

3、.5.The boy who broke the rule deserved to be punished.6.It is rude to run into others house without knocking at the door.7.If there is an emergency,do press the button.,Word study,Retell the play in a few sentences according to some key words.,back,vacation,earlier than expected,Eric and Daniel,play

4、 soccer,surprised and frightened,room,a mess,money,dog food,gone,leave in charge,not tolerate,fault,a chance to defend oneself,not deserve an explanation,hate,clinic,spend all day waiting there,be hard on,rude,punish,Language Points,1.Mom arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected.than ex

5、pected 比预期的,比预料的。是一种省略结构。又如:You did better in the exam than(you had been)expected.The project was finished later than(it had been)expected.,拓展:expect sth.from sb.从期待He could expect help from his friendsHe knows what his parents expect from him.expect sb.to do sth./there to be 如:,We cant expect one t

6、o change the habit of lifetime in a short time.They expected there to be some chances.,1.Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?Yes.They have better players,so I _ them to win.(NMET 1999)A.hope B.prefer C.expect D.want,高考链接,2.Does this meal cost 50?I _ something far better than this!(2007全国I)A.p

7、refer B.expect C.suggest D.suppose,高考链接,2.Eric runs in after it,followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.(followed作伴随状语,walking作dog定语)1)The teacher came into the classroom,following the students.2)The teacher came into the classroom,followed by the students.3)There was a terrible noise,following th

8、e sudden burst of light(闪电).4)There was a sudden burst of light,followed by a terrible noise.,Summary分词的选择取决于主句的主语。如主句的主语是动作的发出者,就选用现在分词表主动;主语是动作的承受者,就选用过去分词表被动;,1.We all know that,if not,the situation will get worse.(2007全国)A.dealing carefully withB.carefully dealt withC.dealt carefully withD.caref

9、ully dealing with,高考链接,2.The children went home from the grammar school,with their lessons _ for the day.(2007重庆)A.finishing B.finished C.had finished D.were finished _ that she didnt do a good job,I dont think I am abler than her.(2007陕西)A.To have said B.Having said C.To say D.Saying,3.you werent s

10、upposed to come home until be supposed to(do)被期望或要求;应该(=be expected to/be required to do)1)乘车时每个人都应该系上安全带。Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car.2)公交车应该在五点开车,但是到现在还没到呢。The bus is supposed to leave at 5:00,but it hasnt come yet.Suppose he saw you now,what would you say?I suppose him to b

11、e the headmaster.,The message is very important,so it is supposed _ as soon as possible.(2008陕西高考)A.to be sent B.to sendC.being sent D.sending,高考链接,4.we left you in charge?(P22),leave 使得/让(处于某种状态),a)Dont leave her waiting in the rainb)Dont leave all the lights on/leave the door open,别让她在雨里等。,别把所有的灯都

12、门开着。,5.charge n.in charge of 负责 in the charge of=in ones charge 由负责 take charge of 负责 如:Who is in charge of the factory?Mr.Li will take charge of the project.=The project is in his charge.The Department stores are in the charge of Mr.Li.,6.run into 偶然遇见,撞入中My mother ran into an unexpected guest this

13、 morning.同义词组:come across,run across,meet with 7.go out 灯、火等熄灭,出去The light in the room suddenly went out.,8.Daniel and Erics bedroom,.Daniel has his arms crossed and looks upset.(双手交叉)此处是 have something done的结构,表使处于状态。有某种遭遇或经历The lady had her wallet stolen/picked at the cinema last night.,请/让做某事She

14、had her long hair cut short yesterday.完成I must have my work finished by Sunday.表示“让某人做某事”有几种表达方法:have sb.do sth.make sb.do sth.let sb.do sth.get sb.to do sth.如:Ill get your father to help you.=?我叫你父亲来帮你。,You should understand the traffic rule by now.Youve had it _ often enough.(2005 天津)A.explaining

15、B.to explain C.explain D.explained,高考链接,“Do you have anything _,Professor Smith?”“No,thanks.”(2008上海高考)A.to typeB.typing C.to be typedD.being typed,高考链接,9.Upset be upset about sth./that 为难过,不高兴1)She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye.2)It is no using getting upset about it.Upset 也可以为动

16、词,使烦恼,心烦如:This decision is likely to upset a lot of people.,10.They dont deserve an explanation.此句表示“他们不配得到解释”;deserve意为“应该得到、应受(赏罚等)”。如:These people deserve our help.这些人值得我们帮助。deserve 可以接to do/to be done的结构,如:They really worked hard and they deserve to be rewarded(回报,奖赏).,11.Do you think we were to

17、o hard on Daniel?(P23)be hard on sb.对某人严厉,对某人苛刻继母对白雪公主很苛刻。不要对一个10岁的孩子说这些话,这对他来说太重了些。,Stepmother is very hard on Snow White.,Dont say that to a ten-year-old boy.You are too hard on him.,1.既然大家都在,我们就开始吧。2.既然你完成了工作,可以走了。3.既然这里没有别人,我们可以无拘束地谈了。,Now that everyone is here,lets begin our work.,Now that you

18、have finished your work,you can go now.,Now that we are alone,we can talk freely.,12.now that(P23)=since“既然”,放句首,表显而易见的原因。,_ youve got a chance,you might as well make full use of it.(NMET l999)Now that B.After C.Although D.As soon as,高考链接,13.I feel like we have to punish him 1.Do you feel like paren

19、ts try to force you to spend your spare time doing things you dont like?2.如果你想要,我们可以外出散步。3.这种材料摸起来像丝绸。,If you feel like it,we can go out for a walk.,The material feels like silk.,你觉得像是你的父母企图强迫你花时间做你不喜欢的事情吗?,Do you feel like _ there or shall we take a bus?Id like to walk.But since there isnt much tim

20、e left,Id rather we _ a taxi.A.walking;hiredB.to walk;hireC.to walk;hiredD.walking;hire,1.than expected2.be supposed to do3.In a mess4.Leave sb.in charge of sth.5.run into,come across,meet with,run across6.go out7.have ones arms crossed 8.be upset about9.deserve to do10.be hard on 11.now that12.feel

21、 like,Practice 1.这些计划预计很快将被实施。(expect)2.一群学生跟在老师身后进来了。(follow)3.人们认为他应该当一名科学家,他却选择 当了医生。(be supposed to)4.你最好请医生给你女儿检查一下。(have sb.done),5.这问题值得进一步讨论。(deserve)6.既然你长大了,你必须停止这样幼稚的行为。(now that)7.卧室的灯熄灭了,所以他一定睡了。(go out)8.不要对孩子太苛刻。(hard),Suggested answers:1.These plans are expected to be put into practi

22、ce soon.2.A group of students came in,following the teacher.3.People thought he was supposed to become a scientist but he chose to be a doctor.4.Youd better have your daughter examined.,5.This question deserves a further discussion=deserves to be discussed further.6.Now that you are grown up,you mus

23、t stop this childish behavior.7.The lights in his room went out,and he must have slept.8.Dont be too hard on children.,Homework,Finish the multiple choices below.,单项填空 1.The manager is going on business next week and the company will be left _Mike.A.in charge of B.in the charge of C.taking charge of

24、 D.taking the charge of2.My son didnt feel like _ today.So I suggested him _ some days in the countryside.A.working;spending B.to work;to spend C.working;to spend D.to work;spending3.Do you know that the music group we have been _ will be here tomorrow?A.wishing B.looking forward to coming C.expecti

25、ng D.hoping4.Many of his former classmates have become managers,bosses or hold other important positions,but he still _ an ordinary worker in a small factory.A.staysB.keepsC.goes on with D.remains5.Professor Wang entered the classroom,_ a group of students.A.following withB.followed with C.followed

26、by D.following by6.Have you recognized me?Yes,_ I saw you.A.whileB.the moment C.the time D.once,7._ difficulties we may come across,well help one another to overcome them.A.WhereverB.WheneverC.HoweverD.Whatever8._ we have finished the course,we shall start doing more revision work.A.For B.Now that C

27、.Ever since D.By now9.Do you think the reason _ he gave is believable.A.for whichB.whichC.why D.what10.The science of medicine,_ progress has been very rapid recently,is perhaps the most important of all science.A.to which B.with whichC.for whichD.in which11.Anyone who intends to pass the test by ch

28、eating _.A.deserves to be punishing B.deserves to punish C.deserves punishmentD.deserves punished12.You havent bought any butter?I _ to,but I forgot about it.A.likedB.wishedC.meantD.supposed,13.The parents left their eldest son Daniel _ of their house while they were away.A.in the charge B.in charge

29、 C.in his charge D.in a charge14.There was _ time _ I hated to go to school.A.a;that B.a;whenC.the;thatD.the;when15.Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane.A.where B.whichC.while D why16.Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights

30、happened to _.A.be put up.B.give in C.be turned on D.go out17.You can never imagine _ we had on the beach during our last holiday.A.how many funsB.how much funC.what a funD.fun,18.The best job is _ which uses your skill in doing something together with your interest in the subject.A.somethingB.the one C.one D.it19.Plants grow well _ there is plenty of water and sunshine.A.which B.in which C.thatD.where20.Why did you go back to the shop?I had my friend _ there.A.waiting B.to wait C.waitD.waits,


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