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1、Unit 1 School life,单元总结,知识清单,1 vt.经历,体验2 n.文学3 adj.一般的,普通的;平均的4 adj.额外的,外加的5 n.难事;斗争;努力 vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎,experience,literature,average,extra,struggle,单词,(一)基本单词,6 adj.学术的,学业的7 n.&vt.交换;交流8 vt.&n.广播;播放9 vt.通知,告知10 vt.选择,挑选11 n.(重要)事件;社交活动;比 赛项目12 n.负责,掌管 vt.使承担责任;收费,academic exchange broadcast inform sele

2、ct event charge,13.adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的 v喜欢;享受14.n.&vt.尊敬,尊重 adj.恭敬的,尊重人的15.adj.具有挑战性的 n.&v.挑战16.vt.致力于;献身 adj.忠实的;深爱的 n.奉献;挚爱,enjoyable,enjoy,respect,respectful,challenging,challenge,devote,devoted,devotion,(二)派生单词,17.vt.捐赠 n捐赠,捐款 n捐赠者18.n毕业 v毕业 n(大学)毕业生19.vt.&vi.批准,通过;赞成,同意 n批准,赞成20.n准备,筹备 v把准备好,筹备 adj.

3、有准备的,donate,donation,donator,graduation,graduate,graduate,approve,approval,preparation,prepare,prepared,1.免费地,无偿地 _2.喜爱,喜欢 _ 3.回忆,回顾 _4.负责,掌管 _5.利用,使用 _,for freebe fond oflook back(on)in charge of make use of,短语,【句析】此句_短语作主语。,动名词(going),1.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoya

4、ble and exciting experience for me.,句式,2.He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades.,【句析】此句是由that引导的_语从句。,宾,3.We regret to inform you that our library will be closed next Wednesday,Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.,【句析】此句是由tha

5、t引导的_从句。,宾语,核心要点,1.experience vt._ n.U_;C_,经历,体验,经验,经历,【归纳】vt.experience difficulties 经历困难 experience pleasure/pain 感到愉快/痛苦,单词,U n.learn by/from experience 从经验中学习 have experience in sth.在方面有经 验 C n.an unforgettable experience 一次难忘的 经历【拓展】experienced adj.有经验的 be experienced in(doing)sth.在(做)方面有经验,Do

6、you have any previous _ in sales?你以前有销售的经验吗?Living in Africa was very different from home,which was quite _.生活在非洲完全不同于在家里,那真是一次不同寻常的经历。,an unusual experience,experience,【运用】,Many regions are _ a shortage of food.许多地区正在经受粮食短缺。Hes very _ in looking after animals.他养动物很有经验。,experienced,experiencing,2.re

7、spect n.U_;C_(pl.respects 请安,问候)vt._,尊重,点,方面,尊敬,敬重,【归纳】have/show respect for.尊重 win/earn the respect of sb.赢得某人的尊 重 in all/some/many respects 在各个/某些/许多方面,in respect of(=with respect to)关于;至于 give/send ones respects to sb.代某人问候 某人 respect sb.for.因而尊重某人,Jackie Chan _ the 90s for his legendary struggle

8、.成龙因他传奇般的奋斗经历而受到90后的尊敬。_ do you think China is the greatest?你认为在哪一方面中国是最伟大的?,won the respect of,In what respect,【运用】,William and Kate have asked that their privacy _ during their honeymoon.威廉王子和凯特要求在度蜜月期间他们的隐 私应得到尊重。,should be respected,3.devote vt._,奉献,致力于,【归纳】devote oneself to献身,致力于,专心 devote.to.把

9、用于【拓展】devoted adj.忠实的,深爱的 be devoted to 深爱;致力于,专心于 devotion n.关爱,关照;奉献,忠诚,Few people are able to _ themselves fully to their careers.Once they are _ to them,their _ must bring them a big success.(devote),devote,devoted,devotion,【运用】,Hes _ the protection of the rare animals.他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。Completely _

10、 the people,he gave his life in saving his patients.他忠于人民,把毕生精力用于挽救患者 的生命。_ the job left her with very little free time.她全身心投入工作,几乎没有闲暇。,Her devotion to,devoted his whole life to,devoted to,【总结】关于“专注于做某事”的短语:apply oneself to;focus on;engage oneself to;bury oneself in/be buried in;fix ones attention

11、on;be involved in;be absorbed in;delicate oneself to,4.inform vt._,通知,告知,【归纳】inform sb.of/about sth.通知某人某事 inform sb.that/whclause 通知某人【拓展】information nU 信息;资料,You ought to _ the man whos been hiding in the bushes outside your gate.那人一直藏在你门外的灌木丛中,你应该把这情况告诉警察。Can you _ our final examination?你能告诉我什么时候

12、开始我们的期末考试吗?,inform the police of,inform me when to begin,【运用】,与inform用法(inform sb.of sth.)相同的动 词有:remind;rob;warn;convince;suspect;accuse;cheat,e.g.I warned him of the danger,but he turned a deaf ear to it.,Tip,5.approve vt._ vi._,批准,通过,同意,赞同,【归纳】approve of sb./sth.赞成/同意某人/某事 approve of(sb.s)doing s

13、th.同意(某人)做某事 approve the plan/project 批准计划/项目【拓展】approval n.同意;批准 give ones approval to 批准 meet with ones approval 得到某人的许可,President Obama said he hoped to get the Congress to _ the treaty.奥巴马总统称,他希望美国国会将通过这个协议。My parents now _ my marriage.父母现在同意了我的婚姻。I cant agree to anything _.没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。,app

14、rove,without my partners approval,approve of,【运用】,6.charge n_ vt._,负责,掌管;费用,要价;控告,【归纳】take charge of 负责,接管 in charge(of)负责,掌管 in/under the charge of 由负责 free of charge 免费 charge sb.(money)for sth.为某事收取 某人费用 charge sb.with sth.指控某人犯罪,He is in charge of the project because he is rich in experience.由于他

15、富有经验,所以他负责这项工程。The project is him because he is rich in experience.,in the charge of,in charge of“负责,掌管”,主语通常为人,含主动意义。in the charge of“由主管”,主语通常为物,含被动意义。,Tip,【运用】,How much do you the two books?买这两本书你要价多少?She accused me of neglecting my duty.=She neglecting my duty.她指控我玩忽职守。,charge me for,charged me

16、with,7.average adj.&n.一般的,普通的;平均的;平均数【归纳】an average of 的平均数 on average 平均说来,一般说来 above/below average 在平均之上/下,8.struggle n.&vt.难事;斗争;努力;挣扎【归纳】(be)a struggle 一件难事 struggle against 与作斗争 struggle with 与作斗争;与共 同作斗争 struggle for 为作斗争 struggle to do 努力做,9.exchange n.&vt.交换;交流【归纳】in exchange for 交换 exchange

17、 sth.with sb.与某人交换某物 exchange A for B 把A换成B exchange opinions/views 交换观点,10.independent adj.独立的【归纳】be independent of 不受的支配,不依赖.的 depend on/upon=be dependent on/upon 依靠,依赖 It/That(all)depends.那还得看情况了。【拓展】independence n.独立,11.run vt.管理,操作【归纳】run away 逃跑 run after 追赶,追求 run into=come across 偶遇 run out(

18、of)用完,耗尽,12.select vt.选择,挑选【归纳】select sth.for 为挑选 select sb.to do sth.选拔某人去做 select sb.as 选拔某人作为,1.for free 免费的【归纳】free of charge 免费 be free to do sth.不受约束地做某事 be free of/from 不受,避免的,短语,2.look back(on)回忆,回顾【拓展】look down on/upon 轻视,瞧不起 look forward to 期望,盼望 look into 向里面看,调查 look out(for)=watch out f

19、or 当心 look through 浏览,仔细查看 look up 抬头看,查阅 look up to 尊敬,_ my own career,I can find plenty of reasons for my discouragement.,Looking back on,【运用】,3.make use of 利用【拓展】make full use ofmake the best ofmake the most of,充分利用,Its interesting to see how people _ the time they spend on public transport in In

20、dian cities like Delhiand Mumbai.,make use of,【运用】,4.upon/on(doing)sth 一就,【拓展】“一就”的表达方式(1)on/upon.(+sth./doing sth.)(2)immediately/instantly/directly.(+从句)(3)名词类the moment/the minute/the second/the instant.(+从句)(4)连词类as soon as.(+从句)(5)no sooner.than./hardly/scarcely.when.,(1)我一到家就发现他们已经离开了。_ I disc

21、overed they had gone.(2)希望他一到我就能见到他。I want to see him _ _.,On/Upon arriving home,the moment/the minute/the second/the instant/as soon as he arrives,【运用】,(3)Just use this room for the time being,and well offer you a larger one _ it becomes available.Aas soon as Bunless Cas far as Duntil(4)_the naught

22、y boys realized it was too late to take a bus to go home.ANo sooner it grew dark than BHardly did it grow dark that CScarcely had it grown dark when DIt was not until dark that,【句析】此句_短语作主语。e.g._ after meals is good for our health.饭后散步有益于健康。,动名词(going),Walking,1.Going to a British high school for on

23、e year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.,句式,2.He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades.,【句析】此句是由that引导的_语从句。从句的主语为_;and连接_与_,作was的_语。to earn respect作_。,way的定语,表,to devote,(to)achieve,way,宾,3.We regret to inform you

24、that our library will be closed next Wednesday,Thursday and Friday for the sports meeting.,【句析】此句是由that引导的_从句。动词不定式to inform作regret的_语。,宾语,宾,定语从句(1)定语从句是在复合句中起定语作用,修饰名词、代词或整个主句的从句。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词(that,which,who,whom,whose等)和关系副词(where,when,why)。关系词在定语从句中的作用:连接主句和定语从句;指代先行词;在定语从句中充当一定的成

25、分。,语法,关系代词的用法(1)关系代词that与which 在定语从句中,关系代词that既可指人,也可指物,which一般用于指物。在指物时,二者一般可以互换,但在非限制性定语从句中多用which引导。如:The old town has narrow streets and small houses that are built close to each other.That evening,which I will tell you more about later,I ended up working very late.,(2)关系代词who与whomwho指人,是主格,在定语从

26、句中作主语,一般可用that替换。whom指人,是宾格,在定语从句中作宾语。在口语和非正式文体中可用who或that替换,也可以省略。如:After the flooding,people were suffering in that area,who urgently needed clean water,medicine and shelter to survive.,(3)关系代词whosewhose是who的所有格,在定语从句中作定语,起限定作用。whose引导定语从句时,先行词可以指人,也可以指物。如:I wish to thank Professor Smith,without w

27、hose help I would never have got this far.The school shop,whose customers are mainly students,is closed for the holidays.,作文,如何写英文通知通知主要用于上级对下级、组织对成员布置工作,传达事情或召开会议所用的一种文体,同级单位或组织之间有事商量或讨论问题也可以发通知。通知可分为书面通知(Written Notice)和口头通知(Oral Announcement)。,书面通知1.在第一行的中间位置写Notice或NOTICE。2.通知的正文内容包括:被通知的对象、时间、地

28、点、注意事项等。3.发出通知的人或单位一般写在正文前或者正文右下角。4.发出通知的日期常写在正文的左下角且低于通知发出单位,也可写在正文的右上方。5.人称:一般采用第三人称;如正文前有称呼语则用第二人称。6.时态:常用一般现在时和将来时。,口头通知1.口头通知要有称呼语,如Boys and girls/Ladies and gentlemen等,或用提醒听众注意的语句,如Attention,please!/Your attention,please!等。2.口头通知的内容包括:通知事项、时间、地点及要求等。3.口头通知常有结束语。如:Thats all.Thank you very much.

29、4.口头通知用词表达要口语化,开门见山,简明扼要。,【案例呈现】高一学生将于10月20日到人民医院体检,请你以校长办公室的名义写一个120词左右的书面通知。内容如下:体检时间:10月20日(星期二)上午8:00;体检地点:人民医院,离学校不远,步行大约15分钟;注意事项:(1)7:20在校门口集合,以班为单位,由班主任(class adviser)带领一同前往;(2)体检前空腹;(3)在医院保持安静,听从医生和护士安排;(4)体检完的学生请回校,在教室上自习课;(5)发布时间:10月18日。,【范文展示】NOTICEOctober 18th,Sunday Senior 1 students w

30、ill go to have a physical examination in Peoples Hospital on Tuesday,20th October.Every class will gather at the school gate as a unity at 7:20 am and will walk there together,led by your class adviser.The hospital is not far from our school.It is about 15 minutes walk.,The examination will begin at

31、 8:00 am.You are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination.You are asked to keep quiet there and listen to the doctors and nurses.Those who have finished being examined please return to the school and study by yourselves in the classroom.The headmasters office,巩固练习,1.Mr.Lin is coun

32、ting on his mother to take care of the twins for him;shes had plenty of e_ with them.2.The dancers can e_ anything between 20 and 30 for each performance.3.The 2012 Nobel Prize in L_ was awarded to Mo Yan who has written a lot of brilliant works.,I.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。,experien

33、ce,earn,Literature,4.A(n)o_ is a short enjoyable trip,usually with a group of people,away from your home,school,or place of work.5.Those who have lost their jobs s_ to pay their supermarket bills.6.E_ staff have been taken on to cover busy periods in this company.7.If the car you have rented is clea

34、rly unsatisfactory,you can always e_ it for another.,outing,struggle,Extra,exchange,8.No one wants to employ somebody whobad-mouths their f_ employer.9.“Patience and Sarah”was first published in 1969 under the t_“A Place for Us”.10.Please i_ me of your arrival time beforehand and I can book a hotel

35、room for you.11.David Mamet has long been considered the leading American playwright of his g_.,former,title,inform,generation,12.Mozarts _(作品)are undoubtedly amongst the worlds greatest and loved by people of all classes.13.The _(普通的)adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day.14.Bob was a favo

36、rite with his schoolmasters but not his _(同学).15.Written records show that acupuncture dates back to the Song _(朝代).,compositions,average,schoolmates/classmates,Dynasty/dynasty,II.选用方框内所给短语,并用其适当形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。,look back on,devote.to.,donate.to.,plan on,think about,make sure,look over,make use of,co

37、me up with,be happy with,be fond of,in charge of,for free,according to,1.The route that the boatmen choose varies _ the water level.2.No one can _ his schooldays and say they were altogether unhappy.3.Sarah gladly gave up her part-time job to _ herself entirely _ her art.4.The United States corporat

38、ions _ some$1,600 million annually _ charity and other nonprofit purposes.,according to,look back on,devote,to,donate,to,5.The president could have _ the papers in less than ten minutes but for some reason it took him much longer.6.I left Jack _ the suitcases while I went to get the tickets and it s

39、eemed that the little boy felt happy about his job.7.The teacher asked who could _ a good solution to this problem8.We try to _ our children dont feel nervous on their first day at school.,looked over,in charge of,come up with,make sure,9.Do you _ staying here another year?Yes.I feel I need to learn

40、 more about the traditions and customs of this place.10.Meeting a situation that _ your educational efforts can be a source of pride.11.Having learned that happiness is a decision,they decided to _ what they are and have.,plan on,makes use of,be happy with,12.This is a situation where you have to _

41、where you want to be a year from now to know what you need to do during the next 30 or 90 days.13.You could buy the magazine,but you can get a lot of the same information _ on the site.14.In recent years,fast food has been rushing into this small country,and young people here are beginning to _ it.,

42、think about,for free,be fond of,1.史密斯太太累了,那就是她脾气那么坏的原因。(that is why.)_2.河流里的冰开始融化了。这意味着春天已经来了。(this means that.)_,III.根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。,Mrs.Smith is tired and that is why she is so bad-tempered.,The ice in the rivers is beginning to melt,and this means that the spring has come.,3.我好久没有去看望我的外婆了,一

43、来路太远,二来没工夫。(For one thing.for another thing.)_4.我将于今年七月大学毕业,是时候把课堂所学的知识付诸实践了。(its time to do sth.)_,I havent been to see my grandma for a long time.For one thing,she lives too far away;for another thing,Ive been rather busy.,I will graduate from college in July this year and its time to put what I have learnt in class into practice.,


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