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1、Unit 2 The universal language,单元总结,知识清单,1._ adj.共同的,普遍的,全体 的,全世界的2._ v.选派角色;投射(光、影);向投以(视线、笑容)3._ adj.极好的;令人惊叹的,4._ adj.固执的,顽固的5._ vt.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责6._ v.&aux.敢于,胆敢7._ adj.不情愿的;勉强的,cast,awesome,condemn,dare,universal,unwilling,stubborn,单词,(一)基本单词,8._ vt.训斥,责骂9._ n.最后期限,截止日期10._ adj.宏大的,壮丽的,堂皇的11._ n.机遇

2、,时机12._ adj.民间的,民俗的 n.人们;亲属(尤指父母)13._ n.衰落,衰败;减少;下降 v.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝14._ v.试图,设法;寻找,寻求15._ vi.尖叫,高声喊;呼啸 n.尖叫,尖锐刺耳的声音,scold,deadline,opportunity,folk,grand,decline,seek,scream,16._ n.弦;线,细绳;一系列17._ n.黎明,拂晓;开端,萌芽18._ vt.&vi.联合,团结;统一19._ adj.破损的,受伤的;不连续的20._ n.失业21._ n.人事部门;职员,全体人员22._ n.部,司,局,处,系23._ n.合唱

3、曲;合唱团 vt.合唱;齐声说,string,dawn,unite,broken,unemployment,personnel,department,chorus,24._ n.咽喉,喉咙25._ n.指导教师;家庭教师26._ n.交响乐,交响曲27._ n.单身汉;学士28._ n.幼儿园29._ n.芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞剧30._ n.音乐专辑;相册,影集31._ n.作品集;收藏品32._ n.图表;海图 vt.记录;制订,throat,tutor,symphony,bachelor,kindergarten,ballet,album,collection,chart,33._ vt.逮捕,

4、捉拿;抓住,捉 住;夺取,攻占34._ n.起源,起因;根35._ n.形式;格式;板式36._ n.自由37._ n.趋势,动向38._ n.乐队;一伙人;条纹,seize,root,format,liberty,trend,band,39._ adj.令人不安的;引起恐慌的_ v.搅乱,弄乱;干扰_ adj.困扰的_ n.搅乱,弄乱;打扰,干扰40._vt.强烈要求;需要 n.要求;需求_ adj.要求高的,苛求的41._ adj.清楚的,显然的_ adv.明显地,显然_ n.证据;证词,disturbing,disturb,disturbed,disturbance,demand,dem

5、anding,evident,evidently,evidence,(二)派生单词,42._ adj.仁慈的,慈悲的,宽大为怀的_ adv.仁慈地;宽恕地;宽容地_ n.仁慈;宽恕;宽容43._n.奴隶身份;奴隶制_ n.奴隶 v.做苦工44._ n.倾向,偏好;趋势,趋向 _ v.倾向;趋向,merciful,mercifully,mercy,slavery,slave,tendency,tend,45._ adj.逐渐的,逐步的;平缓 的,不陡的_ adv.逐渐地;逐步地46._ n.偏见,成见 vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见_ adj.有偏见的,有成见 的;偏颇的;偏心的47._ n.歧视,

6、区别对待;辨 别力,鉴赏力_ v.辨别,区分;歧视,prejudice,prejudiced,discrimination,discriminate,gradual,gradually,1._ 被处以某种刑罚2._(向女方)求婚3._ 相爱,坠入爱河4._ 初次见面;乍一看5._ 不愿做某事6._因某事责备某人7._ 死于心脏病发作,be condemned to sth.ask for somebodys hand in marriagefall in loveat first sightbe unwilling to do sth.scold sb.for(doing)sth.die of

7、 a heart attack,短语,8._ 简要回顾9._ 突然兴起,迅速出现10._ 逐渐衰落11._变得疯狂12._每隔几年,take a brief look atspring upgo into a gradual declinego crazyevery few years,While the blues was popular,as a musical format variety and was too sad and slow to dance to.while引导让步状语从句,主句使用了tooto结构。“太以致不能”,表示否定。相当于sothat not。,句式,核心要点,

8、condemn v.判刑,宣判;谴责,指责;声讨,【归纳】be condemned to sth.被处以某种刑罚;使某人被迫接受困境 condemn sth./sb.as.指责为 condemn sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事而谴责某人 condemn sb.to death 判处某人死刑,单词,Her shyness _ a life of loneliness.她生性腼腆,这使得她的生活很孤独。He _ imprisonment because of murder.他因凶杀被判处无期徒刑。Whoever committed this kind of crime should

9、 _.任何犯此种罪行的人都该被处以死刑。,condemned her to,was condemned to life,be condemned to death,【运用】,Li Yang,whose“Crazy English”teaching method made him popular in the 1990s,was strongly _ by society for beating his American wife.A.punished B.condemnedC.chargedD.threatened,B,2.dare v.&aux.敢于,胆敢,【归纳】dare+to do(st

10、h.)敢于做()dare+n./pron.谅(某人)没胆量(做某事);敢于承担,不惧怕 dare+n./pron.+to do(sth.)激(某人)做某事,谅(某人)无胆量做()I dare say 我想;很可能,大概 How dare you(表示气愤)你竟然,你竟敢 Dont you dare!(让人绝不要做某事)你敢,谅你也不敢,She said it as loudly _.她壮着胆子大声说了出来。He didnt _ to her.他不敢和她说话。He will _.他敢冒任何危险。He _.他激我跳过去。I _ you know about it already.你大概已经知道了。

11、,as she dared,dare(to)speak,dare any danger,dare say,dared me to jump,【运用】,How _ to me like that!你竟敢那样对我说话!-Ill tell her about it.我要把这事告诉她。-_!你敢!_ anything to anybody.谅你也不敢对任何人提起这事。,dare you talk,Dont you dare,Dont you dare say,The shy girl _ dance before so many strangers,_ she?A.darent;does B.dare

12、nt;dareC.doesnt dare;dare D.dare not;dares,B,(1)dare用作情态动词时,主要用于疑问 句、否定句和条件句中,没有人称和数 的变化,后面跟动词原形,其否定式为 dare not。有过去时态的变化,其过去 式是dared。(2)dare用作实义动词时,有人称、数和时 态的变化,常见搭配为dare to do sth.,在否定句和疑问句中,to可以省略。,e.g.She knew he was wrong,but she darent tell him.她知道他错了,但不敢告诉他。Dare you tell him the truth?你敢告诉他真相吗

13、?I didnt dare(to)ask her to dance with me.我不敢要求她和我跳舞。,3.seize v.逮捕,捉拿;抓住,捉住;夺取,攻占,【归纳】seize sb.by the collar 抓住某人的衣领 seize hold of 抓住 seize power 夺权 seize on/upon 抓住;利用 seize a chance/an opportunity抓住机会,The wrestlers try to _ each other.摔跤选手力图抓住对方。She _ the offer of a free trip.她紧紧把握这次免费旅行的机会。He _ o

14、f the company.他把持着公司大权。Life is to make choices and _.人生就是做出选择和抓住机遇。,seize hold of,seized on,seized the power,seize opportunities,【运用】,4.demand v.&.n.强烈要求;需要,【归纳】demand sth.of/from sb.对某人要求某事 demand to do sth.要求做某事 demand that sb.(should)do sth.要求某人做某事 in demand 需求大 on demand 一经要求 satisfy/meet the/on

15、es demands 满足(某人的)要求,He _ of the slanderer.他要求诽谤者道歉。Soft drinks are much _ this hot weather.这么热的天气,软饮料需求量很大。Vegetables are deliverable _ in this store.这家商店的蔬菜应要求送货上门。The employees demand that their salaries_ raised.员工们要求加薪。The product must _ of the market.产品一定要满足市场的需求。,demanded an apology,in demand,

16、on demand,(should)be,meet the demand,【运用】,My demand is that the information referred to in my report _ to Mr.Brown without delay.A.is emailed B.will be emailedC.be emailedD.emailed,C,5.decline n.衰落,衰败;下降;减少 v.衰落,衰败;下降;婉言谢绝,【归纳】fall into(a)decline 开始衰退 in decline/on the decline 走下坡路;衰退中;在减少 decline a

17、(n)offer/invitation 谢绝帮助/邀请 decline to do sth.拒绝做某事,The town _ after the mine closed.这个镇在矿井关闭后开始衰落。There has been _ in the population of the town.该镇的人口一直在减少中。His health has _ recently.他的健康最近开始衰退。,fell into(a)decline,a gradual decline,begun to decline,【运用】,The number of tourists to the resort _ 10%la

18、st year.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。They asked me to their party,but I _.他们邀请我参加聚会,但是我婉拒了。when asked about his salary,he _.当问及他的薪水时,他拒绝回答。,declined by,declined the invitation,declined to answer,辨析:decline,refuse,reject,He _ to take the money.他拒绝接受此款。They _ damaged goods.他们拒收损坏的货物。He _ the invitation.他谢绝了邀请。,

19、refused,rejected,declined,【运用】,Are you still mad at her?Not really,but I cant _ that her remarks hurt me.A.deny B.refuse C.reject D.decline,A,6.seek v.试图,设法;征求,寻求;探索,探寻,【归纳】seek(for)sth./sb.寻找某物/某人 seek sth.from sb.向某人请求、寻求某事 seek to do sth.尝试/试图做某事 seek out 挑选出,物色,找出 seek ones fortune 外出闯世界,寻找成功致富之

20、路,You should _ from your lawyer on this matter.你应该征求你的律师对这件事的意见。How can we _ a really good person for the job?我们怎能找到一个真正适当的人来做这工作?I _ him,but in vain.我试图说服他,但无效。,seek advice,seek out,sought to persuade,【运用】,The special medicine for the disease was difficult to find though _ everywhere.A.sought B.hav

21、ing sought C.to soughtD.seeking,A,fall in love(with sb.)爱上(某人),相爱,坠入爱河,They _ each other at first sight.他们一见钟情。,fell in love with,短语,辨析:fall in love with sb.与be in love with sb.,Nancy was so attractive that Jimmy _ her the first time he saw her.Now they _ each other for 3 years.,fell in love with,ha

22、ve been in love with,Although they _ for five years,they dont plan to get married soon.A.have been in love B.have fallen in loveC.fall in love D.are in love,A,2.break up 破裂,解散;破碎;结束;放假,【拓展】break down出故障,坏掉;失败;垮掉,垮下来;分解 break in 破门而入;打断(谈话等)break into 强行闯入;突然起来 break out(战争、火灾等)爆发,发生 break through 突围

23、;突破,冲垮;克服,写出下列句中break up的含义 They broke up because of their different viewpoints._ The meeting broke up at eleven oclock last night._ Break up the chocolate into squares._ When did they decide to break up the partnership?_ When do you break up for Christmas?_,(关系)破裂,散会,打碎,结束(关系),放假,-Im surprised to h

24、ear that Sue and Paul have _.-So am I.They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A.broken up B.finished up C.divided up D.closed up,A,Demonstrators _ the police cordon.示威者冲破了警方的警戒线。The machine must _ at this busy hour.正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。The thief _ the house during the night.小偷在夜间破门进入住宅。Fire _

25、during the night.夜间突然发生了火灾。,broke through,broke down,broke into,broke out,While the blues was popular,as a musical format variety and was too sad and slow to dance to.while引导让步状语从句,主句使用了tooto结构。“太以致不能”,表示否定。相当于sothat not。Thebookistoodifficultforchildrentoread.=Thebookissodifficultthatchildrencouldno

26、treadit.,句式,【拓展】一、sothat与tooto的转换 当that引导的从句为否定式且从句主语与 主句的主语相同时,sothat可转换为 tooto结构;若从句主语与主句的主语不 相同时,sothat可转换为toofor sb.to 结构。The box is so heavy that he cant carry it.The box is too heavy for him to carry.,二、sothat与enough to的转换1.当that引导的从句为肯定式时,若从句主 语与主句主语相同时,sothat可转换为 enough to结构;若从句主语与主句主语 不相同时,

27、sothat可转换为enough for sb.to结构。,2.当that引导的从句为否定式时,若从句主语与 主句主语相同时,sothat可转换为enough to 的否定结构;若从句主语与主句主语不相同 时,sothat可转换为enough for sb.to的否定 结构。同时要注意,转换后的形容词(副词)要用其相应的反义词。三、enough to的句式为否定式时,enough to可以 转换为tooto结构。转换后的tooto结构中的 形容词(副词)要用其相应的反义词。,同意转换。He is old enough to go to school.He is _ _ that _ _ go

28、to school.2.She was so weak that she couldnt take care of her baby.She was _ weak _ take care of her baby.,so old,he can,too,to,语法,省略用法小结 英语中,为了避免结构上或内容上的重复或为了使语言简洁,句子中的某一个或某几个成分不需要表达出来,这种现象称为省略。一、简单句中的省略1.在祈使句或其他句中可省去主语,如:(You)Write down the address,please.(I)Beg your pardon.,2.在简略回答中可省去助动词后面的部分,如:

29、Have you seen the film?Yes,I have(seen it).3.在非正式英语中或在某些具体的场合下,主语和谓语都很明确时,可将它们省去,如:(Will you)Have a smoke?,二、并列句中的省略在并列句中,可省去谓语、状语或表语等,如:Tom teaches Chinese and his sister(teaches)English.He was born(in that house)and died in that house.Most of them are hard-working,but a few are not(hard-working).,

30、三、复合句中的省略1.宾语从句的引导词that通常可省略,但如果有两个并列的宾语从句,第二个从句的引导词that则不能省略,如:She said(that)she would buy a motorbike when she had enough money.My teacher said(that)he would not accept late papers and that my research paper was due on Tuesday.,2.在一些状语从句中,如果从句主语和主句主语一致且从句谓语中含有be时,可省略从句主语和be,如:When(she was)asked wh

31、ere she lived,she didnt say a word.Unless(I am)invited,I wont attend the party.,在as/though引导的让步状语从句中,如果把作表语的单数名词放置句首时,不定冠词常省略,如:Scientist as/though he is,the man is very modest.Child as/though he is,he knows a lot.,3.如果if虚拟条件句中有had,should或were,且将它们置于句首时,常省去if,如:Had I worked hard,I would have surely

32、succeeded.Should it rain tomorrow,we would put off the sports meeting till next week.Were she my daughter,I wouldnt allow her to study abroad.,4.在限制性定语从句中,如果引导词是whom/that/which(在从句中作宾语),引导词可以省略,如:I found the book(that/which)I had lost the day before yesterday.The man(whom/that)you saw just now is ou

33、r new headmaster.在某些表示时间的名词后的关系副词也可以省略,如:Do you still remember the day(when)we first met?,5.当that引导表语从句,且在从句中不作任何成分时,在非正式用语中可以省去,如:The reason for your mistake is(that)you lack confidence in yourself.四、其他省略现象1.为了避免重复前面已出现的动词,可以用不定式符号来代替不定式结构,如:I shall go if you wish me to(go).Will you join us in havi

34、ng a walk?Ill be glad to(have a walk).,2.suppose,think,expect,believe,guess等词与so/not连用来代替上文出现的内容时,常用省略结构,如:Do you suppose Andy is going to attend the ceremony?I suppose not.Do you understand what I mean?Yes,I think so.,3.“So/Neither/Nor+助动词+主语”表示前面提到的情况也适用于后者,常用省略结构,如:He can sing the song in French.

35、So can I.I dont have any money.Neither do I.,4.possible,necessary与if,when,whenever等连用时,常用省略结构,如:If(it is)possible,come and see me next Monday.When(it is)necessary,we will hire more workers.,5.一些特殊句式如What if.?和If only.等常用省略结构,如:What(would happen)if we cannot find the lost car?If only I had come to th

36、e party yesterday.(It would be better if I had come to the party yesterday.)6.在一些特殊文体如标志牌、报纸标题中,某些单词常被省去以节省空间,如:No littering.(No littering is allowed here.),【即学即用】单项填空。1.The driver wanted to park his car near the roadside but was asked by the police _.(2013新课标全国卷I)A.not to doB.not to C.not doD.do no

37、t2.Being shy,Lisa wont join us in thanking todays speaker and _.A.neither will Andy B.will Andy neither C.Andy will too D.so will Andy,B,A,3.Have you got any particular plans for your school holiday?Yes._,Im going to Tibet.A.If so B.If anything C.If possibleD.If not 4.When _ if I would need any help

38、 with the washing up,I said that I could manage it perfectly well on my own.A.asked B.asking C.having asked D.to be asked,C,A,5.Will you go hiking with us this weekend?Id like to,but Im going to a lecture,or at least I am planning _.A.so B.to C.it D.that,B,巩固练习,I.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或 汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式(每

39、空限填一词)。1.If you ever d_ call me that name again,youll be sorry.2.The workers said they would not end the strike until their d_ were satisfied.,dare,demands,4.You should s_ medical help immediately if you experience any chest pain or shortness of breath.5.When the train my parents took left,I was sud

40、denly s_ with a feeling of great loneliness.6.The change was slow and _(逐渐的)so that we hardly noticed it.,seek,seized,gradual,7.The influence of the ever great female politician _(下降)after she lost the election.8.Cindy is often _(谴责)as an uncaring mother.II.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。Nowadays,some people are _

41、(willing)to line up when they are doing their shopping or waiting for the bus,so I think it is necessary to establish a Lining-up Day to remind them.,declined,condemned,unwilling,2.The foreigner tried to explain what had happened in _(break)English.3.Many people believe that the record-breaking long

42、-term _(employ)is due to the record-breaking weakness in the labor market.4.The museum has a large reserve _(collect)in storage,which members of the public rarely get to see.5.According to historical records,_(slave)was abolished in America in the 19th century.,broken,unemployment,collection,slavery

43、,III.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空(每 个短语限用一次)。The book has succeeded in making philosophy _ a wider audience and enjoyed high popularity.,break ones promise at first sight(be)accessible to take on work on spring up,accessible to,2.Great changes have taken place in this remote village.It has _ a new look.3.Youve _

44、,John you said youd come to my graduation party this week but you didnt.,break ones promise at first sight(be)accessible to take on work on spring up,taken on,broken your promise,4.The workers set to _ the outside of the house,mostly painting the wall.5.Grasses and plants _ quickly,and small bushes

45、and flowers suddenly bloom in the great heat.,break ones promise at first sight(be)accessible to take on work on spring up,work on,spring up,6._ his speech is certainly not striking,and his appearance can hardly be called handsome.However,you will find him a lovely man later on.,break ones promise at first sight(be)accessible to take on work on spring up,At first sight,


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