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1、Unit 1 The written word,单元总结,知识清单,1._ n.诗歌 2._ n.古董,文物3._ n.特征,特点 adj.典型的,独特的,特有的4._ vt.虐待;辱骂;滥用5._ n.紧张气氛;紧张;矛盾6._ n.故事情节;阴谋,密谋 vt.密谋;绘制(图表)7._ adj.慷慨的,大方的;宽厚的,仁慈的,antique,abuse,poetry,plot,generous,tension,characteristic,(一)基本单词,单词,8._ adj.死板的,僵化的;坚硬的9._ adj.弯曲的;驼背的;不诚实的 n.天赋,爱好10._ n.主题,主题思想;主题音乐

2、11._ n.转折;转变;转动;急转弯 vi.&vt.(使)弯曲;转动;蜿蜒12._ adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的13._ n.恶行,恶习,罪恶14._v.反抗,抵制,抵挡,bent,theme,twist,vain,rigid,resist,vice,15._ v.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转 身;吐丝结网 v.(高速)旋转16._ n.&vi.&vt.救援,营救17._ adj.最高的,至高无上的18._ n.名声,名誉19._ n.债务,欠款20._ vi.突然出现;跳,蹦,spin,rescue,debt,spring,supreme,reputation,21._ n.书迷

3、,书虫22._ n.小说;虚构的事23._ n.小说家24._ n.(书的)章,篇,回;时期,时代25._ n.歌剧;歌剧院26._ n.作者27._ adj.有教养的,有礼貌的;平民的28._ n.画家29._ n.百万富翁,bookworm,fiction,novelist,chapter,opera,author,civil,painter,millionaire,30._ n.暴力,暴行31._ vt.&vi.(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合32._ adj.自制的;家里做的;国产的33._ n.运动鞋34._ vt.使不能动弹,按住;(用大头针等)固定 n.大头针;胸针35._ ad

4、j.破烂不堪的,废旧的36._ n.信封,violence,reunite,home-made,sneaker,pin,worn out,envelope,37._ n.破布,破衣服;抹布38._ n.爱尔兰39._ n.苏格兰40._ adj.神圣的,圣洁的41._ n.遗孀,寡妇42._ n.纪念碑,纪念馆,纪念塑像43._ adj.现代的;当代的44._ n.名誉,名声,rag,Ireland,Scotland,holy,widow,monument,modern-day,reputation,45._ n.曲调,曲子 vt.调音;调节46._ n.胸部,胸膛;大箱子47._ vi.&v

5、t.吐唾沫(表示愤怒或鄙 视);吐,唾(唾沫、食物等)48._ vi.&vt.(使)押韵 n.押韵;押韵短诗,tune,chest,spit,rhyme,49._ adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝望的;非常需,渴望_ adv.拼命地,绝望地50._ n.罪犯 adj.犯罪的,犯法的;刑法的_n.罪行,罪51._ adj.暴力的,粗暴的;猛烈的_n.暴力,暴行52._n.威胁,恐吓_v.威胁,threat,threaten,criminal,crime,desperate,violent,violence,desperately,(二)派生单词,53._vt.&vi.&n.(使)改过自新,改造;改

6、革,改良_ n.改革者,改造者_ n.改善;改进;改造;改革54._vt.热爱,喜爱,爱慕_ n.敬慕,爱慕_ adj.值得爱慕的,可爱的,reform,reformer,reformation,adore,adoration,adorable,55._adj.浪漫主义的;浪漫的_ n.浪漫史56._ vt.&vi.打算,计划,想要_ n.意图,目的;打算_adj.故意的,蓄意的_ adv.故意地,蓄意地,romance,romantic,intend,intention,intentional,intentionally,1._与大不相同2._与无关3._ 以为基础4._ 决心做某事(通常指

7、 坏事)5._躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波6._ 达到,符合(期望)7._ 破烂不堪的;筋疲力尽的,be quite different fromhave nothing to do withbe based onbe bent on(doing)sth.on the runlive up tobe worn out,短语,8._ 救援某人,帮助某人9._ 有的名声10._ 为了纪念11._ 属于12._ 谈及,涉及13._ 目的是作为某物/目的是做某事14._ 音调准确;演奏合调,come to ones rescuehave a reputation for in honour ofbelong

8、 totouch onbe intended for/to do sth.in tune,This makes them difficult for some people to read,so they often left to gather dust on shelves.make+宾语+adj.+(for sb.)to do,2.Pips sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.would rather do t

9、han do 宁愿也 不愿,句式,核心要点,1.characteristic n.特征,特点 adj.特有的;独特的;表示特 性的;显示的特征的,【归纳】be characteristic of 是特有的 It is characteristic of sb.to do sth.做某事是某人的特点/某人是会做某事的人【拓展】character n.性格;特性;角色;符号,单词,She spoke _.她说话带着特有的热情。Exquisite workmanship is the _ _ these artistic handworks.工艺精美是这些工艺品的突出特点。It is _ that.

10、他就是会说那种话的人。Her _ makes her very charming.她生动活泼的性格使她非常富有魅力。,with characteristic enthusiasm,outstanding characteristic of,characteristic of him to say,lively character,【运用】,2.abuse n.滥用;恶习;侮辱;恶言 v.滥用;虐待;辱骂,【归纳】child abuse虐待儿童 abuse ones power 滥用权力,Laws against _ should be stiffened up.反对虐待儿童的法律应该严格执行。

11、,child abuse,【运用】,His political reputation was ruined by his _.他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。When he saw us,he fired off _.他见到我们时,就一个劲地大骂。He _ while in office.他在职时滥用权力。Several of the children _.其中几个儿童身体受到了虐待。,a string of abuse,abuse of the power,abused his power,were physically abused,3.desperate adj.铤而走险的,拼命的,绝 望

12、的;极度渴望的;非常 需要的,【归纳】be desperate for sth.渴望某物 be desperate to do sth.渴望做某事 in desperate need of 非常需要,They begged for help _.他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。He _ when he lost all his money.当他丢了所有的钱时,他绝望了。The man lost in the desert _ water.在沙漠中迷失方向的人极度渴望得到水。,in the desperate situation,was desperate,was desperate for,【

13、运用】,He has been out of work for a long time,so he is _ to get a job.A.characteristic B.particularC.desperate D.stubborn,C,4.vain adj.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的,【归纳】a vain attempt/effort徒劳的尝试/努力 in vain 徒劳地;无意义地 try in vain to do sth.枉费心机地试图做某事,I tried to make his peace with her,but _.我试图使他与她和好,但还是白搭。She is _,

14、and yet people like her.她自负而愚蠢,然而人们喜欢她。They _ to reach the mountaintop.他们几次徒然尝试想攀登山顶。He _ get into contact with the local branch.他试图与当地分部取得联络,但没有成功。,in vain,vain and foolish,made vain attempts,tried in vain to,【运用】,Thank God youre safe!I stepped back,just _ to avoid the racing car.A.in time B.in cas

15、e C.in need D.in vain,A,5.resist v.反抗,抵制,抵挡;使不受 的伤害;忍住,【归纳】resist(doing)sth.抵制(做)某事 cant resist doing sth.抵挡不住做某事的诱惑【拓展】resistant adj.有抵抗力的 be resistant to.对抗拒的 resistance n.抵抗,反抗,If the enemy _,wipe them out.如果敌人继续抵抗,就把他们消灭掉。He could not _ money.他不能抵制金钱的诱惑。Some substances _.有些物质能抗酸。I have a sweet t

16、ooth and _ chocolate and ice cream.我喜欢吃甜食,见到巧克力和冰淇淋就想 吃。,continue to resist,resist the lure of,resist acid,cant resist eating,【运用】,According to Swan,the purpose of her design project is to enable children to _ the temptation of TV.A.resist B.objectC.refuseD.oppose,A,Thewatchwassobeautifulandithappen

17、edtobe40%off,soIcouldntresist_it.A.tobuyB.buyingC.tohaveboughtD.frombuying,B,6.rescue n.&v.救援,营救,【归纳】rescue sb.from从营救某人 rescue sth.from 使某物免于 come/go to ones rescue 前来/去救某人 rescue workers 救援人员,He held on to a branch until we _.他抓住一根树枝,直到我们把他救下来。,came to his rescue,【运用】,The storm extinguished their

18、last hope _.风暴使他们最后的获救希望破灭了。_ rushed to the site of the plane crash.抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。He _ drowning at the cost of his own life.他救了这孩子,使其免于被淹死,却牺牲了 自己的生命。,for rescue,Rescue workers,rescued the boy from,7.reputation n.名声,名誉,【归纳】have a good/bad reputation for.由于有好/坏的名声 live up to ones reputation 不负盛名,名副其实

19、 ruin ones reputation 名誉扫地 earn/establish/build a reputation 赢得/确立/树立声誉,He _ a physician.他是位很有名的内科医师。He _ his learning.他在学识方面享有很高的声誉。His works _.他的作品不负盛名。,has a good reputation as,earned a high reputation for,lived up to his reputation,【运用】,The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never a

20、ccepts any gift from his patients,so he has a very good _.A.expectation B.reputation C.contribution D.civilization,B,8.intend v.打算,计划,想要;意指,意思是,【归纳】intend that.打算 intend to do/doing sth.打算做某事 intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事 intend sth.for sb.为某人准备某物 had intended to do sth./intended to have done sth.本来打

21、算做某事 be intended for 为准备的 be intended to be/do sth.目的是作为某物/目的是做某事,I _ listen to this rubbish any longer!我再也不想听这种无稽之谈了。Did he _ the cost of the dinner?他是想让我们同他一起分担这顿饭的费用 吗?The book _ beginners.本书是为初学者编写的。,dont intend to,intend us to share,is intended for,【运用】,Im sorry;I _ when I said that.对不起,我说那事并无恶

22、意。I _ you,but I too busy to do so.我本打算打电话给你,但我太忙,没有如 愿。,intended no offence,had intended to call/intended to have called,The posts are intended _ students who have recently completed a first degree in biology.A.toB.forC.by D.as,B,The international agreement,_ encourage children not to smoke and help

23、 people kick the habit,was signed on February.A.intending to B.being intended to C.intended to D.to intend to,C,1.live up to 达到,符合(期望);不辜负,【拓展】live on 以为主食;靠为生;继续存在 live with 忍受;与住在一起 live through 经历(艰难或险境)live a.life 过着的生活,短语,I try _ the high standard of the school.我力求达到这所学校的高标准要求。He didnt _ his re

24、putation.他的生活与他的名声不符。The doctor doubted whether the patient would _ that month.医生拿不准那个病人是否能活过那个月。Most of Asians _ rice.多数亚洲人以大米为主食。,live up to,live on,to live up to,live through,【运用】,These traditions will _ for centuries.这些传统将世代相传。They learned _ each others imperfections.他们学会了容忍对方的缺点。Its a pleasure

25、for me _ you.和你一起生活对我来说是件愉快的事情。,to live with,live on,to live with,We think highly of Mr.White because he always _ his principles.A.lives on B.lives up toC.lives through D.lives with,B,In modern times,people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.keep wi

26、th stay with C.meet with D.live with,D,2.be bent on(doing)sth.决心做某事(通常指坏事);一心想要做某事,【拓展】“决心要做,决定做”的表达方式:decide to do sth.(强调动作)make a decision to do sth.(强调动作)make up ones mind to do sth.(强调动作)determine to do sth.(强调动作)be determined to do sth.(强调状态),Joyce _ a new house.乔伊斯一心想买一套新住房。I _ my purpose at

27、any cost.我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。The two boys _ it out.两个孩子决定打出个胜负来。,is bent on buying,am determined to attain,determined to fight,【运用】,She is _ on becoming a musician,so she has given up her other hobbies and is engaged in music.A.bent B.buriedC.devoted D.kept,A,3.have a reputation for以而获得名声 He _ his lazines

28、s.他因懒惰而出名。当have a reputation结构后用的是“being+形容词”时,for可以用of代替。She _ being generous.她因慷慨大方而博得好评。,has a reputation of,has a reputation for,This makes them difficult for some people to read,so they often left to gather dust on shelves.make+宾语+adj.+(for sb.)to do Too many new words make the passage difficul

29、t for children to read.也可以转换成:make+it+adj.(for sb.)to do sth.Too many new words make it difficult for children to read the passage.,句式,2.Pips sister often abuses him,but Joe is a kind and simple man who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.would rather than 宁愿也 不愿1)wouldrather后直接接动词的原形;I_g


31、ut.我宁可呆在家里也不出去。注:若than前后动词相同,则可省略than后 面的动词,只保留与than前面不同的成 分。Id_anovel_apoem.我宁愿看小说而不愿朗读诗歌。,ratherread,than,语法,否定词及否定陈述用法小结 在日常表达中,我们有时要提出否定的观点或表达特殊的语气,这时我们就会用到否定的表达形式。1.运用比较直观的否定词表示否定意义。如:a.There is no need to worry about him.b.Philip has not had lunch yet.,c.Tracy left home without telling her par

32、ents.d.We invited both of them,but neither can come.常见的这类词有:no,not,never,none,neither,nothing,nobody,without等。,2.运用其它隐性否定词来表达否定意义。如:a.The exam was so difficult that few people passed it.b.Bob knew little about it before I told him.c.Kelvin is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control.d.My selfish

33、brother is the last person Id ask for help.常见的这类词有:few,little,unless,seldom,hardly,beyond,last等。,3.运用一些短语或结构来表达否定意义。如:a.They did their homework instead of watching TV yesterday afternoon.b.The soldiers preferred to die rather than give in to the enemy.c.Wilson is anything but a writer.d.Harry was to

34、o ill to be anywhere but in bed.e.Are you cold?Far from it!,f.Her sudden arrival prevented him from going out.常见的这类表达有:instead of,rather than,anything but,far from,too.to.,prevent/keep/stop.from.等。,4.用带否定前缀的词也可构成否定陈述。如:a.Womens education was seen as unimportant.b.I got the desk cheap because its sli

35、ghtly imperfect.c.Im afraid I have to disagree with you on that issue.常见的这类词有:unimportant,unnecessary,imperfect,impossible,disagree等。,5.all,both,everyone,everything等用在否定句中,可表示部分否定。如:a.Not all lawyers have large incomes.b.Not everyone enjoys sport.6.双重否定表示肯定意义,这时它表示的意义比肯定句更强烈。如:a.There is no life wit

36、hout water.b.Grace never comes without reporting fresh things.c.Its not impossible to get the work finished on time.,7.有些结构或表达在形式上是否定的,在意义上却是肯定的。如:a.I cant find a better excuse for it.b.You cant be too careful when crossing the street.c.Roger couldnt help jumping when he heard the news.d.We couldnt(

37、help)but wait for him at the bus station.,e.Howard could do nothing but go sadly back to bed.f.I didnt go to bed until 12 oclock last night.常见的此类表达有:cant与比较级或too连用,cant help doing,cant(help)but do,nothing but,not.until.等。,8.在think,believe,suppose,expect等动词后面的宾语从句中,如果在意义上需要否定宾语从句的某个成分且主句的主语为第一人称,常常要将

38、否定转移到主句中去。如:a.I dont believe he will come.b.I dont think I know you.c.I dont suppose well meet again.,9.在诸如I think not,I hope not,Im afraid not之类的简短回答中,否定词not可以看作替代词或省略结构。如:a.Do you think it will rain this afternoon?I hope(that it will)not.We have an important football match.b.Is he coming tonight?I

39、 am afraid(he is)not(coming tonight).,10.一些否定词或否定结构置于句首时,句子常用部分倒装。如:a.Seldom had I seen such a big snake before I came to this island.b.Little did I dream of hearing such exciting music.,【即学即用】单项填空。1._ can be good at something for 40 years if he doesnt love it.(江西 2013)A.Anybody B.Everybody C.Nobody

40、D.Somebody2.Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years,she lost _ of her enthusiasm for life.(陕西 2013)A.some B.neither C.none D.all,C,C,3.Its an either-or situation we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do _.(2013 新课标全国卷II)A.others B.either C.another

41、 D.both4.A serious study of physics is impossible _ some knowledge of mathematics.(2013 新课标全国卷II)A.against B.before C.beyond D.without,D,D,5.This project requires close teamwork._ will be achieved unless we work well together.(安徽 2013)A.Nothing B.Anything C.Something D.Everything6.How did your inter

42、view with the manager go?_ He seemed interested in my experience,but he didnt ask for references.(安徽 2013)A.Perfect!B.Im not sure.C.Thats right.D.Couldnt be better.,A,B,作文,Write a review of a book or story【情景呈现】请根据下表中关于小说少年派的奇幻漂流(Life of Pi)的信息,写一篇150词左右的文学评论。,参考词汇:货船cargo ship 移民 emigrate 孟加拉虎 Beng

43、al tiger,【写作分析】一、文体解读1.这是一篇文学评论,语言要讲事实、求准确;2.对文学作品的介绍要全面,包括书名、作者、主人公、故事情节等;3.结尾部分需要写出自己的读后感或对该作品作出评价。,二、常用句型1.written by.who was born.2.The story is set in.The main character of the novel is.who.3.The story goes that.4.The story begins when.5.I think the story is.and I strongly recommend it to all o

44、f you.,【参考范文】Life of Pi,written by Yann Martel who was born in Spain in 1963,has won many awards in the world.The plot is fantastic.In the novel,Pi Patel,an Indian boy,has a rich knowledge of animal behavior and a great affection for stories.When Pi is sixteen,his family emigrates from India to Nort

45、h America aboard a Japanese cargo ship.The ship then sinks.,Pi finds himself in a lifeboat,and his only companions include a Bengal tiger,Richard Parker.Soon the tiger has eaten all but Pi,whose fear and wisdom allow him to live with the tiger for 227 days while lost at sea.Without doubt,Yann Martel

46、 has shown us a glorious spiritual adventure that makes us question what it means to be alive,and to believe.As Yann Martel has said in one interview,“Life is a story.You can choose your story.”,巩固练习,I.根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母 或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。,1.This time their mission is trying to r_ friendly for

47、eigners from unfriendly territory.2.Having a sweet tooth,I cannot r_ stopping by the bakery on the way home.3.The boy claimed that his stepfather treated him badly and psychologically and physically a_ him.,rescue,resist,abused,4.While the companys toy sales have hit a record high it faces a d_ shor

48、tage of clean water.5.My classmate,Mary,is g_ she is always willing to spend time helping others or giving them pleasure.6.We discover that the main character isnt as innocent as he seems,as the p_ of the book unfolds.,desperate,generous,plot,7.Above all,the worker could establish his r_ as a skille

49、d and knowledgeable craftsman among his fellow workers.8.My cousin has the occasional cigarette,but thats his only real _(恶习).9.My father has been doing two jobs in an attempt to get out of _(债务).10.Two men _(突然出现)out at me as I was walking through the park,which made me frightened.,reputation,vice,

50、debt,sprang,II.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。The _(violence)scenes in the film were cut when it was shown on television.2.The incident has further increased the _(tense)between the two countries.3.A Christmas Carol was written by Charles Dickens,one of the greatest British _(novel)of the 19th century.,violent,ten


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