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1、review,SurveyMajorityUp-to-dateFictionNonfictionTeenagerParticipate inDifferDestinyOvercome,Unit 3,Unit 3Modern Communication,3,New words,Netiquette:/ntkt/网络礼节Netiquette requires that people should be polite in their exchanges.网上礼节要求人们以礼相待。etiquette:tkt n.礼节,礼仪;规矩E-mailElectronic Mail 电子邮件,Prefer:/p

2、rf/v.更喜欢Does he prefer a particular sort of music?他更喜欢某种特别的音乐吗?I prefer to think of peace not war.我更喜欢思考和平而不是战争。would prefer 宁愿;更喜欢 prefer to do(rather)than 宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事,Communicate kmjunket vi.通讯,传达;相通;交流;感染vt.传达;感染;显露My birth mother has never communicated with me.我的生母从未与我交流过。communicate with 沟通;通话

3、 communicate in 用.语言沟通 communication n.沟通 交流,Familiarfmlj adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的n.常客;密友Your name is familiar to me.你的名字我是熟悉的。新英汉大辞典I liked to meander through familiar streets.我喜欢闲逛穿过熟悉的街道Be familiar with熟悉 get familiar with 熟悉;变得熟悉 familiar style 简体,非正式文体;家常体,chapter 1 Formal Letter Writing:A Dying Art?,Pa

4、ra.1:1.regular:rgjl adj.定期的;有规律的;合格的;整齐的;普通的n.常客;正式队员;中坚分子adv.定期地;经常地Get regular exercise.定期进行锻炼。Were going to be meeting there on a regular basis.我们将定期在那里见面。,2.mail:melby mail 邮寄;通过写信,通过邮递;按信件daily mail 每日邮报(英国伦敦的报刊)voice mail 语音邮件express mail 快信send mail 发送邮件mail order 邮购,函购;邮购订单mail box 邮箱;信箱区air

5、 mail n.航空邮件;航空邮政,adj.航空邮递的,vt.航空邮寄electronic mail n.电子邮件junk mail n.(美)垃圾邮件;邮寄宣传品,3.thanks to:幸亏,由于4.ease:iz vt.减轻,缓和;使安心n.轻松,舒适;安逸,悠闲vi.减轻,缓和;放松;灵活地移动She lived a life of ease.她过着悠闲自在的生活。I gave him some brandy to ease the pain.我给了他一些白兰地以减轻疼痛。,5.postal system:邮政系统 snail mail:蜗牛邮件;邮寄信件;传统信件6.means:mi

6、nz n.手段;方法;财产 复数 means;财富 正式v.意思是;打算(mean的第三人称单数)a person of means.一个富有的人。The move is a means to fight crime.这个行动是打击犯罪的一种手段。by all means 当然可以Can I come and have a look at your house?Yes,by all means.,Para.2,7.provider:prvad n.供应者8.MSN:abbr.微软网络服务(Microsoft service Network);即时通讯软件(MSN Messenger);总编号(

7、等于Master Serial Number);军事编号(Military Serial Number)hotmail:n.微软电子邮件,8.in addition to:除之外 in addition:除此之外In addition,their ability to make money will not be hindered while they wait.此外,在客户等待的过程中,他们赚钱的能力不会受到妨碍9.reply to:回答;回复,Para.3,10.be aware of:意识到,知道Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their

8、 own health.吸烟者们都很清楚吸烟对其自身健康的那些危害。be unware of:不知道Many people are unaware of just how much food and drink they consume.许多人不知道自己到底消耗掉多少食物和饮料。,11.when it comes to:一谈到;当谈论到;当提到;当说到Yet the majority of these employees have no voice,especially when it comes to their own safety.然而,这些雇佣员工大多数没有发言权,特别是当涉及到自己的

9、安全时。12.respond to:回应He will respond to that,not me.他将会为此事做出反应,我不会。respondent:受访者 被调查人,13.one in twenty:二十分之一14.inappropriate:nproprt adj.不适当的;不相称的I feel the remark was inappropriate for such a serious issue.我觉得对如此严肃的问题来说,这评论是不恰当的。,Para.4,15.manner:1)方式She smiled again in a friendly manner.她又友好地笑了笑。2

10、)举止His manner was self-assured and brusque(brsk).他的举止自负而且粗鲁。3)礼貌in good/bad manner,16.outside of:在的外面;超出的范围17.chat room:聊天室 message board:留言板,Para.5,18.workforce:wkfrs n.劳动力;工人总数,职工总数19.correspondence:信件He always replied to his correspondence.他总是来函必复。20.training:训练;培训special training 特别训练;飞行特训;特殊培训;

11、出格训练vocational training 职业训练;职业培训;职业教育;职业练习training center 培训中心;训练馆;训练中心;实训中心,pose:kmpoz vt.构成;写作;使平静;排的版vi.组成;作曲;排字(用心)写(信、诗、演讲稿)正式例:He started at once to compose a reply to Anna.他立刻开始给安娜写回信。22.lead to:导致23.aim to:旨在.,24.familiarize:fmlraz vt.使熟悉familiarize oneself with 使自己熟悉某物The goal of the experiment was to familiarize the people with the new laws.该实验的目的是使人们熟悉新的规则。,


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