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1、MM4LMA Lean Manufacturing,10 Credits Level 4,Assessed by end of Spring Semester,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Lean Thinking History,Eli Whitney is believed to have started the idea of Lean Manufacturing.In 1799 he perfected the concept of interchangeabl

2、e parts.He accepted a contract from the North American government for 10,000 muskets at$13.40 each.Up until this time,musket parts were not interchangeable.If one small part was damaged,the whole weapon was thrown away.,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Lean Thinking History,1900-Frank Gilbreth invented

3、 process charting to recognise and understand non-value added waste to eliminate it from the process.,1910-Henry Ford created a continuous flow system.,1924-Walter Shewhart invented the process control chart,1835-Samuel Colt removed the waste from reloading as well as interchangeable parts,!940-Jame

4、s Edward Deming applied Quality control methods to the US national census,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Lean Thinking History,1948-Taichi Ohno and his helper Shigeo Shigo start to redesign the Ford Manufacturing System,1948-With influence from Gen.Douglas McArthur Deming lectures in Japan on waste,1

5、950-They created tools such as SMED(Single Minute Exchange of Dies),1960-Invented pull systems(Kan Ban),1973-Coined the phrase Just In Time Manufacturing,1980 NBC transmits documentary If Japan can,Why cant we,1950-James Edward Deming taught Quality control methods to the Japanese 400 top industrial

6、ists,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Definition of Lean Manufacturing,Is a Manufacturing philosophy which shortens the time line between the customer order and the shipmentBy eliminating waste,Give the customer what they want when they want it,and dont waste anything.,Lean production

7、combines the best features of craft production(high-quality,individualized,custom-made products)and mass production(manufacturing at great quantities to satisfy broad consumer needs at lower prices).Lean principles have been applied successfully worldwide in the auto industry and are being increasin

8、gly employed in many other industrial sectors.,Chief benefits of lean production include the use of fewer resources,rapid and efficient product development cycle,higher quality at lower cost,and greater flexibility.,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process

9、 Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Paradigms are like filters for our brains that help us to evaluate and organize new information.They determine the way we see the world and the future.Unfortunately,paradigms can also be so deeply

10、 rooted in our minds they become barriers that keep innovative ideas and new opportunities from reaching the place where inventive thinking develops.Moving forward in the business world goes hand in hand with forward-thinking.It is therefore necessary for successful organizations to be open to oppor

11、tunities and solutions that dont necessarily fit into the mould that some paradigms create.Joel Barker-Visionary,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,A“System”is a network of interdependent components that work together to try to accomplish th

12、e aim of the systemW.E.Deming,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Exercise,For approx.5 minutes,List potential barriers to change&What might you do

13、to overcome these barriers,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,3 things that need to be in place for change to take place1.The concept is sound2.Political will3.Social motivation,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Process,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Exercise

14、,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Process,Inputs,Outputs,Transformation,Product or Service,Activity,Lean manufacturing is a strategy for remaining competitivethrough the endless pursuit of waste elimination.1)Focus on the customer.Who are the external customers?What is an internal cust

15、omer?What is value to the customer?2)Eliminate the 7 wastes of production.What are the 7 wastes?What causes waste?How do we eliminate waste?3)Do more with less.How can we increase value?How to waste less resources?How can we do both?,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/

16、Operations,Process Thinking,Process,Specify value-From the perspective of the ultimate customer;in terms of a specific product with specific capabilities offered at a specific price and time(i.e.QCD requirements),Identify the Value Stream-Develop a model of the current and future value streams that

17、delivers the specified value and eliminates obvious non value processes and activities.,Flow-Implement the desired value stream that makes the remaining value added steps flow by the elimination of wastes.,Pull-Any upstream process will only produce product when the downstream process asks for it.(N

18、ote:Only when the process is capable and in control should a pull system be implemented),Perfection-Continually identify ways to(1)increase customer value,(2)reduce the costs of non-value adding but necessary activities,and(3)remove successive layers of waste,as they are uncovered in existing activi

19、ties.Improvements are undertaken continuously&systematically and go beyond waste reduction efforts to enhance value through innovative changes/improvements.,Dr.Deming believed that in order to manage the systems we work in,we need to have profound knowledge of the systems we work in.Often,we are so

20、lost in the way we work,that we forget about the system we work in.We associate our work with our titles and forget what our purpose of our work is.In order to manage better we need to know why our organisations(systems)exist.For that we need to first BELIEVE that our organisations are indeed compos

21、ed of networks of interdependent components that work together to achieve the aims of the system(Dr.Demings own definition of a System).We must understand that all the components are not alike however alike they may appear to be.For this we need to understand Variation We need to understand the why

22、of the interactions between the components and how the interactions affect the ultimate performance of the System with respect to the Aim of the System-Understand the theory of Knowledge-the way we learn and grow mentally.Finally,we need to understand that the only living parts of systems(organisati

23、ons)are humans.The growth of a system depends on the growth of the individuals in the system.We need to understand the individuals as well as the results of interactions between individuals.This is understanding Psychology.I have been very concise and very cryptic.You may learn more by reading a few

24、 texts on the subject.The great thing about the Deming Philosophy is that you can never be finished with it.The System of Profound Knowledge can be applied to any system including your own life!),Lean is all about getting the right things to the right place at the right time the first time while min

25、imizing waste and being open to change.*From the book The Machine That Changed The World,we know that lean practices have led to significant improvements in the automobile industry in terms of cost,quality,and productivity.As a result,lean is becoming more prevalent in other industrial sectors as we

26、ll.Lean combines the best of craft production with mass production.*Sure,lean can mean less of many things-less waste,less design time,fewer organizational layers,and fewer suppliers.*But lean can also mean more-more employee empowerment,more flexibility and capability,more productivity,more custome

27、r satisfaction and without a doubt,more long-term competitive success.Lean principles incorporated in the workplace today can spell business survival for the future.If you think about the workplace today,lean is not such a foreign concept.*Think about it-if you are reducing inventory,expanding jobs

28、and responsibilities,participating on multi-functional work teams,problem solving at the source,benchmarking,or creating and maintaining relationships with customers,then you are practicing a part of lean production.,It is not the strongestof the species that survives,nor the most intelligent;it is

29、the one that is mostadaptable to change,Charles Darwin,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Lean Manufacturing/Operations,Process Thinking,Reading materials:“The Machine that Changed the World”Womack-Jones-Roos isbn 0-89256-350-8 chapter 1,pages 11 to 15“System of Profound Knowledge”Handout,W.Edwards Deming,


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