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1、,原文:且家中有百万之富,现领着内帑钱粮,采办杂料。H:The family was immensely wealthy.As one of the official Court Purveyors they received money from the Privy Purse with which to make purchases for the Imperial Household.Y:For they were millionaires,in receipt of an income from the State Treasury as Purveyors for the Imper

2、ial Household分析:内帑钱粮:指国库里的钱财,公款 Privy Purse:王室专用金,国王私用金 State Treasury:国库,古时收藏钱财的府库,原文:虽也上过学,不过略识几个字,终日惟有斗鸡 走马、游山玩水而已。H:He had been educated after a fashion,but could barely read and write.He devoted the greater part of time to cock-fighting,horse-racing,and outing to places of scenic interest.Y:At

3、school he merely learned a few characters,spending all his time on cock-fighting,riding or pleasure trips.分析:终日:整天;从早到晚 the greater part of time:大部分时间 all his time:所有时间 The context implies us that Xue Pan doesnt want to learn knowledge at all.So it is more proper to use the Ys phrase.,原文:不过赖祖父之旧情分,户

4、部挂虚名,支领钱粮,H:for his fathers and grandfathers sake,he was allowed to register at the Ministry and receive regular payments of grain and money,Y:but prevailed on his grandfathers old connections to find him a well-paid sinecure in the board of revenue 分析:户部,中国古代官署名,为掌管户籍财经的机关,六部之一,长官为户部尚书,曾称地官、大司徒、计相、

5、大司农等。这个官职比较大,在清代是从二品。相当于现在的财政部副部长。So its payment should be well-paid,which is much appropriate.,原文:寡母王氏乃现任京营节度使王子腾之妹,与荣国府贾政的 夫人王氏是一母所生的姊妹,今年方四十上下,只有薛蟠 一子。H:Xue Pans widowed mother was a younger half-sister of Wang Zi-teng,at that time Commandant of the Metropolitan Barracks,and younger sister of Lad

6、y Wang,the wife of Jia Zheng of the Rong mansion.She was now around fifty and had only the one son.Y:His widowed mother,nee Wang,was the younger sister of Wang Tzu-teng,Commander-in-chief of the Metropolitan Garrision,and the sister of Lady Wang,wife of Chia Cheng of the Jung Mansion.She was about f

7、orty years of age and Hsueh Pan was her only son.分析:1.In Hs translation,he doesnt translate the“王氏”,so here is a missing.2.“四十”should be translated into forty.,原文:寡母王氏乃现任京营节度使王子腾之妹,与荣国府贾政的 夫人王氏是一母所生的姊妹,今年方四十上下,只有薛蟠 一子。H:Commandant of the Metropolitan Barracks;Y:Commander-in-chief of the Metropolitan

8、 Garrison;分析:“京营节度使”是虚构的,是为了显示他的地位。按清制,掌握京城启闭、宫禁安全的军权的最高长官是步军军统 领,通俗名称是“九门提督”。此即“京营”的“节度使”。Barracks:兵营,营房,棚屋 Garrison:驻军,卫戍部队,警卫部队,原文:自父亲死后,见哥哥不能依贴母怀,他便不以书字为事,只留心针黹家计等事,好为母亲分忧解劳。H:but when he died and her brother proved incapable of offering their mother any comfort,she laid aside her books and devo

9、ted herself to needlework and housewifely duties in order to take some of the burden off her mothers shoulders.Y:However,after her fathers death it was so clear that Hsueh Pan would prove no comfort to their mother that Pao-chai gave up her studies and devoted herself to needlework and the household

10、 management,so as to share her mothers burden and cares.分析:We can get the idea from the later paragraphs that Pao-chai did not completely give up her study.She still participate the selection.So it is inappropriate to use the phrase“gave up”.,原文:自父亲死后,见哥哥不能依贴母怀,他便不以书字为事,只留心针黹家计等事,好为母亲分忧解劳。H:but when

11、 he died and her brother proved incapable of offering their mother any comfort,she laid aside her books and devoted herself to needlework and housewifely duties in order to take some of the burden off her mothers shoulders.Y:However,after her fathers death it was so clear that Hsueh Pan would prove

12、no comfort to their mother that Pao-chai gave up her studies and devoted herself to needlework and the household management,so as to share her mothers burden and cares.分析:According to the context,it was after her fathers death that Pao-chai discovered and realized his elder brothers incapability to

13、look after her mother.It is improper to use the sentence“it was so clear thatwould”.It is a little bit abrupt.,原文:以备选为公主郡主入学陪侍,充为才人赞善之职。H:the Imperial princesses and the daughters of princes of the blood Y:the princesses分析:公主:帝王、诸侯之女的称号。周称王姬,战国始称公主。天 子嫁女子于诸侯,必使诸侯同姓者主之,故谓之公主 郡主:即郡公主。明清均以亲王之女为郡主,郡王女封县

14、主。the princesses:公主,王妃,女巨头 the Imperial princesses and the daughters of princes of the blood:皇帝的公主和有血缘关系的亲王的女儿,原文:各省中所有的卖买承局、总管、伙计人等,见薛蟠年轻不 谙世事,便趁时拐骗起来,京都中几处生意,渐亦消耗。H:The managers,clerks,and factors of the family business in its various agencies throughout the provinces had profited from Xue Pans yo

15、uth and ignorance of affairs to feather their own nests at the firms expense,and even the familys enterprises in the capital,of which there were several,had shown a gradual falling-off.Y:all the managers and assistants in the Purveyors offices of different provinces had taken advantage of his youth

16、and inexperience to start swindling and even the business in the various family shops in the capital was gradually falling off.分析:不谙世事:一般用来形容一个人对社会上的种种事情没有了解,缺乏社会经验 ignorance:无知,愚昧 1.This word is somewhat undue.The inexperience is much better.2.In the text,it is just said that they cheat Xue Pan,no

17、new business,so this sentence of Hs translation does not focus on the original meaning.,薛蟠素闻得都中乃第一繁华之地,正思一游,便趁此机会,一为送妹待选,二为望亲,三因亲自入部销算旧账,再计新支,其实则为游览上国风光之意。Y:Thus Xue Pan,who had long heard of the splendors of the capital,now had three pretexts for a visit to it:First,to escort his sister there for t

18、he selection;secondly,to see his relatives;and thirdly,to clear his accounts and decide no further outlay.His real reason,of course,was to see the sights of the great metropolis.(60 words)H:provided Xue Pan,who had long heard of the ricjh pleasures of the metropolis and was agog to taste them,with e

19、xcuses for realizing his cherished ambition,viz:1.They must go to the capital because he had to present his sister to the Ministry for selection.2.They must go to the capital to look up their kinsfolk there.,3 They must go to the capital so that he might clear his accounts with the Ministry andtake

20、receipt of a new instalment of funds.(Needless to say,the sole substantial reason for going to the capital,Xue Pans desire to sse the sights,was unexpressed.)(107 words)分析:The first one is more simplified,the later one is too long,and H repeat the same worlds They must go to capital three times,I th

21、ink its unnecessary.,因此早已打点下行装细软,以及馈送亲友各色土物人情等类Y:He had long since packed his luggage and valuables and prepared local specialities of every kind as gifts for relarives and friends.H:Accordingly,their baggage had long been packed and souvenirs of Nanking for their friends and relations.分析:Y did not

22、translate the conjunction word“因此”,薛蟠见英莲生得不俗,立意买他,又遇冯家来夺人,因恃强喝令手下豪奴将冯渊打死。Y:When Feng Yuan demanded her back,Hsueh Pan relying on his powerful position ordered his bullies to beat the young man to death.H:Then Feng and his servants came to seize the girl and Xue Pan,confidents in his superior forces

23、shouted the command to his attendant roughs which wast to have such fatal consequences for poor Feng Yuan.分析:The later ones seize is better than the first ones demanded her back,because seize can better describe this situation.And the first ones bullies is better than the later ones attendant roughs

24、,because bullies means that Xue Pan is powerful than Feng Yuan.,人命官司一事,他竟视为儿戏,自为花上几个臭钱,没有不了的。Y:To him a murder charge was just a trifle which could easily be seetled with some filthy lucre.H:accounting the charge of manslaughter a mere bagatelle which the expenditure of a certain amount of coin coul

25、d confidently be expected to resolve.分析:There are different translations on 人命,H s translation is better.And Y s translation about“臭钱“is better,H s expression cant indicate this meaning.,却又闻得母舅王子腾升了九省统制Y:when word came of the promotion of his uncle Wang Tsu-teng to the post of Commander-in-Chief of

26、Nine ProvincesH:they heard news that Xue Pans uncle Wang Zi-teng had just been promoted C-in-c.Northern Provinces,偏如今又升出去了,可知天从人愿。Y:Now hes been upgraded and is leaving.It shows Heaven is kind.H:the old boy obligingly gets himself popped out of the way.Fortune is on my side!分析:The first one upgraded

27、 is better than the later one gets himself popped out of the way.But later one Fortune is on my side is better than the first one Heaven is kind,如今舅舅正升了外省去,家里自然忙乱起身。Y:But uncles jsut been promoted and is going to the provinces,so his place is bound to be upside down.H:But uncles just been promoted t

28、o the Northern Provinces,they will all be making frantic preparations for him to go.分析:The first one use upside down is not good,because this phrase can not express the rushed condition,the later one is better.,原文:你贾家姨娘未必不苦留我们,Y:Your Aunt Chia is sure to press us to stay there.H:Auntie Jia will prob

29、ably be only too glad to have us.分析:苦留:耐心极力的留住,不让离开。Press gives us a sense of being forced and it is negative.But there is no negative meaning and a sense of being forced in the text.,原文:岂不使人见怪,Y:It will appear very strange to them.H:I am sure she would be most offended.分析:见怪:责备,责怪In the text,“见怪”me

30、ans take offense.Hense,the latter version is better than the former one.,原文:正愁少了娘家的亲戚来往。,Y:This confronted her with the lonely prospect of having none of her own family to visit.H:Her once more in gloom at the prospect of losing her main source of contact with the members of her own family.In the te

31、xt,“少了”does not mean having none.Wang also has her sister to visit,so the having none of is not correct.,原文:姐妹们暮年相会,自不必说悲喜交集,泣笑叙阔一番。,Y:We need not dwell on the mingled delight and sorrow of these two sisters meeting again in the evening of life.H:The sudden reunion of the two sisters was,it goes wit

32、hout saying,an affecting one in which joy and sorrow mingled.分析:自不必说:当然不用说了,那是肯定的。Yang just translated wold for world,but the latter ones It goes without saying is more suitable.,原文:姨太太已有了春秋。,Y:My sister-in-law has seen many springs and autumns.H:Your sister is getting on in years.分析:这里的“有了春秋”,应该指上了

33、年纪。getting on in years is more clear and concise.,原文:既然如此,你自己挑宅子去住去。,Y:Go and find yourself some lodgings.H:Why dont you go off.The mother was a little bit angry here,but Why dont you go off cannot express mothers anger.However,Yang used an imperative sentence which can emphasize mothers rage.,原文:宝钗

34、日与黛玉迎春姊妹等一处,或看书下棋.翻译:Pao-chai spent her time with Tai-yu,Ying-chun and the other girls.(Y)Bao-chai for her part spent her time each day in great contentment,reading or playing Go or sewing with Dai-yu and the three girls.(H)分析:杨把“黛玉迎春姊妹”具体地翻译Tai-yu,Ying-chun and the other girls,霍只提了黛玉,没有完全翻译出来(漏译)。,

35、原文:虽然贾政训子有方,治家有法翻译:Although Chia Cheng was known for his fine method of schooling his sons and discipling his household.(Y)It was not that Jia Zheng was a slack disciplinarian,incapable of keeping his house in order.(H)分析:杨用Although引导让步状语从句,符合原文句意,霍采用强调句失去了原文想要表达的意思,没有“虽然”之意;且成语也是杨用的his fine method

36、of schooling his sons and discipling his household较贴切,方便理解。,原文:欲知后事,且听下回分解。翻译:To know what followed,turn to the next chapter.(Y)But as to the outcome of these capers:that will be told in a later chapter.(H)分析:杨的翻译句式整齐,意思直观,比霍的翻译精炼。,原文:这薛公子学名薛蟠,表字文起翻译:Young Hsuehs name was Pan,his courtesy name Wen-c

37、hi.(Y)Xue Pan,to give him his full name.(H),分析:字是用于亲朋好友、平辈同事之间的尊称,杨采用courtesy 的“尊”之意,courtesy name表“字”较为贴切,比较准确地表达了“字”的内涵。霍略去了“字”的翻译,直接翻译成人名,就不能够传达古代特有的文化现象。,原文:寡母王氏乃.王子腾之妹,与.王氏,是一母所生的姊妹翻译:His widowed mother,Nee Wang,was the younger sister of Wang Tzu-teng.(Y)Xue-pans widowed mother was a younger half-sister of Wang Zi-teng.(H),分析:Nee adj.娘家姓的(用在已婚女子的姓后)杨的译文较准确,用Nee Wang,而霍没有将这种传统翻译出来不够地道。,Conclusion,杨宪益以介绍中国的优秀文化遗产为目的,主要采用了异化翻译法,霍克斯以愉悦读者为目的,主要采用了归化翻译法。归化与异化分野的焦点在于如何看待原文语言文化和目标语言文化,尤其是源语言文化的身份和地位问题。如译者偏重于目标语言文化和目标读者的反应,则倾向于归化翻译;如尊重源语言的身份和地位或试图故意保留其异域性,则倾向于异化翻译。,Thank you!,


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