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1、机制六班 杨春风,网络的利与弊,网络是利大还是弊大呢?,网络的利,Network education to students and its positive effects(1),the network can help students form the new thinking way of traditional thinking mode is a kind of linear thinking.The development of network,the traditional thinking is a kind of transcendence and challenge.It

2、 is a kind of bouncing type,nonlinear thinking way.Network era this way of thinking has changed the traditional thinking inherent in the more narrow,rigid defects,cultivate students divergent thinking.网络给学生及其教育带来的正面影响(1)、网络有利于学生形成新的思维方式 传统的思维方式是一种线性思维。网络的发展,对传统的思维是一种超越和挑战。它是一种跳跃式、非线性的思维方式。网络时代的这种思维方

3、式改变了传统思维所固有的较狭隘、死板的弊端,有利于培养学生的发散性思维。,(2)、the network can help the students to improve their own quality network as a means of education,with a large amount of information,spread fast,affecting a wide range of features such as.It has not only enriched the content of education,broaden the way of educa

4、tion,help students in a broad environment in learning and the accumulation of knowledge,but also conducive to the development of college students and the formation of personality.Especially in the campus network and the ideological and political work network establishment and development,knowledge f

5、or the students to provide more favorable conditions for.网络有利于学生提高自身素质 网络作为一种教育手段,具有信息量大、传播速度快、影响范围广等特征。它不仅丰富了教育内容,拓宽了教育途径,帮助学生在宽广的环境中学习和积累知识,而且有利于大学生发展和形成个性。尤其是校园网和思想政治工作网的建立和发展,为学生接受知识提供了更为有利的条件。,(3)、The network makes the work of ideological education socialization greatly.In the past,the traditio

6、nal school education is often limited in the classroom teaching,the traditional campus culture influence on students dominant part.The emergence of the network,tore down the walls between school and society,bring students into a more vast world,through the network,the student understand the universe

7、 of 1 000000000 universes of various social phenomena,ideology,cultural thoughts网络使得思想教育工作的社会化程度得到大大的提高。过去,传统学校思想教育往往局限在课堂教学,传统校园文化对学生的影响占主导部分。网络的出现,拆掉了学校与社会之间的围墙,把学生带入到一个更为广阔的天地,通过网络,学生了解到大千世界的各种社会现象、思想观点、文化思潮。,(4)、Network to make us understand more real students ideological trends,thus improving t

8、he ideological education work on.Especially paid more attention to campus and social hot issues,students will enjoy in the online publication of their views,opinions,communicate,discuss,this is authentic the expression of thought.The teacher may through the collection,collation,analysis of these net

9、 paste,thus to find out the countermeasures.网络使我们了解到更为真实的学生思想动态,从而提高了思想教育工作的针对性。特别是一些受到普遍关注的校园和社会热点问题,学生们会乐于在网上发表各自的观点、意见,进行交流、讨论,这都是学生真实思想的流露。教师可以通过收集、整理、分析这些网贴,从而找出对策。,网络的吸引力是无穷的,而中学生的自制力是有限的。据联合国教科文组织的不完全统计,以学习为主要目的上网的中学生,美国占总数的20%,英国为15%,中国仅仅为2%。这惊人的对比,恰如其分地说明了中学生的自制力不如网络的吸引力,。它好象刚出生的婴儿,终究是需要细心的

10、扶持的,在正确的教育、指导下,长大成人,建设国家、作出贡献。The attraction of Internet is infinite,and the middle school students self-control is limited.According to the UNESCO s incomplete statistics,for the main purpose of learning on the Internet to students,the United States accounted for 20%of the total,15%in Britain,China

11、 is only 2%.This striking contrast,to a proper extent that students self-control as the attraction of internet,.It was just born baby,it is you need to be careful to give aid to,on the right,under the guidance of education,adult,construction country,make contribution.。,但是,事情也有坏的一面。,正确利用网络,But if it

12、is so,inhibition of the students,not like the baby killed in the cradle?High school students online number,percentage of people affected by adverse effects,which is described by adverse effects depend on whether the quality of their own and will.As the saying goes:people are not afraid of the shadow

13、 askew.As long as we are not close to the drowning people thinking of the network dissemination will,naturally does not suffer from its effects.But that is the negative psychological effects,so that some people fall,fall.Adults akrasia is much stronger than young people但偌是像现在这样,抑制了学生上网,不就好象将这婴儿杀死在摇篮

14、里吗?中学生上网的人数很多,部分人受到不良影响,这正说明了是否受到不良影响取决于自身的素质与意志。俗话说得好:“人正不怕影子歪。”只要我们有不靠近这种沉溺人思想的网络传播的意志,自然也就不会受到其影响了。但也偏偏就是这种负面的心理作用,使一些人堕落,堕落。成年人自制力还是比年轻人强很多。,Network makes many young people addicted to the virtual world,divorced from reality,also make some young people abandoned their studies.With the reality of

15、 social life,in the face of the Internet is a virtual world,it not only meets the teenagers get possession of information needs,but also to the interpersonal left a vast space for imagination,but in real life do not bear the pressure and responsibility.These features of the virtual world,so many you

16、ng people would rather indulge in a day of virtual environment and unwilling to face reality.And unrestricted access to the Internet bubble on the daily study and life have a huge impact,severe or even abandoned their studies.网络使许多青少年沉溺于虚拟世界,脱离现实,也使一些青少年荒废学业。与现实的社会生活不同,青少年在网上面对的是一个虚拟的世界,它不仅满足了青少年尽早尽

17、快占有各种信息的需要,也给人际交往留下了广阔的想象空间,而且不必承担现实生活中的压力和责任。虚拟世界的这些特点,使得不少青少年宁可整日沉溺于虚幻的环境中而不愿面对现实生活。而无限制地泡在网上将对日常学习、生活产生很大的影响,严重的甚至会荒废学业。,14岁的初一男生沉迷于网络游戏,经常逃学甚至彻夜不归,父母为此消得人憔悴;居委会一个年近40岁的阿姨得知后,连续两个月匿名上网在QQ上感化这个“网虫浪子”。精诚所至,浪子终于变乖了,不过直至今天,这位男生仍不知道那位网上诤友的真实身份。这是记者在白云区同和街蟾蜍石社区听到的真实故事。14 year old junior boys indulge in

18、 the network game,often played truant even cheyebugui,parents therefore eliminates haggard;neighborhood a nearly 40 years after the aunt that,for two consecutive months for anonymous surfing in the QQ affect the geek Prodigal son.Faith moves mountains,the prodigal son finally becomes better,but unti

19、l today,the boys still do not know the true identity of online friends.This is a reporter in Baiyun District toad stone street and with the community to hear the true story.,故事的男主人公名叫坤仔(化名),蟾蜍石村人。坤仔进初中后开始迷上“泡泡龙”网络游戏,开始频频进出附近的黑网吧,后来干脆逃学甚至彻夜不归。有一次被暴怒的坤爸“逮”个正着,坤仔被痛扁一顿,“本想棒下出孝子”。那知次日一大早,他借口上学又溜进了网吧。偶然得知

20、这一情况后,在居委会工作的叶文英下定决心帮一帮坤仔。“他喜欢上网,我就从此下手”,并通过坤妈从同学那里拿到坤仔的QQ号。The hero of the story named Kun Tsai(a pseudonym),a stone village.Kun Tsai entered junior high school after the start of hooked on bubble network game,starts to import black Internet bar around,then simply plays hooky even cheyebugui.There

21、was once a Kun dad arrest is a Kun,Aberdeen was beating a,wanted to spare the rod and spoil the child.It was early in the morning,he slipped into the Internet bar excuse to go to school.Incidental learning of this situation,in the neighborhood of Ye Wenying was determined to help the Kun tsai.He lik

22、es surfing the Internet,I from the start,and through the Kun Ma from classmates get Kun Tsai No.QQ.,聊天,临时学上网感化浪子为了“搞掂”坤仔,叶文英才在今年四月向自己16岁的儿子学会了用QQ聊天。叶文英办公室的电脑没有安装QQ软件,她就利用午休在母亲家或晚上回家时间去上网守株待兔,“一回家就上网打开QQ找他”。坤仔的网名昵称“阔少”,年仅14岁的他却扮老成,自称广州大学的毕业生。为了接近坤仔,叶文英在QQ的资料中登记为广州的大二女生。聊天的话题就从坤仔的昵称开始,叶文英问他为什么整天都在网上不用


24、还懂得父母的辛苦,回头是岸。如果不是叶文英阿姨懂得用网络制服坤仔,后果不堪设想!,并不是做什么都有目的的,也许就是单纯的喜欢玩,图的是快乐。当然有很多是为了钱啦为了寄托啦什么的,但是在这之前他都要先喜欢这游戏,不然他怎么不寄托在别的地方呢?是 吧?他喜欢游戏,摆脱不了,就是沉迷。何来寄托之说。不沉迷的人,只是偶尔玩玩,放松一下,像生活中打滚摸爬活的那么累,来另一个世界换一个身份也不错。游戏确实能给人带来心灵上莫大的成就感。里面相对公平,付出就有回报。而现实世界更多是给我们带来挫败感。无论怎么努力都得不到那种失望。网游能然那么小孩或者成人沉迷,因为他就像一个相对理想的世界,有友情、有爱情、有自己


26、与老师及同学交流,不与读书成绩比自己好的同学做朋友,在家亦极少与父母沟通。今年暑假,又皮沉迷于网络游戏,一发不可收拾,每晚上网至凌晨4时左右才睡觉,昼夜颠倒,极少出家门,性格越来越内向,不和别人交流。一个月后,又皮逐渐表现出自我评价过高的现象,觉得自己怀才不遇,认为自己能力强,想做什么事情都能做好。整天在家中上网,看一些“成功人士”的事迹和讲座视频,整天想着怎样“速成”为一名成功人士,说自己做人最大的目标就是赚大钱,又说要学经商。那段时间,又皮经常豪言壮语,但无实际行动,并在房间墙上涂写“2009年重新做人”的字样,还涂满了网络的虚拟语言。,正确使用网络,In September,after

27、school,and just a few days back to the skin,and is not willing to go to school,that school s useless.Emotional instability,often called the father of no use,do not earn money.His bad temper,he punches the wooden cabinet and the wall to vent.The family felt skin abnormal behavior,then inform the new

28、sand hospital the hospital access,through the assessment,diagnosis and percutaneous because of indulging network game,suffering from schizophrenia.Combined with the actual situation of hospital and the skin,let him out of the network.Medical staff every day chatting with him,led him to set up the co

29、rrect outlook on life.After 10 days of treatment,and skin have been successfully separated from the network,have greatly improved.According to doctors,after a period of time,and skin can be a normal school,but the parents and school should promptly follow,cant let him to indulge in the network。9月开学后


31、但是,换个角度来想,没有了网络,世界发展的脚步严重则会停止,而中国也就还可能停留在改革开放初期的阶段。,给同学们的寄语:,Now is the era of the network,will not use the network is out.But the network is our learning tools,not only to play the game is so simple.The world of Internet is virtual,not worthy of belief.Although the reality is cruel,but,as long as w

32、e still have hope for life,life will be better.Happiness in the side,do not have to go to the virtual world in search of!The network is a tool of learning,properly play game easily on the line现在是网络的时代,不会用网络几乎就是“out”了。但是网络是我们的学习工具,而不是只是玩游戏那么简单的。网络的世界是虚拟的,不值得相信。虽然现实是残酷的,但是,只要我们对生活仍有希望,生活一定会好起来的。快乐其实就在身边,不必去虚拟的世界里寻找!网络只是学习的工具,适当地玩一下游戏轻松就行了!,


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