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1、Chapter Twelve,Translation of Sentences&Nominal Clauses,I.Review and comments on the assignments II.Translation of sentences III.Translation of nominal clauses IV.summary V.Assignments VI.References for further reading,Teaching Procedures,I.Review and comments on the assignments,他迈着沉重的脚步,回到离别三年的家乡。三


3、第二天,他发现有好几户邻居的门上上了双把锁。几天后,他又离开了家乡,还是到那家木器厂做临时工。,With heavy steps,he returned to his hometown which he had been away from for 3 years.,(after an absence of 3 years),Three years ago,he was arrested and sentenced to 3 years reform through labor for he had joined a gang of thieves.,When he worked on the

4、 reform farm,he behaved himself so well that he got release one year before his term.,In order to avoid those familiar eyes,he didnt return to his hometown after his release but found an odd job through introduction in a furniture plant in Nanxian County of Hunan Province.,However,the strong feeling

5、 of homesickness drove him on his way home.,When he was back home,he found everything was so dear and lovely,he said to himself:I must turn a new leaf.,One day,Aunty Wang,a neighbour of his,locked her key in the house and could not get in,many warm-hearted neighbors came around for help but they cou

6、ld do nothing about it.,People thought of him and asked him for help but were refused.,Aunty Wang begged him:”Dongpao!Do help me please,or when my man is back,he will surely beat me!”,He knew her husband was rude and often beat her,he pitied her and gave in.,He found some tools and it took him quite

7、 some time to unlock the door.,Aunty Wang was so grateful that she brought a pack of filter cigarettes and forced it into his hand.,The people around watched him amazedly and all praised him for his skillful hand.,The next day,he found there was one more lock on several neighbors doors.,A few days l

8、ater,he left his hometown and went back to the furniture plant again.,1.Even the wild animals of his homeland,it seemed to Kunta,had more dignity than these creatures.昆塔觉得,即使他家乡的野兽也比这些人自尊自重。2.From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland,they were warmly received by their compat

9、riots.他们从一走上祖国的土地的时刻起,就受到同胞们热情接待。3.Cheerful,efficient and war-hearted,they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。4.Dont hesitate to come when you need help.什么时候需要帮助,只管来找我。,A.Conversion of Word Order(语序调整),II.Translation of sentences,1.Even the wild

10、 animals of his homeland,it seemed to Kunta,had more dignity than these creatures.昆塔觉得,即使他家乡的野兽也比这些人自尊自重。2.From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland,they were warmly received by their compatriots.他们从一走上祖国的土地的时刻起,就受到同胞们热情接待。3.Cheerful,efficient and war-hearted,they will do ev

11、erything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想方设法使你一路上顺利舒适。4.Dont hesitate to come when you need help.什么时候需要帮助,只管来找我。,A.Conversion of Word Order(语序调整),II.Translation of sentences,B.Division(分译),Put a word or a phrase in English into sentences in Chinese.1.Throughout his life,Ben

12、jamin Franklin continued his education,learning from human contact as well as from books.富兰克林的整个一生都在受教育,他不仅从书本中学习而且也从与人交往中学习。2.I tried vainly to put the pieces together.我想把这些碎片拼在一起,可是拼不起来。,II.Translation of sentences,B.Division(分译),3.The computer can give Mary the right lesson for her:neither too fa

13、st nor too slow.计算机能给玛丽上课,上得恰到好处,既不太快,也不太慢。4.One consequence of speculation about the possibility of computer thought was that we were forced to examine with new care the idea of thought in general.观察结果表明,计算机可能有思想,这使我们不得不从新的角度全面审视思想这一概念。,II.Translation of sentences,B.Division(分译),Put one English sen

14、tence into a few Chinese sentences:1.That question is too hard for me to answer.那个问题太难,我回答不上来。2.He is too ill to have been anywhere but in bed.他病得太厉害,哪也去不了,只能呆在床上。3.Spring has so much more than speech in its unfolding flowers and leaves,and the coursing of its streams,and in its sweet restless seeki

15、ng.春花怒放,春水奔流,无限春光,争奇斗艳,语言已不足以尽述其妙!,II.Translation of sentences,B.Division(分译),Put one English sentence into a few Chinese sentences:4.Clapp,with the best of characters and handwritings,had been able very soon after his masters disaster to find other employment for himself.克拉浦品行端庄,又写得一手好字,因此主人坏了事之后不久

16、就找到了别的工作。,II.Translation of sentences,C.Combination(合译),Put two or more sentences in English into one simple or complex sentence in Chinese.1.The young man was very miserable.He had no money about him.All his savings had been stolen.这个年轻人很惨,已落到了身无分文的地步,因为他所有的积蓄都被窃。2.Darkness fell.An explosion shook

17、the earth.It did not shake his will to go to the front.夜幕降临时,一声爆炸震动了大地,可并没有动摇他上前线的决心。,II.Translation of sentences,C.Combination(合译),3.That day,the President had an interview with her father.Her father was going to the moon by space-shuttle.那天,总统会见了她的父亲,因为她的父亲即将乘航天飞机去登月。4.She is very busy at home.She

18、 has to take care of the children and does the kitchen work.她在家很忙,又要看好孩子,又要下厨。,II.Translation of sentences,C.Combination(合译),Put a complex sentence in English into a simple sentence in Chinese.1.If we do a thing,we should do it well.我们要干就干好。2.The time was 10:30,and traffic on the street was light.10

19、点30分的时候,街上来往的车辆稀少了。3.Americans have a great range of customs and habits that at first may seem puzzling to a visitor.美国人有很多风俗习惯在陌生人看来里令人费解的。4.Parents love their children and the love is perfect.父母对子女的爱是无微不至的。,II.Translation of sentences,English Clauses:,English subordinate clauses:subject clause obj

20、ective clause predicative clause appositive clause attributive clause adverbial clause,III.Nominal clauses,Nominal Clauses,A.Subjective clauses:,to remain their original position:1.What he told me was only half-truth.他告诉我的只是半真半假的东西而已。2.Whatever he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impre

21、ssion.他此行所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。3.Whoever comes to our public reference library will be welcome.什么人到我们公共图书馆来参观都可以。,III.Nominal clauses,A.Subjective clauses:,When it functions as a formal subject,the subject clause may either precede or follow the principle clause:1.It doesnt make much difference whether he

22、 attends the meeting or not.他参不参加会议都没多大关系。2.It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash.驾驶员在飞机坠毁后,竟然还能活着,这看来是不可想象的事。3.It is strange that she should have failed to see her own shortcomings.真奇怪,她竟然没有看出自己的缺点。4.It is rumored that the meeting will be held in June.据传说,这次会议将在六月举行。,

23、III.Nominal clauses,B.Objective Clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,1I understand that he is well qualified,but I feel that he needs more experience.我知道他完全够条件,但我觉得他需要更多的经验。2.I take it for granted that you will come and talk the matter over with him.我理所当然的认为,你回来跟他谈这件事的。3.I regard it as an honor that I am ch

24、osen to attend the meeting.我被选参加会议,感到十分荣幸。4.We have no definite information yet as to which route he will take.关于他走那条路线,我们还没有确切消息。,C.Predicative Clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,1.This is where the shoe pinches.这就是问题的症结所在。2.Things are not always as they seem to be.事物并不总是如其表象。3.His view of the press was

25、that the reporters were either for him or against him.他对新闻界的看法是,记者们不是支持 他,就是反对他。,D.Appositive clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,Keeping to the original order:1.He expressed the hope that he would come over to visit China again.他表示希望能再来中国访问。2.We are not investigating the question whether he is trustworthy

26、.我们不是在调查他是否可以信任的问题。3.She had no idea why she thought of him suddenly.她不明白自己为什么突然想到了他。,D.Appositive clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,Converted into an attributive clause or an independent clause:1.Yet,from the beginning,the fact that I was alive was ignored.然而,从一开始,我仍活着这个事实却偏偏被忽视了。2.They were very suspic

27、ious of the assumption that he would rather kill himself than surrender.对于他宁愿自杀也不投降这种假设,他们是很怀疑的。3It doesnt alter the fact that he is the man responsible for the delay.延迟应由他负责,这个事实是改变不了的。,D.Appositive clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,Using punctuation marks or specific words:Punctuation marks such as col

28、on,dash or such expressions as“这样”,“这种”,“即”etc.,are usually used to introduce appositive clauses.1But considering realistically,we had to face the fact that our prospects were less than good.但是现实地考虑一下,我们不得不承认这样一个事实:我们的前景并不妙。2.And there was the possibility that a small electrical spark might accident

29、ally bypass the most carefully planned circuit.而且总是有这种可能性-一个小小的点火花,可能会意 外地绕过了最为精心设计的线路。,D.Appositive clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,3.The fact that the gravity of the earth pulls everything towards the center of the earth explains many things.地球引力把一切东西都吸引向地心这一事实解释了许多现象。4.Not long ago the scientists ma

30、de an exciting discovery that this“waste”material could be turned into plastics.不久前,科学家们有了一个令人振奋的发现,即可以把这种废物变为塑料。,D.Appositive clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,Changing the relation between the noun and the appositive clause,the noun being converted into a verb:1.An order has been given that the researc

31、hers who are now in the sky-lab should be sent back.已下命令将现在在航天实验室里的研究人员送回来。2.Even the most precisely conducted experiments offer no hope that the result can be obtained without any error.即使是最精确的实验,也没有希望获得无任何误差的实验结果。,D.Appositive clauses:,III.Nominal clauses,3.However,the writing of chemical symbols

32、in the form of an equation does not give any assurance that the reaction shown will actually occur.但是将化学符号写成反应式,并不意味着所表示的反应确实回发生。,A.Translation of sentences 1.Conversion of Word Order(语序调整)2.Division(分译)3.Combination(合译)B.Translation of nominal clauses 1.Subjective clauses 1)to remain their original

33、 position 2)precede or follow the principle clause 2.Objective clauses 3.Predictive clauses 4.Appositive clauses,IV.Summary,1)Keeping to the original order:2)Converted into an attributive clause or an independent clause3)Using punctuation marks or specific words4)Changing the relation between the no

34、un and the appositive clause,the noun being converted into a verb,Sentences translation in your handoutsPassages translation in your handouts,V.Assignments,1.刘宓庆著.英汉翻译技能指引.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司,2006 2.范仲英编著.实用翻译教程(第一版).北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005.3.郝丽萍等编著.实用英汉翻译理论与实践(第一版).北京:机械工业出版社,2006.4.叶子南著.高级英汉翻译理论与实践(第一版).北京:清华大学出版社,2001.5.陈秋劲编著.英汉互译理论与实践(第一版).湖北:武汉大学出版社,2005.,VI.References for further reading,Thanks for Your Attention,The End,


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