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1、Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?,:,教材选自:新目标英语第二册(Go for it!Book 2)一、简介这两单元均采用任务型学习的教学模式.任务型学习的教学模式(Task-based Language Learning)是英语课程标准倡导的教学模式。其目的是让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式实现任务,感受成功的心理体验。学生通过思考、讨论和交流,学习和使用英语,从而完成学习任务。二、学生分析本课适合初一年级的学生(即13-14岁年龄段的)。要求具备一定的基本知识和技能,对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好,能用简单的英语问候、打招呼,交换有关个

2、人、家庭、朋友等的基本信息,在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事,根据图片或提示写出简单的句子,根据所学内容表演小对话,在课堂活动中乐于模仿、敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。对即将学习的内容能适当地提前做好预习工作。,三、教材分析本教材分为A、B两部分,A部分是基本的语言内容,包括本单元的重点词汇、任务型听力练习、对话练习及语法重点(Grammar Focus);B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用,包括词汇扩展、语言知识综合运用及各类阅读文章,并附有自测(Self Check)部分,用来自我检测本单元所学的知识,最后还有让学生轻松一刻的卡通幽默(Just for fun)。四、教学设计核心任

3、务:根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极的情感、主动思维和大胆实践和形成自主学习能力的过程。,语言任务:在本单元教学活动过程中,教师是组织者,是“导演”,起引导作用;学生是“主角”,是活动的主体,他们以小组为单位,两人(或三人)之间进行口语、笔头练习。教师和学生之间既是师生关系,同时也互相合作、交流,因此又是合作伙伴关系。教学中采用情景法(Situational Language Teaching)、交际法(The Communicati

4、ve Approach)及“任务型”教学途径。在教学过程中,关注学生的情感,尊重每个学生,保护他们的自尊心和积极性,营造宽松、民主的教学氛围,建立融洽、和谐的师生交流渠道,依据本单元的教学目标,并结合教学内容设计贴近学生实际的教学活动,鼓励他们在学习中的尝试,吸引和组织他们积极参与,从而培养学生的合作精神,提高他们的口语表达与写的能力。,Unit3教学目标:1.用英语谈论、描述动物(describe animals)并表达对动物各自的喜爱(express preferences).例如:Elephants are friendly.Tigers are kind of scary.Why do

5、 you like pandas?Because theyre very cute.Why does he like koalas?Because theyre kind of interesting.2.掌握表示动物的名词和具有动物特征的形容词,例如:koala bear(树袋熊),tiger(老虎),elephant(大象),dolphin(海豚),panda(熊猫),lion(狮),penguin(企鹅),giraffe(长颈鹿);cute(逗人喜爱的),smart(聪明的),exciting(令人激动的),friendly(友好的),interesting(有趣的),fun(供人娱乐的

6、)scary(可怕的)。3.掌握重点句型Why do you want to see the pandas?Because theyre cute.Why does he like the koalas?Because they are kind of interesting.What animals do you like?I like penguins.They are cute.What other animals do you like?I like dogs,too.Where are lions from?They are from Africa.,教学过程和步骤:本单元分四课时教

7、学第一课时 Section A 1a,1b,1c,2a,2b,2c第二课时 Section A3a,3b,4第三课时 Section B1,2a,2b,3第四课时 3a,3b.3c.4&Selfcheck,Lesson One,Unit 3,Why do you like koalas?,Koala名称来源 在公元1934年 Gilbert Whitley等建议“Koala”是来自澳洲(新南威尔斯东部)原始居民的方言。公元1978年后 Ronald Strahan 在同一地带记录了其他方言的名称,直音翻译成 cullewine,koolewong,colo,colah,koolah,kaola

8、,koala。早期欧洲殖民曾误以为树袋熊是常见的猴,熊,或是树獭;甚至形容很会爬树的树袋熊为“树猴”。没有尾巴的树袋熊长得结实并且象熊,无疑地常被称为“koala bear”或“native bear”(英文:“native”=当地的,“bear”=熊)。中文名“树袋熊”简明地形容了这人见人爱的动物,却容易给人错误的观念-把树袋熊当成熊的一种。,Language goals:Describe animals;Express preferences and reasons.,Target languages:Do you like horses?Why?Why do you like koala

9、s?Why do you want to see the lions?Because they are very/kind of fun/cute/interesting/smart,Task One:Get to know animals Task Two:Talk about preferences and the reasons,giraffe,elephants,wolf/wolves,zebras,penguins,koalas,Younger Zoo,lions,goose/geese,snake,dog,fox,mouse,dolphin,deer,tiger,monkey,ra

10、bbits,panda,squirrel,horse,peacocks,crocodile,fun,cute,smart,friendly,beautiful,interesting,ugly,dangerous,2b,Listen and complete the conversation with the words in the box.,Julia:Lets see the koalas.Henry:Why do you like _?Julia:Because theyre _ cute.Henry:Well,I like _.Julia:Why do you like _?Henr

11、y:Because theyre _ interesting.,Do you like horse?Why?Why do you like koalas?Why do you want to see the lions?,Because they are very/kind of fun/cute/interesting/smart.,Pairwork:using the languages below,Make a survey and make a report:,Ask your group members their favourite animals and why.,Grammar

12、 FocusWhy do you like pandas?Because theyre very cute.Why does he like koalas?Because theyre kind of interesting.,Lesson Two,Unit 3,Memory game,My favorite color is My favorite food isMy favorite fruit isMy favorite player isMy favorite singer isMy favorite sport isMy favorite number is My favorite

13、movie is My favorite animal is,because,Work in groups,then give a report about their favorite and the reason(原因).,What sport do you like?I like Why?Because its.,Pairwork,Who is your favorite player?Why?Where is he/she from?,Where are they from?,3a,Put the animals in the map.,Pairwork,Use the animals

14、 and countries in 3a.,Where are lions from?Lions are from South Africa.,Say your favorites,Whats your favorite color/sports/movie/subject/number/food/fruit/animal?Who is your favorite teacher/ping pong player/basketball player/singer/movie star?Where is she/he/it from?Where are they from?,GroupWork,

15、Survey and report:How well do you know your classmates?,Game,Bingo,Homework:SurveyWhat animals are very rare(稀少)?Where do they live?,Lesson Three,Unit 3,Section B,Match the description words and the animals.2a Listen and circle the description words you here in activiy1.2b Listen again.Fill in the c

16、hart.,Pairwork,Talk about the animals you know.,A:What animals do you like?B:I like elephants.They are cute.A:What other animals do you like?B:I like dogs,too.A:Why?B:Because theyre friendly and clever.,Make a survey:,Lesson Four,Unit 3,Chant:,What animals do you like?I like pandas.I like pandas.Why

17、?They are quiet.They are quiet.What animals do you like?I like koalas.I like koalas.Why?They are cute.They are cute.What animals do you like?I like dolphins.I like dolphins.Why?They are clever.They are clever.,3a Read the descriptions and match them with the animals below.,MollyThis is Molly.She is

18、twelve years old.She is from Africa.She likes to play with friends and eat grass.,Ling lingThis is Ling ling.Shes five years old.She is from China.Shes very beautiful,but shes very shy,so please be very quiet.,Bill This is Bill.Isnt he cute?Hes from Australia.He sleeps during the day,but at night he

19、 gets up and eats leaves.,难道它不聪明吗?,Make a chart:,Groupwork:Exchange the description with other students.Can you guess the animal?,3b Look the lion in 3a.Then complete the description with the words in the box.,This is Larry.Hes from _.Hes eight _ oldHe _meat.Larry is _.He usually _and Relaxes 20 hours every day!,Goodbye,


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