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1、一 对比选择型:观点对比选择/利弊说明,文章逻辑结构(启)Paragraph I:(1)引出将要评论的事物或者是观点;(2)简明扼要的提出人们的两种不同看法;(承)Paragraph II:(1)提出一种观点或优点;(2)本段的支持性分论点;(转)Paragraph III:(1)承上启下的过渡句;(2)提出另一种观点或缺点;(3)本段的支持性分论点;(合)Paragraph IV:(1)平衡两种看法;(2)给出自己的观点。,例1、Reading Selectively Or Extensively?Outline:1.有人认为读书要有选择2.有人认为应当博览群书3.我的想法,When it

2、comes to reading,some people think that reading selectively is a good way,but some other people do not agree with them,they think that reading extensively is better.Those people,who think that reading selectively is better,believe that good books are as many as bad books.Those good books can give us

3、 pleasure and knowledge,while those bad books can only lead us to the wrong way.So,they suggest that we should only choose the good books to read and never touch the bad books.,But,the other people,who hold that reading extensively is better,think that one kind of books can only give us one aspect o

4、f knowledge.Even the best book only contains one field of information.So,they can easily come to the conclusion that“to know more,to read more”.So they believe that reading extensively is better.To my point,we should choose good books to read and read good books as many as possible.By this way,we ca

5、n increase the quality and quantity of reading.,例2(变体形式一)Where to live-in the city or in the countrysideOutline:1.Conveniences of the city 2.Attraction of the countryside 3.Disadvantages of both 4.My preference,(1)When asked whether living in the city is better than living in the countryside,people

6、may give different answers.(提出比较事物)(2)Some people appreciate the conveniences of city life.(概括城市生活的优点)(3)For one thing,living in the city,people can enjoy good education,various kinds of entertainment and first-rate health services.(优点一)For another thing,city people have more opportunities to get go

7、od education and well-paid jobs.(优点二)(5)But the countryside has its own attractions.(概括乡村生活的优点)(6)To begin with,it offers people a quieter and cleaner life because of its closeness to nature and great distances to noisy cities.(优点一)(7)Furthermore,it is obvious that the expenses of countrymen are muc

8、h less than those of city dwellers.(优点二),(8)However each has its own disadvantages.(二者均有弊端)(9)People living in the city are always annoyed by city problems such as crowdedness,traffic jams,increasingly polluted environment,crimes and competitive pressure.(城市生活的弊端)(10)And people in the countryside al

9、ways complain the monotonousness of life because of the scarcity of entertainments.(乡村生活的弊端)(11)It is easy to see that both the city and the countryside have their advantages and disadvantages,(结论)(12)As far as I am concerned,I prefer to live in the city for I like to enjoy colorful modern life and

10、to feel the modern atmosphere.(作者的选择),模板,第一段:描写现状,提出要比较的事物及一种事物A的优点(1)When asked the question whether A is better than B,(被比较的事物)people may give different answers.(2)Some people appreciate the _of A.(A的优点)(3)For one thing,it_.(细节,说明A的优点)(4)For another thing,it_.(细节,说明A的优点)第二段:阐述另一事物B的优点(5)But B is a

11、lso attractive/important/good.(B的优点)(6)To begin with,it offers_.(细节,说明B的优点)(7)Furthermore,it_.(细节,说明B的优点)第三段:提出双方的缺点(这部分可取舍)(8)However,each has its own disadvantages.(A,B均有缺点)(9)A has some problems such as_ and_.(A的缺点)(10)B also has some problems such as_ and_(B的缺点)第四段:作者的选择(非常重要)(11)It is easy to s

12、ee that both A and B have their advantages and disadvantages.(12)As far as I am concerned,I would prefer A for I enjoy the_ and_ of A.(作者的选择),例3(变体形式二)1 人们围绕广告展开了激烈的争论,然而,我认为广告发展对青少年有不良影响 2 不良影响的体现 3 解决这一问题,Although advertising has existed for thousands of years and is certainly not a recent inventi

13、on,it is only in our modern society that the great influence and importance of widespread advertising is brought into full play.However,in my opinion,many advertisements are harmful to young peoples mental development and,therefore,should be banned in the mass media.As many social issue critics have

14、 pointed out,the current trend in advertising exerts a corrupting influence on young peoples minds because there are always a lot of unwholesome and indecent contents in modern advertisements.For example,products such as wines,lingerie,and cosmetics tend to use the female body and amorous scenes as

15、the main attraction of their advertisements.What is worse,a subculture of sexual suggestiveness and permissiveness seems to permeate the entire advertising industry.Young people,especially those adolescents,are often lured away from their studies and indulge themselves in erotic fantasies.,In summar

16、y,the prevalence of advertising in our modern society and its inimical effects on the youth of today must be curbed,otherwise public morality and traditional cultures and values and even the future of the world will be caught in a precarious situation.,二、问题解决型/社会热点话题(问题解决+社会热点两类),题型特点:1)应该为三点提纲,但是通常

17、以两点提纲出现的题目居多,所涉及主题为当时社会热点;2)如果是两点提纲,则补充成三点提纲写作。3)通常模式为:现象概述-细节(原因、危害、方式等)-自我评论(解决办法),写作模式,Paragraph I:With the development/improvement of(铺垫),(某一问题).It is necessary that(关注解决现象引出的问题很必要).Paragraph II:There are many factors contributing to this argument(总述原因).On the one hand,(原因一).On the other hand,(原

18、因二).Besides,(原因三)Paragraph III:Therefore,how to(承上启下句,要解决的问题)is worth paying attention to.Firstly,(办法一).Secondly,(办法二).Thirdly,(办法三).In other words,(阐明解决办法三).Only by doing so,(用倒装句式总结解决方法)Paragraph IV:In fact,the ways to(解决问题的办法多种多样)are countless.Its time that(强调解决问题时不可待).,例1.10年06月作文题目 Due Attentio

19、n Should Be Given to Spelling作文:1.如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写 2.出现这种情况的原因 3.这种现象导致的结果,With the development/improvement of modern science and technology,English is becoming increasingly important,however,many people fail to highlight the importance of English spelling./The past decades have witnessed an ever-i

20、ncreasing phenomenon that It is necessary that due attention be given to spelling.(34w)There are many factors contributing to this argument.On the one hand,the wide use of network language with short-formed words and no-standard spellings should be responsible.On the other hand,the time and effort d

21、evoted to different aspects of English learning have a lot to do with it.Besides,it is the students themselves that ignore the importance of correct spelling.(63w),Therefore,how to reverse the trend is worth paying attention to.Firstly,teachers need to emphasize spelling in class.Secondly,it is high

22、 time that students recognized the significance of spelling and tried to avoid spelling mistakes.Only by doing so,correct spelling will be guaranteed in the near future.(39words)(共136 words),例2(变体一)1吸烟带来很大危害 2 人们无法戒烟的原因 3 我认为,模板 第一段:描述问题段 主题句+扩展句一(具体表现一)+扩展句二(具体表现二)第二段:说明原因/危害段 主题句+扩展句一(原因一)+扩展句二(原因

23、二)+结尾句 第三段:说明方法段 主题句+扩展句一(方法一)+扩展句二(方法二)+扩展句三(方法三)+结尾句,It is almost known to all that smoking is harmful to peoples health.Smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problems.The WHO says diseases caused by smoking kill at least two million and five hundred thousand persons each year.However

24、,still many people find it difficult to stop smoking,which is due to the following reasons.For one thing,it is because the effect of nicotine makes it hard for smokers to quit it.For another,many of them have no determination to give up the bad habit.Therefore,it is high time that more attention was

25、 paid to how to give up smoking successfully.Some effective measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking.Firstly,nowadays,smoking is forbidden in public places and in advertisements of any kind.In addition,the world“No Tobacco Day”is observed every year as the biggest c

26、ampaign to raise peoples awareness.If we follow the measures mentioned above,the impact from smoking could be minimized greatly.(173w),例3、Reduce Waste on Campus 1.有些大学校园浪费现象日益严重 2.浪费的危害 3.杜绝浪费,从我做起,As is known to all,waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem.We can easily see many s

27、tudents dump a lot of food in the garbage can.Some students spend a large sum of money buying fashionable clothes and so on.The negative effects of waste can be shown in the following aspects.In the first place,it makes some students dependent on their parents for money,which is harmful to their dev

28、elopment.In the second place,it is not easy for our parents to arrange for our schooling.Last but not the least important,there is no denying the fact that our country is still poor.As far as I am concerned,I should set a good example to reduce waste on campus.First of all,I will refrain from wastin

29、g anything,from food to stationery.What is more,Im determined to call on more schoolmates to fight against waste.Only through these measures can we hope to reduce waste on campus.,三观点论证型,三段:1.提出观点段 2 论证观点段 3 总结观点段(模板)(1)It is well known that 论点。(2)The truth of it is self-evident.(3)No one can deny t

30、hat 正确性的表现。(4)Therefore,without,it would be impossible总结论点(5)Many remarkable factors account for this argument.(6)To begin with,论据一。(7)In addition,论据二.(8)Last but not the least,论据三。(9)All mentioned above tell us that 重申观点。(10)Therefore,there is no denying that 正确态度或做法。(11)In summary,总结全文,例一 题目 Work

31、Is a Necessity 1 工作的必要性 2 分析原因 3 我的看法,It is well known that work is becoming more and more indispensable to mans existence.The truth of it is self-evident.No one can deny that work is a means of making a living.Therefore,without work,it would be impossible for many people to live.Many remarkable fac

32、tors account for this argument.To begin with,facts prove that more one uses his brain,the more active and efficient he is in thinking.In addition,for most people,work is the source of happiness and creativity.Last but not the least,work offers ambitious people chances to realize their dreams.All men

33、tioned above tell us that work is of vital importance in our life.Therefore,there is no denying that in modern society,everyone has to work to support themselves and achieve their goals.In summary,work is a necessity in modern society.,四、图表描述图表类型(通常模式为:描述图表-解释原因-自我评论),Sample 1(30 minutes)Directions:

34、For this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Student Use of Computers.You should write at least 120 words,and base your composition in the chart and the outline given below:1下图所示为1990年、1995年、2000年某校大学生使用计算机的情况,请描述其变化;2请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明);3。你认为目前大

35、学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题。,With computers becoming more and more easily accessible on campus,college students are spending more time than ever doing their routine tasks electronically in the last decade.In 1990,for example,the average number of hours a student spent on the computer per week was less than 2

36、hours.up to 2000,however,time spent on the computer increased suddenly to almost 20 hours a week.Many reasons account for this growing trend.the last decade has witnessed an astonishing development in it industry:the uses of computers are more diversified,their costs are significantly cut down,and t

37、he software is be coming more and more user friendly.On campus,for example,students may study many courses on computers,surf online for the latest information in their fields,and contact the outside world through web more frequently and conveniently.The easy access to computers on the may also bring

38、 about some problems.the research and education based use accounts for smaller portion of the whole use,either because the development of subject related software lag behind,or because student are more caught up in computer entertainment such ad playing video games,and chatting online.therefore,more

39、 attention should be called to the wise and academic use of computers on the campus.,Sample 2The graph below shows Harrys sales of Hamburgers in 1998.Write a report to a university lecturer conveying the information in this chart.You should write at least 120 words.,This graph demonstrates the figur

40、es of sales of hamburgers in Harrys in 1998.As we can see from the chart,the sales changed greatly throughout the year.As is shown in the graph,the sales of hamburgers in Jan and Feb kept almost unchanged,around 2,000 each month,in spite of a slight decrease in March and April,when about 1800 were s

41、old each month.From May on,there appeared a steady rise of sales,which amounted to 2600 in July and 3000 in August,the highest point during the whole year.Then after August,the figure fell down steeply and bottomed out in October,arriving at 1200,despite a small rebound in November and December,whic

42、h was 1900 and 2000 respectively.From the statistics shown in the graph,we can see that the sales were the highest in August in Harrys and the lowest in October in the year 1998.(153 words),五、应用文写作(开门见山说意图/咨询建议可分段/感谢客气不可少/期盼回信成老套)强化格式,明确目的;首尾套话,铭记在心;主体段落,重在拓展;要点全面,逻辑清楚。,高分演示:(1)表示感谢 My appreciation

43、to you for your generous help is beyond words.Words fail me when I want to express my sincere gratitude to you.I take this opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for the kind assistance you rendered me.(2)期待回复 I am looking forward to your reply/hearing from you soon.I look forward to a favora

44、ble reply at your earliest convenience.Your prompt attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated,例1咨询信/求学信,Dear Sir or Madam,I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university.My plan is to start my course next term,and I would be grateful if you would be

45、 kind enough to provide me with certain essential information.First,what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university?I already have a bachelors degree from Beijing University,but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements.Second,how much are the tuition fees?

46、Although I intend to be self-supporting,I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students.Third,what is the situation as regards accommodation?句子长短结合,本段是:短长短长短 I look forward to your reply,and to attending your esteemed institution.Yours sincerely,Li Mi

47、ng,附一、闪光句型,1),Whereas other societies look to the past for guidance,we cast our nets forward2),In America,there are no such expressions such as in China where“The fat pig gets slaughtered”,or in Japan,where“the nail that sticks out gets hammered down”3),The same voice is echoed in that.4),Equipped w

48、ith money,one can acquire taste,style,and ideas that mark each class and launch a quick ascent of the social ladder.5),Just as not every Japanese is hardworking and deferential to superiors,not every Chinese is devoted to family,not every American is ambitious or patriotic-or even unsophisticated.6)

49、,Current wisdom says that7),While I doubt that,I argue that8),However,just the opposite may be true under certain circumstances.,9),Admittedly,.By the same token,however,10),But taken too far,attempting to keep up with or beat competitors brings about detrimental results for a company.11),Too much e

50、mphasis placed on(attention paid to)(importance attached to)may obscure other facts.12),On the surface,it may seem a sound suggestion,but careful weighing on the mind,we find that13),As the saying goes“”14),Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice;moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.


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