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1、Unit 1,THE WORLD OF OUR SENSES,Key phrases,留心.取得成就扫视 看得到(抬头)凝视 盼望 做出决定出发伸出(手)不小心撞到,watch out for make achievementsglance atin sightstare(up)at wish for make a decision set off reach out bang into,pay back work out turn to go hungry lose sight of in the distance make the most ofset sail for.the sixth

2、 sensemake sense,报答,偿还制定变成挨饿看不见在远处充分利用启航第六感有意义,ring out warm sb.upexpress ones thanks to sb.be frozen with fearcant help doing in everyday life hold sb stillbe likely to do over a long distancerather than,发出响亮的声音使某人暖和起来 向某人致谢由于害怕而呆住禁不住做某事 在日常生活中使某人一动不动很有可能做越过很长的一段距离而不是;宁愿,pay back work out turn to g

3、o hungry lose sight of in the distance make the most ofset sail for.the sixth sensemake sense,报答,偿还制定变成挨饿看不见在远处充分利用启航第六感有意义,留心.取得成就扫视 看得到(抬头)凝视 盼望 做出决定出发伸出(手)不小心撞到,watch out for make achievementsglance atin sightstare(up)at wish for make a decision set off reach out bang into,ring out warm sb.upexpr

4、ess ones thanks to sb.be frozen with fearcant help doing in everyday life hold sb stillbe likely to do over a long distancerather than,发出响亮的声音使某人暖和起来 向某人致谢由于害怕而呆住禁不住做某事 在日常生活中使某人一动不动很有可能做越过很长的一段距离而不是;宁愿,Key words,1.still adj./adv.静止不动;仍然;还要,更 stillness n.静止Are you still working for the same firm?你仍然

5、在为同一家公司工作吗?The children wouldnt keep still.那些孩子不会一动不动的。Its still hotter in July.七月份更热。still,quiet,silent修饰环境时:quiet指没有吵闹干扰;still指完全没有声音。修饰人时:quiet指性情温和、安静等;still 指“一动不动”;silent 侧重“沉默”、“不说话”,但不一定不动。,2.sense v.&n.意识到;感官,感觉make sense 讲得通;有意义make sense of 懂得,理解common sense 常识a sense of direction 方向感in a

6、/some sense 在某种意义上Richard has a great sense of humor.In what sense are you using the word?你用这个词是什么意思?A dog has a keen sense of smell.狗的嗅觉灵敏。The mouse sensed danger and slipped quietly.老鼠感觉到了危险,悄悄地溜走了。,sense,feel的用法比较feel 是常用词,含义广泛,可以表示感官、情感、想法等。sense是正式用词,指“隐约感到”,不是凭感官而是凭直觉,不可跟表示“冷,热,饿”等的名词或形容词。I fe

7、lt cold.我感到冷。I sensed danger.我感觉到有危险。Nothing feels right in our new house.我们新房子里,样样都觉得不对劲。She sensed what her mother was thinking.她领悟到了妈妈的想法。,3.beat v.跳动;(接连)地打;打败短语搭配beat down 击败,摧毁beat up 暴打某人典型例句My heart is beating faster than usual.我的心跳得比平时更快。My father will beat me up if I do this.如果我那样做的话,我父亲会暴

8、打我一顿。,4.prove v.证明是(系动词);证明(及物动词)基本构词proof n.证据典型例句His suspicions(怀疑)proved(to be)correct.结果证明他的怀疑是正确的。Can you prove your theory?你能证明你的理论吗?,5.add v.补充说;增加addition n.增加;增加物add up 加起来 add up to 总计,达到add.to 把加入到 add to 增加He explained,and added that he was sorry.他解释了并且说很抱歉。His illness had added to their

9、 difficulties.他的疾病增加了他们的困难。Add your scores up and we will see who won.把你们的比分加起来看谁赢了。Little changes add up to a great change.小变化累积成大变化。,6.avoid v.避免avoidance n.避免avoidable adj.可避免的avoid(doing)sth 避免,回避He drove carefully to avoid the holes in the road.为了避开路上的那些坑,他开得很细心。Its best to avoid going out in t

10、he strong midday sun.在中午太阳光线很强的时候,你最好避免外出。,练一练,四、【习题训练】A组单项填空 1.When he woke up,he found _ lying in a bed.A.him B.himself C.his D.he2.Youve _ a word in that sentence.A.left out B.left forC.left behind D.left off3.The fact _ Polly didnt ask for the mans name is a pity.A.what B.that C.whichD.不填,4._ is

11、 reported that many young people go to big cities to earn money.A.This B.That C.It D.As5.When do you think _ back to our company?will Mr.Huang come B.Mr.Huang comesC.does Mr.Huang comeD.Mr.Huang will come6.Shes _ to get upset if you ask her about it.likely B.probable C.possible D.maybe,7.The competi

12、tion has proved to be_.A.great success B.successfully C.succeed D.a great success8.It was _ yesterday that we had to stay at home.A.so bad weather B.such bad weatherC.so bad a weather D.such a bad weather9.By the time we graduate from the university next year,we _ in this city for 5 years.will stay

13、B.have stayed C.would stay D.will have stayed,10.Two years _ he became President.A.latter B.late C.lately D.later11.You can _a lot of problems by using travelers checks.A.avoid B.escape C.lose D.flee12.The fall in the cost of living is directly _ the drop in the oil price.connecting to B.related to

14、C.relating with D.related with,13.The price of oil has _ sharply to$12 a barrel.A.cut B.dropped C.reduced D.down14.I tried all I could _ the topic at the meeting,but failed.A.to avoid to mention B.to avoid mentioningC.avoiding to mention D.avoiding mentioning15.The new type of car _ is on hot sale.A

15、.fed with gas B.feeding on gasC.is fed on gas D.is fed with gas,B组完成译文 根据中文原文完成下列各英文译文。(每空限填一个词)1.根据天气报告,明天上午很有可能下雨。According to the weather report,it _ _ _rain next morning.2.我看见一位老人很吃力地在街上走着,手里还拿着一根拐杖。I saw an old man _ _ _ in the street,with a walking stick in his hand.3.到20岁时,那位大学生已经写成了两部小说。By t

16、he time he was 20 years old,he _ _ _ two novels.,is likely to,making his way,had finished writing,4.当这群孩子意识到自己迷路时,他们都禁不住哭了起来。When they realized that they got lost,the children _ _ _.5.当她苏醒过来时,发现自己正躺在医院了。When she came to herself,she_ _ _ in hospital.6.孩子们一到床上,就会很快入睡了。Once in bed,the children will _ _

17、 very soon.,couldnt help crying,found himself lying,fall asleep,名词性从句1 名词性从句的概念:名词性从句是一个相当于名词短语的从句,充当主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语,分别称为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。2 名词性从句的引导词和种类:1)根据名词性从句的引导词,名词性从句有以下几类:(1)that引导的名词性从句表示一件事情。注意:因为that后面是对某事的完整陈述,所以that在从句中不作任何成分,没有意义,只引导从句;但除了引导动词宾语从句的that可省略外,其余情况都不能省略。另外that不能引导介词宾语从句

18、(除了except和in后面)。That he was his enemys son shocked him.=It shocked him that he was 他是他敌人的儿子让他很惊愕。(主语从句)He knew(that)the professor had refused to take on his son.他知道教授已经拒绝了收他的儿子为学生。(动词宾从句),He was quite good-looking except that he was a little too short.那时候他除了个子矮了点还算长得不错。(介词宾从句)The truth is that there

19、 is no standard American English at all.事实是根本就没有所谓标准美国英语。(表语从句)The belief that God created everything in the world is popular among the western countries.上帝创造了世间万物的信仰在西方国家很普遍。(同位语从句,和the belief同位,表示抽象名词belief的具体内容)I was under the impression that you would come the next day.我当时以为你第二天会来。(同位语从句,和the im


21、义。如what名词性从句除表示什么?”还可表示“的东西或事物”,where名词性从句除表示“在哪里?”还可表示“的地方”,when名词性从句处表示“什么时候?”还可表示“的时间”。What/which/who在从句中作主、宾、表语,what/which还可以作定语;whom作宾语;whose作定语;when/where/why/how 作状语;whether不作成分。What he cares about is money.他所关心的东西是钱。(主语从句,what作从句宾语)Thats what is being searched for.那就是一直在找的东西。(表语从句,what作从句主语)

22、This is what it is.这就是它的真面目。(表语从句,what作从句的表语),Were not sure when he will be out of prision.我们不确定他何时才能出狱。(宾语从句,when作从句的状语)Thats when he will be out of prison.那就是他会出狱的时间。(表语从句,when在从句中作状语)Where the memorial will be built is still under discussion.纪念馆建在哪里尚在讨论之中。(主语从句,where作从句状语)This is where we started

23、 off.这就是我们当初出发的地点。(表语从句,where作从句状语)Which(one)is the best is hard to say.哪个最好很难说。(主语从句,which作从句主语或定语)I cant figure out why he has little chance of winning.我不明白为什么他几乎没有胜出的机会。(宾语从句)The problem is how we can save time.麻烦是我们如何才能节省时间。(表语从句,how作从句状语)Whether they understand the significance of their choice

24、matters a lot.他们是否理解他们的选择的意义很重要。(主从),The question when this sport can be entered in the Games will be discussed.我们何时能在运动会中加入这个项目的问题会得到讨论。(同位语从句,when作从句状语)(3)as if/as though可以引导表语从句,不作从句成分。但不能省略。It looks as if/as though the figures were real people.看上去好像这些影像是真人一样。(4)because可以引导表语从句,不作从句成分。如:He is pop

25、ular among girls.This is because he is handsome and has a good sense of humor.这是因为他帅气又很有幽默感。注意这几个句型的区别:That/This is why+结果.那/这就是为什么。That/This is because+原因.那/这是因为 The reason is that+原因.原因就是,(5)who(m)ever/whatever/whichever 主要引导主语和宾语从句表示“任何的人”,“任何的东西”和“(在一个选择范围内)任意一个的东西”。Whoever/whatever/whichever作从句

26、主或宾语,whatever和whichever还可做定语;whomever只能作宾语。如:Whatever(method)works will be utilized.任何有效的东西(方法)都会利用起来。(主语从句,whatever作从句主语或定语)Accept whatever he offers.他给什么都接受。(宾语从句,whatever作从句宾语)Whoever discouraged me regrets it now.任何当时劝阻我的人现在都后悔了。(主语从句,whoever作从句主语)Who(m)ever they mentioned is a big shot.他们提到的任何人

27、都是大人物。(主语从句,Whoever/whomever做从句宾语)Ill buy you whichever(present)you feel like.你想要什么(礼物)我都会给你买。(宾语从句,whichever作从句宾语或定语),Whichever(topic)is about sex is forbidden.任何和性有关的话题都不准涉及。(主语从句,whichever作从句主语或定语)3 名词性从句注意点:1)That在从句中不充当任何成分,也没有意义;what有意义,表示“的东西”或“什么?”,还作从句的主、宾表语。2)that引导的定语从句和同位语从句的差别:两者由于前面都有一个名词短语,所以容易混淆,但:(1)意义差别:同位语从句和前面的那个抽象名词短语是等价的,同位语从句只不过是前者的具体内容。而定语从句是限制一个名词短语的身份或增添该名词短语的信息,起修饰作用。(2)that功能差别:that在同位语从句中不作成分,只引导从句,但不可省;而定语从句中的that作从句的主、宾或表语,作宾语时可省略。,


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