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1、盐池县师资培训中心 贾永科 2010年5月,英语教学设计策略,PLANNING LESSONS,Definition of a lesson plan,A lesson plan is an extremely useful tool that serves as a combination guide,resource,and historical document reflecting our teaching philosophy,student population,textbooks,and most importantly,our goals for our students.It

2、 can be described with many metaphors such as road map,blueprint,or game plan;but regardless of the analogy,a lesson plan is essential for novice teachers and convenient for experienced teachers.,Why we plan,Deciding what to teach,in what order,and for how much time are the basic components of plann

3、ing.The lesson plan serves as a map that guides us in knowing what we want to do next.A lesson plan is also a record of what we did in class.Just as teachers expect their students to come to class prepared to learn,students come to class expecting their teachers to be prepared to teach.,When and how

4、 we plan,To be perfectly honest,a certain amount of lesson planning takes place the night before a class is taught.There are two types of lesson planning:micro and macro.A good lesson plan is the result of both macro planning and micro planning.On the macro level,a lesson plan is a reflection in the

5、 methodology,the syllabus,the texts,and the other course materials and finally results in a specific lesson.,A good teacher cannot help but bring his or her own sense of good learning and teaching into the classroom.Once the syllabus and texts have been decided,planning for the year or term takes pl

6、ace.For many teachers,especially newly hired ones,these decisions have already been made and the macro planning has been taken care of by colleagues or supervisors.In some cases,however,the new teacher may be responsible for the macro planning as well as the micro planning.,What a lesson plan looks

7、like,Although there are a variety of formats to use when creating a lesson plan,most templates share certain characteristics.When creating a lesson,a teacher must consider(1)the background of the students,(2)the objectives of the lesson,(3)the skills to be taught,(4)the activities,(5)the materials a

8、nd texts,(6)the time constraints,and(7)the connections to previous and future lessons.Like most activities,a lesson plan has three stages:a beginning,a middle and an end.,英语教学设计的模式 鲁子问,教学目标设计,学习需求分析,学习内容分析,学习者特征分析,教学策略设计,教学过程设计,教学技术设计,评价目标确定与方法选择,形成性评价,总结性评价,设计,评价,分析,反馈修正,鲁子问,英语教学设计模式 王笃勤,warm up/re

9、view,presentation and practice,interest/motivate/check,into/through/beyond(Brinton),engage/study/activate(Harmer),Lead-in/elicitation/explanation/accurate reproduction,and immediate creativity(harmer),verbalization/automatization/and autonomy(Ur),First,the language form or content is introduced and

10、presented;Second,comprehension is checked before a form of guided practice is implemented;Third,some types of less structured,communicative activity takes place so that students can practice what they have just learned in a less controlled,more natural situation.The communicative stage also provides

11、 an opportunity for students to integrate the new knowledge presented in the lesson with previous knowledge.Finally,teachers and students should evaluate how well the new material has been learned in order to determine the shape of the future lesson.,A good lesson has a sense of coherence and flow.A

12、 good lesson exhibits variety.A good lesson is flexible.,Basic Principles of Lesson Planning,(一)分析,1.学习需求分析,学习需要分析是指通过系统化的调查和研究,发现教学中存在的问题.通过分析问题产生的原因,确定问题的性质,论证解决该问题的必要性和可行性.其核心是发现问题,确定问题的性质,而不是寻求解决问题的方法,具体有三方面的工作:一是通过调查研究,分析教学中是否存在要解决的问题.二是分析存在问题的性质,以判断教学系统设计是不是解决这个问题的途径.三是分析现有的资源及约束条件,以论证解决问题的可能性





17、化形式。教学目的具有政策性与概括性;教学目标则具有策略性与具体性。但很多教师常用一些很笼统的、模糊的术语来描述教学目标。下列描述则不是教学目标。,(1)Students will be able to:fully master the words learned in.understand the interrelationship of the paragraphs and develop strategies.(2)根据本单元所学,完成与“主题公园”有关的任务。(3)培养学生热爱祖国、热爱家乡的情感。(4)学习新单词扩大学生词汇量,为自主学习和阅读奠定基础。(5)培养学生的能力。(6)学生


19、所占比重最大,且在很多正式的英语指导用书、英语报刊发表的优秀教案、教学设计中常见的。以教学内容为目标,教师将关注教学内容的完成。如下列表述就是教学内容而不是教学目标:(1)Students will be able to:read and know about the two cities introduced in the reading passagelearn some expressions to describe a city or a place(2)学习本单元教学目的和要求掌握的词汇。(3)复习掌握常用的“问题”的表达方式。(4)复习归纳“合成”和“派生”两种构词法。(5)To

20、learn some words about campaign(6)To review the past form of the following verbs,4教学目标与教学评价脱节反馈与评价的内容和形式要与语言技能的训练和语言知识的学习密切相关。教学评价应多样化。而很多教师则往往采用练习册的练习,且以选择题为主要形式对学生进行达标检测,这往往使学生在课堂上获得的很多能力得不到肯定而削弱他们的学习热情,教师也不能及时调整教学策略,关注学困生的成长,从而造成分化现象。,四、教学目标的确定一般而言,教学目标的表述应力求具体、明确,可以观察和测量,对学生完成学习任务后能够做什么有一个具体的、明确

21、的描述。教学目标的描述要可评价,便于教师和学生自己在教学过程中了解是否已达到目标,以便及时调整教学策略。下面是Thomas S.C.Farrell(2007:9)在Planning Lessons for a Reading Class 中对教学目标的陈述:,Another important aspect of planning is for a reading teacher to be able to identify objectives for daily lessons.Objectives should be stated in terms of what students wi

22、ll do.The objectives should be statements of what you want the students to gain from the lesson.Consequently,action words should be used to state these objectives.Vague expressions,such as the following,should be avoided:Students will practice reading skills:Students will learn vocabulary.Instead,st

23、atements such as the following may be clearer and easier to achieve in one reading lesson:Students will underline the topic sentence in each paragraphStudents will write three factual questions,three opinion questions and three inferential questions for the passage that is presentedStudents will be

24、able to skim to find the main idea of the passageThe teacher should avoid trying to accomplish too much in one lesson,布鲁姆(1995)关于教育目标分类对教学达成情况的描述,具有典型的、清晰的、具体的和可操作性的特点。如认知学习水平可分为六个层次,并用具体词进行描述:(1)recall data or information(如:tell,list,relate,describe,locate,write,find,name 等)(2)comprehension(如:expla

25、in,interpret,outline,discuss,distinguish,predict,restate,translate,compare 等)(3)application(如:solve,show,use,illustrate,construct,complete,examine,classify 等)(4)analysis(如:analyze,distinguish,contrast,investigate,identify,separate 等)(5)synthesis(如:create,invent,compose,predict,plan,construct,design,

26、imagine,propose,devise 等)(6)evaluation(如:judge,select,choose,decide,justify,debate,verify,argue,recommend,assess,determine 等),以上分类对情感态度,技能领域都作了学习水平分类并提供了具体用词,是我们理解并描述教学目标的理论依据。教师应加强学习,深入理解,准确操作,切实发挥教学目标在课堂教学活动设计中的基础和核心作用。,2.教学策略设计,教学策略是为了完成教学任务,实现教学目标而采取的教学活动的程序、方法、形式和媒体等因素的总体设计,包括对知识与技能教学内容的序列设计,对教





31、点。建议六:设计一项任务作为中心目标。建议七:设计三维目标作为分项目标。,教学目标案例分析,(案例一)Book 1 Unit 1 Firendship课型:Word studyTeaching objectives:After this lesson,students will be able to:(1)understand the meanings of the important new words and phrases from this unit;(2)make sentences using the newly learnt words and phrases with thei

32、r other useful meanings;(3)write an article using the newly learnt words and phrases with their meanings in the textbook.,(案例二)Book 1 Unit 3 Travel journal课型:ReadingTeaching objectives:The students will be able to:(1)find the specific information from the text;(2)guess and work out the meaning of th

33、e new words based on context and pictures;(3)express their opinion about the writers trip plan or the preparation of their dream trip.,(案例四)Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero课型:WritingTeaching objectives:The students will be able to(1)work out the structure of a story;(2)find out the useful

34、language in the story;(3)write a story using the structure and the newly-learnt words and expressions.,(案例三)Book 1Unit 4 Earthquakes课型:GrammarTeaching objectives:After this lesson,students will be able to(1)better understand what the attributive clause is and its functions;(2)use the attributive clause to define,explain and describe a thing or a given situation.,目标确定的Smart原则,S specific 要具体:不要抽象M measurable 要可测量:可以衡量是否完成,完成的程度如何A attainable 要可实现:要个性化,符合实际的水平与条件R relevant 要有关联度:有意义,合于自己的兴趣与愿望T traceable 要能追溯:要能了解目标实现的阶段与过程,


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