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1、Units 19-20,句子翻译(18),1.当我走进房间时,发现除了一台电视机外,房内没有一件值钱的东西。2.二十岁时,我哥哥得到了一个在一家有名的法国公司当工程师的好职位。3.他把他的整个生命都献给了教育事业。4.天那么黑,所以小男孩只得摸着路走出大厅。5.除了书面考试外,你还得进行英语口试。,句子翻译(18),1.当我走进房间时,发现除了一台电视机外,房内没有一件值钱的东西。2.二十岁时,我哥哥得到了一个在一家有名的法国公司当工程师的好职位。3.他把他的整个生命都献给了教育事业。4.天那么黑,所以小男孩只得摸着路走出大厅。5.除了书面考试外,你还得进行英语口试。,When I enter

2、ed the room I found that there was nothing expensive except an old TV set.2.At the age of twenty my brother was offered a good post at a famous French company as an engineer.3.He has devoted his whole life to the cause of education.4.It was so dark that the little boy had to go out of the house by f

3、eeling the way.5.In addition to a written exam you will be tested on your spoken English.,1 Dictation,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20,1 achieve 2 declare 3 minister 4 platform 5 attitude 6 demand 7 minority 8 probable 9 citizen 10 equally 11 murder 12 splendid13 clinic 14 former 1

4、5 musician 16 tongue17 content 18 marriage 19 nervous 20 tourist,2 Look&say in English,1.对感兴趣2.给某人树了个好榜样3.入狱,被监禁/把某人投入监狱,监禁某人4.随心所欲地做某事5.担任重要职务6.就发表演说/讲,to be interested in;to have(take)an interest in to set sb.a good example/to set a good example to sb.to go to prison/to put sb.in prison/to send(ta

5、ke)sb.to prison/to throw(cast)sb.into prisonto be free to do sth.to hold an important job/positionto make a speech on/to give(sb.)a talk(lecture)on,B,1.身患残疾的成功人士2.以作为结局/而告终3.阻止某人干某事4.事实上5.(梦想、愿望等)变为现实6.宇宙、物质与时间的起源,some successful people with disabilitiesto end up withto prevent/stop sb.(from)doing s

6、th./to keep sb.from doing sth.as a matter of fact;in fact;(dreams,wishes,etc.)to come true;to be turned into realitythe beginning of space,matter,and time,3 Word spelling(1-5),When people are getting old,they would like to live p_ in the quiet countryside.It was President Lincoln who l_ the black pe

7、ople from the slavery.Having examined carefully,the policemen pointed out that the old lady didnt kill herself but was m_.Many young scientists have a_ great success in their chosen fields.Its u_ to have me do most of the work while he sits there without doing anything.,eacefully,iberated,urdered,ch

8、ieved,nfair,3 Word spelling(6-10),6.Nationalities like Hui and Miao are m_ in China.7.Since Beijing is famous for its places of interest,a lot of foreign t_ come and visit it every year.8.I walked back and forth on the p_,waiting for the train to arrive.9.C_ are the places for people to get medical

9、treatment.10.The bad weather p_ the plane from taking off on time.,inority,ourists,latform,linics,revented,1.我估计你对政治不是很感兴趣。I imagine you are not interested in politics.2.多年来我们一直要求更好的住房条件和更好 的工作。For years weve been demanding better housing and jobs.3.他给人们的启示是黑人不应该被隔离,而应受 到像对待其他人一样的待遇,而且该受到完全 的尊重。The

10、message he gave was that black people should not be separated but should be treated as well as other people,and with complete respect.,4.希望明天会天晴。Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.5.尽管我不能看到所有的一切,我决定尽可能玩得开心些。But Im determined to enjoy myself as much as possible,even though I cant see everything.6.

11、他不仅要把答案在计算机上打出来,而且还要让计算机把答案转成声音。Not only does he have to type out the answer on a computer,but also he gets the computer to translate it into sounds.,5 Proof reading,Time is valuable but limit.There is a famous 1_saying,“Time is money”,this shows the 2_importance of time.Time will never return back

12、3_when it has gone.It is a pity when many people 4_make poor use of time.They spend precious 5_ time oversleeping,drinking and travelling.They dont realize wasting time is equal to wasting parts of 6_their life.They always regret having made a 7_little achievement so far.Therefore,we should form the

13、 habit of value time.Do not put off 8_what can be done today until tomorrow.9_Laziness will not only bring us failure,but alsolead us on the road of poverty and even death.10_,_,1limited,_,which,_,turn,back,_,that,their,_,part,a,_,valuing,_,to,6 Complete the sentences,根据 A 句完成 B 句,使其与 A 句意思相同或相近(每空一

14、词)1.A.It is three years since he joined the army.B.He _ _ _ _ for three years.2.A.He has been put in prison for five years.B._ _ _ _ _ five years ago.3.A.The dictionary,whose cover is red,is a birthday gift.B.The dictionary,_ _ _ _ is red,is a birthday gift.,has been a soldier,He was thrown into pri

15、son,the cover of which,B,4.A.He insisted on his mothers being sent to hospital at once.B.He insisted that _ _ _ _ _ _ at once.5.A.Hes been longing to come to China for many years.B.Hes been _ _ _ to China for many years.6.A.The heavy rain made it impossible for us to hold the sports meet.B.The heavy

16、 rain _ the sports meet _ _ _.,his mother be sent to hospital,dreaming of coming,prevented from being held,【例1】Only in this way_to make improvement in the operating system.2003上海春 A.you can hope B.you did hope C.can you hope D.did you hope【例2】I finally got the job I dreamed about.Never in my life_so

17、 happy!NMET 2000春 A.did I feel B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I felt,【解析】根据句意为“只有用这种方法,你才能”,Only+状语用于句首,主句要部分倒装,答案:C。,【解析】表示否定意义的副词never置于句首,句子要部 分倒装;从句意看应为“在这之前我从没这么高兴过”。应当用过去完成时。答案:D。,【例3】So difficult_it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well.上海 2001 A.I have f

18、elt B.have I felt C.I did feel D.did I feel,【解析】so.that引导结果状语从句时,当so置于句首时,主句用部分倒装,且前后时态应一致,答案:D。,【例4】Only when the war was over_to his hometown.上海2001春 A.did the young soldier return B.the young soldier returned C.returned the young soldier D.the young soldier did return,【解析】only+状语从句置于句首,用部分倒装。答案:A

19、。,【例5】Not a single song _ at yesterdays party.A.she sang B.sang she C.did she sing D.she did sing,【解析】句首为否定词,此句应用部分倒装。答案C。,【例6】_to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills.NMET 2000 A.Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C.Students brave enough D.Students enoug

20、h brave,【解析】students为句子主语,应放在句首,brave所构成的形容词短语放在名词之后,enough放在所修饰的形容词之后。答案:C。,7.Nowhere in the world _ cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.A.a tourist can find B.can a tourist find C.a tourist will find D.a tourist has found,8._ she a man,she might be elected president.A.If B.Unless C.Were D.Had,9._,

21、he never seems able to do the work successfully.A.Try as does he B.Try as he does C.As try he does D.As he tries,10.Well _ know him and well _ know me.A.I did;he did B.I did;did he C.did I;he did D.did I;did he,Last night,the flood swept away_.His family,his car and his houseB.His family,his house a

22、nd his carC.His house,his family and his carD.His car,his house and his family2.-You daughter must be beautiful.-But to tell you the truth,she is_ being such a beauty as you imagine.A.far from B.as well as C.as a result of D.by means of3.Your football team_ ours last Sunday,but we _ the game yesterd

23、ay afternoon.A.beat,beat B.beat,won C.won,won D.won,beat,4.His native village lies_ the two rivers_.A.where,join B.there where,meet C.in which,are joined D.in the place where,are met5.After two days our food_,and we had to return to camp.A.gave in B.gave away C.gave out D.gave up6.The poem is hard t

24、o understand.Can you make _ of this poem?A.idea B.knowledge C.sense D.understanding7.I could manage _ the machine _.A.to get;run B.to get;running C.getting;to run D.getting;running,He has given up to my view.2.The two girls share in a room.3.He was in poor health,so the doctor prevented him to drink

25、 wine.4.Frank is a kind man who people like to make friends.5.Dont judge a man on his looks.6.He had to tell everything he had seen the police.7.The whole his family were killed in the war.8.When you go to work,taking a taxi or share a ride.9.He is somebody of a writer.10.They danced and danced unti

26、l a lot of us joined.11.Only a narrow strait separates North America by Asia.,Correction,_,in,_,forbade,with,_,by,to,of,_,take,_,something,in,_,from,12.He is on the platform is giving a talk.13.He told them to continue on their work.14.Hopefully the letter I am looking forward will arrive this after

27、noon.15.We must do something to protect the roof falling in.16.It was him who broke the total silence at the meeting.17.At last his dream has been come true.18.Only do they two know it.19.There goes the bell,doesnt there?20.He seldom goes to see films,doesnt he?21.I have seldom met such a determining person.22.They ended the dinner upon with fruit.,to,_,prevent,句子翻译(19),1.老夫妇感谢那位少先队员把迷路的孙子带回了家。2.有时他们甚至装出和我们友好的样子。3.我们惊讶地看到,门对面的墙上挂了一幅如此美丽的油画。4.当学生们听到有人开门时,抬头向门口瞥了一眼,又继续做功课。5.那个顽皮的男孩踮着脚走进了房间,那走了一只球,没有被任何人看到。,


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