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1、The difference between an individualist culture and a collectivist one,董妍婧 3100010001孙 瑾 3100010002詹健峰 3100010039吴楚玲 3100010059梁春波 3100010096,The individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and to emphasize the needs of individuals.,A collectivist culture is o

2、ne in which people tend to view themselves as members of Groups(families,work units,tribes,nations),and usually consider the needs of the group to be more improtant than the needs of individuals.,3100010001董妍婧,The basketball team of china we dependent on Yao before his retire.Now,we dependent on YiA

3、s you know,basketball is playing by 5 players in the gameHowever,the china team do not focus on team-work but individualism,3100010039 詹健峰,We can illustrate from some statistics,The assist,which can reflect the unity of the team.but we always lose a lot in the assist.In a word,individualism ruins ou

4、r team.I hope the team of china will overcome this problem and get good grade in the future,3100010039 詹健峰,T-mac was the Scoring Titles for two years in the magic.But his team underachievement disappointed everyone.Then,T-mac came to the Rockets,his assistance increased although scores fell,and the

5、team got an enviable record under one player big area wounded and sick situation.麦蒂在魔术队时是连续两年的联盟得分王,但结果是什么,球队的战绩不佳。最后,麦蒂来到火箭队,他的得分减少了,但助攻增加了,球队在伤病的情况下也取得了骄人战绩。,3100010059 吴楚玲,Previously,the American people like one to one,it was difficult to someone to defeat them,and therefore their basketball team

6、 always the championship for many years.However,in the 2006 world championships,the United States can only in third place,which was composed of each position of the star players.They finally failed to the Europe with its collective basketball team.以前,美国人喜欢“一对一”,单打独斗很难有人敌得过他们,美国男篮也因此称霸篮坛很多年。但是,我们再回顾2

7、006年的世锦赛,美国队只能名列第三,而他们的球员都是由各个位置上的明星球员组成的。他们最后却输给了以集体篮球为主的欧洲国家球队。,3100010059 吴楚玲,The reality forced USA basketball to conformed to the trend of the development of international basketball by creating a“team basketball”.As you know,they won in the 2008 Olympic Games.,3100010059 吴楚玲,i will try to interprete the concept of Individualism in china by showing you the examples below.,3100010002 孙瑾,how do Chinese show individualism and do westerner show their collectivism for you.,3100010096 梁春波,组员:董妍婧 3100010001孙 瑾 3100010002詹健峰 3100010039吴楚玲 3100010059梁春波 3100010096,The end,thank you!,


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