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1、,第二部分必修二,一举双得的课前预案,一气贯通的课堂学案,一卷冲关的课后练案,30分钟师生互动,10分钟自主提升,Module 5,(一)基础单词(根据汉语提示写单词)1We would(欢迎)any advice or suggestions with open arms.2Her screams of(快乐的)laughter filled the air.3It was a wonderful film,but not exactly a(金 融的)success.,welcome,delighted,financial,4The bands new album has had very

2、 good(评论)5Lacking money,they decided to give up(创办)a college.6Its time to go(上船)7Teachers will never be(取代)by computers in the classroom.,reviews,replaced,founding,aboard,(二)重点单词A:根据提示,写出下列单词的适当形式1 n.经济 adj.经济的,节约的2 n.政治 n.政治家 adj.政治的3 n.祝贺 vt.祝贺4 n.成就;功业;伟绩 vt.达到;完成,economy,economical,politics,poli

3、tician,political,congratulation,congratulate,achievement,achieve,5 n.演员 n女演员 v.扮演;表演6 n.信念;信条 n不信;怀疑;vt.相信7 adj.文化的 n.文化8 n.宇宙 adj.宇宙的;广泛的,actor,actress,belief,act,disbelief,believe,cultural,culture,universe,universal,B:一言辨异(根据语境,用所给单词的适当形式填空)9 is the action of or the amount of.(produce)10Its that t

4、he can prove his innocence.(evidence),producing,Production,evident,evidence,products,(一)根据汉语提示写出短语1 继续工作;从事2 起飞3 总共;总计4 相信,work on,take off,in total,believe in,5 快点;得了吧6 集中于7 和相似,come on,be similar to,concentrate on,(二)选用以上短语填空(其中两项是多余的)1,there must be 3,000 people here.2 you are grown up,you should

5、 not rely on your parents.3Do you Chinas traditional herbal medicine?,In total,believe in,Now that,4Though the new neighbourhood was not familiar to him,he found it his old one in some points.5They need a leader they can.6In this lecture I shall the early years of Charless reign.,concentrate on,beli

6、eve in,was similar to,1.Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.,2Is this the first time hes seen aliens landing on the moon?,3Now that I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many more times.,1congratulation n祝贺;恭喜(常用

7、复数),When Yang landed,Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations.(教材P43原句)杨利伟着陆后,温家宝总理给控制中心打电话表示祝贺。,(1)Congratulations!恭喜恭喜!祝贺你!offer/send ones congratulations to sb.on sth.为某事向某人祝贺express/receive/accept ones 表示/收到/接受某人的祝贺(2)congratulate v.祝贺,庆祝,恭喜 向祝贺congratulate o

8、neself on.为庆幸;感到自豪,congratulations,congratulate sb.on(doing)sth.,“Your partner can save your life you can save your partners life,”Wellman said as the pair received congratulations from friends.(选自2011年高考安徽卷阅读C)当这两人收到朋友祝贺的时候,Wellman 说:“你的同伴可以挽救你的生命你也可以挽救你同伴的生命。”We congratulated our monitor on being

9、elected chairman of the Students Union.我们祝贺我们的班长被选为学生会主席。,个性比较congratulate,celebrate,多维演练A选词填空(congratulate,celebrate)I wrote a letter him on his appointment.We went to the church to Christmas Eve.,congratulating,celebrate,B单项填空Look!Dad,my College Graduation Certification here!Ive got it!Oh,_,dear!Y

10、ou have finally realized your dream.AcongratulationBcongratulationsCcelebrations Dgreetings,解析:句意:“看!爸爸,这是我的大学毕业证书!我拿到了!”“噢,亲爱的,祝贺你!你终于实现你的梦想了。”congratulation“祝贺”,通常用复数形式;celebration“庆祝”,常指庆祝或纪念有意义的日子或时刻;greeting“问候”。答案:B,2aboard adv.&prep.在船(飞机、火车、公共汽车)上,上船(飞机、火车、公共汽车),While he was travelling in sp

11、ace,Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station.(教材P43原句)当他在太空飞行的时候,杨利伟和在国际太空站上的两个宇航员通了话,The day was cold and stormy,but Anderson still wanted to see the sights,so she jumped aboard a streetcar.(选自2011年高考江苏卷阅读A)天很冷,暴雨正下着,但是安德森仍想看风景,因此她跳上了有轨电车。,上船;上飞机All aboard!口请大家上船/车/飞机!Wel

12、come aboard!欢迎乘坐!on board(aboard)在船上;在飞机上,go aboard,They were the last two to go aboard the ship.他们是最后两位上船的。,个性比较aboard,abroad,board,broad,语境串记Ten people aboard the plane are going abroad to visit their family members.飞机上的十个人打算到国外看望他们的家人。,多维演练A选词填空(aboard,abroad,board,broad)The ship went down with a

13、ll its crew on.The plane is taking off.All please.We can get news home and on the Internet.He is a tall man with shoulders.,board,broad,aboard,abroad,B单项填空He went _ the plane and just a few hours later he arrived _ far away from his parents.Aon aboard;abroad Baboard;aboardCaboard;abroad Don aboard;o

14、n abroad,解析:句意:他登上了飞机,几个小时后到达了国外,远离了父母。第一空可用aboard或on board;第二空用abroad“在国外”。答案:C,3replace vt.代替;取代;把放回(原处),In the first sentence,the word when can be replaced with as soon as.(教材P44原句)在第一个句子中,when可以被as soon as代替。,replace.with/.用代替replace sth.sp.把某物重新放在某处take the place of sb.take ones place 接替某人inste

15、ad of 代替;作为的替换in place of 代替,by,on,.my wonderful camera would very quickly be replaced by a new model.(选自2011年高考浙江卷阅读E)我的精美相机将很快被一个新款取代了。You have to replace the picture on the desk before you leave.你离开之前必须把照片放回桌上。,点睛replace 是 place(放置)加前缀 re(再,又)构成的一个词,所以它有“把放回,重新放置”的意思。其他的常见的此类单词有:rewrite(重写),remar

16、ry(再婚),reappear(再现)等。,多维演练A一句多译要购买更多的新机器来取代那些旧机器。1 More new machines will be bought to the old ones.2 More new machines will be bought to the old ones.3 More new machines will be bought to the old.4 More new machines will be the old ones.,take the place of,replace,take,ones place,in place of,B单项填空Ca

17、n anything _ a mothers love and care?Areplace BplaceCtake place of Din place of,解析:replace take the place of be in place of“代替”;place“放置”。根据句意及句型结构,答案为A。答案:A,4delighted adj.高兴的;快乐的,“This is my first visit to China”,he said,“and Im delighted to be here.”(教材P45原句)“这是我第一次来到中国”,他说,“我很高兴来到这儿”。,to do,to,T

18、he house was small,but at first we were all just delighted to be in a new place.(选自2011年高考四川卷阅读B)房子虽然小,但一开始我们只是为有一个新的地方而感到高兴。Tom was delighted at the sensation he was creating.汤姆对他制造出来的轰动效应感到高兴。She won the game easily,to the delight of all her fans.这场比赛她赢得很轻松,令所有的崇拜者大为高兴。,多维演练A完成句子He the result.他对这个

19、结果感到非常满意。He proving others wrong.他以证实别人出错为(一大)快事。,takes(great)delight in,was very delighted with,The children squealed when they saw the puppy.孩子们看到小狗时高兴得大声尖叫。Life in the country is.乡村生活让人相当愉快。,rather delightful,with delight,B单项填空What_ them most was the _ things in store for them.Adelighted;delightf

20、ul Bdelightful;delightedCdelighted;delighted Ddelightful;delightful,解析:delight 为及物动词表示“使高兴”;delightful 表示“令人高兴的”,常修饰物。题干中第一空在主语从句中作谓语动词,应选 delighted;第二空修饰 things 应为 delightful。答案:A,5in total总计;合计,In total,these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.(教材P43原句)这些宇航员在太空中总共待的时间已超过了26 000多天

21、。The three ships the MV Prantalay 11,12,and 14 had 77 members on board in total.(选自2010年高考四川卷阅读D)这三艘船MV Prantalay 11,12,与14共有 77个成员。,总数为total up to(add up to)合计,总数达到in all 总共,合计,a total of,The visitors to the exhibition totaled up to 15,000.展览会的参观者总数已达一万五千人。They were jailed for a total of thirty yea

22、rs.他们在监牢里总共被关了30年。,多维演练A用 total 的相关短语填空Our expenses reached 20.The figures 388.There were probably about 40 people there.,a total of,total up to,in total,B单项填空That set of books will cost you 60_.I think they are worth buying.I dont care about the price _.Aon total;in all Bin total;at allCin total;fo

23、r all Dof total;with all,解析:考查介词短语。句意:“那套书一共将会花掉你60英镑。”“我认为它们值得买。我一点也不在乎价钱。”in total“总计”;not.at all 表示“一点也不”,均为固定搭配。答案:B,6believe in相信;信任;信仰,You dont believe in aliens,do you?(教材P48原句)你不相信有外星人,对吧?Knowing that my dad believed in me gave me permission to believe in myself.(选自2010年高考安徽卷阅读D)知道父亲信任我,这使我自

24、信了。,believe it or not信不信由你sth./sb.be believed to do sth.人们认为It be believed that.人们认为have belief in 相信 难以置信,beyond belief,These new plans are beyond belief.这些新计划令人难以置信。It is believed that these programs would bring in new ideas to Chinese factories and provide them more export opportunities.相信这些项目将为很

25、多中国出口型企业通向国际市场提供新的思路,开辟新的途径。,个性比较believe in,believe,多维演练A完成句子I believe him but I dont him.我相信他所说的话,但是我不相信他的为人。Dissatisfaction with the government has grown.对政府的不满已达到令人难以置信的程度。,he asked me to marry him.信不信由你,他向我求婚了。,believe in,beyond belief,Believe it or not,B.单项填空As is known to all,he is honest.That

26、s why I_ him all the time.But I dont _ what he told me this time.Abelieve;believe Bbelieve in;believeCbelieve in;believe in Dbelieve;believe in,解析:由前句中的“他很诚实”可知,“我”很信任他,表示信任某人用 believe in sb.;尾句语意为“但这次我不相信他对我说的话”,要用 believe,指相信某人说的话。答案:B,Now that I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many m

27、ore times.既然我已经来了第一次,我就希望以后能来更多次。now that 既然;由于(口语中有时that可省略),引导原因状语从句,相当于since。Now(that)you dont understand it,why not ask for help?既然你不明白,为什么不请求帮忙呢?,个性比较because,as,now that,for,多维演练A选词填空(because,as,now that,for)Why were you late today?I didnt catch the bus.its raining,youd better take a taxi.every

28、body is here,lets begin.It must have rained last night,the ground is very wet.,Because,As,Now that,for,B单项填空(2012嘉兴一中高三月考)_most children nowadays are the only children,they tend to be more selfcentered.AEven though BNow thatCOnly if DEver since,解析:句意:由于如今大部分孩子都是独生子女,他们倾向于更以自我为中心。even though“即使,虽然”;n

29、ow that“既然,由于”;only if“只要”;ever since“自从”。答案:B,本单元中还有以下知识点需要特别关注。1produce vt.创作;生产,制造;引起,产生 n.产品,(尤指)农产品,个性比较production,product,produce,The production of consumer goods has increased throughout the world.全世界消费品的产量都增加了。The shop sells only fresh local produce.这家商店仅售当地的新鲜农产品。We need new product to sell

30、.我们需要新产品供销售。,2achievement n.C成就,成绩;U完成,达到make an achievement in 在方面取得成就achieve vt.达到,获得(通常指通过努力、技巧、勇气等取得某成就或做成某事)achieve success/ones ambition获得成功/实现抱负I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。,时间状语从句;原因状语从句1(2011福建高考)It was April 29,2011 _Prince

31、 William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of the wedding ceremony.AthatBwhenCsince Dbefore,解析:考查定语从句。学生易误认为该句为强调句而选that,但去掉 It was及 that后,April 29,2011 不可以单独作时间状语,所以不是强调句型。用 when 引导定语从句修饰 April 29,2011。答案:B,2Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially _ Father was away i

32、n France.Aas BthatCduring Dif,解析:句意:因为小艾丽丝病了,特别是爸爸又远在法国,所以妈妈非常担心。根据题意,此处用as引导时间状语从句,意为“当时”。答案:A,3(2012银川模拟)Why didnt you try your best to stop him from doing so?I tried to,but_I could,the policemen turned up.Auntil BwhenCbefore Dafter,解析:before“在之前”;until“直到”;when“当时候”;after“在之后”。句意:“你为什么没尽力阻止他这样做?”

33、“我尽力了,但是在我能够劝说他之前,警察出现了。”答案:C,4Why dont you do it now?_ Im too busy.AAs BBecauseCFor DSince,解析:回答why所引出的特殊疑问句时,通常用“because句子”。答案:B,5Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,_ this was a memory she especially treasured.Aas BifCwhen Dwhere,解析:句意:詹尼对于她在加拿大所拍照片的丢失感到很难过,因为这是她

34、非常宝贵的记忆。as此处表示理由,意为“因为,由于”。答案:A,根据提示,利用本课所学知识,完成下面的小作文。令我们高兴(delight)的是,2011年9月29日,天宫一号成功发射升空。许多国家领导人观看了这次发射并向全体人员表示祝贺(congratulation)。迄今为止,中国总共(in total)把七艘宇宙飞船送往太空。几个月后,又将有一艘飞船发射升空。然而还不知道哪些宇航员会登上(aboard)此船。我们相信(believe in)我们的科学家,希望他们在探索太空方面取得更大的进展。,参考范文:To our delight,TiangongI was sent up into sp

35、ace successfully on September 29,2011.Many national leaders watched the mission in the flesh and offered their congratulations to the staff.So far,China has sent up seven spacecrafts into space in total.A few months later,another spacecraft will also be sent up into space.However,it is not known which astronauts will be aboard it.We believe in our scientists and hope that they will make greater progress in exploring the space.,点击进入一卷冲关的课后练案,


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