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1、集成电路设计技术,云南大学信息学院电子工程系,梁竹关,Part 1 SPICE Overview,集成电路仿真(SPICE),History,SPICE(Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis)is a family of programs(freeware or commercial)for simulation of electronic circuits,everyone based on the same kernel that is developed by Berkeley University(California,

2、USA)since 1960 with public founds.From the beginning there were many releases,we can mention SPICE2(the first with powerful models for semiconductors)and the current SPICE3(source code from Fortran to C,more portability and efficiency).Todays commercial packages add to it many functions and features

3、:graphical and easy-to-use front-ends,powerful post-processors,integration with other utilities,new built-in models,commands and functions.The code produced by these simulator is no longer compatible with the original kernel.,Part 2 Types of Analysis,DC Analysis,The dc analysis portion of SPICE dete

4、rmines the dc operating point of the circuit with inductors shorted and capacitors opened.The dc analysis options are specified on the.DC,.TF,and.OP control lines.A dc analysis is automatically performed prior to a transient analysis to determine the transient initial conditions,and prior to an ac s

5、mall-signal analysis to determine the linearized,small-signal models for nonlinear devices.If requested,the dc small-signal value of a transfer function(ratio of output variable to input source),input resistance,and output resistance is also computed as a part of the dc solution.The dc analysis can

6、also be used to generate dc transfer curves:a specified independent voltage or current source is stepped over a user-specified range and the dc output variables are stored for each sequential source value.,AC Small-Signal Analysis,The ac small-signal portion of SPICE computes the ac output variables

7、 as a function of frequency.The program first computes the dc operating point of the circuit and determines linearized,small-signal models for all of the nonlinear devices in the circuit.The resultant linear circuit is then analyzed over a user-specified range of frequencies.The desired output of an

8、 ac small-signal analysis is usually a transfer function(voltage gain,transimpedance,etc).If the circuit has only one ac input,it is convenient to set that input to unity and zero phase,so that output variables have the same value as the transfer function of the output variable with respect to the i

9、nput.,Transient Analysis,The transient analysis portion of SPICE computes the transient output variables as a function of time over a user-specified time interval.The initial conditions are automatically determined by a dc analysis.All sources which are not time dependent(for example,power supplies)

10、are set to their dc value.The transient time interval is specified on a.TRAN control line.,Pole-Zero Analysis,The pole-zero analysis portion of SPICE computes the poles and/or zeros in the small-signal ac transfer function.The program first computes the dc operating point and then determines the lin

11、earized,small-signal models for all the nonlinear devices in the circuit.This circuit is then used to find the poles and zeros of the transfer function.Two types of transfer functions are allowed:one of the form(output voltage)/(input voltage)and the other of the form(output voltage)/(input current)

12、.These two types of transfer functions cover all the cases and one can find the poles/zeros of functions like input/output impedance and voltage gain.The input and output ports are specified as two pairs of nodes.The pole-zero analysis works with resistors,capacitors,inductors,linear-controlled sour

13、ces,independent sources,BJTs,MOSFETs,JFETs and diodes.Transmission lines are not supported.The method used in the analysis is a sub-optimal numerical search.For large circuits it may take a considerable time or fail to find all poles and zeros.For some circuits,the method becomes lost and finds an e

14、xcessive number of poles or zeros.,Small-Signal Distortion Analysis,The distortion analysis portion of SPICE computes steady-state harmonic and intermodulation products for small input signal magnitudes.If signals of a single frequency are specified as the input to the circuit,the complex values of

15、the second and third harmonics are determined at every point in the circuit.If there are signals of two frequencies input to the circuit,the analysis finds out the complex values of the circuit variables at the sum and difference of the input frequencies,and at the difference of the smaller frequenc

16、y from the second harmonic of the larger frequency.Distortion analysis is supported for the following nonlinear devices:diodes(DIO),BJT,JFET,MOSFETs(levels 1,2,3,4/BSIM1,5/BSIM2,and 6)and MESFETS.All linear devices are automatically supported by distortion analysis.If there are switches present in t

17、he circuit,the analysis continues to be accurate provided the switches do not change state under the small excitations used for distortion calculations.,Sensitivity Analysis,Spice3 will calculate either the DC operating-point sensitivity or the AC small-signal sensitivity of an output variable with

18、respect to all circuit variables,including model parameters.Spice calculates the difference in an output variable(either a node voltage or a branch current)by perturbing each parameter of each device independently.Since the method is a numerical approximation,the results may demonstrate second order

19、 affects in highly sensitive parameters,or may fail to show very low but non-zero sensitivity.Further,since each variable is perturb by a small fraction of its value,zero-valued parameters are not analyzed(this has the benefit of reducing what is usually a very large amount of data).,Noise Analysis,

20、The noise analysis portion of SPICE does analysis device-generated noise for the given circuit.When provided with an input source and an output port,the analysis calculates the noise contributions of each device(and each noise generator within the device)to the output port voltage.It also calculates

21、 the input noise to the circuit,equivalent to the output noise referred to the specified input source.This is done for every frequency point in a specified range-the calculated value of the noise corresponds to the spectral density of the circuit variable viewed as a stationary gaussian stochastic p

22、rocess.After calculating the spectral densities,noise analysis integrates these values over the specified frequency range to arrive at the total noise voltage/current(over this frequency range).This calculated value corresponds to the variance of the circuit variable viewed as a stationary gaussian

23、process.,Part 3 Circuit Descriptions,GENERAL STRUCTURE AND CONVENTIONS,The circuit to be analyzed is described to SPICE by a set of element lines,which define the circuit topology and element values,and a set of control lines,which define the model parameters and the run controls.The first line in t

24、he input file must be the title,and the last line must be.END.The order of the remaining lines is arbitrary(except,of course,that continuation lines must immediately follow the line being continued).,GENERAL STRUCTURE AND CONVENTIONS,Each element in the circuit is specified by an element line that c

25、ontains the element name,the circuit nodes to which the element is connected,and the values of the parameters that determine the electrical characteristics of the element.The first letter of the element name specifies the element type.The format for the SPICE element types is given in what follows.T

26、he strings XXXXXXX,YYYYYYY,and ZZZZZZZ denote arbitrary alphanumeric strings.For example,a resistor name must begin with the letter R and can contain one or more characters.Hence,R,R1,RSE,ROUT,and R3AC2ZY are valid resistor names.Details of each type of device are supplied in a following section.,GE

27、NERAL STRUCTURE AND CONVENTIONS,Fields on a line are separated by one or more blanks,a comma,an equal(=)sign,or a left or right parenthesis;extra spaces are ignored.A line may be continued by entering a+(plus)in column 1 of the following line;SPICE continues reading beginning with column 2.A name fi

28、eld must begin with a letter(A through Z)and cannot contain any delimiters.,GENERAL STRUCTURE AND CONVENTIONS,A number field may be an integer field(12,-44),a floating point field(3.14159),either an integer or floating point number followed by an integer exponent(1e-14,2.65e3),or either an integer o

29、r a floating point number followed by one of the following scale factors:T=1012 G=109 Meg=106 K=103 mil=25.4 10-6 m=10-3 u=10-6 n=10-9 p=10-12 f=10-15 Letters immediately following a number that are not scale factors are ignored,and letters immediately following a scale factor are ignored.Hence,10,1

30、0V,10Volts,and 10Hz all represent the same number,and M,MA,MSec,and MMhos all represent the same scale factor.Note that 1000,1000.0,1000Hz,1e3,1.0e3,1KHz,and 1K all represent the same number.,GENERAL STRUCTURE AND CONVENTIONS,Nodes names may be arbitrary character strings.The datum(ground)node must

31、be named 0.Note the difference in SPICE3 where the nodes are treated as character strings and not evaluated as numbers,thus 0 and 00 are distinct nodes in SPICE3 but not in SPICE2.The circuit cannot contain a loop of voltage sources and/or inductors and cannot contain a cut-set of current sources an

32、d/or capacitors.Each node in the circuit must have a dc path to ground.Every node must have at least two connections except for transmission line nodes(to permit unterminated transmission lines)and MOSFET substrate nodes(which have two internal connections anyway).,TITLE LINE,COMMENT LINES AND.END L

33、INE,Title LineThe title line must be the first in the input file.Its contents are printed verbatim as the heading for each section of output.End lineExamples:.END The End line must always be the last in the input file.Note that the period is an integral part of the name.CommentsGeneral Form:*comment

34、,DEVICE MODELS,General form:.MODEL MNAME TYPE(PNAME1=PVAL1 PNAME2=PVAL2.)Examples:.MODEL MOD1 NPN(BF=50 IS=1E-13 VBF=50)Most simple circuit elements typically require only a few parameter values.However,some devices(semiconductor devices in particular)that are included in SPICE require many paramete

35、r values.Often,many devices in a circuit are defined by the same set of device model parameters.For these reasons,a set of device model parameters is defined on a separate.MODEL line and assigned a unique model name.The device element lines in SPICE then refer to the model name.,DEVICE MODELS,For th

36、ese more complex device types,each device element line contains the device name,the nodes to which the device is connected,and the device model name.In addition,other optional parameters may be specified for some devices:geometric factors and an initial condition(see the following section on Transis

37、tors and Diodes for more details).,DEVICE MODELS,MNAME in the above is the model name,and type is one of the following fifteen types:R Semiconductor resistor model C Semiconductor capacitor model SW Voltage controlled switch CSW Current controlled switch URC Uniform distributed RC model LTRA Lossy t

38、ransmission line model,DEVICE MODELS,D Diode model NPN NPN BJT model PNP PNP BJT model NJF N-channel JFET model PJF P-channel JFET model NMOS N-channel MOSFET model PMOS P-channel MOSFET model NMF N-channel MESFET model PMF P-channel MESFET model,SUBCIRCUITS,A subcircuit that consists of SPICE eleme

39、nts can be defined and referenced in a fashion similar to device models.The subcircuit is defined in the input file by a grouping of element lines;the program then automatically inserts the group of elements wherever the subcircuit is referenced.There is no limit on the size or complexity of subcirc

40、uits,and subcircuits may contain other subcircuits.General form:.SUBCKT subnam N1 N3.,SUBCIRCUITS,A circuit definition is begun with a.SUBCKT line.SUBNAM is the subcircuit name,and N1,N2,.are the external nodes,which cannot be zero.The group of element lines which immediately follow the.SUBCKT line

41、define the subcircuit.The last line in a subcircuit definition is the.ENDS line(see below).Control lines may not appear within a subcircuit definition;however,subcircuit definitions may contain anything else,including other subcircuit definitions,device models,and subcircuit calls(see below).Note th

42、at any device models or subcircuit definitions included as part of a subcircuit definition are strictly local(i.e.,such models and definitions are not known outside the subcircuit definition).Also,any element nodes not included on the.SUBCKT line are strictly local,with the exception of 0(ground)whi

43、ch is always global.,COMBINING FILES:.INCLUDE LINES,General form:.INCLUDE filename Examples:.INCLUDE/users/spice/common/wattmeter.cir Frequently,portions of circuit descriptions will be reused in several input files,particularly with common models and subcircuits.In any spice input file,the.include

44、line may be used to copy some other file as if that second file appeared in place of the.include line in the original file.There is no restriction on the file name imposed by spice beyond those imposed by the local operating system.,Part 4 Analysis and Output Control,SIMULATOR VARIABLES(.OPTIONS),Va

45、rious parameters of the simulations available in Spice3 can be altered to control the accuracy,speed,or default values for some devices.These parameters may be changed via the set command(described later in the section on the interactive front-end)or via the.OPTIONS line:General form:.OPTIONS OPT1 O

46、PT2.(or OPT=OPTVAL.),INITIAL CONDITIONS,Specify Initial Node Voltage GuessesGeneral form:.NODESET V(NODNUM)=VAL V(NODNUM)=VAL.Examples:.NODESET V(12)=4.5 V(4)=2.23The Nodeset line helps the program find the dc or initial transient solution by making a preliminary pass with the specified nodes held t

47、o the given voltages.The restriction is then released and the iteration continues to the true solution.The.NODESET line may be necessary for convergence on bistable or a-stable circuits.In general,this line should not be necessary.,INITIAL CONDITIONS,Set Initial ConditionsGeneral form:.IC V(NODNUM)=

48、VAL V(NODNUM)=VAL.Examples:.IC V(11)=5 V(4)=-5 V(2)=2.2 The IC line is for setting transient initial conditions.It has two different interpretations,depending on whether the UIC parameter is specified on the.TRAN control line.Also,one should not confuse this line with the.NODESET line.The.NODESET li

49、ne is only to help dc convergence,and does not affect final bias solution(except for multi-stable circuits).,ANALYSIS,Small-Signal AC AnalysisGeneral form:.AC DEC ND FSTART FSTOP.AC OCT NO FSTART FSTOP.AC LIN NP FSTART FSTOP Examples:.AC DEC 10 1 10K.AC DEC 10 1K 100MEG.AC LIN 100 1 100HZ DEC stands

50、 for decade variation,and ND is the number of points per decade.OCT stands for octave variation,and NO is the number of points per octave.LIN stands for linear variation,and NP is the number of points.FSTART is the starting frequency,and FSTOP is the final frequency.If this line is included in the i


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