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1、雅思口语Part2新题优秀范文 今天给大家搜集了雅思口语part2新题,一起来学习一下吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语part2新题:喜剧演员Describe a popular comic actor /actress you knowYou should say:Who he/she isHow you knew him/herWhat comedies have he/she performedAnd explain why he/she is popular雅思口语part2参考范文Id like to tell you about a well known actor w

2、ho is very funny, his name is Rowan Atkinson, hes proably best known worldwide for his funny character Mr Bean. I first saw him in a movie on DVD and I thought he was really hilarious.我想告诉你一个很有名的演员,他很有趣,他的名字是罗温阿特金森,他在世界范围内最出名的角色是他的有趣角色憨豆先生。我第一次看到他是在DVD上,我觉得他真的很滑稽。Later I discovered some other old DV

3、Ds of TV shows he had done in the past. I think Ive watched nearly all of the shows hes done now. In fact I watched a movie of his just a couple of weeks ago with a friend it was a spoof spy movie like the James Bond movies but he was useless at everything and it was very funny. I hadnt seen it for

4、years but my friend found the old DVD and we decided to watch it.后来我又发现了一些他过去做过的电视节目的旧dvd。我想我已经看了几乎所有他现在做的节目。事实上,我在几周前和一个朋友看了一部他的电影,那是一部像詹姆斯邦德电影一样的恶搞间谍电影,但他在任何事情上都毫无用处,而且非常有趣。我已经好几年没见到它了,但我的朋友发现了旧的DVD,我们决定看它。Hes funny because he is so ridiculous and yet loveable at the same time. He always seems to

5、have the best intentions but he gets himself into terrible problems and funny situations just doing normal things.他很有趣,因为他既可笑又可爱。他似乎总是有最好的意图,但他却陷入了可怕的问题和有趣的情况,只是做一些正常的事情。The things he does are very simple, but very funny and I think its because most of his comedy is based on real life everyday situa

6、tions that lots of people can relate to it and just how easy it would be for it to happen in real life. His style of comedy is very clever.他所做的事情很简单,但很有趣,我认为这是因为他的大部分喜剧都是基于现实生活中的日常生活,很多人都能和它联系在一起,以及在现实生活中发生的事情是多么容易。他的喜剧风格非常聪明。Hes popular not only in my country but all around the world. As I said I t

7、hink that people like him because its not complex humour it could happen to anyone, but it normally doesnt, however, it always seems to happen to him.他不仅在我的国家很受欢迎,而且在全世界都很受欢迎。就像我说的,我认为人们喜欢他,因为这不是一种复杂的幽默它可能发生在任何人身上,但它通常不会发生,然而,它似乎总是发生在他身上。Another thing thats different to many other comic actors is th

8、at he doesnt normally speak a lot, hes funny because of his facial gestures and body movements the comedy doesnt rely on smart or witty dialogue just on the silly situation or events that hes involved in. Thats something that makes him appealing to a very wide audience.另一件与其他喜剧演员不同的是,他通常不会说很多话,他很有趣,

9、因为他的面部表情和身体动作。喜剧不依赖于聪明或机智的对话只是在他所参与的愚蠢的情况或事件上。这让他对广大观众产生了吸引力。雅思口语part3题目及答案How (or why) do some actors/some comedians become famous?如何(或为什么)一些演员/一些喜剧演员成名?Probably because they appeal to a large group of people. If its a comedian, it may be their style, the topic of their humour or just the connectio

10、n they make with their audience. Some movie actors become famous for one particular film which brings them to the attention of a worldwide audience.It might be a Hollywood blockbuster which is popular all over the world. And of course some actors become famous or popular because of their good looks

11、or the character which they play in movies.Do comedians earn a lot of money?喜剧演员赚得多吗?It depends, there are different types of comedians. Those who work on TV, those who do films and then those who do stand up comedy in theatres and clubs. I suppose some of them dont earn that much money, but on the

12、other hand, those who do become really successful can earn millions.Do you think these people deserve to earn so much money?你认为这些人应该赚这么多吗?Yes, I dont see a problem with them earning a lot of money. If people like them and are willing to pay to see them, either live or in a movie, then they deserve t

13、he money they receive. Its just like any other artist or entertainer. If they are good then they will probably earn lots of money because people value what they do.Do many young people (or, children) try to imitate film stars (e.g., imitate their life-style, clothes, etc)? (If yes, how, why?)许多年轻人(或

14、孩子)尝试模仿电影明星(例如,模仿他们的生活方式、衣服等)?(如果是,如何,为什么?)Its hard for a young person to copy the lifestyle of a film star, but the fashion industry does a good job of copying the clothes that they wear and making them available to ordinary people to buy.Thats probably the most obvous way people maybe try to copy

15、someone they like. They buy similar clothes or shoes or maybe even do their hair in the same style. There are a lot of celebrity magazines which cover the styles of famous people including movie stars so people are obviously interested in that sort of thing. Maybe people like to copy them because th

16、ey feel that they identify with the actor or a particular character.What forms of entertainment are most popular in your country?在你的国家最受欢迎的娱乐形式是什么?All different kinds, TV, music, live events, computer games. It probably depends on where you live, how old you are and what things you like to do in you

17、r free time. When I was at school I used to play a lot of computer games and listen to music and watch TV. Now Im older I go out more and listen to live music and watch more DVDs. I guess the most popular for the majority of peope would be TV, watching movies, either at the cinema or on DVD, and goi

18、ng out to parties or to a restaurant with friends.Do you think men and women have different tastes in entertainment?你认为男人和女人在娱乐方面有不同的品味吗?Sometimes maybe, but not always. My girlfriends and I like different movies from men and our idea of a good night out is probably less exciting than some of my mal

19、e friends would like, but then there are lots of things that men and women like doing for entertainment that are the same. Comedy is a good example. Most comedians are funny for both men and women. If you like eating out in a nice restaurant then usually its the same for men and women also. But ther

20、e are definitely some things like music and books which are quite different for men and women.What kinds of entertainment do young people like?年轻人喜欢什么样的娱乐活动?For example, my younger sister spends hours chatting to her frinds and even peope she doent really know on the internet. She loves it. Thats so

21、mething I never really did much of but she likes it more than watching TV or going out sometimes. In general though I think most young people like watching TV, movies, listening to music and chatting to their frinds.What kinds of entertainment do children like?孩子们喜欢什么样的娱乐?Its almost the same, they l

22、ike watching TV, playing games on the computer and listening to music. Some like reading a lot like my little brother, and they like going to the movies to see a film.Do you think children (or young people) can learn anything from entertainment?你认为儿童(或年轻人)可以从娱乐中学到什么吗?Yes, they can learn all sorts of

23、 things. They can learn whats funny, they can learn about life, people and places and many different things when they are watching TV, a movie or listening to music. I think nowadays more than ever they can learn more through entertainment because all the information related to it is on the internet

24、. If they want to find out about an actor or someone famous they can just Google them and learn everything they want to about that person.雅思口语part2新题:遗失贵重物品Describe something important that you lostYou should say:what is itwhy it is importanthow did you lose ithow did you do after lost it雅思口语part2参考

25、范文Ok, what Im gonna talk about is the time I left my mobile phone in a taxi, which is a really silly thing to do, I know, but sometimes I can be quite careless, just like everyone can be on occasion at least thats what I like to think!好吧,我要讲的是我把手机放在出租车上的那次,这是一件非常愚蠢的事情,我知道,但有时我可能会很粗心,就像每个人都能偶尔出现一样至少这

26、是我喜欢的想法!Anyway, as for when I lost my mobile, well thinking about it, I suppose it mustve been a couple of years ago by now, as I seem to remember I was still living in my old apartment at the time.不管怎样,当我失去我的手机时,我想这一定是几年前的事了,因为我似乎记得当时我还住在我的旧公寓里。And regarding what I was doing when it happened, well

27、basically, I was in a taxi on my way back home from the city centre, as Id just been out clothes shopping, so I had quite a few bags with me, and I guess this partly explains how I somehow managed to leave my phone behind in the taxi.手机丢失时我在做什么,基本上,我是在一辆出租车回家的路上从市中心,我刚刚出去买衣服,所以我有很多行李,我想这部分解释了我不知怎么地把

28、我的电话落在出租车上了。So as for how I felt after I realized what Id done, well, if I remember correctly, my first reaction was that of disbelief, you know, I was thinking to myself, how could I have been so stupid as to leave it there. And what made it all the more frustrating was the fact that I hadnt asked

29、the driver for a receipt, which I normally always do, so there was no way I could get in touch with the taxi company and track down the taxi which I took. Naturally of course, I tried to call my phone as soon as I realized what had happened, but as I guessed, it had already been switched off, either

30、 by the driver or the next person who got into the taxi.所以,当我意识到我所做的事情后,我的感受是怎样的,如果我没记错的话,我的第一反应是难以置信,你知道,我在想,我怎么能如此愚蠢地把它留在那里。更让人沮丧的是,我并没有向司机要一张收据,这是我通常都会做的,所以我不可能与出租车公司取得联系,并找到我乘坐的出租车。当然,当我意识到发生了什么事的时候,我就试着打电话给我的手机,但正如我猜测的那样,它已经被司机或下一个坐出租车的人关掉了。So all in all, it was a pretty frustrating experience,

31、 especially seeing as I had a lot of numbers stored on that mobile which I hadnt saved anywhere else, so it took me quite a while to get my phone list back to what it was. But on the bright side though, the phone didnt actually cost that much, and it was a good excuse to get myself a much nicer phone, which I take much better care of, and thankfully I still have!总而言之,这是一段相当令人沮丧的经历,尤其是当我在移动设备上存储了大量的数据时,我并没有保存到其他地方,所以我花了很长时间才把我的电话列表恢复到原来的样子。但从好的方面来说,这款手机并没有那么贵,这是一个很好的借口,让我自己买一款更好的手机,谢天谢地!


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