1、雅思口语新题预测配范文分享 如何正确备考雅思口语,为大家整理了雅思雅思口语Part 2新题范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语新题预测配范文:Photography(摄影)5-8月雅思口语话题预测之Photography(摄影)范文1. What type of photos do you like taking?你喜欢拍摄哪种照片This is an interesting topic and to be honest, up until now I have not thought about it. It was kind of amusing to thi
2、nk about the type of photos I like taking. Well, I like to take photos of natural sceneries, birds and people.2. What do you do with photos you take?拍的照片会怎么处理A. Well, at first I sort out the photos worth saving and then I delete the snapshots I do not like. I have a Flickr account, which is the most
3、 popular photo sharing and storing platform, and I upload the photos I select for saving. I share some photos in my Facebook and Instagram account.3. Would you like to study photography?你想学摄影吗Presently not. I think there is already a lot on my plate. With a job at a corporate and being a freelancer
4、leaves very little time for any learning. Having said that, photography is something I would love to learn but in the distant future and not immediately4. When you visit other places, do you take photos or buy postcards? Why/Why not?到某地旅游时,你会拍照还是买明信片Whenever I visit a new place, I love to capture th
5、e memory in my smartphone and camera. Buying postcard was something I did in my childhood, but not these days. Postcards have become less common and they are hard to find these days, especially in my country.5. Do you like people taking photos of you?你喜欢别人拍你的照么This is a hard question for me to answe
6、r and I would be completely honest here. I mostly do not allow others to take random photos of mine. However, if I find that there is a group of people and they expect me to be on the frame, I do not oppose.6.Do you have any good family photographs?你有什么不错的家庭照么Very few I must say. And from the ones t
7、hat we have, most of them are really crazy! Almost all of them have at least one of us making a weird face. But, there is a photograph of ours where my parents are holding me and my brother in their arms and we are smiling solemnly and are parents are looking at each other. It really makes me feel g
8、ood and is framed and kept in the house.雅思口语Part 2新题预测:外国名人外国名人 Describe an interesting person from another countryWho this person isWhat this person doesWhy this person is interestingHow you think of this person雅思口语part 2 话题参考范文:外国名人主题:扎克伯格雅思口语part2内容:扎克伯格是一个天才,在上学期间开始编写软件程序。在他十几岁的时候,他开发了许多通讯工具和游戏软
9、件,他在哈佛大学的宿舍里创办了Facebook。现在他是世界上最富有的人之一,而Facebook是他最伟大的成就之一。我认为他是年轻人的榜样。他取得了巨大的成功,他做了很多事情来回馈社会。There are many interesting people in the world.Here I would like to talk about a famous person whom I find interesting.He is Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook.He was born in New York, USA in 1984.
10、He launched Facebook in February, 2004, from his dormitory in Harvard University.Now he is one of the richest people in the world.He is currently the CEO and Chairman of Facebook.His life story is very interesting and motivating.He is a prodigy and started writing software programs during school yea
11、rs.He developed many communication tools and game software during his teenage years.He pursued his passion for programming and Facebook is one of his greatest achievements.I think he is a role model for the youth.He has achieved great heights of success and he does a lot to give back to the communit
12、y.Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan have announced that they will donate a majority of their wealth to charity.He donates generously to several causes.He has started his own organization, called Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, to focus on health and education.I think we can learn a lot from his lif
13、e and his work.His life teaches usthat if we follow our passion we can reach great heights. Also, we should remember to give back to the community in any way we can雅思口语part3话题Do you think communicating with foreigners is a good way to learn about foreign culture?Yes, I think communicating with forei
14、gners is a good way to learn about foreign cultures. I think we can learn a lot about the way they talk, their language, their likes and dislikes and many other things about their country and culture by having a conversation with them.What are the disadvantages of working for an international compan
15、y?There are not many disadvantages. However, since such companies open up in megacities, people have to move away from home. Another disadvantage maybe the work hours. People may to work in shifts and according to another countrys working hours.What kinds of problems do people face when they travel
16、or live in a foreign country?People may face many problems when travelling or living in another country. They may face language and communication problems. They may also face problems with accommodation, food and weather. People may also feel homesick. Sometimes people get a culture shock.Do you lik
17、e to make friends with people from other countries?Yes, I like to make friends with people from other countries I have many relatives living abroad and through them, I have made many friends in other countries. I get to learn about their culture and way of life.Do you have any international friends?
18、No, I do not have international friends but one of my friends brother lives in Canada. He recently moved to there and my friend told me that his brother has made new friends in Canada. He also said that he will introduce his new friends to me.How do the cultural differences hinder the growth of an o
19、rganization/company?I think nowadays the world is becoming a global village and people have started understanding each others culture better than before. But sometimes when people do not understand eat other may be due to language or some cultural rituals it will hamper their team work which be even
20、tually bad for the company.How do sports help to break the barriers of the cultural differences?Sports play an important role in breaking the cultural barriers. When people from different cultures play together in a team, they work together towards winning and forget about the cultural differences they have. This spirit of sportsmanship helps in bringing down the walls of differences.