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1、雅思口语考试临场误区大盘点 雅思口语考试临场误区大盘点, 这场面试有点难,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考试临场误区大盘点 这场面试有点难雅思口语考试误区1 说的越快就越显“牛”或许是在平时讲英语的时候,我们在不太注意自己的说话速度,又或许有人习惯上讲话时用很快的语速,或者是由于平时看到的听到的大部分是American的英语,给人的感觉是流畅轻快,节奏感也很强,可是雅思口语的考官大部分是来自英国、新西兰、澳洲或者加拿大,对于他们来讲,语速是考量一个人语言素质和修养的关键因素,对于他们来说,较快的语速并不是表现良好沟通的方式,反而,平均的语速或者较慢的语速能够更加拉近彼此之间的距离,并

2、产生些许好感,因此,控制好自己的语速和谈吐是口语表现中不可小视的问题。雅思口语考试误区2 拘谨的表现形成紧张氛围的“导火线”雅思口语考试和大多数国际标准话考试不同,(例如托福就是机考)考官会亲自面试,并且考试形式是讨论加交流的形式,也就是说临场过程中,你的一举一动都在考官的注视中,那么过于拘谨或者紧张势必产生语言和肢体上的僵硬和迟钝,因此彼此之间的沟通没有得到有效的建立,你的表现一定会给考官留下不够良好的印象,影响你的口语成绩。这就是我们为什么一定要强调eye contact和smiling。雅思口语考试误区3 说长句就是好事在评分标准中,对于语法和流利度以及连贯性两项中,都有对句型运用的语言

3、概念在各项分数级别中做了不同程度和侧重的解释,一般来讲,在口语表达中,能够运用不同形式的句型和语法可以从一方面体现一个人的语言能力,可是对于高分级别的语言标准,需要说明的是不同形式的复合句的使用是建立在充分的信息依据和明确的语音特征基础之上的,包括自然停顿、重音、语气、升降调等诸多体现情感态度的表达因素,由此可以看出没有任何语气特征上的指示和表明,也没有任何可以过渡不同形式的复合句之间的连接成分,势必会让考官怀疑你是在背诵已经准备过的答案,或者像是没有情绪的机器人在朗读,这样势必会降低考官对于你communication skills的评价。雅思口语考试误区4 问到有关自己的问题必须说事实在考

4、官询问某些问题的时候,特别是在第一部分,所涉及到的话题通常是有关自己的个人情况和业余生活爱好等,由于之前准备不够充分,因此我们在回答某些实际问题时可以采用事实依据加以提炼或者修改、假设、虚构等方式让自己的表达符合问题提干要求和核心意思,考官不会考查你的内容是否属实,主要关心你是如何表达你的思想的方式,因此不要轻易直接回答你不清楚或者你不知道这样的答案。雅思口语考试误区 5 交流是目的,语言本身是其次聪明的你可能认为考官毕竟是人,因此和他搞好群众关系是临场发挥极为关键的事情,因此你会频繁的使用眼神交流法、微笑法、开玩笑法等博取考官对你好敢以期可能最终会得到比较满意的结果。但是,那些哦都是浮云,语

5、言技术层面的工作才是最重要最急需做好的,相信一个满脸挂着微笑却只能进行只言片语的交流的考生,考官在评判的时候还是会客观地下结论,因此光做好表面功夫还是远远不够的。雅思口语考试误区6 考场外面我的“地盘”我做主雅思口语考试那天有同学很早就来蹲点,为了收集当天考试的信息为第二天的考试做准备,其实这是一项以为危险的工作,因为口语考场纪律中严格要求考生不能在考场周围相互之间询问考试内容,因此你千万千万千万不要临时抱佛脚找现成答案,如果出现任何意外的话。请自求多福。雅思口语考试误区7 考试时间是几点就几点到这个跟问题6又是完全opposite的情况了,雅思口语考试的顺序是根据报考考生的姓氏的首位大写字母

6、顺序排列,由于考试当天多少会出现考生因各个原因无法参加考试如:如:准考证忘带、考试迟到、找不到考场、心理压力严重等,那么前面被叫到参加测试的学生的考试时间就会转移到下一个考生,因此大家一定得提前半小时到达考场,保证自己能够顺利地准时参加考试,避免上述状况的发生。雅思口语考试模板:a businessman/foreigner/good parent刚刚出现的雅思口语新题目里出现了这样几道人物题:a business person you admire, a foreigner (interesting person from another country), a person you thi

7、nk is a good parent。几道题下来,不知道为啥蹦到脑海里的居然是川普 在干起总统这个副业之前,人家可是房地产大亨,并且作为美国人,也满足foreigner的条件,另外,看到人家教育出来的女儿伊万卡,外加她各种演讲里对父亲的赞美,good parent这个条件也符合了呢!至于轮换题中的其他题目是否也可以用川普搞定,大家随意开脑洞吧!(无论你是不是川普的粉丝,考试的时候可以先把个人喜好放在一边,考试嘛,太认真你就输了)当然按照老规矩,虽然主体素材可以通用,但是不同的题目需要不同的措辞来扣题,例如:businessman:Id like to talk about Donald Tr

8、ump who used to be an accomplished entrepreneur before he was elected president of United States.Interesting foreigner:Id like to talk about Donald Trump who wears several hats, I mean, hes not only president of United States, hes also a real estate developer and television star before he ran for of

9、fice.A good parent:Id like to talk about Donald Trump whos not only president of United States, but also a loving and responsible father. We can tell that from the way he raised his children and the fact that all of them have achieved great success.之后老套路,介绍怎么知道这位人物的:To be honest, I didnt know him un

10、til he ran for president. I was told hes the oldest and wealthiest president ever in the US. And actually, I heard most of his stories from the speeches his daughter delivered while she was supporting her father during the campaign. And I got pretty interested so I googled him.然后分别扣题:businessman:His

11、 achievements in real estate are remarkable. Hes the kind of person with great leadership, work ethic and passion. Besides, hes compassionate and helpful. His daughter said, time and time again, she saw him tear stories out of the newspaper about people whom he had never met, who were facing some in

12、justice or hardship. Hed invite those people to Trump tower to meet with him. He would talk to them, and draw upon his extensive network to find them a job, or get them a break. This has changed my impression of him. I mean, when I first saw him on TV, I was a little judgmental, maybe because of his

13、 hairstyle or the way talks, anyway, I thought he was overrated. But after knowing what he really is, I just found him approachable and likeable.Interesting foreigner:Hes like a miracle worker, you know. Most people strive their entire lives to achieve complete success in a single industry, but he h

14、as succeeded in many field on the highest level and on a global scale. Interestingly, hes also active in the show business. There are many TV celebrities and movie stars in his circle of friends, and we always see him in TV shows and movies as the guest star. Its fair to say, hes really living his l

15、ife to the fullest.A good parent:What impressed me most is that no matter how busy he is, he always makes time for his family/hes always there for his children. And his behavior and way of handling things have a profound positive influence on his children. I guess thats why all of them could be so g

16、reat later in life.He could lead by example. His daughter Ivanka works alongside him in his company, and according to her, he will outwork anyone in any room. He shows his children how to be a leader, how to make important decisions that shape careers and change lives.When Ivanka was a little girl,

17、he always told her that she could do anything that shes set her mind to. Im sure thats why she could grow to be a confident, successful woman with a wonderful family and brilliant career.还有一些Ivanka赞扬亲爹的句子,大家可以按照喜好自行摘取改编:One of his greatest talents is his ability to see potential in people, before th

18、ey see it in themselves.My father values talents, he recognizes real knowledge and skill when he finds it. Hes colorblind and gender neutral. He hires the best person for the job, period.He taught us that potential vanishes into nothing without effort.My father taught my siblings and me the importan

19、ce of positive values and a strong ethical compass. He showed us how to be resilient, how to deal with challenges, and to strive for excellence in all that we do.He taught us there is nothing we cant accomplish if we marry vision and passion, with an enduring work ethic.Throughout my entire life, Iv

20、e witnessed his empathy and generosity towards others, especially those who are suffering.One of the reasons he has thrived as an entrepreneur is because he listens to everyone. Billionaire executives dont usually ask the people doing the work for their opinion of the work. Hes an exception. On ever

21、y one of his projects, youll see him talking to the super, the painter, the engineers, the electricians. Hell ask them for their feedback, if they think something should be done differently or could be done better.At his company, there are more female than male executives. Women are paid equally for

22、 the work that we do and when a woman becomes a mother, shes supported, not shut out.雅思口语考试解析:A good parent you knowDescribe a good parent you know.You should say:who the parent ishow you knew the parentwhat the parent looks like相关考题:Describe a family member you want to spend time withDescribe a per

23、son who you respectDescribe a good neighbour话题考频:人物类的话题本来就是雅思口语第二部分中出现频率较高的类别,而人物类中有关于家人的话题也会变换不同的家庭成员进行考察,包括家庭中的小孩儿,家庭中有趣的成员以及本题中涉及的你知道的一个好家长等等。关于我知道的一个好家长,就会想到我一个朋友的妈妈,由于她特别宽容,也教育她的孩子宽容待人,尊重他人,在我眼里她是我知道的一个好家长。话题解析:1. 对于第二部分需要强调的是充分的准备,无论是在论点方面,还是在词汇方面,以便充分论述话题。在这道题中考生对人物相貌的描述可以参考使用oval faces 椭圆的脸型

24、, fair skin 皮肤白皙以及 big charming eyes。另外,还有对于发型的描述 with long curly hair 长长的卷发或 straight hair直发等。考生还需要在描述人物的体型时避免使用fat一词, 因为毕竟直接这样形容一个人不太礼貌,如果要表达胖可以用 overweight。2. 考生在审题的时候一定要仔细注意题目要求,论述的是一位好家长,而不是一对好父母。单复数的限定必须要注意到,在整个话题的论述中讲一位家长就好,可以是某人的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷或奶奶。在论述中还一定要注意在讲parent时不要加s,否则对于单复数的限定就没有把握好。3. 在整个话题的论

25、述当中,最好举例说明自己知道的这位好家长到底如何好。考生们可以讲述整个事件,也可以把讲故事或者发生的一件事作为举例的一种形式。但是需要注意在讲述事件的时候不要太纠结过于细致的细节描述。4. 第二部分话题的论述中一定要注意时态。尤其在这个话题的论述中很明显事件是已经发生过的,所以对于事件描述要注意过去时的使用。范例:Well, speaking of a good parent I know, Id like to talk about the mother of one friend of mine, Mrs Wong, whos an excellent photographer. Rega

26、rding how I knew this person, well, I first met her many years ago, like a decade ago or something, you know, I went to the same primary school with her daughter, Lily. Because Lily and I had a lot of things in common, we hit it off and ended up seeing quite a lot of each others parents. As for what

27、 she looks like, well, interesting enough, she actually looks pretty similar to Lily. I mean, they both have oval faces, fair skin and big charming eyes. Of course, theres something different. Mrs Wong is in her 40s, of medium height, but a little bit overweight, with long curly hair, whereas as a t

28、eenager, Lily is pretty short and slim with short straight hair. Ultimately, moving on to why I think shes a good parent, what Id like to say here is that there are quite a few reasons. And the main reason is that she sets a very good example for her daughter. Just to give you an example, she always

29、 teaches Lily to be a tolerant person and she is such a tolerant person herself. As far as I know, she has never been rude to anyone, even if shes very angry. I still remember once Lily was hit by a stone thrown away by a boy by accident and her head was bleeding. When Mrs Wong arrived here, she did

30、nt get mad or blame that guilty boy. Instead, she comforted him and then took Lily to the hospital. Also, she told Lily to forgive that boy, because he didnt really mean it. Its fair to say almost every person speak highly of Mrs Wong. So, I guess Mrs Wong is not only a good parent for Lily, but a role model for me as well.


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