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1、雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之拥挤的地方 今天和大家分享一下雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之:a place crowded with people(拥挤的地方),希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语题库part2话题范文汇总之:a place crowded with people(拥挤的地方)Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people.You should sayWhere it wasWhen you went thereWhat you did thereAnd explain why

2、 you went there / how you felt about the crowded place1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:曼哈顿唐人街3.故事线:唐人街位于纽约的曼哈顿。这是全国最拥挤的地方之一,也有很多人来这里参观。The Chinatown is located in Manhattan in New York. This is one of the most crowded places in the country and a good number of people visit there. This is mostly a neighbourhood in Man

3、hattan and surrounded by some other residential and commercial areas. This is also the home of Chinese people living in New York. It appears as a nice candidate task card for me. I will talk about this place in a brief.I visited this place a couple of months ago. I went there to meet one of my Chine

4、se mates and greet her on her birthday. She studies marketing with us at the university. It was difficult for me to seek out the location at the beginning. The entire area was crowded with lots of people and the majority of them were Chinese. They were speaking in their own language while some of th

5、em were speaking English as well. The shops and the sellers were interesting.I went there with Jim, Silvia, Blake, David, and Rocky. In fact, we were invited to the birthday party of our Chinese friend Chunhua. She invited us to attend the party and after her demands, we went there. It was a trouble

6、 to find out the location. All the places appeared similar to us and getting the right holding was extremely difficult for us. But finally, we reached Chunhuas place. It was a nice evening.The feelings were mixed. In fact, it was the very first visit to any Chinese home. So, I could not think what t

7、o do or how to respond. Besides, travelling to the crowded place was another exciting event. I have not seen such a crowd before. People were everywhere and all of them were Chinese. At first, I was a bit anxious but gradually everything turned normal.雅思口语题库话题范文之:Describe a time you went to a place

8、crowded with people(拥挤的地方)Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people.You should sayWhere it wasWhen you went thereWhat you did thereAnd explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:圣地亚哥动物园3.故事线:最近去圣地亚哥动物园的经历给我带来了一段有趣的经历。那是一个我以前从未去过的嘈杂的地方。动物园里的周围到处都是来自动

9、物和前来参观的人们的噪音。My recent visit to the San Diego zoo provided me with an interesting experience. It was a noisy place that I have not been to before. The surrounding places inside the zoo were filled with noise both from the animals and people who came to visit them. Thank you for the nice cue card and

10、 hope the description will not make you feel bored as I was during my visit.I did not have the experience to visit a zoo. So, I went to visit the San Diego zoo with some of my college friends. The experience was outstanding. But the noise around me was intolerable. I did not have the idea that the a

11、nimals could make so noise. In fact, I could not enjoy the visit there only for it being a noisy place.I went to the zoo to see animals that I have watched only on books and movies. Actually, my parents did not allow me to move outside of the home without any important reasons. And visiting in place

12、s and meeting with friends was wasting time they believed. But when I grew up and started studying college, they became more friendly to me and allowed all the things that they did not permit before. So, the real-life knowledge for me is limited, and I started to gain some knowledge. As part of earn

13、ing knowledge, I went to the San Diego Zoo and came to know about various types of animals.The zoo was noisy for some certain reasons. First of all, this is the place where the wild animals live and they create noise. I think they try to communicate with each other and thus create the sounds. Hence,

14、 such noises are natural from the zoo animals. Besides, when the visitors come to the zoo, they also create noises. They shout and talk, and laugh seeing the animals before them. In fact, this is the natural expression of wonder for the visitors. But since there are no restrictions about sound, they

15、 create noise after their sweet wills. So, all the sounds inside the zoo create a noisy environment.Initially, it was a nice experience to me to be at the zoo. But after passing some moments inside there, I felt uncomfortable. I could not enjoy the trip to the zoo for the noise. It appeared that the

16、 visitors are making more noise than the animals inside. There should be a limit about noise which should be followed strictly. The animals will make noise which is natural but the noise from the visitors is completely undesired. Though I could not bear with the knowledge, I made the trip complete i

17、nside the zoo as it was my very first visit. I think the authority should take steps to prevent such a noisy situation in this zoo.雅思口语如何积累地道表达当你看到一个感兴趣的话题时,先google (任何英文的搜索引擎都ok,如aol, yahoo, bing.)无数页的搜索结果中,咱们只需要看第一页的前几个。把前几个都打开,看看哪个页面的排版看着顺眼,*比较有条理。我推荐以bullet points架构的这种*,比大段大段文字的看起来更一目了然。无论你在为一个e

18、veryday topic做阅读,还是为一个part23的话题做资料搜集,看2-3篇*就足够啦。这几个搜索结果中,我锁定了最后一篇。14点,每一点内容都不多,语言相对简单,随便学几条就能积累下不少跟shopping相关的表达方式了。Busted! These Are the 14 Biggest Myths About Black FridayEvery year, savvy shoppers find deep discounts online and in stores on Black Friday. Whether theyre looking for the newest, mos

19、t advanced tech device or the perfect outfit for New Years Eve, buyers know retailers will offer some of their best deals during this time.But are all the deals great? Do you have to shop online to find them? And do Black Friday sales even have to begin on Black Friday? Weve addressed these question

20、s, and quite a few more, in our list of the biggest myths about Black Friday. Brush up onsome shopping knowledge now, so youre well prepared for the upcoming deal season!光看题目和文字介绍就能学到不少了。myths 是指杜撰出来的人事物或者想法,比如Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men. 是不是雅思口语p3就用上啦。savvy shoppe

21、rs这个表达方式在范例中常看到,再次遇到,不妨再确认下意思和用法!brush up on sth,这一看就是phrasal verb嘛,原来我怎么不知道这么来说knowledge呢?查下字典就知道,原来brush up on sth brush sth up 的意思是to quickly improve a skill, especially when you have not used it for a time。比如I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Seville.记住,你不需要把每个单词都看懂,不需要每个单词都去查询。把一些你看着眼

22、熟但意思不太确定的查一查,这比背诵全新的表达方式更有效。还有就是把一些一看就能联想到某个topic的表达方式查询一下,看看例句怎么说的。那我就从原帖中复制一些myths过来,有下划线的表达方式是我希望大家着重留意的,他们在回答雅思口语的话题时一定用得上!2. Youre Missing Out if You Only Shop OnlineCompanies advertise doorbusters in order to attract customers to their brick-and-mortarstores. But in recent years, as competitio

23、n has escalated among rival retailers, thoseeye-catching deals have steadily moved online as well.The reason is simple. Traditional retailers like Walmart, Target, and Best Buy know that online retailers like Amazon will match their best prices on in-store deals. Thus it only makes sense to offer th

24、e same deals online, to remain competitive. The goal is to beat Amazon, but the real winners are deal-hunters.4. All Black Friday Deals Are AmazingThis is shopping 101. Remember, retailers are in business to make a buck, and they cant do that if they lose money or even make too small a profit on eve

25、ry deal.Some deals are great, but others are filler. The great ones are there to lure you into buying more stuff, ideally at a healthy markup. So do your research and uncover the truth about those rock bottom prices before you buy.6. Apples Black Friday Sale is a Must-Shop Event for Apple FansApple

26、Stores across the country will be packed on Black Friday, but they wont be offering great deals. Last year, the tech giant offered gift cards with its full-price devices, which was pretty disappointing for shoppers hoping for a discount. If you want a real deal, youd be better off checking out what

27、third-party retailers like Walmart, Best Buy, and MacMall can do.7. You Have to Stay Glued to Your Computer All Day to Get DealsSure, Black Friday can be stressful. With deals popping up throughout the day, you might feel like you have to keep your eyes on the computer monitor.But thats simply not t

28、he case. DealNews has you covered. Before you spend 24 hours staring at a pixelated screen, set up an alert with us to receive notifications when your favorite deals are posted.10. Luxury Goods Dont Go on Sale for Black FridayIts true that Black Friday emphasizes lower-end electronics, however, in r

29、ecent years, several luxury retailers have begun offering sales and promotions through their outlets. Stores like Last Call by Neiman Marcus, Barneys Warehouse, and Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5TH are a few outlets you can expect to participate in Black Friday sales. Plus, even Apple products go on sale n

30、ow!12. Doorbusters Are Always Crappy QualityBargain bin devices have a reputation for being bottom-of-the-barrel items that nobody wants, and you have to be careful for retailers trying to pass off questionable devices as special edition. But over the past few years, the doorbuster selections have b

31、een showing more flair than usual to entice customers. For example, weve seen rock-bottom prices on laptops with better-than-average specs, as well as eye-popping TV deals from brands youve actually heard of before.雅思口语Do you like watch films 如何回答这个题目比较常规,有很大的发挥余地。拿这个题目举个例子:1、喜不喜欢看电影可以有三种问法:a.What k

32、ind of films do you like to watch? (Why?) b.Is there any kind of film that you dont like to watch? (Why?)c.Do you like to watch films?在平时的联系过程中,你需要知道一个问题可能会出现的问题的问法,这样你就不用准备三个问题的答案,而是可以一样的答案做小变动即可。2、在回答问题的时候,考官问你说:你喜不喜欢看电影,你说喜欢。然后就没有然后了,这样你和考官是没法继续聊下去,所以你要多说,多说为什么。3、电影现在大家都是会去看,建议在回答的时候挑选最近上映的电影回答,这

33、样不会让考官觉得你是提前准备答案。Hello everyone,Im Evy,your friend,today i am going to share three questions and sample answers about “film”,and I hope they are useful when you are taking the oral test of IELTS.Question1:What kind of films do you like to watch? (Why?)Answer1:I like all types of horrors from Hollywo

34、od to Bollywood!The more blood and gutsthe better! My favorite horror movie is “Saw ” and every time I watch it I feel kind of weird andspooked afterwards, but Ill watch it again anyway.Question2:Is there any kind of film that you dont like to watch? (Why?)Answer2:Horror films creep me out. I watche

35、d “The Shining” when I was a little kid and itscared the hell out of me and I have not been able to watch horror since. I can do thrillers, just not horror.Question3:Do you like to watch films?Answer3:Yes.Probably for the same reason I like to read or watch TV: to experience others lives, adventures

36、 and emotions vicariously without having to experience those things in reality, such as something painful like a tragedy or a horror, or because its not plausible in your own life,like fantasy/adventure movies.Ok thats all,So much for today,hope to see you next time,bye!注解:Bollywood b:liw?dn.宝莱坞Guts g?tsn.内脏Saw s?电锯惊魂Spook spuk v.(因受惊吓而)逃窜Vicariously v?ke?r?rsl?adv.间接感受到地Plausible ?pl?z?b?ladj.貌似真实的


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