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1、雅思口语题库话题P3范文精选 雅思口语一直是一些考生的难点,今天和大家分享一下雅思口语话题Part3高分范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语题库话题P3范文:Describe a foreign food you ate示例范文:Describe a foreign food you ate1. Do you like to try new food? 你喜欢尝试新食物吗?Oh yes, I do. I would even say I adore it. First of all, I like to say yes to everything new beca

2、use the thrill of the unknown fills me with strong positive emotions.Food is fun and trying new dishes can be a great adventure, adventure of opening new tastes and flavors, adventure of getting acquainted with new cuisines. Variety is the spice of life and its wrong not to take advantage of it. Lif

3、e is too short to eat the same and miss out on the new opportunities which can bring great experience and inspiration and, as a result, enrich my life.2. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country? 哪类外国食物在你的国家受欢迎?Well, a lot of them actually. People in my country enjoy eating foreign foo

4、d both at home and somewhere out, and they are spoilt for choice with different kinds of cafes and restaurants, especially in big cities. I guess the most popular kinds of food are Italian and Chinese. First of all because there are plenty of restaurants with these kinds of food all around the count

5、ry, and, secondly, because these foods have their distinctive features. For example, Italian cuisine has a unique identity and is famous for its simplicity, and high quality of the ingredients, what is more, it is very healthy. As far as Chinese cuisine is concerned, it is sheer diversity and basic

6、goodness of the food that impress people. It also tastes good and has a wonderful flavor.3. Do you like to cook at home? 你喜欢在家做饭吗?Oh yes, I adore it. Cooking at home is always a fun time with my family cause we like to cook together. It gives me a feeling of freedom as well as lets me control my fam

7、ilys health. What is more, it lets me save money as I have a choice about where and how many products to buy. One more thing I can add is that homemade food tastes much better, especially when I see happy faces of my beloved ones enjoying the meal.4. Is it expensive to eat out in your country? 在你的国家

8、外出就餐贵吗?I think it depends on where to eat, the same as everywhere in the world. If you choose a posh restaurant for having dinner and plan to order a fine bottle of wine to pair with your food, you must be ready that it will cost a fortune. But if you just need a change of scenery and opt for a cafe

9、, its quite affordable. To sum up, there is an appropriate place for everyone in my country irrespective of their income.5. More and more people are unwilling to cook. Why is this happening? 越来越多的人不愿意做饭了,为什么?Well, I guess its, first of all, happening so because more and more people are time-pressed

10、these days while cooking is time consuming and takes too much effort after a long days work. It involves not only cooking itself but also grocery shopping, which takes too long and often requires multiple trips to different stores, and deciding what to cook, which is too much of a burden as requires

11、 a lot of planning. Secondly, people nowadays simply dont bother about cooking as there are so many other choices like fast food, takeaway or frozen dishes that can be microwaved any moment they want to eat. One more reason I can mention is the fact that many young people lack confidence and skills

12、in the kitchen as a result, feel ill-equipped to coo,6. Is food now better than in the past? 现在的食物变得比过去更好了吗?Well, unfortunately, it isnt more often than not. First of all, faster or processed foods have become the norm these days. A lot of them contain genetically, modified ingredients and are full

13、of artificial colours, flavours and sweeteners, which makes them unhealthy. What is more, many foods contain only half the vitally important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals compared to the past. The only way to stay healthy these days is to eat organically grown food whi1free of

14、harmful chemicals, and burst with more nutrition, taste and sustainable sustenance but its only a small part foods people eat nowadays. To sum up present-day food is on a large sea worse than that of even recent past.7. Is it important to have a meal together with your family? 一家人一起吃饭重要吗?Well, defin

15、itely yes. I would even say family meals are vital for present-day families as they feed each family member not only physically but also emotionally helping them handle the stresses of daily life and the hassles of day-to-day existence. What is more, they provide children with the sense of security

16、and togetherness, which has positive effects on child development and self-esteem. One more positive feature of family dinners I can mention is promoting more sensible eating habits as eating together with kids lets parents influence what they eat and provide a model for children carry with them int

17、o adulthood. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention one more advantage - family meals provide the opportunity for conversation letting relatives find out whats going on in each persons life, review the day thats passed and plan for the day thats coming.最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:an interesting foreigner示例范文:Describe an

18、 interesting foreigner you know1. Is it important to have friends from other countries? 和其他国家的人交朋友重要吗?Well, I would even say its vital nowadays as it can help people become open-minded and accept the differences within races, cultures and religious backgrounds. It can also help people look at things

19、 beyond the surface, garner rich and diverse experiences about the world, get away from a particular mindset and become more adept at carrying themselves through different situations in life. So, making friends with people from other countries is very important for understanding people and the world

20、 better and, as a result, improving the quality of life.2. What do you do before going to another country? 在去其他国家之前你要做些什么?Oh, before going to a foreign country, first of all, I check-in with my doctor and insurance carrier to make sure that I have all of the proper vaccinations and find out if my me

21、dical insurance policy applies overseas for emergencies. I also visit my bank and check if my credit card will work in the country I am visiting as well as exchange money to have enough local cash on hand. Then I usually research what I can and cannot bring inside the country, how to get to the hote

22、l from the airport, what event going on while I am there and what national dishes to try. The last thing I do is check the weather forecast and pack my bag accordingly.3. Is making foreign friends the best way to learn English? 交外国朋友是学英语的最佳方式吗?Well, I wouldnt say its the best way to learn English th

23、ough its definitely the best way to conquer peoples fear to speak and make mistakes. I think that learning grammar is of primary importance as it is the foundation for communication, and I dont think foreign friends can teach grammar the way which will keep people from being misunderstood while expr

24、essing their thoughts and ideas. On the other hand, foreign friends are a good motivation to really improve a language in order feel hindered in communication. So its definitely worth making such friendships to feel as comfortable as possible while conducting talks with native speaker.4. Why do some

25、 people choose to work at an international company? 为什么一些人选择在国际公司工作?Oh, I think people opt for employment in international companies cause such companies always provide employees with big opportunities. Working for a large international corporation people become a part of a huge community and create

26、 invaluable networks, get access to a host of resources such as specialist training courses and additional qualifications, have tremendous room for upward and sideways growth opportunities without having to leave. What is more, they have greater security and a more steady work pace than employees of

27、 small local businesses, and, of course, credibility and confidence to move internationally.5. Why do some people prefer to purchase branded products produced abroad? 为什么一些人更愿意买国外的名牌产品?Well, I think, first of all, because of brand reputation, proper advertising in the most watched channels and bette

28、r presentation. One more reason I can name is the simple notion in our minds that western products are better in quality as they are usually more expensive, and humans assume price as a reasonable indicator of quality. Oh, and maybe also because foreign branded products enhance peoples social status

29、, which is still really important for some people.最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage示例范文:Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage1. Do you often attend weddings? 你经常参加婚礼吗?Answer: I seldom attend weddings, very seldom this is for the reason that its not ev

30、eryday or every month that my friends or relatives get married. Hence, when I need to attend a wedding ceremony I never miss it since its just once in a lifetime experience. As a matter of fact, the last time I attended a wedding was couple of years ago. It was my friends wedding and the experience

31、was impeccable primary because I got to see her in a beautiful wedding gown and I was able to meet my former classmates as well. We had so much fun!2. What wedding gifts are popular in China? 什么样的结婚礼物在中国很受欢迎?Answer: In my home country, money is the most well-known gift in a wedding. Let me elaborate

32、 my answer, Chinese people are wise when it comes it to gift giving due to the reason that they want the receiver to spend the money on things they need and like. Instead of giving them things like clothes or appliances, sometimes these things dont suit people and might end up giving it to others or

33、 stocking it at home. Another point I want to tell you about is, its part of our tradition. You know, we put the money in a red envelope called “Hongbao” to give the receiver a good luck and fortune. So basically, couples receive plenty of money during their wedding day.3. What do you think is the p

34、erfect age for marriage? 你认为结婚的最佳年龄是什么?Answer: Thats an interesting question! Well, In my personal point of view, 27 to 30 years old is the best age for marriage for the reason that people have stable job and possibly be financially stable. generally, most people graduate from the university before

35、25 years old and by then they could start hunting a job. One more thing is that, being a young parent can connect to their children when it comes to modern society situations. You know, now a days most parents have generation gap which causes misunderstanding of lifestyle and interest. Take me as an

36、 example, my dad often scolds me for hanging out with my friends every weekends, as a result, it leads to a small argument.4. Why do Chinese people like to go to celebrations like wedding ceremony? 为什么中国人喜欢去参加婚礼之类的庆祝活动呢?Answer: There are bunch of reasons as to why they like attending wedding occasio

37、ns. First thing is that, Chinese people like going to wedding occasions because of the reason that this is a once in a lifetime special experience for couples. They want to be part of the most special day to witness their matrimony. Another main reason is that, wedding is also a way to gather family members and relatives that have been separated for a long time. Just like my cousins wedding 3 years ago, we gathered in a hotel like a family reunion.


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